1,459 research outputs found

    Wigner Oscillators, Twisted Hopf Algebras and Second Quantization

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    By correctly identifying the role of central extension in the centrally extended Heisenberg algebra h, we show that it is indeed possible to construct a Hopf algebraic structure on the corresponding enveloping algebra U(h) and eventually deform it through Drinfeld twist. This Hopf algebraic structure and its deformed version U^F(h) are shown to be induced from a more fundamental Hopf algebra obtained from the Schroedinger field/oscillator algebra and its deformed version, provided that the fields/oscillators are regarded as odd-elements of the super-algebra osp(1|2n). We also discuss the possible implications in the context of quantum statistics.Comment: 23 page

    Time-Series Ensemble Photometry and the Search for Variable Stars in the Open Cluster M11

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    This work presents the first large-scale photometric variability survey of the intermediate age (~200 Myr) open cluster M11. Thirteen nights of data over two observing seasons were analyzed (using crowded field and ensemble photometry techniques) to obtain high relative precision photometry. In this study we focus on the detection of candidate member variable stars for follow-up studies. A total of 39 variable stars were detected and can be categorized as follows: 1 irregular (probably pulsating) variable, 6 delta Scuti variables, 14 detached eclipsing binary systems, 17 W UMa variables, and 1 unidentified/candidate variable. While previous proper motion studies allow for cluster membership determination for the brightest stars, we find that membership determination is significantly hampered below V=15,R=15.5 by the large population of field stars overlapping the cluster MS. Of the brightest detected variables that have a high likelihood of cluster membership, we find five systems where further work could help constrain theoretical stellar models, including one potential W UMa member of this young cluster.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures, accepted for December 2005 AJ, high-resolution version available upon reques

    Baryon charge transfer and production asymmetry between Lambda^0 and antiLambda^0 in hadron interactions

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    The predictions were done for asymmetry between production spectra of Lambda^0 and antiLambda^0 at the energy of LHC experiments. The value of A(s) should be situated in the band between two curves that are calculated in Quark-Gluon String Model with two possible values of intercept alpha_{SJ}(0)=0,5 and 0,9. Both curves describe the asymmetries measured at lower energies up to RHIC experiments. The data of H1 experiment can be fitted only with alpha_{SJ}(0)=0,9.Comment: LateX, 7 pages and 2 figures, poster presentation at PANIC'05, Santa Fe, October 200

    Pulse Profiles, Accretion Column Dips and a Flare in GX 1+4 During a Faint State

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    The Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) spacecraft observed the X-ray pulsar GX 1+4 for a period of 34 hours on July 19/20 1996. The source faded from an intensity of ~20 mCrab to a minimum of <~0.7 mCrab and then partially recovered towards the end of the observation. This extended minimum lasted ~40,000 seconds. Phase folded light curves at a barycentric rotation period of 124.36568 +/- 0.00020 seconds show that near the center of the extended minimum the source stopped pulsing in the traditional sense but retained a weak dip feature at the rotation period. Away from the extended minimum the dips are progressively narrower at higher energies and may be interpreted as obscurations or eclipses of the hot spot by the accretion column. The pulse profile changed from leading-edge bright before the extended minimum to trailing-edge bright after it. Data from the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) show that a torque reversal occurred <10 days after our observation. Our data indicate that the observed rotation departs from a constant period with a Pdot/P value of ~-1.5% per year at a 4.5 sigma significance. We infer that we may have serendipitously obtained data, with high sensitivity and temporal resolution about the time of an accretion disk spin reversal. We also observed a rapid flare which had some precursor activity, close to the center of the extended minimum.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal (tentatively scheduled for vol. 529 #1, 20 Jan 2000

    The unusual interacting S star binary HR 1105

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    IUE observations of HR 1105 over its 596-day orbit show strong orbital modulation of both continuum and emission lines. These are most intense just before both conjunctions and nearly disappear near quadratures, the most intense phase being just before the hot component passes in front of the S star. High dispersion observations exhibit a blue-shifted absorption feature in Mg II, representing an outflow of material of about 55 km/s. These observations are consistent with the UV source being an optically thin gas stream between the components of the system, which is partially eclipsed when the S star is in front

    Prävalenz von Multimorbidität in der Schweiz - Definitionen und Datenquellen

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    Measuring air–sea gas exchange velocities in a large scale annular wind-wave tank

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    In this study we present gas-exchange measurements conducted in a large-scale wind–wave tank. Fourteen chemical species spanning a wide range of solubility (dimensionless solubility, α = 0.4 to 5470) and diffusivity (Schmidt number in water, Scw = 594 to 1194) were examined under various turbulent (u10 = 0.73 to 13.2 m s−1) conditions. Additional experiments were performed under different surfactant modulated (two different concentration levels of Triton X-100) surface states. This paper details the complete methodology, experimental procedure and instrumentation used to derive the total transfer velocity for all examined tracers. The results presented here demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method, and the derived gas-exchange velocities are shown to be comparable to previous investigations. The gas transfer behaviour is exemplified by contrasting two species at the two solubility extremes, namely nitrous oxide (N2O) and methanol (CH3OH). Interestingly, a strong transfer velocity reduction (up to a factor of 3) was observed for the relatively insoluble N2O under a surfactant covered water surface. In contrast, the surfactant effect for CH3OH, the high solubility tracer, was significantly weake

    Analysis of the MOST light curve of the heavily spotted K2IV component of the single-line spectroscopic binary II Pegasi

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    Continuous photometric observations of the visible component of the single-line, K2IV spectroscopic binary II Peg carried out by the MOST satellite during 31 consecutive days in 2008 have been analyzed. On top of spot-induced brightness modulation, eleven flares were detected of three distinct types characterized by different values of rise, decay and duration times. The flares showed a preference for occurrence at rotation phases when the most spotted hemisphere is directed to the observer, confirming previous similar reports. An attempt to detect a grazing primary minimum caused by the secondary component transiting in front of the visible star gave a negative result. The brightness variability caused by spots has been interpreted within a cold spot model. An assumption of differential rotation of the primary component gave a better fit to the light curve than a solid-body rotation model.Comment: Accepteed to MNRA

    Self-energy of a scalar charge near higher-dimensional black holes

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    We study the problem of self-energy of charges in higher dimensional static spacetimes. Application of regularization methods of quantum field theory to calculation of the classical self-energy of charges leads to model-independent results. The correction to the self-energy of a scalar charge due to the gravitational field of black holes of the higher dimensional Majumdar-Papapetrou spacetime is calculated exactly. It proves to be zero in even dimensions, but it acquires non-zero value in odd dimensional spacetimes. The origin of the self-energy correction in odd dimensions is similar to the origin the conformal anomalies in quantum field theory in even dimensional spacetimes.Comment: 9 page
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