127 research outputs found

    The influence of different substrates on the reproduction traits of Folsomia candida (Collembola) in an insecticide test

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    The standard OECD tests for Folsomia candida should be performed on the standard OECD soil. However, if it is necessary to measure more parameters than the juvenile number and mortality, the use of different substrates is necessary. But these substrates can modify the results of the experiments comparing to the standard OECD soil, resulting in different toxicity values. In our research, we tested the toxicity of an insecticide, Trebon® 10F to F. candida (Collembola). We tested the dose-dependent effect of Trebon® 10F on the egg number and the egg size on the substrates of (i) plaster of Paris mixed with activated charcoal and (ii) in standard OECD soil on two generation of collembolas. Similarly to our previous study, the insecticide had a dose-dependent negative effect on the parent’s egg size in the OECD soil, but on plaster of Paris, no response was found. The egg number did not show any response to the treatments. On the contrary, in the offspring generation, the egg size increased both in OECD and plaster of Paris tests. In the soil test, parent collembolas laid significantly more eggs, while the offspring laid much fewer, compared to the plaster of Paris test. Similar results were found in the case of egg size. In the soil test parent collembolas laid larger, while the offspring laid smaller eggs, compared to the plaster of Paris test. In multigenerational tests (i) Trebon 10F could affect the different generations in the opposite way. The experiment performed on the plaster of Paris (ii) could underestimate toxicity compared to the OECD soil test. This should be taken into account when Ecotoxicologists interpret their data

    Tanult orvosok a középkori Magyar Királyságban

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    learned Medical doctors of the Medieval hungarian KingdoM. he present paper aims at collecting the particulars of medical doctors of the medieval Hungarian kingdom, primarily the ones belonging to persons who attended a university. he research had to reckon with the fact that the doctors were referred to in the respective sources by several Latin names (doctor in medicine, medicus, physicus, barbitonsor, etc.) but not all of these refer to a person who attended a university. We accept only the person as a learned doctor whose university attendance can be documented either by his presence in the matricula of a university or by his degree mentioned in a source. Another attendant problem was the deinition of Hungarian, since, for example, most doctors practising in the royal court came from abroad but owing to their service they often gained Hungarian citizenship or, moreover, nobility. After examinig these questions we managed to collect 69 persons who have evidence of their studies or graduation from 1226 till 1525, mainly from the second part of the 15th century or the irst quarter of the 16th century. heir prosopographical data can be found in the Database at the end of the paper. Most of the students studied medicine in Vienna (22 persons) or at anItalian university (31 persons) and almost half of them gained a degree (35 persons). In accordance with the present phase of the research most doctors had an ecclesiastical career, mainly as a canon (12 persons), however, a few of them practised as municipal physicians (15 persons)

    Szimfonikus zenekari üzletimodell-innovációk, digitalizáció és "immunitás" a koronavírussal szemben = Symphony Orchestra Business Model Innovations, Digitization and ’Immunity’ to the Coronavirus

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    Egy szervezet működési modellje sem lehet örökérvényű: azt a mindenkori igényekhez, piaci, társadalmi és környezeti viszonyokhoz kell szabni. Az üzletimodell-innováció fontosságára a jelenlegi koronavírus is rámutat – lehetőséget ad, illetve egyúttal rá is kényszeríti a szervezeteket a már régóta aktuális változásra, valamint működésük alapvető újragondolására. A járvány a szimfonikus zenekarokat különösen nehéz helyzetbe hozta, ugyanis előadásaikat törölni kényszerültek, és a közönség elérésének módját is újra kell értelmezniük. Mindez üzletimodell-innovációval, illetve a digitalizáció által nyújtott lehetőségek kihasználásával lehetséges. Jelen cikk szerzői az üzletimodell-innováció fogalmának áttekintését követően olyan újszerű törekvéseket, kísérleteket, projekteket mutatnak be a szimfonikus zenei életet megvizsgálva, amelyek kiváló példát nyújtanak a fogyasztók számára nyújtott értékajánlat újradefiniálására és a 21. század fogyasztói elvárásaihoz való alkalmazkodásra. = The business model of an organization cannot be eternal: it has to be continuously adapted to the actual market demand, social, and environmental conditions. The importance of business model innovation is highlighted by the current coronavirus-situation – it both offers opportunities to the organizations and forces them to fundamentally change and rethink the actual way of working. The epidemic causes an extremely difficult situation for symphony orchestras as they have to cancel their performances and redefine how to reach their audiences. This can be achieved by business model innovation and by taking advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation. Authors – after briefly reviewing the concept of business model innovation – give an overview of some novel aspirations, attempts, projects selected from symphonic orchestral life which provide the reader with excellent examples of how the value proposition can be redefined and how the expectations of the 21st-century audience can be met

    The Value Innovation of Symphony Orchestras and the Triggering Effect of Coronavirus

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    The current coronavirus situation both gives an opportunity to the organizations and forces them to change and rethink fundamentally their business models. The pandemic causes an extremely difficult situation for symphony orchestras, as they have to cancel their performances and redefine how to reach their audience. Either they follow a Red Ocean Strategy and lose significant revenue or develop a Blue Ocean Strategy and prosper. The Blue Ocean Strategy involves a value innovation that can be achieved by four actions (eliminate, reduce, raise, create) and taking advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalization. After briefly reviewing the concept of business model innovation, the article gives an overview of some novel aspirations, attempts and projects selected from international and Hungarian symphonic orchestral life to provide excellent examples of how the value proposition can be redefined and how the expectations of the 21st-century audience can be met

    Kultúramenedzsment a digitális korban. Öt élenjáró szimfonikus nagyzenekar üzleti modellje

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    A kutatás egy újszerű terület feltárásának kezdeti lépéseit teszi meg, valamint az üzleti szemlélet fontosságát mutatja be a művészetek területen. A szerzők az elméleti összefoglalást követően a zeneipari trendeket és a XXI. századi szimfonikus zenekarokkal szemben támasztott igényeket vizsgálják meg, majd pedig a Berlini Filharmonikusok, a London Symphony Orchestra, a San Francisco Symphony, a Budapesti Fesztiválzenekar, végül pedig a Budafoki Dohnányi Zenekar működését állítják kutatásuk fókuszába. A zenekarok hasonló missziót eltérő üzleti modellekkel valósítanak meg. A zenekarok közötti legnagyobb különbség a finanszírozásukra vezethető vissza: míg az amerikai zenekar piaci alapon működik, addig az európaiak esetében jelentős a közpénzből történő támogatás. A vizsgált zenekarok felismerték, hogy napjaink gyorsan változó világában egy üzleti modell sem örökérvényű: igyekeznek a fogyasztók változó igényeire reagálni és a technológia adta lehetőségeket minél nagyobb mértékben kihasználni

    The Impact of Environmental Sustainability and Digitalization on SMEs’ Financial Performance

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    The complex relationship between sustainability, digitalization, and profitability has received less academic attention, although each of these topics is an important research area on its own. The aim of the research is to understand the effect of environmental sustainability and the usage of management information systems on profitability in the case of SMEs. Based on the answers of 315 SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises), the article highlights that not all management systems increase profitability. The novelty of the research is that it outlines that the usage of Document Management Systems contributes to profitability while other systems don’t, e.g., the usage of Enterprise Resource Planning systems is not significant, which suggests that its introduction and application no longer represent a competitive advantage; this system alone is not enough. There is an ecosystem of management information systems, the basis of which is document management. The research also highlights that focusing on environmental sustainability has no effect on profitability in the case of Hungarian SMEs, neither in the short term nor in the long term. Thus, it is not a competitive advantage
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