8 research outputs found

    Влияние взаимодействия в системе «Врач – Пациент» на состояние больных

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    The study focuses on the search for ways to solve the problem of improving the quality of medical care for heart disease patients; the effectiveness of patients’ treatment is determined by the science-oriented medicine achievements and the general psycho-emotional states arising in various situations of doctor-patient interaction. The aim of the study is to identify the types of doctors and their impacts on patients’ psycho-emotional states and attitudes toward the disease. The study was conducted in a number of clinical hospitals in Moscow (Russia). It involved 167 doctors and 1,248 patients with arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, and arrhythmias, aged 43 to 82 years. The study was carried out using valid psychodiagnostic techniques. There were statistically significant differences in the characteristics of the response to the disease in heart disease patients, whose physicians established with them collaborative, caring, directive, authoritarian and alienated relationships.El estudio se centra en la búsqueda de formas de resolución el problema de mejorar la calidad de la asistencia médica a los pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares, cuya eficacia del tratamiento se determina por los logros de la medicina naturalmente orientada a la ciencia y la condición psique-emocional general que se produce en situaciones diversas de su interacción con el médico tratante. El observatorio del estudio es identificación de los tipos de médicos tratantes y sus efectos sobre la condición psique-emocional y la actitud hacia la enfermedad de los pacientes.  El estudio se llevó a cabo sobre la base de la serie de hospitales clínicos en Moscú (Rusia). En el estudio participaron 167 médicos y 1248 pacientes con hipertensión arterial, enfermedad isquémica coronaria y arritmias, de 43 a 82 años. El estudio se realizó con la ayuda de técnicas psiquediagnósticas validas. Se han obtenido las diferencias estadísticamente fidedignas en los indicadores de la respuesta a la enfermedad en pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares, cuyos médicos tratantes establecen relaciones cooperativas, de tutela, directivas, autoritarias y suspendidas con ellos.Исследование ориентировано на поиск способов решения проблемы повышения качества оказания медицинской помощи пациентам с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями, эффективность лечения которых определяется как достижениями естественно-научно ориентированной медицины, так и общим психоэмоциональным состоянием, возникающим в различных ситуациях его взаимодействия с лечащим врачом. Цель исследования – выявление типов лечащих врачей и их влияния на психоэмоциональное состояние и отношение к болезни пациентов.  Исследование проводилось на базе ряда клинических больниц г. Москвы (Россия). В исследовании приняли участие 167 врачей и 1248 пациентов с артериальной гипертонией, ишемической болезнью сердца и аритмиями, в возрасте от 43 до 82 лет. Исследование осуществлялось с помощью валидных психодиагностических методик. Были получены статистически достоверны различия в показателях особенностей реагирования на болезнь у пациентов с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями, лечащие врачи которых устанавливают с ними сотруднические, опекающие, директивные, авторитарные и отстраненные отношения

    Индивидуально-психологические детерминанты пищевого поведения студентов высших учебных заведений

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    The article is devoted to the problem of eating disorders of young people. The study focuses on the identification of psychological factors that determine the styles of eating behavior. The empirical results of the survey are presented, in which 937 students aged 18 to 25 took part. The aim of the study was to identify the relationship between the characteristics of the self-structure of students' personality, reflecting the state of their identity, and the characteristics of their eating behavior. As a result, it was revealed that constructive, destructive, and deficit self-functions (as unconscious personality constructs) find their expression not only in behavior and interpersonal social relations, but also in the style of eating behavior, tendencies to eating disorders and deviations.El artículo se centra en el problema del trastorno del comportamiento alimentario de las personas jóvenes. El estudio se centra en la detección de los factores psicológicos que determinan los estilos del comportamiento alimentario. Se presentaron los resultados empíricos de la encuesta, en la que participaron 937 estudiantes de 18 a 25 años. El observatorio del estudio fue identificación de la relación entre las características de la estructura del autoconcepto de la personalidad de los estudiantes, que reflejan el estado de su identidad, y las características de su comportamiento alimentario. Como resultado, se reveló que las funciones constructivas, destructivas y deficientes del autoconcepto, (como los diseños de personalidad inconscientes), encuentran su expresión no solo en el comportamiento y las relaciones sociales interpersonales, sino también en el estilo del comportamiento alimentario, las inclinaciones a los desarreglos alimentarios y los trastornos.Статья посвящена проблеме нарушения пищевого поведения людей молодого возраста. В исследовании акцентируется внимание на выявлении психологических факторов, детерминирующих стили пищевого поведения. Представлены эмпирические результаты опроса, в котором приняли участие 937 студентов в возрасте от 18 до 25 лет. Целью исследования стало выявление взаимосвязи между особенностями Я-структуры личности студентов, отражающими состояние их идентичности, и особенностями их пищевого поведения. В результате было выявлено, что конструктивные, деструктивные и дефицитарные Я-функции, (как неосознаваемые конструкты личности), находят свое выражение не только в поведении и межличностных социальных отношениях, но и в стиле пищевого поведения, склонностях к пищевым расстройствам и нарушениям

    Factors of the Development of Fear of Disease Progression in Patients with Breast Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The issue of the influence of psychics on somatic diseases, including cancer, becomes more and more relevant. In cases with cancer, patients face a vital threat, which, in its turn, is manifested as a range of biopsychosocial consequences. AIM: The aim of the study was to reveal the factors of the formation of fear of cancer progression or recurrence in breast cancer patients. METHODS: The sampling included patients from clinical hospitals of Moscow and Saint Petersburg (Russia). The study involved 690 patients aged 30–79 years old. The study was performed with specially selected diagnostic tools that allowed the authors to evaluate the intensity and reveal peculiarities of the development of fear of cancer progression. Statistical analysis was performed by the calculation of the mean arithmetic of the general sampling, the rate, and the ratio distribution by the intensity of fear of cancer progression, and Spearman correlation. RESULTS: Statistically significant associations were revealed between the parameters of intensity and peculiarities of fear of cancer progression and such characteristics of personality as viability, integrated personality, and experiences in a close relationship. CONCLUSION: The obtained results were used to develop methodical recommendations on the improvement of a psychoemotional condition of women diagnosed with breast cancer

    Self-determination of the transformation process of the body self-image in the structure of self-awareness of persons with cerebrospinal injuries

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    The research objective is to determine the specific features of the influence of self-determination on the transformation of the body self-image in the self-awareness of people with cerebrospinal injuries. The study involved 2,482 people: 682 subjects (18 to 40 years old) with an injury sustained in a period of up to 2 years; 811 subjects (18-40 years old) with an injury sustained in a period of 2-5 years; 989 subjects (18-40 years old) with an injury sustained in a period of over 5 years. The study of the body self-image was carried out with the proprietary methodology of MSBSI (multidimensional study of the body self-image) and the BIQLI questionnaire by T.F. Cash. The dynamics of the body self-image in individuals within different post-injury periods has been determined. The strong correlations between the features of the body self-image and the development level of a person's self-determination have been revealed. Psychological recovery of persons with cerebrospinal injuries should include programs focused on the development of a person's ability of self-determination.

    Typology and Factorial Conditioning of Suicidal Behavior of Adolescents

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    The problem of suicidal behavior of an individual continues to remain relevant, due to the increase in the number of suicides among people of different ages, on the one hand, and insufficient information about the factors of suicidal behavior of an individual. The purpose of the study is to identify the factors that determine the formation of a certain type of personality who committed suicidal attempts in adolescence. In order to identify the types of adolescent suicides, there was conducted a survey of 20 doctors in psychiatric clinical hospitals in Moscow. The survey results were processed using cluster analysis. To identify the factorial conditioning of suicidal behavior of each personality type, a complex of psychodiagnostic techniques was used, focused on the study of the characteristics of the emotional, value-semantic and behavioral spheres of the personality. The obtained empirical data were processed with the help of factor analysis. Three clusters have been identified that combine similar personality characteristics of suicides. It was specified that among adolescents there are the following personality types: “militant” (22%), “sacrifice” (54%) and “self-deprecating” (24%). Each type of adolescent suicide is due to the characteristics of the emotional, value-semantic and behavioral spheres of their personality. To develop targeted programs for the prevention of suicidal behavior among adolescents, it is necessary to take into account the results of the study, since such programs should be aimed at blocking the factors that form a certain type of suicide

    Typology and Factorial Conditioning of Suicidal Behavior of Adolescents

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    The problem of suicidal behavior of an individual continues to remain relevant, due to the increase in the number of suicides among people of different ages, on the one hand, and insufficient information about the factors of suicidal behavior of an individual. The purpose of the study is to identify the factors that determine the formation of a certain type of personality who committed suicidal attempts in adolescence. In order to identify the types of adolescent suicides, there was conducted a survey of 20 doctors in psychiatric clinical hospitals in Moscow. The survey results were processed using cluster analysis. To identify the factorial conditioning of suicidal behavior of each personality type, a complex of psychodiagnostic techniques was used, focused on the study of the characteristics of the emotional, value-semantic and behavioral spheres of the personality. The obtained empirical data were processed with the help of factor analysis. Three clusters have been identified that combine similar personality characteristics of suicides. It was specified that among adolescents there are the following personality types: “militant” (22%), “sacrifice” (54%) and “self-deprecating” (24%). Each type of adolescent suicide is due to the characteristics of the emotional, value-semantic and behavioral spheres of their personality. To develop targeted programs for the prevention of suicidal behavior among adolescents, it is necessary to take into account the results of the study, since such programs should be aimed at blocking the factors that form a certain type of suicide

    Typology and Factorial Conditioning of Suicidal Behavior of Adolescents

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    The problem of suicidal behavior of an individual continues to remain relevant, due to the increase in the number of suicides among people of different ages, on the one hand, and insufficient information about the factors of suicidal behavior of an individual. The purpose of the study is to identify the factors that determine the formation of a certain type of personality who committed suicidal attempts in adolescence. In order to identify the types of adolescent suicides, there was conducted a survey of 20 doctors in psychiatric clinical hospitals in Moscow. The survey results were processed using cluster analysis. To identify the factorial conditioning of suicidal behavior of each personality type, a complex of psychodiagnostic techniques was used, focused on the study of the characteristics of the emotional, value-semantic and behavioral spheres of the personality. The obtained empirical data were processed with the help of factor analysis. Three clusters have been identified that combine similar personality characteristics of suicides. It was specified that among adolescents there are the following personality types: “militant” (22%), “sacrifice” (54%) and “self-deprecating” (24%). Each type of adolescent suicide is due to the characteristics of the emotional, value-semantic and behavioral spheres of their personality. To develop targeted programs for the prevention of suicidal behavior among adolescents, it is necessary to take into account the results of the study, since such programs should be aimed at blocking the factors that form a certain type of suicide

    Self-determination of the transformation process of the body self-image in the structure of self-awareness of persons with cerebrospinal injuries

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    The research objective is to determine the specific features of the influence of self-determination on the transformation of the body self-image in the self-awareness of people with cerebrospinal injuries. The study involved 2,482 people: 682 subjects (18 to 40 years old) with an injury sustained in a period of up to 2 years; 811 subjects (18-40 years old) with an injury sustained in a period of 2-5 years; 989 subjects (18-40 years old) with an injury sustained in a period of over 5 years. The study of the body self-image was carried out with the proprietary methodology of MSBSI (multidimensional study of the body self-image) and the BIQLI questionnaire by T.F. Cash. The dynamics of the body self-image in individuals within different post-injury periods has been determined. The strong correlations between the features of the body self-image and the development level of a person's self-determination have been revealed. Psychological recovery of persons with cerebrospinal injuries should include programs focused on the development of a person's ability of self-determination. El objetivo de la investigación es determinar las características específicas de la influencia de la autodeterminación en la transformación de la autoimagen corporal en la autoconciencia de las personas con lesiones cerebroespinales. El estudio involucró a 2.482 personas: 682 sujetos (de 18 a 40 años) con una lesión sufrida en un período de hasta 2 años; 811 sujetos (18-40 años) con lesión sufrida en un período de 2-5 años; 989 sujetos (18-40 años) con lesión sufrida en un período superior a 5 años. El estudio de la autoimagen corporal se realizó con la metodología propia de MSBSI (estudio multidimensional de la autoimagen corporal) y el cuestionario BIQLI de T.F. Dinero en efectivo. Se ha determinado la dinámica de la autoimagen corporal de los individuos en diferentes períodos posteriores a la lesión. Se han revelado las fuertes correlaciones entre las características de la autoimagen corporal y el nivel de desarrollo de la autodeterminación de una persona. La recuperación psicológica de las personas con lesiones cerebroespinales debe incluir programas centrados en el desarrollo de la capacidad de autodeterminación de una persona