11 research outputs found

    Utility of models of the gastrointestinal tract for assessment of the digestion and absorption of engineered nanomaterials released from food matrices

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    Engineered metal/mineral, lipid and biochemical macromolecule nanomaterials (NMs) have potential applications in food. Methodologies for the assessment of NM digestion and bioavailability in the gastrointestinal tract are nascent and require refinement. A working group was tasked by the International Life Sciences Institute NanoRelease Food Additive project to review existing models of the gastrointestinal tract in health and disease, and the utility of these models for the assessment of the uptake of NMs intended for food. Gastrointestinal digestion and absorption could be addressed in a tiered approach using in silico computational models, in vitro non-cellular fluid systems and in vitro cell culture models, after which the necessity of ex vivo organ culture and in vivo animal studies can be considered. Examples of NM quantification in gastrointestinal tract fluids and tissues are emerging; however, few standardized analytical techniques are available. Coupling of these techniques to gastrointestinal models, along with further standardization, will further strengthen methodologies for risk assessment

    Ultra-structural and histochemical analysis of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) liver treated with fumonisin B1

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    The histopathological effects of fumonisin B1 (FB1) injected intraperitoneally (IP), was evaluated in catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Fishes were divided into four Groups. Groups II, III and IV were treated IP with FB1 injections of 1; 5 and 10 mg/kg bw/day, respectively, during 21 days. At the 7th, 14th and 21st day, fishes were sacrificed. The livers were hystologicaly analysed by the light and transmission electronic microscopy. Livers from the 7th day showed organelles alterations, particularly in the granular endoplasmatic reticle, mitochondria, nucleus and nucleolus mediated by FB1 doses. The occurrence of processes involved in the necrosis and apoptosis was detected. At the highest FB1 dose,the livers presented an intense response with an accentuate tissue disorganization, absence of cell limits and intense cytoplasm vacuolization. The image analysis showed the occurrence of necrosis in some areas, characterized by fully broken or swollen cells. The apoptosis was observed as the cytoplasm contraction and the chromatin formed masses concentrated in the edge of the nucleus. There was strong evidence that the numerous hepatocytes in the liver from the fishes under the toxic dose of FBs were selectively removed by the apoptosis process.<br>Os efeitos histopatológicos da fumonisina B1 (FB1) foram avaliados quando a toxina foi aplicada intraperitoneal (IP) em bagre (Ictalurus punctatus). Os peixes foram divididos em 4 Grupos, sendo que os Grupos II, III e IV foram tratados com FB1 em injeções IP nas concentrações de 1; 5 e 10 mg/kg p.c./dia, respectivamente, durante 21 dias. No 7º, 14ºe 21º dia de tratamento, amostras de peixe de cada Grupo foram sacrificadas. Os figados foram analisados histopatologicamente por microscopia de luz e de transmissão eletrônica. Desde o dia 7 de coleta, os fígados apresentaram alterações em diversas organelas, principalmente no retículo endoplasmático, citoplasma, núcleo e nucléolo mediadas pelas doses de FB1. A ocorrência de processos envolvidos em necrose e apoptose foi detectada. A níveis mais elevados, os fígados apresentaram resposta intensa para FB1, com acentuada desorganização dos tecidos, ausência de limites das células e intensa vacuolização do citoplasma. A análise por imagem revelou ocorrência de necrose em determinadas áreas, caracterizada pela presença de células totalmente quebradas ou edemaciadas. A apoptose foi observada pela contração do citoplasma e formação de massas de cromatina concentradas nas extremidades do núcleo. Há uma forte evidência de que numerosos hepatócitos no fígado do peixe sob doses tóxicas de FBs sejam seletivamente removidos pelo processo de apoptose

    Ocorrência, aspectos toxicológicos, métodos analíticos e controle da patulina em alimentos Occurrence, toxicological aspects, analytical methods and control of patulin in food

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    A patulina é uma micotoxina produzida por várias espécies de Penicillium, Aspergillus e Byssochlamys. Em experimentos com animais, ela demonstrou ter atividade mutagênica, carcinogênica e teratogênica. Tem sido freqüentemente encontrada em maçãs e derivados. A patulina é facilmente transferida da maçã para o suco durante o processamento devido a sua alta solubilidade em água. Essa micotoxina é muito estável ao aquecimento em meio ácido, como no suco de maçã. Assim, a presença de patulina em suco de maçã é um indicador da qualidade das maçãs utilizadas no processamento. Muitos métodos têm sido desenvolvidos para a determinação da patulina, principalmente baseados na extração líquido-líquido com acetato de etila e determinação por CLAE. É importante evidenciar a necessidade de legislação que regulamente limites dessa micotoxina em alimentos no Brasil. Esta revisão bibliográfica tem como objetivos descrever as principais características da patulina, a ocorrência, os aspectos toxicológicose os métodos desenvolvidos para sua detecção e controle durante os estágios da produção da maçã e suco.<br>Patulin is a mycotoxin produced by several Penicillium, Aspergillus and Byssochlamys species. Patulin is a highly toxic compound which has shown to be mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic in experiments with animals. It has often been found in apples and apple products. Patulin is easily transfered into apple juice during processing due to its high solubility in water. This mycotoxin is very stable to heat in acidic medium as in apple juice. Thus, patulin content of apple juice is an indicator of the quality of the apples used to juice production. Many methods have been developed for the patulin determination mainly based on liquid-liquid extraction with ethyl acetate and use of HPLC for detection. It is important to show the need of legislation that imposes patulin limits in foods in Brazil. The objectives of this review are to describe the main patulin characteristics, occurrence, toxicological aspects, methods developed for patulin detection and control during the stages of apple and juice production

    Approaches to modelling land erodibility by wind

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    Land susceptibility to wind erosion is governed by complex multiscale interactions between soil erodibility and non-erodible roughness elements populating the land surface. Numerous wind erosion modelling systems have been developed to quantify soil loss and dust emissions at the field, regional and global scales. All of these models require some component that defines the susceptibility of the land surface to erosion, ie, land erodibility. The approaches taken to characterizing land erodibility have advanced through time, following developments in empirical and process-based research into erosion mechanics, and the growing availability of moderate to high-resolution spatial data that can be used as model inputs. Most importantly, the performance of individual models is highly dependent on the means by which soil erodibility and surface roughness effects are represented in their land erodibility characterizations. This paper presents a systematic review of a selection of wind erosion models developed over the last 50 years. The review evaluates how land erodibility has been modelled at different spatial and temporal scales, and in doing this the paper identifies concepts behind parameterizations of land erodibility, trends in model development, and recent progress in the representation of soil, vegetation and land management effects on the susceptibility of landscapes to wind erosion. The paper provides a synthesis of the capabilities of the models in assessing dynamic patterns of land erodibility change, and concludes by identifying key areas that require research attention to enhance our capacity to achieve this task