17 research outputs found

    Comparison of complications after transfemoral coronary angiography between mechanical and manual closure techniques

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    Cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the United States. Coronary angiography is one of the most commonly used diagnostic tools in the identification of coronary artery disease, and it remains a prime treatment option for significant coronary artery stenosis. The widely used femoral approach to coronary angiography does not come without significant risk for access site complications, patient complaints of pain, and lengthy bedrest durations. With these concepts in mind came the evolution and implementation of multiple vascular closure devices. The purpose of this study was to compare complication rates after coronary angiography via the femoral approach between mechanical and manual closure techniques, the pain associated with each, and the duration of bedrest employed using a systematic review of the literature. Upon conclusion of the literature review, evidence has shown to provide significant data supporting the use of mechanical closure devices while reducing access site complications, pain, and lengthy bedrest durations when used in appropriate patients

    Bontrager and Angert - Clarkia pulchella transplant data and code

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    Bontrager and Angert - Clarkia pulchella transplant data and cod

    Data from: Gene flow improves fitness at a range edge under climate change

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    Populations at the margins of a species' geographic range are often thought to be poorly adapted to their environment. According to theoretical predictions, gene flow can inhibit these range edge populations if it disrupts adaptation to local conditions. Alternatively, if range edge populations are small or isolated, gene flow can provide beneficial genetic variation, and may facilitate adaptation to environmental change. We tested these competing predictions in the annual wildflower Clarkia pulchella using greenhouse crosses to simulate gene flow from sources across the geographic range into two populations at the northern range margin. We planted these between-population hybrids in common gardens at the range edge, and evaluated how genetic differentiation and climatic differences between edge populations and gene flow sources affected lifetime fitness. During an anomalously warm study year, gene flow from populations occupying historically warm sites improved fitness at the range edge, and plants with one or both parents from warm populations performed best. The effects of the temperature provenance of gene flow sources were most apparent at early life history stages, but precipitation provenance also affected reproduction. We also found benefits of gene flow that were independent of climate: after climate was controlled for, plants with parents from different populations performed better at later lifestages than those with parents from the same population, indicating that gene flow may improve fitness via relieving homozygosity. Further supporting this result, we found that increasing genetic differentiation of parental populations had positive effects on fitness of hybrid seeds. Gene flow from warmer populations, when it occurs, is likely to contribute adaptive genetic variation to populations at the northern range edge as the climate warms. On heterogeneous landscapes, climate of origin may be a better predictor of gene flow effects than geographic proximity

    Variation in the seasonal germination niche across an elevational gradient: the role of germination cueing in current and future climates

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    PREMISE:The timing of germination has profound impacts on fitness, population dynamics, and species ranges. Many plants have evolved responses to seasonal environmental cues to time germination with favorable conditions; these responses interact with temporal variation in local climate to drive the seasonal climate niche and may reflect local adaptation. Here, we examined germination responses to temperature cues in Streptanthus tortuosus populations across an elevational gradient. METHODS:Using common garden experiments, we evaluated differences among populations in response to cold stratification (chilling) and germination temperature and related them to observed germination phenology in the field. We then explored how these responses relate to past climate at each site and the implications of those patterns under future climate change. RESULTS:Populations from high elevations had stronger stratification requirements for germination and narrower temperature ranges for germination without stratification. Differences in germination responses corresponded with elevation and variability in seasonal temperature and precipitation across populations. Further, they corresponded with germination phenology in the field; low-elevation populations germinated in the fall without chilling, whereas high-elevation populations germinated after winter chilling and snowmelt in spring and summer. Climate-change forecasts indicate increasing temperatures and decreasing snowpack, which will likely alter germination cues and timing, particularly for high-elevation populations. CONCLUSIONS:The seasonal germination niche for S. tortuosus is highly influenced by temperature and varies across the elevational gradient. Climate change will likely affect germination timing, which may cascade to influence trait expression, fitness, and population persistence

    Data from: Phylogenetic structure and host abundance drive disease pressure in communities

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    Pathogens play an important part in shaping the structure and dynamics of natural communities, because species are not affected by them equally. A shared goal of ecology and epidemiology is to predict when a species is most vulnerable to disease. A leading hypothesis asserts that the impact of disease should increase with host abundance, producing a ‘rare-species advantage. However, the impact of a pathogen may be decoupled from host abundance, because most pathogens infect more than one species, leading to pathogen spillover onto closely related species. Here we show that the phylogenetic and ecological structure of the surrounding community can be important predictors of disease pressure. We found that the amount of tissue lost to disease increased with the relative abundance of a species across a grassland plant community, and that this rare-species advantage had an additional phylogenetic component: disease pressure was stronger on species with many close relatives. We used a global model of pathogen sharing as a function of relatedness between hosts, which provided a robust predictor of relative disease pressure at the local scale. In our grassland, the total amount of disease was most accurately explained not by the abundance of the focal host alone, but by the abundance of all species in the community weighted by their phylogenetic distance to the host. Furthermore, the model strongly predicted observed disease pressure for 44 novel host species we introduced experimentally to our study site, providing evidence for a mechanism to explain why phylogenetically rare species are more likely to become invasive when introduced. Our results demonstrate how the phylogenetic and ecological structure of communities can have a key role in disease dynamics, with implications for the maintenance of biodiversity, biotic resistance against introduced weeds, and the success of managed plants in agriculture and forestry


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    Attributes of the wild and experimentally introduced plant species from the study in grassland on the University of California Santa Cruz campus, Santa Cruz, CA USA (36°59'18.09"N, 122° 3'31.29"W) in 2011 and 2012. Used for Fig 2 and Fig 3 source: plant species found wild or experimentally introduced in grassland community origin: plant species native to Santa Cruz region or nonnative genus: genus of plant species: species of plant name: aggregate genus species name of plant code: 6-letter mnemonic code for plant species family: family of plant species phyloname: phylomatic-style family/genus/name of plant specie