111 research outputs found

    The Ultrastructure of the Corpus Luteum of the Goat

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    The ultra structure of luteal cells and the proportion of the different cell types in the functional corpus luteum of the goat were studied using the electron microscope. Two luteal cell types, large and small, were present in the corpus luteum of this species. The large more rounded luteal cell possessed numerous mitochondria and electron dense membrane- bound granules, extensive agranular endoplasmic reticulum and granular endoplasmic reticulum which at times appeared as stacks of closely packed cisternae. Few lipid droplets were present iri the luteal cell cytoplasma while whorled agranular endoplasmic reticulum was absent. Interspersed amongst the large luteal cells were smaller luteal cells with tapering cytoplasmic processes. These cells differed from the large luteal cells in that they possessed fewer mitochondria and electron dense membrane- bound granules. Occasional nuclei of the small luteal cells contained cytoplasmic inclusion bodies

    Gene expression fingerprint of uterine serous papillary carcinoma: identification of novel molecular markers for uterine serous cancer diagnosis and therapy

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    Uterine serous papillary cancer (USPC) represents a rare but highly aggressive variant of endometrial cancer, the most common gynecologic tumour in women. We used oligonucleotide microarrays that interrogate the expression of some 10 000 known genes to profile 10 highly purified primary USPC cultures and five normal endometrial cells (NEC). We report that unsupervised analysis of mRNA fingerprints readily distinguished USPC from normal endometrial epithelial cells and identified 139 and 390 genes that exhibited >5-fold upregulation and downregulation, respectively, in primary USPC when compared to NEC. Many of the genes upregulated in USPC were found to represent adhesion molecules, secreted proteins and oncogenes, such as L1 cell adhesion molecule, claudin-3 and claudin-4, kallikrein 6 (protease M) and kallikrein 10 (NES1), interleukin-6 and c-erbB2. Downregulated genes in USPC included SEMACAP3, ras homolog gene family, member I (ARHI), and differentially downregulated in ovarian carcinoma gene 1. Quantitative RT–PCR was used to validate differences in gene expression between USPC and NEC for several of these genes. Owing to its potential as a novel therapeutic marker, expression of the high-affinity epithelial receptor for Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE) claudin-4 was further validated through immunohistochemical analysis of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens from which the primary USPC cultures were obtained, as well as an independent set of archival USPC specimens. Finally, the sensitivity of primary USPC to the administration of scalar doses of CPE in vitro was also demonstrated. Our results highlight the novel molecular features of USPC and provide a foundation for the development of new type-specific therapies against this highly aggressive variant of endometrial cancer

    A comparison of polarized and non-polarized human endometrial monolayer culture systems on murine embryo development

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    BACKGROUND: Co-culture of embryos with various somatic cells has been suggested as a promising approach to improve embryo development. Despite numerous reports regarding the beneficial effects of epithelial cells from the female genital tract on embryo development in a co-culture system, little is known about the effect of these cells when being cultured under a polarized condition on embryo growth. Our study evaluated the effects of in vitro polarized cells on pre-embryo development. METHODS: Human endometrial tissue was obtained from uterine specimens excised at total hysterectomy performed for benign indications. Epithelial cells were promptly isolated and cultured either on extra-cellular matrix gel (ECM-Gel) coated millipore filter inserts (polarized) or plastic surfaces (non-polarized). The epithelial nature of the cells cultured on plastic was confirmed through immunohistochemistry, and polarization of cells cultured on ECM-Gel was evaluated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). One or two-cell stage embryos of a superovulated NMRI mouse were then flushed and placed in culture with either polarized or non-polarized cells and medium alone. Development rates were determined for all embryos daily and statistically compared. At the end of the cultivation period, trophectoderm (TE) and inner cell mass (ICM) of expanded blastocysts from each group were examined microscopically. RESULTS: Endometrial epithelial cells cultured on ECM-Gel had a highly polarized columnar shape as opposed to the flattened shape of the cells cultured on a plastic surface. The two-cell embryos cultured on a polarized monolayer had a higher developmental rate than those from the non-polarized cells. There was no statistically significant difference; still, the blastocysts from the polarized monolayer, in comparison with the non-polarized group, had a significantly higher mean cell number. The development of one-cell embryos in the polarized and non-polarized groups showed no statistically significant difference. CONCLUSION: Polarized cells could improve in vitro embryo development from the two-cell stage more in terms of quality (increasing blastocyst cellularity) than in terms of developmental rate

    Chromosome banding homologies of a tandem fusion in river, swamp, and crossbred buffaloes (bubalus bubalis)

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    The chromosomes of the Murrah (River), Swamp (Malaysian kerbau), F1 hybrid (Murrah × Swamp) and first generation backcross (F1 hybrid female × Murrah male) buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis L.) were studied using Giemsa (G) and centromeric (C) banding techniques. The diploid chromosome number for the Murrah was 2n = 50, Swamp 2n = 48, F1 hybrid 2n = 49 and two backcross animals had 2n = 49 and 2n = 50, respectively. The largest two metacentric chromosomes of the Swamp resulted from a tandem fusion between the two chromosomes 4p and 9, respectively, of the Murrah karyotype. The F1 hybrid (2n = 49) and one of the backcrosses (2n = 49) had karyotypes intermediate to the Murrah and Swamp parents. The C banding patterns were useful in identifying the X and Y chromosomes of the buffalo and demonstrated that a major portion of the centromere region of chromosome 9 was not incorporated into chromosome 4 during the tandem fusion