53 research outputs found

    Maxwell meets marangoni -: a review of theories on laser‐induced periodic surface structures

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    Surface nanostructuring enables the manipulation of many essential surface properties. With the recent rapid advancements in laser technology, a contactless large‐area processing at rates of up to m 2 s −1 becomes feasible that allows new industrial applications in medicine, optics, tribology, biology, etc. On the other hand, the last two decades enable extremely successful and intense research in the field of so‐called laser‐induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS, ripples). Different types of these structures featuring periods of hundreds of nanometers only—far beyond the optical diffraction limit—up to several micrometers are easily manufactured in a single‐step process and can be widely controlled by a proper choice of the laser processing conditions. From a theoretical point of view, however, a vivid and very controversial debate emerges, whether LIPSS originate from electromagnetic effects or are caused by matter reorganization. This article aims to close a gap in the available literature on LIPSS by reviewing the currently existent theories of LIPSS along with their numerical implementations and by providing a comparison and critical assessment of these approaches

    Probing laser-driven structure formation at extreme scales in space and time

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    Irradiation of solid surfaces with high intensity, ultrashort laser pulses triggers a variety of secondary processes that can lead to the formation of transient and permanent structures over large range of length scales from mm down to the nano-range. One of the most prominent examples are LIPSS - Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures. While LIPSS have been a scientific evergreen for of almost 60 years, experimental methods that combine ultrafast temporal with the required nm spatial resolution have become available only recently with the advent of short pulse, short wavelength free electron lasers. Here we discuss the current status and future perspectives in this field by exploiting the unique possibilities of these 4th-generation light sources to address by time-domain experimental techniques the fundamental LIPSS-question, namely why and how laser-irradiation can initiate the transition of a "chaotic" (rough) surface from an aperiodic into a periodic structure.Comment: 13 pages incl. 5 figure

    Rippled area formed by surface plasmon polaritons upon femtosecond laser double-pulse irradiation of silicon: the role of carrier generation and relaxation processes

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    The formation of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS, ripples) upon irradiation of silicon with multiple irradiation sequences consisting of femtosecond laser pulse pairs (pulse duration 150 fs, central wavelength 800 nm) is studied numerically using a rate equation system along with a two-temperature model accounting for one- and two-photon absorption and subsequent carrier diffusion and Auger recombination processes. The temporal delay between the individual equal-energy fs-laser pulses was varied between 00 and 4\sim 4 ps for quantification of the transient carrier densities in the conduction band of the laser-excited silicon. The results of the numerical analysis reveal the importance of carrier generation and relaxation processes in fs-LIPSS formation on silicon and quantitatively explain the two time constants of the delay dependent decrease of the Low-Spatial-Frequency LIPSS (LSFL) area observed experimentally. The role of carrier generation, diffusion and recombination are quantified individually.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Conference On Laser Ablation (COLA) 2013. The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com. Accepted for publication in Applied Physics

    Rippled area formed by surface plasmon polaritons upon femtosecond laser double-pulse irradiation of silicon

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    International audienceThe formation of near-wavelength laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) on silicon upon irradiation with sequences of Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser pulse pairs (pulse duration 150 fs, central wavelength 800 nm) is studied theoretically. For this purpose, the nonlin-ear generation of conduction band electrons in silicon and their relaxation is numerically calculated using a two-temperature model approach including intrapulse changes of optical properties, transport, diffusion and recombina-tion effects. Following the idea that surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) can be excited when the material turns from semiconducting to metallic state, the "SPP active area" is calculated as function of fluence and double-pulse de-lay up to several picoseconds and compared to the experimentally observed rippled surface areas. Evidence is presented that multi-photon absorption explains the large increase of the rippled area for temporally overlapping pulses. For longer double-pulse delays, relevant relaxation processes are identified. The results demonstrate that femtosecond LIPSS on silicon are caused by the excitation of SPP and can be controlled by temporal pulse shaping. ©2013 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (050.6624) Subwavelength structures; (140.3390) Laser materials processing; (160.6000) Semiconductor materials; (240.5420) Polaritons

    Time-Resolved Observation of Energy Deposition in Fused Silica by Ultrashort Laser Pulses in Single and Cumulative Regime

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    International audienceWhen femtosecond laser pulses are focused in the bulk of transparent materials (glasses), deposition of energy on a restricted volume can occur owing to the non linear character of the laser matter interaction. As a consequence, the possibility to generate micrometer-sized structural modifications arises. Those local changes are often associated with a minute variation in the refractive index which, when positive, enables the fabrication of light guiding components in three dimensions through simple laser translation. Although the first corresponding experimental demonstration approaches fifteen years of age, the complete picture of the dynamics and the proc- esses leading to the local refractive index changes has still to be drawn to reach an optimal control of the laser-induced modification process. In this report, the laser-dielectric interaction is followed on an ultrashort time scale with the help of a unique time-resolved side-imaging technique allow- ing for absorption and phase contrast detection. Experimental observation of an absorptive elec- tronic cloud in the first moments of the interaction along with the launch of a pressure wave after a few ns is reported. These physical objects are shown to be reliable indicators of the success of the energy transfer to the lattice which largely depends on the pulse temporal envelope

    Local growth of CuInSe2 micro solar cells for concentrator application

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    A procedure to fabricate CuInSe2 (CISe) micro-absorbers and solar cells for concentrator applications is presented. The micro-absorbers are developed from indium precursor islands, which are deposited on a molybdenum coated glass substrate (back contact), followed by deposition of copper on top and subsequent selenization as well as selective etching of copper selenides. In order to compare the properties of the locally grown absorbers to those of conventional large area CISe films, we systematically examine the compositional and morphological homogeneity of the micro absorbers and carry out photoluminescence measurements. Preliminary devices for micro-concentrator solar cell applications are fabricated by optimizing the copper to indium ratio and the size of the indium precursor islands. The resulting micro solar cells provide a characteristic I–V curve under standard illumination conditions (1 sun)

    Single Femtosecond Laser-Pulse-Induced Superficial Amorphization and Re-Crystallization of Silicon

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    21 pags., 9 figs., 1 tab. -- This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Pulse Laser Machining TechnologySuperficial amorphization and re-crystallization of silicon in and orientation after irradiation by femtosecond laser pulses (790 nm, 30 fs) are studied using optical imaging and transmission electron microscopy. Spectroscopic imaging ellipsometry (SIE) allows fast data acquisition at multiple wavelengths and provides experimental data for calculating nanometric amorphous layer thickness profiles with micrometric lateral resolution based on a thin-film layer model. For a radially Gaussian laser beam and at moderate peak fluences above the melting and below the ablation thresholds, laterally parabolic amorphous layer profiles with maximum thicknesses of several tens of nanometers were quantitatively attained. The accuracy of the calculations is verified experimentally by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (STEM-EDX). Along with topographic information obtained by atomic force microscopy (AFM), a comprehensive picture of the superficial re-solidification of silicon after local melting by femtosecond laser pulses is drawn.C.F. acknowledges the support from the European Commission through the Marie Curie Individual Fellowship—Global grant No. 844977 and funding from the Horizon 2020 CellFreeImplant European project. D.F., M.D., S.S., A.H. and U.B. gratefully acknowledge the funding from the German Central Innovation Program (AiF-ZIM) under grants No. ZF4044219AB7 and ZF4460401AB7. K.F., M.R. and A.U. acknowledge support by the German Research Foundation (grant Nos. UN 341/3-1 and Inst 275/391-1). J.B. acknowledges the projects CellFreeImplant and LaserImplant. These two projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No. 800832 (CellFreeImplant) and No. 951730 (LaserImplant).Peer reviewe

    Highly regular hexagonally-arranged nanostructures on Ni-W alloy tapes upon Irradiation with ultrashort UV laser pulses

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Dynamics and Processes at Laser-Irradiated Surfaces—A Themed Issue in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Professor Jürgen Reif.Nickel tungsten alloy tapes (Ni—5 at% W, 10 mm wide, 80 µm thick, biaxially textured) used in second-generation high temperature superconductor (2G-HTS) technology were laser-processed in air with ultraviolet ps-laser pulses (355 nm wavelength, 300 ps pulse duration, 250–800 kHz pulse repetition frequency). By employing optimized surface scan-processing strategies, various laser-generated periodic surface structures were generated on the tapes. Particularly, distinct surface microstructures and nanostructures were formed. These included sub-wavelength-sized highly-regular hexagonally-arranged nano-protrusions, wavelength-sized line-grating-like laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS, ripples), and larger irregular pyramidal microstructures. The induced surface morphology was characterized in depth by electron-based techniques, including scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD), cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (STEM/TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS). The in-depth EBSD crystallographic analyses indicated a significant impact of the material initial grain orientation on the type of surface nanostructure and microstructure formed upon laser irradiation. Special emphasis was laid on high-resolution material analysis of the hexagonally-arranged nano-protrusions. Their formation mechanism is discussed on the basis of the interplay between electromagnetic scattering effects followed by hydrodynamic matter re-organization after the laser exposure. The temperature stability of the hexagonally-arranged nano-protrusion was explored in post-irradiation thermal annealing experiments, in order to qualify their suitability in 2G-HTS fabrication technology with initial steps deposition temperatures in the range of 773–873 K.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) ARDEB 1001 (project number: 117F399) program, the Spanish MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (project PID2020-113034RB-I00), the LaserImplant project (European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 951730) and from Gobierno de Aragón (research group T54_20R).Peer reviewe