13 research outputs found

    KORVETAℱ - a new herbicide for the control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds in winter oilseed rape applied in spring

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    KORVETAℱ ist ein neues selektives Nachauflaufherbizid in Winterraps zur Anwendung im FrĂŒhjahr. KORVETA wird mit einmaliger Anwendung ab Vegetationsbeginn eingesetzt. Korveta kontrolliert ein breites Spektrum an wichtigen UnkrĂ€utern in Winterraps, einschließlich Centaurea cyanus, Galium aparine, Matricaria spp., und Papaver rhoeas und weißt eine sehr gute KulturpflanzenvertrĂ€glichkeit auf. KORVETA enthĂ€lt die beiden aktiven Wirkstoffe Arylex (4.8 g ae/L) und Clopyralid (120 g ae/L) und ist als Emulsionskonzentrat (EC) formuliert. Clopyralid wird schon seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich im Winterraps eingesetzt, der Wirkstoff Arylex ist ein neuer Wirkstoff aus der Gruppe der Auxin-Ă€hnlichen Herbizide fĂŒr die Nachauflauf-BekĂ€mpfung von wichtigen zweikeimblĂ€ttrigen UnkrĂ€utern. Arylex ist der erste Vertreter der Wirkstoffgruppe der ‘Arylpicolinate‘, einer neuen Gruppe innerhalb der HRAC-Gruppe O. Der wissenschaftliche Name von Arylex ist ‚Halauxifen-methyl‘ (Dow AgroSciences, 2013). Mit einer maximalen Aufwandmenge von 1 L/ha werden 4,8 g ae/ha Arylex und 120 g ae/ha Clopyralid ausgebracht. Mit KORVETA bietet sich dem Anwender in Zukunft ein neues BekĂ€mpfungskonzept zur UnkrautbekĂ€mpfung im FrĂŒhjahr im Winterraps.KORVETAℱ herbicide is a novel selective post-emergence herbicide for use on winter oilseed rape applied as a spring application. KORVETA provides superior control of a wide range of important annual broad-leaved weeds in winter oilseed rape, including Centaurea cyanus, Galium aparine, Matricaria spp. and Papaver rhoeas, combined with a robust crop safety. KORVETA combines both actives Arylex and clopyralid and therefore contains two non-ALS mode of actions. While clopyralid has been widely used in oilseed rape in recent years, Arylex is a new auxinic herbicide for the post-emergence weed control of key broad-leaved weeds. Arylex is the first member of the ‘Arylpicolinate’ structural class, a new class within the HRAC Group O. The ISO common name of Arylex is ‘halauxifen-methyl’ (Dow AgroSciences, 2013). With a maximum use rate of 1 L /ha, KORVETA will deliver 4.8 g ae/ha of Arylex and 120 g ae/ha of clopyralid. KORVETA is formulated as an emulsifiable concentrate (EC). KORVETA will be applied as a single application from crop stage BBCH 30 up to BBCH 50 and will give growers a new tool to control the key broad-leaved weeds occurring in oilseed crop in the spring

    BELKARℱ - a new herbicide for the control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds in winter oilseed rape applied post-emergence in autumn

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    Autumn-applied pre-emergence herbicides are currently the primary options for weed control used in winter oilseed rape. A characteristic of the new product BELKARTM herbicide is that it will be applied post-emergence in autumn. BELKAR combines both active ingredients ArylexTM Active and Picloram and therefore contains two non-ALS mode of actions. While Picloram has been widely used in oilseed rape in recent years, Arylex is a new auxinic herbicide for the post-emergence weed control of important broad-leaved weeds. Arylex is the first member of the ‘Arylpicolinate’ structural class, a new class within the HRAC Group O. The ISO common name of Arylex is ‘halauxifen-methyl’ (DOW AGROSCIENCES, 2013). BELKAR is the first herbicide in Europe containing this active for the use in winter oilseed rape. With a maximum use rate of 0.5 L/ha, the product will deliver 4.8 g ae/ha of Arylex and 24 g ae/ha of Picloram. BELKAR can be applied as a sequential application from crop stage of BBCH 12-14 at rates of 0.25 L/ha or a single application with 0.5 L/ha from crop stage BBCH 16. BELKAR provides control of a wide range of key weeds, including most important ones such as Capsella bursa-pastoris, Centaurea cyanus, Galium aparine, Papaver rhoeas, Geranium spp., Thlaspi arvense, Matricaria spp. and Descurainia sophia. With BELKAR, a post-emergence herbicide application in autumn offers a viable option for effective weed control in oilseed rape. As a new concept, the tank mix combination BELKAR with the active ingredient Aminopyralid will even more expand the weed spectrum and will provide an alternative to preemergence herbicide applications in winter oilseed rape

    Extracorporeal photopheresis as first line strategy in the treatment of acute graftversus-host disease after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a single centre experience

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    International audienceBackground aims: Corticosteroids are the standard first-line treatment for acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD), but they are associated with many complications, and less than half of patients have a sustained response.Methods: To improve outcomes, we performed a retrospective study to analyze the efficacy of the addition of extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) to low-dose corticosteroids in 37 adult patients (median age, 57 years) with skin-predominant aGVHD (grade I, n = 17; grade II, n = 18; and grade III, n = 2). All patients received ECP in combination with 1 mg/kg prednisone (n = 26) or topical steroids (n = 11).Results: Overall response rate was 81% after a median of three ECP procedures (range, 2–8), including 22 complete responses (CR, 59%) and eight very good partial responses (VGPR, 22%). The 11 patients treated with topical corticosteroids achieved CR. Furthermore, 16 (62%) patients reached prednisone withdrawal at a median of 100 days (range, 42–174 days) after its initiation. Eighteen patients developed chronic GVHD (cGVHD); 11 of them (who were in CR of aGVHD) had a new-onset cGVHD, and seven experienced progressive cGVHD (five non-responding and two VGPR patients). A second-line immunosuppressive treatment was initiated in only five (14%) non-responding patients. With a median follow-up of 31 months (range, 6–57 months) 2-year overall survival and non-relapse mortality were 74% and 11%, respectively.Conclusions: Overall, the combination of low-dose corticosteroids and ECP appear to be safe and effective for first-line treatment of skin predominant aGVHD

    Les unitĂ©s de gĂ©riatrie au dĂ©but de l’épidĂ©mie du Covid-19 de 2020 en France

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    International audienceThe COVID-19 epidemic that started in November in China became a national epidemic from March 16, 2020 with the declaration of population containment in order to reduce the spread of the virus in France. From March 17 to March 27, 2020, the monitoring unit of the French society of geriatrics and gerontology decided to conduct a survey to analyze the implementation of the mobilization of geriatric units, given that this epidemic had shown that it resulted in excess mortality mainly among the elderly. The survey was able to bring together the response of 34 services, nine of which were located in a high epidemic cluster zone. Dedicated acute geriatric units for patients infected with COVID-19 were present in eight facilities, only outside the cluster zones. Nine geriatric follow-up and rehabilitation services were dedicated, an additional telemedicine activity concerned 35% of the facilities, and family listening and tablet communication facilities concerned 36% of the facilities. This survey is a snapshot of an initial moment in the epidemic. It provides an opportunity to describe the context in which this epidemic occurred in terms of geriatric policy, and to assess the responsiveness and inventiveness of these services in meeting the needs of the elderly.L’épidĂ©mie de Covid-19 qui avait dĂ©butĂ© en novembre en Chine est devenue une Ă©pidĂ©mie en France Ă  partir du 16 mars 2020 avec la dĂ©claration du confinement de la population afin de diminuer la propagation du virus. DĂšs le 17 mars et jusqu’au 27 mars 2020, la cellule de veille de la SociĂ©tĂ© française de gĂ©riatrie et gĂ©rontologie dĂ©cide de mener une enquĂȘte pour analyser la mise en place de la mobilisation des structures de gĂ©riatrie, Ă©tant donnĂ© que cette Ă©pidĂ©mie avait montrĂ© qu’elle entraĂźnait une surmortalitĂ© majoritairement chez les personnes ĂągĂ©es. L’enquĂȘte a pu rĂ©unir la rĂ©ponse de 34 structures, dont neuf Ă©taient situĂ©es en zone cluster de forte Ă©pidĂ©mie. Des services de court sĂ©jour gĂ©riatriques dĂ©diĂ©s pour les patients infectĂ©s par le Covid-19 Ă©taient prĂ©sents dans huit Ă©tablissements, uniquement hors des zones clusters. Neuf soins de suite et de rĂ©Ă©ducation gĂ©riatriques ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©diĂ©s, une activitĂ© supplĂ©mentaire de tĂ©lĂ©mĂ©decine concernait 35 % des Ă©tablissements, et des moyens d’écoute des familles, d’animation et de communication par tablettes concernaient 36 % des Ă©tablissements. Cette enquĂȘte est une photographie d’un moment initial de l’épidĂ©mie. Elle donne l’occasion de dĂ©crire le contexte dans lequel cette Ă©pidĂ©mie est survenue en ce qui concerne la politique gĂ©riatrique, et d’apprĂ©cier la rĂ©activitĂ© et l’inventivitĂ© de ces services pour rĂ©pondre aux besoins des personnes ĂągĂ©es