843 research outputs found

    Aoristic Drift and Narrative Perfect in Early Modern English: A Functional Approach

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    In the current study, data from A Corpus of English Dialogues (1560-1760) are used to consider contexts with the have-perfect and temporal adverbs of the definite past time such as yesterday, last night, ago. Data analysis is conducted within the framework of a usage-based approach, which gives evidence to the hypothesis that in Early Modern English the have-perfect in spoken register was gradually developing perfective semantics and that it followed the stages of generalization of meaning depending on the degree of event remoteness. Investigation of the instances where the have-perfect is used in narrative passages shows that the have-perfect in such contexts does not lose its pragmatic component of current relevance but is employed to highlight a crucial event out of a chain of past events. The paper proposes the hypothesis that the main mechanism preventing the have-perfect from further aoristicization is the operation of syntactic analogy within the syntactic paradigm of the present perfect, which had already fully developed by the time of Early Modern English


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    The use brews in preparing leavens provides yeast cells’ and lactbacteria’s life activity with nutrients. The process of sugaring of bitter brews depending on parameters of their preparation was studied, and it was established, that the most intensity of sugars accumulation takes place during 1 hour of sugaring at the moisture mass share in brew 78,0 %. It is recommended to use such developed bitter brew in the technology of rye-wheat bread with the small content of rye four (10…12 %) or wheat bread of sorted flour. It is recommended to use the four-phase method of preparing dough by the scheme: “sugared “bitter” brew → brew, fermented by homo-enzymatic thermophilic FMB  L.Delbrükii‒76 → hop leaven, fermented by yeast of S. cerevisiae L-1 race and homo-enzymatic mesophilic LMB L. Plantarum-30 → dough». At using 25 % of leaven, the acidity of dough and ready products decreases by 2,0 degrees. That is why it is recommended to use this method of preparing bakery products of wheat flour. At that there is provided the better fluffiness and crumb state and prolongation of freshness of bakery products. According to the research results, there was developed the apparatus-technological productive scheme that can be introduced on special lines.&nbsp

    Long-Term Stability of Visual Pattern Selective Responses of Monkey Temporal Lobe Neurons

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    Many neurons in primate inferotemporal (IT) cortex respond selectively to complex, often meaningful, stimuli such as faces and objects. An important unanswered question is whether such response selectivity, which is thought to arise from experience-dependent plasticity, is maintained from day to day, or whether the roles of individual cells are continually reassigned based on the diet of natural vision. We addressed this question using microwire electrodes that were chronically implanted in the temporal lobe of two monkeys, often allowing us to monitor activity of individual neurons across days. We found that neurons maintained their selectivity in both response magnitude and patterns of spike timing across a large set of visual images throughout periods of stable signal isolation from the same cell that sometimes exceeded two weeks. These results indicate that stimulus-selectivity of responses in IT is stable across days and weeks of visual experience


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    Використання сонячних установок (СУ) знижує споживання органічного палива і, відповідно, антропогенне навантаження на довкілля. Основним параметром при проектуванні СУ є величина інсоляції. В роботі за вимірами метеостанції уточнено середньо місячну та середньо рокову інсоляцію в м. Одесі. Проведено співставлення отриманих величин з літературними даними. Проведено розрахунок приведених витрат при використанні сонячної установки чи котла на природному газі для гарячого водопостачання. Показано, що з урахуванням податків за викиди шкідливих речовин приведені витрати для сонячної установки на 31 % більші

    Content of Lipid Peroxydation Products, Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes, and Intensity of Light Emission of Basidiomycete Neonothopanus nambi under Stress after Mechanical Damage

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    На примере светящегося базидиомицета Neonothopanus nambi продемонстрирована взаимосвязь между интенсивностью АФК‑индуцированных окислительных процессов, эффективностью функционирования ферментов антиоксидантной системы и уровнем световой эмиссии гриба в условиях стресса. Установлено, что развитие оксидативного стресса после механического повреждения мицелия гриба сопровождается значительным (на порядки) увеличением интенсивности его свечения. Показано, что при максимальном уровне световой эмиссии мицелия N. nambi в нем регистрируется снижение активности ферментов, участвующих в метаболизме АФК – в значительной степени пероксидаз и супероксиддисмутазы, в меньшей степени каталазы. В экстрактах из биомассы ярко светящегося мицелия обнаружено существенное снижение содержания первичных и конечных продуктов перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) – диеновых коньюгатов и оснований Шиффа. Полученные данные позволяют рассматривать возрастание уровня биолюминесценции гриба при стрессе в качестве компенсаторного механизма его защиты от повреждения избыточным пулом АФК (в первую очередь Н2О2 и других пероксидных соединений), которые нейтрализуются в реакции светоизлучения, что препятствует развитию процессов свободнорадикального окисления, в частности ПОЛThe luminous basidiomycete Neonothopanus nambi was used to demonstrate the relationship between intensity of ROS‑induced oxidative processes, efficiency of the functioning of antioxidant system enzymes, and the level of light emission of the fungus under stress. Development of oxidative stress after mechanical damage to the mycelium of the fungus was accompanied by a significant (several orders of magnitude) increase in intensity of its glow. At the maximum level of light emission of N. nambi mycelium, the activity of enzymes involved in the metabolism of ROS was decreased: the activity of peroxidase and superoxide dismutase to a large extent and the activity of catalase to a lesser extent. The extracts from the biomass of the brightly glowing mycelium were found to contain significantly decreased contents of primary and final products of lipid peroxydation (LP): diethenoid conjugates and Schiff bases. The findings of this study suggest that the increase in the level of bioluminescence of the fungus under stress serves as a compensatory mechanism protecting it against damage by an excessive pool of ROS (mainly Н2О2 and other peroxide compounds), which are neutralized in the reaction of light emission, preventing the development of free radical oxidation processes, LP in particula

    A Randomized Phase II/III Study of Naptumomab Estafenatox + IFNα versus IFNα in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Final Analysis with Baseline Biomarker Subgroup and Trend Analysis

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    Purpose: To prospectively determine the efficacy of naptumomab estafenatox (Nap) þ IFNa versus IFN in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Experimental Design: In a randomized, open-label, multicenter, phase II/III study, 513 patients with RCC received Nap (15 mg/ kg i. v. in three cycles of four once-daily injections) + IFN (9 MU s. c. three times weekly), or the same regimen of IFN monotherapy. The primary endpoint was overall survival (OS). Results: This phase II/III study did notmeetits primary endpoint. Median OS/PFS for Nap + IFN patients was 17.1/5.8 months versus 17.5/5.8 months for the patients receiving IFN alone (P = 0.56; HR, 1.08/P = 0.41; HR, 0.92). Post hoc exploratory subgroup and trend analysis revealed that the baseline plasma concentrations of antiSEA/E-120 (anti-Nap antibodies) for drug exposure and IL6 for immune status could be used as predictive biomarkers. A subgroup of patients (SG; n = 130) having concentrations below median of anti-SEA/E-120 and IL6 benefitted greatly from the addition of Nap. In SG, median OS/PFS for the patients treated with Nap þ IFN was 63.3/13.7 months versus 31.1/5.8 months for the patients receiving IFN alone (P = 0.02; HR, 0.59/P = 0.02; HR, 0.62). Addition of Nap to IFN showed predicted and transient immune related AEs and the treatment had an acceptable safety profile. Conclusions: The study did not meet its primary endpoint. Nap + IFN has an acceptable safety profile, and results from post hoc subgroup analyses showed that the treatment might improve OS/PFS in a baseline biomarker-defined RCC patient subgroup. The results warrant further studies with Nap in this subgroup