1,015 research outputs found

    Figurative meanings of lexemes in classroom teaching of lexis

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse figurative meanings of lexemes from a cognitive linguistic perspective. The analysis was conducted to compare figurative meanings of the lexeme ā€œfaceā€ in English with their Croatian equivalents in order to support the claim that the meanings are motivated by conceptual metaphor, general conventional knowledge and metonymy across languages. The total of examples provides a basis for some generalizations to be made regarding similarities and differences between the realizations of abstract concepts which can be used in teaching lexis in English as a foreign language. This research has shown that this kind of approach is one of the most effective in teaching foreign languages

    Application of machine-readable optical label in education

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    TehnoloÅ”ki napredak donio je primjenu inovacija u obrazovanje. Novi medijski proizvodi i usluge već značajno mijenjaju način na koji vodimo naÅ” radni i druÅ”tveni život. Djeca su prirodno znatiželjni, samo motivirani učenici i ako im se ne pruže pravi alati u zanimljivom okruženju, djeca će stvoriti svoj vlastiti put do otkrića. Od presudne je važnosti dobro razmotriti kako tehnologija u nastajanju može utjecati i dalje se razvijati u učionici/sobi dnevnog boravka u vrtiću i Å”ire te kako se može koristiti sadržaj, obrazovni softver i tehnologija kao alat za kreativno razmiÅ”ljanje. Sustavi strojno čitljivih optičkih kodova posebno su popularni za takve primjene. "Digitalni mediji imaju potencijal za uspostavu nove mogućnosti za nova iskustva i usluge putem Interneta, u svako, domu i kompanijama Å”irom svijeta."- rekao je Will Poole, potpresjednik Windows Digital Media odjeljenja pri kompaniji Microsoft. Elektronički tj. digitalni mediji prenose informacije u digitalnom obliku. Obrazovanje pomoću digitalnih medija je kvalitetnije u odnosu na klasične metode obrazovanja. Smatra se da je elektroničko obrazovno okruženje jedno od rjeÅ”enja za obrazovni proces okrenut učeniku, istraživačko učenje, koje je visokokvalitetno, a informacije su dostupne na zahtjev preko interneta i ostalih multimedijskih izvora. Također postoji interakcija s obrazovnim djelatnicima i komunikacija podržana informacijsko-komunikacijskim tehnologijama Å”to potiče na cjeloviti pristup, konstrukciju znanja, kvalitetu učenja, stalno učenje, suradnju, transdisciplinarnost, aktivnost, suradničko učenje, samostalno učenje i timski rad. TehnoloÅ”ki napredak i moderna tehnologija omogućili su nastanak strojno čitljivih optičkih kodova. U ovom radu su pobliže opisani strojno čitljivi optički kodovi i njohov razvoj. U ovom radu su pobliže opisani strojno čitljivi optički kodovi i njihov razvoj. Prikazane su tehnologije koje omogućuju rad sa strojno čitljivim optičkim kodovima i njihovu integraciju s računalnim i drugim sustavima. Opisane su neke stvarne primjene koriÅ”tenja strojno čitljivih optičkih kodova u obrazovanju.Technological progress brought innovation in education. New media products and services are already changing the way we run our working and social lives. Children are naturally curious, only motivated students and if they do not provide the right tools in an interesting environment, children will create their own way to discover. It is of crucial importance to consider how emerging technologies can continue to influence the development of the classroom in kindergarten and wider, and how content, educational software, and technology can be used as a tool for creative thinking. Machines readable optical code systems are especially popular for such applications. "Digital media have the potential to create new opportunities for new experiences and services across the Internet, in every home, and across the globe," said Will Poole, president of Windows Digital Media, at Microsoft. Electronic or digital media transmit digital information. Digital media education is better than the classical methods of education. It is considered that the electronic learning environment is one of the solutions to the educational process that is addressed to the learner, research learning, which is high quality, and information is available on-demand across the Internet and other multimedia sources. There is also an interaction with educators and communications supported by information and communication technologies, which promotes a holistic approach, knowledge building, quality of learning, continuous learning, collaboration, transdisciplinarity, activity, collaborative learning, self-learning, and teamwork.Technological advances and modern technology have enabled the creation of machine-readable optical codes. The paper describes the machine-readable optical codes and their development. The paper describes the machine-readable optical codes and their development. Technologies enabling the use of machine-readable optical codes are shown and their integration with computer and other systems. Some actual applications of the use of machines readable optical codes in education are described

    University of Zagreb and Open Access Initiatives

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    Structural and Optical Characterization of III-V Nanostructures Monolithically Grown on Si Substrates

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    Group III-V semiconductor nanostructures have emerged as an important material platform over the past decades for wide-range device implementation in the field of electronics and optoelectronics. Among them, nanowires (NWs) are particularly attractive owing to the elastic strain relaxation through their sidewall facets which allows for the combination of lattice mismatched materials. Hence, optically active III-V materials become compatible with the mature and prevalent Si platform. Moreover, NWs are ideal for hosting quantum dots (QDs) ensuring their deterministic positioning and uniformity. This configuration opens the route for sophisticated applications including single photon emission, a crucial function in quantum information processing. In addition, another type of nanostructures that has attracted attention is the two-dimensional nanosheets, whose principal benefit is the band structure tuning from bulk to 2D by modulation of their thickness. Consequently, they are established as promising blocks for various optoelectronic devices and applications. In the current thesis, we reported the growth of self-catalysed AlGaAs NWs monolithically on Si (111) substrates via solid-source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The self-formation of an Al-rich shell is exhibited, which is thicker at the base and thins down towards the NW tip, while it demonstrates wide alloy fluctuations. The predominantly ZB structure presents twin defects and occasional WZ insertions, further increasing the intricacy of the NWs. The optical probing via photoluminescence reveals fully tuneable emission with the Al content of the alloy. Among the morphological variations of AlGaAs NWs, the branched NWs are of unique interest. The branching events increase with Al content, while the branches are confirmed to grow on the NW trunks epitaxially. In addition, complex compositional distribution in the branches is presented, as Ga-rich stripes along the growth direction of the branches, attributed to the different nucleation energies on different faces at the liquid/solid interface of the branch, intersect with Ga-rich stripes perpendicular to them, deriving from the rotation of the sample during growth. Moreover, self-catalysed, single GaAs/AlGaAs dot-in-wire structures have been designed and grown by inserting a short GaAs segment in each AlGaAs NW. The exhaustive optical probing reveals centrally localized peaks, with a decently narrow linewidth of roughly 490 Ī¼eV. The QD emission is comprised of an exciton and a biexciton transition, while a high degree of polarization is noticed when compared to the AlGaAs NW-related emission. The above characteristics are important steps towards achieving single photon emission. Finally, we optically inspect InAs nanosheets grown via MBE via photoluminescence measurements. Pristine nanosheets exhibit surface charge via carrier trapping mechanisms at the surface states, which is suggestive of the ā€œmemory effectā€. The impact of sulphur passivation and core/shell configuration on the optical response of the nanosheets is evaluated. In addition, we fabricated an optoelectronic memory unit based on pristine InAs nanosheets, adopting a field-effect transistor configuration, which demonstrates negative photoresponse with good reproducibility and ultra-low power consumption

    Interoperability of an 18th century Italian-Latin-Croatian dictionary

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    The digitization process of historical texts is increasing in the last several decades, thereby developing the field of digital humanities. However, the digitization projects are usually isolated to the project teams, universities and institutes, but also to individuals developing the project. There was a lack of communication between the community members, which resulted in resources, tools and systems that are not able to exchange information. Consequently, recently it was demonstrated that there is a demand for standardization of technologies, but also of all processes of development. Interoperability emerges as the key concept at this phase of digital humanities, which aims to facilitate communication of data. To enable semantic interoperability of historical dictionaries, they have to be encoded using some standard. In this paper we present the encoding of della Bellaā€™s trilingual 18th century dictionary entries using a TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) encoding scheme for dictionaries. The dictionary is a trilingual dictionary containing Italian, Latin and Croatian language

    Strategic Planning of the Integrated Business and Information System ā€“ A Precondition for Successful Higher Education Management

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    This paper brings about the primary purpose of a research directed towards probing the insight into the presence of strategic planning at higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia. The main conclusion of this paper sublimates the contribution to science and to the profession, and makes a new premise, that strategic planning of an integrated business-information system depends significantly upon long-term alignment of the management, which is in turn directly affected by common knowledge about the domain and funding. It therefore requires further in-depth research that needs to be conducted longitudinally, using an international sample, which would be as extensive as possible

    The Influence of the Monitored Youth Mentoring Program for Adolescents with Behavioural Problems and Behavioural Disorders

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    This aimed to measure the influence of the Monitored Youth Mentoring Program (MYMP) for adolescents with behavioural problems and behavioural disorders. The MYMP commenced in 1997 and was completed in 2003. The model of the program was for one university student of Pedagogy to mentor one pupil between the ages of 13 and 17 years, demonstrating risk seeking behaviours for a whole school year. The specimen group was made up of 141 pupils, approximately 20 pupils from each year level. The short-term goal was to influence positive change in participants demonstrating risk seeking behaviour. The long-term goal was to enhance the respective schoolā€™s programs to enable preventative approaches to lessen negative and risk seeking behaviours amongst pupils with behavioural problems and behavioural disorders. The research results demonstrate statistically significant success of the applied program in two measured variables. Firstly, learning success (p<0.05), and secondly a decrease in truancy and disciplinary misdemeanours (p<0.05). Both of which were observed in participants with behavioural problems. The program was not as successful for participants with behavioural disorders, but not without some effect. Although the program can be generally described as achieving a medium level of success, the fact that there was a lack of progressive worsening in participantā€™s behaviour is a substantial bi-product of the program. The mentors involved in the program made it extremely clear by their feedback that, MYMP positively enhanced their formal Pedagogy training, through hands-on practise that they otherwise would not have received through their academic programs. They were provided with vital exposure to a preventative program and managed to gain insight into the possibilities of introducing early intervention and prevention into Croatian schools

    Thermography in Civil Engineering for Buildings Assessment - Detection of Different Kinds of Defects

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    Infracrvena termografija je metoda beskontaktnog mjerenja temperature i njezine raspodjele na povrÅ”ini promatranog objekta. Primjena termografije u zgradarstvu pruža velike mogućnosti kontrole kvalitete izvedbe kod novih građevina, ali i procjene trenutnog stanja starijih objekata. Osim Å”to daje uvid u stanje objekta u smislu toplinske izolacije objekta, infracrvena termografija se može uspjeÅ”no primijeniti za ocjenu stanja ovojnice građevine: otkrivanja različitih tipova grjeÅ”aka (nedostataka i oÅ”tećenja) - otkrivanje mjesta odvajanja žbuke od podloge i mogućeg prisustva zraka ili vlage u slojevima ispod vanjske žbuke, te za procjenu stanja ravnih krovova - otkrivanje mjesta odvajanja sloja krovne ljepenke od podloge. Premda postoje različiti ograničavajući čimbenici kod termografskog snimanja građevinskih objekata, termografija se afirmirala kao metoda toplinske kontrole bez razaranja koja, u odnosu na neke druge metode nerazornog ispitivanja, posjeduje čitav niz prednosti. Između ostalog, metodom je omogućena trenutna analiza objekta na mjestu mjerenja kao i kontrola relativno velikih povrÅ”ina u kratkom vremenu, a naknadnom analizom moguća je i relativno jednostavna procjena kvalitete toplinske izolacije/toplinskih gubitaka objekta te otkrivanje strukture objekta ispod sloja žbuke. U radu su obrađeni primjeri detekcije različitih greÅ”aka u području zgradarstva s osvrtom na zahtjeve norme HRN EN 13187. Obrađeni su slučajevi različitih stupnjeva oÅ”tećenja ovojnice zgrade, prisustvo vlage u zidovima objekta, toplinski mostovi i nekvalitetno brtvljenje, te prisustvo vlage i zraka u strukturi ravnog krova. U radu je posebno obrađeno mjerenje provedeno na upravnoj zgradi tvrtke Jadrolinija Rijeka, čiji je cilj bio utvrđivanje trenutnog stanja fasade i sukladno tomu davanje procjene o potrebi njezine sanacije. Za taj je slučaj, u sklopu analize termograma, provedena i numerička analiza prijenosa topline za karakteristične dijelove fasade sa i bez greÅ”aka te su rezultati uspoređeni s rezultatima mjerenja.Infrared thermography is a method of contact-free temperature measurement providing temperature distribution on the surface of the observed building. The use of thermography in civil engineering for building assessment purposes opens up large possibilities for control of construction quality when newly built edifices are concerned, but also when estimation of the current state of the old buildings is needed. Besides giving insight into the state of the building insulation quality, infrared thermography can be successfully applied in the evaluation of the building envelope: for detecting different defect types (flaws and damage) ā€“ for detecting locations where the plaster layer is detached from the wall base with possible presence of air or moisture in the layers beneath the outer plaster, as well as for estimation of the state of the plain roofs - detecting locations where the roof cardboard is detached from the base. Although there are different limitations when thermography inspection of buildings is concerned, infrared thermography is recognized as a thermal non-destructive testing method, which holds many advantages with respect to the other methods of non-destructive testing. Among others, the method enables instant analysis of the building at the location of the measurement, as well as the control of relatively large surfaces in a short period of time. In addition, post-analysis enables a relatively straight forward estimation of thermal insulation quality, of the buildingā€™s heat losses as well as estimation of the structure beneath the plaster layer of the building. This paper gives the examples of the detection of different defect types appearing in building structures along with an overview of the requirements of Croatian norm HRN EN 13187. Cases of different degrees of damage present in the building envelope are analyzed, as well as the presence of the moisture in building walls, the existence of thermal bridges and inadequate tightening, the presence of moisture and air in the structure of plain roofs. The measurements presented in this work were performed on the headquarter building of the company Jadrolinija Rijeka. The goal of this measurement was to determine the current state of the building facade and to give estimation of the extent of the facade recovery needed. For this purpose, together with the detailed thermogram analysis, the numerical analysis of the heat transfer through the characteristic facade parts with and without defects present in the structure was performed and numerical results were compared to the ones obtained by measurement

    Recommendation for a World Virtual School Project

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    World Virtual School (WVS) is a project sponsored by the U.S. Department of State Office of Overseas Schools. It has gathered eight representatives from eight major international school regions to form a WVS Advisory Group. The groupā€™s objective is to conduct research in virtual learning environments (VLE) of overseas schools, to analyze and present the results in order to offer a WVS structure plan. The goal is to increase the usage of VLE systems throughout the world to make this project global having in mind its relevancy, accessibility, durability and affordability. Therefore, we bring a possible WVS project outcome, recommending a shared global VLE

    Wikipedia's Influence on the Evolution of Encyclopedia

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    This article deals with the users of Wikipedia and their usage and opinions regarding Wikipedia in comparison to printed encyclopedias. A representative sample of high school and university students from Zagreb was surveyed. It is investigated why students tend to use Wikipedia significantly more than printed encyclopedias, even though they are considered more accurate and reliable, which is important in educational usage. The results of the survey may serve as guidelines for both users and professionals, i.e. encyclopedists. Various issues with Wikipedia which also need attention in this context, e.g. the development of Croatian Wikipedia, are briefly addressed. The goal of this work is to broaden the awareness of recent phenomena in encyclopedic, or generally, information science, in order to aid in improvement of encyclopedic products
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