164 research outputs found

    An ideational level of Ukrainian counterpropaganda: the communicative-discursive dimension

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    The article reveals Ukrainian counterpropaganda ideational structures against Russian propaganda during an active phase of the hybrid war.The purpose of the research is to identify the Ukrainian counterpropaganda tools to debunk mythologemes and ideologemes of Russian narrative. The article uses the narrative-discursive analysis method to identify some narrative models of conceptualizing the war as variants of "Tales of the Just War" constructing the schematic narrative templates; structural-semantic modeling and the method of reconstruction of manipulative meanings known as the simulacrum. The main conclusions are that counterpropaganda operates with discourse-forming concepts, mythologemes and ideologemes by means of de-mythologizing, anti-mythologizing and revealing the contradictions of Russian narrative integrated with concepts-ideas of self-defense, messianism and reunification.Demythologization relies on some national narratives, symbols, and archetypes from the memory fields of the Ukrainians and aims at counteracting Russian mythologemes in oppositions: a pseudo-nation and pseudo-state vs. a full-fledged national identity and statehood; a tool of the West vs. people of Western culture; Russia as a liberator of the Ukrainians vs. a liberation struggle of the Ukrainians against Russian aggression.Anti-mythologizing relies on current facts and events that refute propagandist ideologemes, restore a distorted "possible world" and the roles reversed by Russian propaganda

    Phenomenology of GeV-scale scalar portal

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    We review and revise the phenomenology of the scalar portal -- a new scalar particle with the mass in GeV range that mixes with the Higgs boson. In particular, we consider production channels BSK1(1270)B\to S K_1(1270) and BSK0(700)B\to S K_0^*(700) and show that their contribution is significant. We extend the previous analysis by comparing the production of scalars from decays of mesons, of the Higgs bosons and direct production via proton bremsstrahlung, deep inelastic scattering and coherent scattering on nuclei. Relative efficiency of the production channels depends on the energy of the beam and we consider the energies of DUNE, SHiP and LHC-based experiments. We present our results in the form directly suitable for calculations of experimental sensitivities.Comment: Journal versio

    Expositional design of the Audi museum in Ingolstadt: representation of the brand’s characteristics in automobile industry history

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    Modern automotive brand museums belong to the corporate museum class; thus, they are versatile in that they perform multiple tasks. They not only satisfy the visitors’ desire to receive new information, but also realise the business goals of brand representation, both increasing loyalty to it, and developing corporate culture. The current trend in automotive brand museums’ design is that the artistic solutions for the exhibition environment form associations among visitors that reflect the personality of a particular brand. This article analyses the scenario-design organisation of the museum exhibition of the Audi brand, which, during over 100 years in the automotive market, has formed its unique and inimitable image. Here we reveal the design means of exposition construction, where the exhibits are integrated into the economic and social conditions of their existence, forming an idea of important milestones in the history of the twentieth century

    The problem of domestic enterprises entrance to the european markets

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    Міжнародний ринок є надзвичайно містким, що створює значні перспективи для підприємств, але одночасно висуває й додаткові вимоги до керівництва. Експортно-імпортна політика підприємства потребує специфічного підходу до підтримання конкурентоспроможності продукції та фірми безпосередньо як з кількісних, так і якісних параметрів і стараннішого дотримання принципів і методів сучасного маркетингу. Вихід вітчизняних товаровиробників на європейський ринок – питання, яке в останні часи набуло особливої актуальності. Для ефективного включення у світовий економічний простір українським підприємствам необхідно виробляти таку продукцію, яка буде конкурентоспроможною на зовнішніх ринках. Це може бути досягнуто на підставі розроблення стратегії просування національного експорту на світовому ринку. Така стратегія повинна полягати не в простому нарощуванні обсягів експорту, а в сприянні створенню довготермінових конкурентних переваг і стабільному розширенні, якісному поліпшенні й на основі цих переваг, позицій країни на світовому ринку. Розглянуто перспективи, що відкриваються перед вітчизняними підприємствами, пов`язані з їх виходом на європейський ринок та існуючі проблеми зовнішнього і внутрішнього характеру, які потребують негайного подолання. Проаналізовано динаміку торгівлі товарами та послугами України з країнами ЄС. Досліджено основні стратегії виходу українських підприємств на зовнішні ринки. Також досліджено процес реалізації політичного курсу України як європейської держави, котра прагне рівноправного партнерства з країнами європейського простору. Окрім того, розроблено рекомендації щодо відповідності продукції українських підприємств вимогам європейських стандартів. Отже, участь України у міжнародних інтеграційних процесах є необхідною умовою формування економічної стабільності країни, затвердження її позицій у системі міжнародних відносин.The international market is extremely vast creating significant prospects for enterprises, but at the same time put forward additional demands to management. The export-import policy of the enterprise requires the specific approach to maintaining the competitiveness of products and the firm directly, both in terms of quantity and quality parameters, and more careful adherence to the principles and methods of modern marketing. The entrance of domestic producers to the European market has been recently an important problem. For effectively integration into the world economic space, it is necessary for Ukrainian enterprises to produce products competitive in foreign markets. This can be achieved due to the strategy development for activities of national export promotion in the world market. Such strategy should not be to aimed only at the export volumes increase, but at the promotion of long-term competitive advantages and stable expansion, based on these advantages quality improvement of the country's position in the world market. The prospects for domestic enterprises concerning their entrance to the European market and the existing problems of external and internal nature, which require immediate solution are described in this paper. The dynamics of goods and services trade of Ukraine with EU countries is analyzed. The main strategies of Ukrainian enterprises entrance to foreign markets are investigated. The process of implementation of the political course of Ukraine as the European state, which tends to equal partnership with the countries of the European space is investigated in this paper. Moreover, recommendations concerning the Ukrainian enterprises products conformity with the requirements of European standards are developed. Therefore, Ukraine's participation in international integration processes is the necessary condition for the country economic stability formation, its position approval in the international relations system

    Learning German grammar after English: Let us give Ukrainian students a chance

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    The problem of developing grammatical competence of pre-service philologists, teachers, interpreters, and translators while learning German after English is quite urgent nowadays as it is a typical second foreign language after English. The reasons for students’ unacceptable level of German are examined by analyzing the results of the survey of 437 students and 37 academics from nine Ukrainian universities and singling out the five groups of factors. The study is based on the following research methods: critical analysis of local and foreign scientific works; generalizing the teaching experience of German as a foreign language after English, scientific observation of teaching process; analysis of local and authentic programs and courses/textbooks, and survey of students and academics. This research reveals the main problems of teaching German as a second foreign language: the insufficient amount of modern local methodological research projects for higher education; improper methodological, psychological, and pedagogical preparation of teachers; lack of teaching and learning materials; low level of students’ learning autonomy, language, and metalinguistic awareness, and motivation. The aim of the article is to study the possibilities and ways of solving the given problems.   The main aspects of interaction and mutual influence between the two foreign languages and native language are considered. The solutions for the singled out problems of teaching and learning German after English are suggested. The article presents and justifies the hierarchy of teaching principles: general methodological principles of teaching any foreign language, special principles of teaching second foreign languages, and particular principles of German grammatical competence development. The study offers the means for applying the last group of principles into practice.&nbsp

    Cloud technologies as a tool of creating Earth Remote Sensing educational resources

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    This article is dedicated to the Earth Remote Sensing (ERS), which the authors believe is a great way to teach geography and allows forming an idea of the actual geographic features and phenomena. One of the major problems that now constrains the active introduction of remote sensing data in the educational process is the low availability of training aerospace pictures, which meet didactic requirements. The article analyzes the main sources of ERS as a basis for educational resources formation with aerospace images: paper, various individual sources (personal stations receiving satellite information, drones, balloons, kites and balls) and Internet sources (mainstream sites, sites of scientific-technical organizations and distributors, interactive Internet geoservices, cloud platforms of geospatial analysis). The authors point out that their geospatial analysis platforms (Google Earth Engine, Land Viewer, EOS Platform, etc.), due to their unique features, are the basis for the creation of information thematic databases of ERS. The article presents an example of such a database, covering more than 800 aerospace images and dynamic models, which are combined according to such didactic principles as high information load and clarity.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure, 1 tabl

    The impact of emergency remote teaching on the development of listening skills during English classes in secondary schools of Ukraine

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    This paper calls into question the impact of Emergency Remote Teaching on the Development of Listening Skills during English classes in Secondary Schools of Ukraine. Attention is paid to the analysis of key notions and concepts of listening skills development in secondary schools. Thirty teachers at secondary schools took part in the research. This paper investigates resources that were used by teachers during Emergency Remote Teaching to develop the listening skills of pupils in English classes. This paper discusses the linguistic, psychological, and methodological components of listening skills development. An analysis has allowed highlighting the positive experience of web-based applications, video podcasts, and audiobooks usage, which can be implemented in future English language training in other Ukrainian secondary schools. The findings of this study support the idea that the gamification approach in combination with other activities has a positive effect on the development of listening skills during Emergency Remote Teaching at secondary schools of Ukraine

    Overcoming Post-truth Challenges: Is journalism education successful in Ukraine?

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    The article discusses the response efficiency of the journalism education system to the post-truth challenges. The aim of our research is to find out whether the higher education system of Ukraine is able to provide the media system with quality professional staff ready for political participation, responsibility and upholding democratic values in the conditions of post-truth and aggressive external information influence. The experiment covered three groups: journalism students with general professional training, journalism students, who additionally participated in fact-checking trainings and economics students, who did not study the basics of media literacy. The survey results and focus group discussion proved that the future journalists show greater confidence in their skills, but, in fact, they are not able to distinguish better truth, manipulation and lies than the future economists All three groups had vague ideas about these concepts and tend to trust statements that seem familiar and simple. Fact-checking trainings do not give students an advantage in identifying truth and lies in public statements. The results suggest an urgent need to find new system solutions on the part of higher education, the community of professionals to train future journalists ready to work in the post-truth conditions