755 research outputs found

    The Personal Health Record (PHR): The Effects on Patient Healthcare Outcomes?

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    Electronic transmission of data is on the rise, due to the Affordable Care Act and provisions to make healthcare information more accessible, complete, and transparent. The Personal Health Record (PHR) application is a tool used to provide assistance to the goal of patient-centered and patient-centric care. Its purpose is to encourage consumers to become more participatory and informed in their healthcare treatment and healthcare needs. Since its inception, it has been questionable as to whether consumers and providers are seeing any improvements in the services provided or the care rendered. Since, the development and implementation of PHR applications, there has been some resistance from consumers for concerns of privacy and security of their information. This paper will discuss the uses of the PHR among consumers and providers and whether its use has impacted accessibility, services, and overall healthcare treatment/outcom

    Hubungan Antara Job Insecurity Dengan Motivasi Kerja Pada Karyawan PT. Nyonya Meneer Semarang

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    Motivasi kerja merupakan sesuatu yang menimbulkan semangat atau dorongan kerja, sehingga motivasi kerja yang timbul dalam diri seseorang atau pegawai untuk melakukan sesuatu karena adanya rangsangan dari luar baik itu dari atasan maupun lingkungan kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris hubungan antara job insecurity dengan motivasi kerja pada karyawan. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan negatif antara job insecurity dengan motivasi kerja pada karyawan PT. Nyonya Meneer Semarang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT. Nyonya Meneer Semarang, dengan menggunakan purposive sampling didapatkan jumlah sampel sebanyak 83 orang. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian menggunakan skala psikologi yang terdiri dari skala Job Insecurity (23 aitem:α=0,929) dan Skala Motivasi kerja (20 aitem: α=0,884). Analisis data dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi sederhana mengungkapkan bahwa ada hubungan negatif antara Job Insecurity dengan Motivasi Kerja (rxy=-0,223 ; p = 0,043), maka hipotesis dapat diterima. Artinya, semakin tinggi job insecurity maka motivasi kerja akan semakin menurun. Berlaku pula sebaliknya, semakin rendah job insecurity maka motivasi kerja akan semakin tinggi. Koefisien determasi menunjukkan secara simultan job insecurity dapat menjelaskan Perubahan motivasi kerja sebesar 5% dan selebihnya 95% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain

    Studi Water Balance Air Tanah di Kecamatan Kejayan, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Kebutuhan air yang meningkat menyebabkan orang yang menggunakan air sungai sebagai air baku beralih menggunakan air tanah yang mudah didapat dan dengan kualitasnya yang lebih baik, sehingga banyak dilakukan penggalian atau pengeboran sumur. Banyaknya penggunaan air tanah membuat muka air tanah menjadi semakin dalam dan timbul beberapa masalah akibat penyalahgunaan air tanah pada wilayah Kabupaten Pasuruan.Pada Kecamatan Kejayan cenderung didominasi oleh kawasan industri serta permukiman yang mayoritas menggunakan air tanah dalam produksinya.Oleh karena itu, tugas akhir ini akan meneliti potensi air tanah baik untuk mengidentifikasi air yang masuk (in) dan air yang keluar (out) di Kecamatan Kejayan,Kabupaten Pasuruan, Provinsi Jawa Timur dan mengevaluasi keseimbangan air tanah dengan menggunakan metode neraca air menurut metode Thornthwaite & Mather serta Metode Ffolliot.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setiap tahunnya nilai hasil perhitungan neraca air tidak mengalami defisit hingga tahun 2023. Serta melakukan upaya untuk menjaga kuantitas air secara terpadu pada wilayah tangkapan air atau sungai pada wilayah penelitian

    Pengaruh Corporate Governance terhadap Praktik Manajemen Laba (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bei pada Tahun 2010-2012)

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of corporate governance on the earnings management. Indicators used to measure corporate governance mechanisms in this study is the managerial ownership,institusional ownership, audit quality, and meeting frequency of audit comittee. While, earning management as the dependent variable was measured using a cash flow statement approach. This study uses secondary data with entire population of manufacturing companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2010-2012. The method used to determine the sample using purposive sampling. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression, regression testing prior to first tested the classical assumptions.The results of hypothesis testing showed that the managerial ownership did not significantly affect earnings management .Other result, institusional ownership and audit quality showed negatively affects the earning management. While, the frequency of meetings of audit comittee showwed positively effect on earnings management

    Safe Sleep Knowledge and Use of Provided Cribs in a Crib Delivery Program

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    Introduction. Risk of infant sleep-related death can be reducedthrough safe sleep practices. Barriers to infant safe sleep have beenmitigated through education and crib distribution, however, previousstudies have not explored whether distributed cribs are put to use. Methods. In a rural Michigan county, the Great Start Sleep Initiativesupplied cribs and education shortly after infant birth to familieswith high-risk of infant mortality, as assessed through comprehensiveinterviews with families by program staff. Participant knowledgewas evaluated using structured pre- and post-assessments beforeand after education. Further, a home visit was conducted to evaluatethe infant’s sleeping environment. Data from the program, collectedbetween January 2012 and December 2014, were evaluated. Results. Cribs and concomitant education were delivered to 75caregivers. Knowledge of safe sleep practices increased significantlyat follow-up with 67 caregivers (89%) affirming back positioning,68 (91%) endorsing removal of unsafe items or soft objects, suchas blankets, from the sleeping area, and 42 (56%) renouncing bedsharing.At the home visit, 74 caregivers (99%) were using a crib toput their infant down to sleep, 70 (93%) were using the providedcrib, and 67 (89%) had no unsafe items in the child’s sleeping area. Conclusion. Providing education to high-risk mothersresulted in improved safe sleep knowledge and providedcribs are used in these homes. KS J Med 2017;10(3):59-61

    Peralihan Hak Kepemilikan Harta Kekayaan yang Tidak Diketahui Pemilik dan Ahli Warisnya di Balai Harta Peninggalan Kota Medan

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    Switch means the transfer of ownership of the land from its owner to other parties due to the existence of a legal act. Transfer of rights of ownership of assets that are not known to exist based on Article 463 of the Civil Code which states that the Heritage Center as a representative for the people who are not known to exist to take care of property that is not present based on the stipulation of the District Court. In the submission, Heritage Hall Medan is not fully perform its obligations due to some constraints. Heritage Hall is the unit law enforcement in the field of wealth and trust in the Ministry of Justice. Heritage Hall authorities, obliged and responsible in dealing with problems in the field of guardianship, wardship, ketidakhadiranan, inheritance derelict and bankruptcy. Absence (afweigheid) is intended to provide certainty of one\u27s civil rights to both the left and abandoned.This type of research can be classified in this type of sociological research, because this research author directly conduct research on the location or point examined in order to provide a complete and clear picture of the issues examined. This research was conducted at the Center for Heritage city of Medan, while the sample population is a whole party with regard to the problems examined, the data source used, primary data, virgin secondary data and tertiary data collection techniques in this study with interviews and literature study.From the results of research and discussion can be concluded that, First, transition ownership of assets of unknown owners and their heirs are not going transition between the owner and occupants because of the obstacles that make Heritage Hall did not carry out its obligations in its staff, in the rules. Secondly, the legal consequences of the transfer of rights ownership of the assets of unknown owners and their heirs that no transfer of ownership of the assets to the occupant and the occupant can only occupy the building as an educational building
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