62 research outputs found

    Understanding the motivations, challenges, and practices of software rejuvenation

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    The continuous evolution of programming languages has brought benefits and new challenges for software developers. In recent years, we have witnessed a rapid release of new versions of mainstream programming languages like Java. While these advancements promise better security, enhanced performance, and increased developers’ productivity, the constant release of new language versions has posed a particular challenge for practitioners: how to keep their systems up-to-date with new language releases. This thesis aims to understand the pains, motivations, and practices developers follow during rejuvenating efforts—a particular kind of software maintenance whose goal is to avoid obsolesce due to the evolution of programming languages. To this end, we are building and validating a theory using a mixed methods study. In the first study, we interviewed 23 software developers and used the Constructivist Grounded Theory Method to identify recurrent challenges and practices used in rejuvenation efforts. In the second study, we mined the software repositories of open-source projects written in C++ and JavaScript to identify the adoption of new language features and whether or not software developers conduct large rejuvenation efforts. The first study highlights the benefits of new feature adoption and rejuvenation, revealing developer methods and challenges. The second study emphasizes open-source adoption trends and patterns for modern features. In the third and final study, our goal is to share our theory on software rejuvenation with practitioners through the Focus Group method with industrial patterns.(undefined

    Laboratório remoto baseado em FPGA aplicado nas disciplinas de Prática de Eletrônica Digital 1 e 2 da Faculdade UnB Gama

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama (FGA), Engenharia Eletrônica, 2018.O presente projeto visa a criação de um laboratório remoto em FPGA aplicado nas disciplinas de Prática de Eletrônica Digital 1 e Prática de Eletrônica Digital 2 da Faculdade UnB Gama a fim de mitigar o problema da falta dos kits de desenvolvimento da Basys 3 na Faculdade UnB Gama, possibilitando os alunos a trabalharem fora do ambiente acadêmico e como consequência melhorar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, além de ser uma solução mais barata do que a aquisição de novos kits. Trata-se do desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura de hardware embarcada no FPGA e um modelo de aplicação cliente-servidor para a execução de uma interface gráfica web. O usuário é capaz de implementar seu projeto VHDL e interagir com a placa remotamente, a partir das chaves, botões, LEDS e displays de sete segmentos virtuais disponíveis na interface simulando esses componentes físicos do FPGA, além de acompanhar ao vivo a partir de uma transmissão web os resultados no kit Basys 3. Experimentos usando circuitos sequenciais e máquinas de estados demonstram a correta interação entre o servidor, a placa e o usuário, portanto a solução é viável e demonstrou ser facilmente replicável para ser aplicado em qualquer tipo de servidor e FPGAs.The current project aims the establishment of a remote FGPA laboratory in the subject Digital Electronic Practice 1 ) and Digital Electronic Practice 2 of University of Brasilia (UnB) – Gama Campus, in order to minimize the lack of Basys 3 development kit problem at UnB Gama, making it possible for students to work outside the academic environment and, as a consequence, improve the teaching-learning process, it is also a cheaper solution rather than purchasing new kits. It is the development of a hardware architecture embedded in FPGA and a client-server model application to run a graphic web interface. The user is able to implement the VHDL project and interact with the board remotely, from switches, buttons, LEDs and displays of seven virtual segments available on the interface simulating these FGPA hardware components, as well as follow the results of Kit Basys 3 live from a web live video broadcast. Experiments using sequential circuits and state machines show the right interaction between server, board and user, thus the solution is viable and showed to be easily replicable

    Detecting Semantic Conflicts using Static Analysis

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    Version control system tools empower developers to independently work on their development tasks. These tools also facilitate the integration of changes through merging operations, and report textual conflicts. However, when developers integrate their changes, they might encounter other types of conflicts that are not detected by current merge tools. In this paper, we focus on dynamic semantic conflicts, which occur when merging reports no textual conflicts but results in undesired interference - causing unexpected program behavior at runtime. To address this issue, we propose a technique that explores the use of static analysis to detect interference when merging contributions from two developers. We evaluate our technique using a dataset of 99 experimental units extracted from merge scenarios. The results provide evidence that our technique presents significant interference detection capability. It outperforms, in terms of F1 score and recall, previous methods that rely on dynamic analysis for detecting semantic conflicts, but these show better precision. Our technique precision is comparable to the ones observed in other studies that also leverage static analysis or use theorem proving techniques to detect semantic conflicts, albeit with significantly improved overall performance

    Understanding the impact of introducing Lambda expressions in Java Programs

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    Background: The Java programming language version eight introduced several features that encourage the func­ tional style of programming, including the support for lambda expressions and the Stream API. Currently, there is a common wisdom that refactoring legacy code to introduce lambda expressions, besides other potential benefits, simplifies the code and improves program comprehension. Aims: The purpose of this work is to investigate this belief, conducting an in­depth study to evaluate the effect of introducing lambda expressions on program compre­hension. Method: We conducted this research using a mixed­method approach. For the quantitative method, we quantitatively analyzed 158 pairs of code snippets extracted directly either from GitHub or from recommendations from three tools (RJTL, NetBeans, and IntelliJ). We also surveyed practitioners to collect their perceptions about the benefits on program comprehension when introducing lambda expressions. We asked practitioners to evaluate and rate sets of pairs of code snippets. Results: We found contradictory results in our research. Based on the quantitative assessment, we could not find evidence that the introduction of lambda expressions improves software readability— one of the components of program comprehension. Our results suggest that the transformations recommended by the aforementioned tools decrease program comprehension when assessed by two state­of­the­art models to esti­mate readability. Differently, our findings of the qualitative assessment suggest that the introduction of lambda expression improves program comprehension in three scenarios when: we convert anonymous inner classes to a lambda expression, use structural loops with inner conditional to an anyMatch operator, and apply structural loops to filter operator combined with a collect method. Implications: We argue in this paper that one can improve program comprehension when he/she applies particular transformations to introduce lambda expressions (e.g., re­placing anonymous inner classes with lambda expressions). Also, the opinion of the participants highlights which kind of transformation for introducing lambda might be advantageous. This might support the implementation of effective tools for automatic program transformations

    Reflexos comportamentais da Covid-19 em crianças com autismo

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    Em tempos históricos a qual a pandemia da COVID-19 eclodiu, crianças com autismo indicavam-se prejudicadas quanto ao desenvolvimento e aprendizagem. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a partir de uma revisão sistemática avaliar o impacto e as principais mudanças de comportamento em crianças diagnosticadas com TEA durante tal contexto pandêmico. A pesquisa foi operacionalizada a partir da busca de artigos na base de dados PubMed, com palavras-chave relacionadas ao autismo e à pandemia da COVID-19 no período de 2020 à 2021. Os resultados indicaram alterações nos padrões de comportamento de crianças com TEA, especialmente no que se refere ao aumento de crises, estereotipias, agressões, hiperatividade, além de apontamentos sobre os prejuízos do isolamento social e redução das estimulações voltadas às habilidades sociais. Maiores estudos se fazem de extrema importância para reverter tal panorama e alcançar maior qualidade de vida a tais crianças e responsáveis

    Perceptions of social surveillance and control linked to the use of mobile communication devices

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    Este artigo apresenta um recorte de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa exploratória que teve por finalidade apreender como os usuários de dispositivos comunicacionais móveis manejam, a partir do uso cotidiano, as questões relacionadas com as práticas interacionais1. A amostra foi composta por 120 estudantes universitários de seis cidades da região nordeste do Brasil. Neste texto, apresentamos as discussões acerca do conjunto categórico intitulado Percepções de ações de vigilância e controle, composto pelas categorias: (i) vigilância e controle sobre a vida cotidiana; (ii) vigilância e controle de presença social; (iii) vigilância e controle em relação às situações de proximidade física; e (iv) vigilância em relação ao controle dos dados. Os resultados sinalizam a existência e o desenvolvimento de novas práticas sociais de monitoramento, facilitadas pela presença de condicionantes e recursos técnicos associados à expansão da comunicação móvel, com consequências diretas e indiretas nos processos de ajustamentos sociais dos indivíduos, tendo como destaque a influência das expectativas promosociais advindas das comunicações face a face nas negociações das práticas interacionais mediadas pelos dispositivos móveis.Palavras-chave: interações sociais, interações mediadas, vigilância social, controle social, reflexividade, dispositivos comunicacionais móveis, jovens universitários.This article presents part of a qualitative exploratory approach research that aimed at understanding how the users of mobile communication devices manage, from everyday use, questions related to interactional practices. The sample consisted of 120 university students from six cities in the northeastern region of Brazil. In this text, we present the discussions about the categorical set entitled Perceptions of surveillance and control actions, composed of the categories: (i) surveillance and control over everyday life; (ii) surveillance and control of social presence; (iii) surveillance and control in relation to situations of physical proximity; and (iv) surveillance in relation to data control. The results indicate the existence and development of new social monitoring practices, facilitated by the presence of constraints and technical resources associated to the expansion of mobile communication, with direct and indirect consequences to the processes of social adjustment of individuals, with emphasis on the influence of social expectations arising from face-to-face communications in the negotiation of interactive practices mediated by mobile devices.Keywords: social interactions, mediated interactions, social surveillance, social control, reflexivity, mobile communications devices, young university students

    Characterization of the Recombinant Thermostable Lipase (Pf2001) from Pyrococcus furiosus: Effects of Thioredoxin Fusion Tag and Triton X-100

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    In this work, the lipase from Pyrococcus furiosus encoded by ORF PF2001 was expressed with a fusion protein (thioredoxin) in Escherichia coli. The purified enzymes with the thioredoxin tag (TRX−PF2001Δ60) and without the thioredoxin tag (PF2001Δ60) were characterized, and various influences of Triton X-100 were determined. The optimal temperature for both enzymes was 80°C. Although the thioredoxin presence did not influence the optimum temperature, the TRX−PF2001Δ60 presented specific activity twice lower than the enzyme PF2001Δ60. The enzyme PF2001Δ60 was assayed using MUF-acetate, MUF-heptanoate, and MUF-palmitate. MUF-heptanoate was the preferred substrate of this enzyme. The chelators EDTA and EGTA increased the enzyme activity by 97 and 70%, respectively. The surfactant Triton X-100 reduced the enzyme activity by 50% and lowered the optimum temperature to 60°C. However, the thermostability of the enzyme PF2001Δ60 was enhanced with Triton X-100

    Semantic dependencies and modularity of aspect-oriented software

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    Modularization of crosscutting concerns is the main benefit provided by Aspect-Oriented constructs. In order to rigorously assess the overall impact of this kind of modularization, we use Design Structure Matrixes (DSMs) to analyze different versions (OO and AO) of a system. This is supported by the concept of semantic dependencies between classes and aspects, leading to a more faithful notion of coupling for AO systems. We also show how design rules can make those dependencies explicit and, consequently, yield a more modular design