17,096 research outputs found

    Wakefield Area Working Evaluation Framework - Literature Review

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    The Wakefield Metropolitan District Council (MDC) Area Working programme offers a radical and innovative approach to service improvement and redesign with the aim of better meeting community needs and addressing inequalities. Community participation is a core component of the Wakefield model, which is underpinned by the wider goals of encouraging active citizenship and community empowerment. There is an acknowledged need to evidence whether the Area Working approach leads to improved services, to what extent there is meaningful community engagement and ultimately to assess whether it makes a difference to people in their neighbourhoods. This literature review addresses a range of key questions that will usefully inform the development of an evaluation framework in relation to the deployment of Area Working within Wakefield. The aims of the literature review were to scope existing models of evaluation used to assess the deployment and impact of Area Working and to identify potential evaluation frameworks and benchmark indicators. A systematic literature search was undertaken to identify published and grey literature on Area Working and similar programmes and relevant literature was reviewed. This search was supplemented by key literature identified through previous research. This brief report presents a summary of findings and makes some recommendations for the development of an evaluation framework for Wakefield Area Working Programme

    The community health apprentices project-the outcomes of an intermediate labour market project in the community health sector

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    This paper reports on the outcomes of the Community Health Apprentices Project, an intermediate labour market (ILM) project delivered in two neighbouring areas of Bradford, England. The project was illustrative of current UK policy in its attempt to both address unemployment and health inequalities. The aim of the paper is to improve understanding of the type and range of outcomes that can result from ILM projects based in the community health sector. A qualitative evaluation was undertaken and interviews were carried out with three groups of stakeholders: the community health apprentices, key informants in the placement organisations and the delivery partners. Findings show that both anticipated and unanticipated outcomes occurred in relation to increased skills for work, improved health and well-being and improved organisational capacity. While there are contextual factors which make this project unique, the findings illustrate the potential range of outcomes that can be achieved when social and emotional support is offered in tandem with work experience. The findings further highlight the organisational benefits of investing in local people to deliver community health work. The paper concludes that in order to build an evidence base for ILM approaches, a broader understanding of outcomes needs to be developed, taking into account social and health outcomes as well as economic indicators

    Gender Differences in Risk Behaviour: Does Nurture Matter?

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    Women and men may differ in their propensity to choose a risky outcome because of innate preferences or because their innate preferences are modified by pressure to conform to gender-stereotypes. Single-sex environments are likely to modify studentsâ risk-taking preferences in economically important ways. To test this, our controlled experiment gave subjects an opportunity to choose a risky outcome − a real-stakes gamble with a higher expected monetary value than the alternative outcome with a certain payoff − and in which the sensitivity of observed risk choices to environmental factors could be explored. The results show that girls from single-sex schools are as likely to choose the real-stakes gamble as much as boys from either coed or single sex schools, and more likely than coed girls. Moreover, gender differences in preferences for risk-taking are sensitive to the gender mix of the experimental group, with girls being more likely to choose risky outcomes when assigned to all-girl groups. This suggests that observed gender differences in behaviour under uncertainty found in previous studies might reflect social learning rather than inherent gender traits.gender identity, controlled experiment, risk aversion, risk attitudes,

    Comparative Monte Carlo Efficiency by Monte Carlo Analysis

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    We propose a modified power method for computing the subdominant eigenvalue λ2\lambda_2 of a matrix or continuous operator. Here we focus on defining simple Monte Carlo methods for its application. The methods presented use random walkers of mixed signs to represent the subdominant eigenfuction. Accordingly, the methods must cancel these signs properly in order to sample this eigenfunction faithfully. We present a simple procedure to solve this sign problem and then test our Monte Carlo methods by computing the λ2\lambda_2 of various Markov chain transition matrices. We first computed λ2{\lambda_2} for several one and two dimensional Ising models, which have a discrete phase space, and compared the relative efficiencies of the Metropolis and heat-bath algorithms as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field. Next, we computed λ2\lambda_2 for a model of an interacting gas trapped by a harmonic potential, which has a mutidimensional continuous phase space, and studied the efficiency of the Metropolis algorithm as a function of temperature and the maximum allowable step size Δ\Delta. Based on the λ2\lambda_2 criterion, we found for the Ising models that small lattices appear to give an adequate picture of comparative efficiency and that the heat-bath algorithm is more efficient than the Metropolis algorithm only at low temperatures where both algorithms are inefficient. For the harmonic trap problem, we found that the traditional rule-of-thumb of adjusting Δ\Delta so the Metropolis acceptance rate is around 50% range is often sub-optimal. In general, as a function of temperature or Δ\Delta, λ2\lambda_2 for this model displayed trends defining optimal efficiency that the acceptance ratio does not. The cases studied also suggested that Monte Carlo simulations for a continuum model are likely more efficient than those for a discretized version of the model.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Gender Differences in Risk Aversion: Do Single-Sex Environments Affect their Development?

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    Single-sex classes within coeducational environments are likely to modify students' risk-taking attitudes in economically important ways. To test this, we designed a controlled experiment using first year college students who made choices over real-stakes lotteries at two distinct dates. Students were randomly assigned to classes of three types: all female, all male, and coeducational. They were not allowed to change group subsequently. We found that women are less likely to make risky choices than men at both dates. However, after eight weeks in a single-sex environment, women were significantly more likely to choose the lottery than their counterparts in coeducational groups. These results are robust to the inclusion of controls for IQ and for personality type, as well as to a number of sensitivity tests. Our findings suggest that observed gender differences in behaviour under uncertainty found in previous studies might partly reflect social learning rather than inherent gender traits.gender, risk preferences, single-sex groups, cognitive ability

    Coloured mulch as a weed control technology and yield booster for summer savory

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    An investigation into the effect of coloured mulch technology as a technique to control weeds when growing the essential oil plant, summer savory (Satureja hortensis) was made. As well as weed control, the effects on the production of crop biomass and essential oil content and quality were also considered. The mulch treatments produced significantly more biomass than either of the control treatments (which used no mulch either with or without herbicide). The white mulch treatment produced the greatest biomass, closely followed by the red mulch treatment. The blue mulch treatment was third in ranking, although not significantly greater than the black mulch. Estimates of the quantity of essential oil produced by each treatment followed a similar trend to that shown by biomass production

    Is U3Ni3Sn4 best described as near a quantum critical point?

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    Although most known non-Fermi liquid (NFL) materials are structurally or chemically disordered, the role of this disorder remains unclear. In particular, very few systems have been discovered that may be stoichiometric and well ordered. To test whether U3Ni3Sn4 belongs in this latter class, we present measurements of the x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) of polycrystalline and single-crystal U3Ni3Sn4 samples that are consistent with no measurable local structural disorder. We also present temperature-dependent specific heat data in applied magnetic fields as high as 8 T that show features that are inconsistent with the antiferromagnetic Griffiths' phase model, but do support the conclusion that a Fermi liquid/NFL crossover temperature increases with applied field. These results are inconsistent with theoretical explanations that require strong disorder effects, but do support the view that U3Ni3Sn4 is a stoichiometric, ordered material that exhibits NFL behavior, and is best described as being near an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, in press with PR


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    It is considered in diagnostic radiography that incompatible personalities of student radiographers can have a detrimental influence on interpersonal relationships, student retention and job satisfaction. For this reason some authors argue that personality should be a criteria that is measured prior to enrolment onto the radiography programme. However recent evidence argues that personality can change and is influenced by education, clinical and life experience, suggesting that personality assessment would be an inappropriate measure prior to student selection. This research aimed to determine whether there were different personality profiles of student radiographers across the educational tenure (3 years). To facilitate this aim a cross sectional descriptive study was undertaken, using the Transactional Analysis Subscales of the adjective check list as the data collection tool. The data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics (Krusal Wallis). The results demonstrated a significant difference between the personality profiles of diagnostic radiographers across the educational tenure, suggesting that education, clinical and life experience do impact on student radiographer’s personality

    Behavioural and physiological responses of laying hens to automated monitoring equipment

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    Automated monitoring of behaviour can offer a wealth of information in circumstances where observing behaviour is difficult or time consuming. However, this often requires attaching monitoring devices to the animal which can alter behaviour, potentially invalidating any data collected. Birds often show increased preening and energy expenditure when wearing devices and, especially in laying hens, there is a risk that individuals wearing devices will attract aggression from conspecifics. We studied the behavioural and physiological response of 20 laying hens to backpacks containing monitoring devices fastened with elastic loops around the wing base. We hypothesised that backpacks would lead to a stress-induced decrease in peripheral temperature, increased preening, more aggression from conspecifics, and reduced bodyweights. This was evaluated by thermography of the eye and comb (when isolated after fitting backpacks), direct observations of behaviour (when isolated, when placed back into the group, and on later days), and weighing (before and after each 7-day experimental period). Each hen wore a backpack during one of the two experimental periods only and was used as her own control. Contrary to our hypothesis, eye temperature was higher when hens wore a backpack (No backpack: 30.2 °C (IQR: 29.0–30.6) vs. Backpack: 30.9 °C (IQR: 30.0–32.0), P < 0.001). Eye temperature of hens wearing a backpack was strongly correlated to the time spent preening (rs = 0.8, P < 0.001), suggesting that the higher temperatures may have been due to preening itself, or to a low head position or decreased heat dissipation when preening under the wings. Aggressive behaviour was very rare and no effect of the backpacks was found. In line with our hypothesis, backpacks increased preening on the day of fitting, both when isolated (No backpack: 0% (IQR: 0–1) vs. Backpack: 22% (IQR: 1–43), P < 0.01) and when back in the group (No backpack: 0% (IQR: 0–27) vs. Backpack: 43% (IQR: 5–77), P < 0.001). However, no effect on preening was observed 2–7 days afterwards. Other behavioural changes suggested that on the day of fitting hens prioritized attempts to (re)move the backpack and were less attentive to their surroundings. However, only equipment pecking (i.e., pecking the backpack or leg rings) was still affected 2–7 days after fitting (No backpack: 0 pecks/hen/minute (IQR: 0–0), vs. Backpack: 0 (IQR: 0–0.07), P < 0.05). We found no effect of our backpacks on bodyweight. In conclusion, our backpacks seem suitable to attach monitoring equipment to hens with only a very minor effect on their behaviour after a short acclimation period (≤2 days)

    An evaluation of the Department of Health’s Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund

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    The Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund (HSCVF) is an innovative programme that was established in 2009 by the Department of Health (DH) to build organisational and community capacity for volunteering through a national and local grant scheme. The HSCVF has offered both funds and tailored support to health and social care projects delivered by Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations. The HSCVF is managed by a partnership led by Ecorys and with expertise from leading national voluntary sector organisations: Attend, Community Service Volunteers (CSV) and Primetimers. To date the HSCVF has funded a total of 157 local and national projects, of which 114 are currently live. This report presents findings from an evaluation of the HSCVF with a specific focus on the 2010/2011 national and local projects, conducted by a team from the Institute for Health & Wellbeing at Leeds Metropolitan University. It presents evidence on the extent to which, how and in what ways the HSCVF programme has built organisational and community capacity across the national and local HSCVF projects, as well as on the health and social outcomes that resulted