17 research outputs found

    Public exposure formed by atmospheric discharges of nuclear power plants in ukraine

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    Ukrainian Radiation Protection Institute has developed system for calculation of doses to the population living in the supervision zone of the NPP from atmospheric discharges of Nuclear Power Plants during normal operation. The system analyses daily meteorological data, and also daily and monthly atmospheric discharges of radionuclides. The developed system is applied for dose calculation for Ukrainian population and identification of radionuclides, which form considerable contribution to total doses (noble gases, H-3, I-131). A special attention has been given for variability of actual meteorological conditions and discharges. For example, it has been revealed the case when I-131 discharge from a Ukrainian NPP during 4 consecutive days has made 34 % of annual discharge (and 72% during 3 weeks). Variability of actual discharges is a result of changes in an operation mode of NPP unit and it is a typical situation for Ukrainian NPPs. Apparently, the similar situation can be typical for NPPs in another countries. Such results lead to necessity to consider possible variations of meteorological conditions and discharges for establishment of permissible levels (for example, by introduction of variability factor)


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    Given paper, states the ensuring of the interpretation of the basic radiation protection principles, relative to the works at the Object Shelter (OS). Analysis of the factors of radiation situation at the OS is figured out. Functioning at the present time individual dose monitoring (IDM) system at the OS is describe. The system is based on the methods of biophysical monitoring. A series of the results, obtained during internal exposure individual dose monitoring of the personnel is presented. It is mentioned, that implementation of the internal exposure dose biophysical monitoring system (during the works on transformation of the OS into ecologically safe system) allows:  provide adequate level of the IDM of the internal exposure dose (the level is corresponds to the present day requirements of the radiation protection); develop the recommendations on selection of individual means of protection of respiratory tract; ensure determination of the parameters of radioactive air contamination in the work areas; and, provide the optimal planning of dose load to the personnel

    Reference methodologies for radioactive controlled discharges an activity within the IAEA's program environmental modelling for radiation safety II (EMRAS II)

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    In January 2009, the IAEA EMRAS II (Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety II) program was launched. The goal of the program is to develop, compare and test models for the assessment of radiological impacts to the public and the environment due to radionuclides being released or already existing in the environment; to help countries build and harmonize their capabilities; and to model the movement of radionuclides in the environment. Within EMRAS II, nine working groups are active; this paper will focus on the activities of Working Group 1: Reference Methodologies for Controlling Discharges of Routine Releases. Within this working group environmental transfer and dose assessment models are tested under different scenarios by participating countries and the results compared. This process allows each participating country to identify characteristics of their models that need to be refined. The goal of this working group is to identify reference methodologies for the assessment of exposures to the public due to routine discharges of radionuclides to the terrestrial and aquatic environments. Several different models are being applied to estimate the transfer of radionuclides in the environment for various scenarios. The first phase of the project involves a scenario of nuclear power reactor with a coastal location which routinely (continuously) discharges 60Co, 85Kr, 131I, and 137Cs to the atmosphere and 60Co, 137Cs, and 90Sr to the marine environment. In this scenario many of the parameters and characteristics of the representative group were given to the modellers and cannot be altered. Various models have been used by the different participants in this inter-comparison (PC-CREAM, CROM, IMPACT, CLRP POSEIDON, SYMBIOSE and others). This first scenario is to enable a comparison of the radionuclide transport and dose modelling. These scenarios will facilitate the development of reference methodologies for controlled discharges


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    Given paper, states the ensuring of the interpretation of the basic radiation protection principles, relative to the works at the Object Shelter (OS). Analysis of the factors of radiation situation at the OS is figured out. Functioning at the present time individual dose monitoring (IDM) system at the OS is describe. The system is based on the methods of biophysical monitoring. A series of the results, obtained during internal exposure individual dose monitoring of the personnel is presented. It is mentioned, that implementation of the internal exposure dose biophysical monitoring system (during the works on transformation of the OS into ecologically safe system) allows:  provide adequate level of the IDM of the internal exposure dose (the level is corresponds to the present day requirements of the radiation protection); develop the recommendations on selection of individual means of protection of respiratory tract; ensure determination of the parameters of radioactive air contamination in the work areas; and, provide the optimal planning of dose load to the personnel.В статье сформулирована трактовка основных принципов обеспечения радиационной безопасности применительно к работам на объекте «Укрытие» (ОУ). Приведен анализ факторов радиационной обстановки на ОУ. Описана действующая в настоящий момент на ОУ система контроля индивидуальных доз (ИДК) внутреннего облучения персонала, основанная на методах биофизического контроля. Приведен ряд результатов, полученных по итогам выполнения контроля индивидуальных доз внутреннего облучения персонала. Отмечается, что внедрение системы биофизического контроля доз внутреннего облучения при выполнении работ по преобразованию ОУ в экологически безопасную систему позволило обеспечить адекватный, соответствующий современным требованиям радиационной защиты, уровень ИДК доз внутреннего облучения персонала, своевременно разработать рекомендации по выбору средств индивидуальной защиты органов дыхания, обеспечить определение параметров радиоактивного загрязнения воздуха в зонах производства работ и обеспечить оптимальное планирование дозовых нагрузок на персонал

    Coordination of research on internal dosimetry in Europe: The CONRAD project

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    The EUropean RAdiation DOSimetry Group (EURADOS) initiated in 2005 the CONRAD Project, a Coordinated Network for Radiation Dosimetry funded by the European Commission (EC), within the 6th Framework Programme (FP). The main purpose of CONRAD is to generate a European Network in the field of Radiation Dosimetry and to promote both research activities and dissemination of knowledge. The objective of CONRAD Work Package 5 (WP5) is the coordination of research on assessment and evaluation of internal exposures. Nineteen institutes from 14 countries participate in this action. Some of the activities to be developed are continuations of former European projects supported by the EC in the 5th FP (OMINEX and IDEAS). Other tasks are linked with ICRP activities, and there are new actions never considered before. A collaboration is established with CONRAD Work Package 4, dealing with Computational Dosimetry, to organise an intercomparison on Monte Carlo modelling for in vivo measurements of 241Am deposited in a knee phantom. Preliminary results associated with CONRAD WP5 tasks are presented here. © The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

    A survey on emergency thyroid monitoring strategies and capacities in Europe and comparison with international recommendations

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    There are ongoing social debates about the risks and benefits of using nuclear reactors to generate electricity. Radiation accidents can occur for different reasons and even be caused deliberately as a result of terrorist actions, and these may affect from a few to thousands of people. After a major release of radioactive iodine as a result of a nuclear accident, large number of potentially affected people may require rapid assessments to determine the degree of thyroid contamination, especially children and young people given that their thyroid is a highly radiosensitive organ and particularly vulnerable to the carcinogenic action of ionising radiation. To date, there is no internationally agreed protocol for measuring 131I in the thyroid of affected persons, especially in children. To address this problem, the Child and Adult Thyroid Monitoring After Reactor Accident (CAThyMARA) project (https://www.eu-neris.net/projects/operra/operra-cathymara.html) focused on post-accidental 131I measurements in the thyroid, giving special attention to children and involved 15 institutions from 12 European countries. One of the Work Packages of the project had the objective to overview existing national plans and means for thyroid monitoring and to review international recommendations about radioiodine monitoring in the thyroid in case of a large scale nuclear accident. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire-based survey was carried out from May to October 2016. The survey results were based on the analysis of the answers of 31 institutions in 18 European countries, which included a wide range of questions related to emergency plan strategies, monitoring strategies for radioiodine in thyroid, dose assessment, etc. In addition, the peer-review literature in this area was reviewed and summarised. The results of the survey together with the current international recommendations about radioiodine monitoring in thyroid could provide important information on existing gaps, which can be used to develop new or update existing guidelines on thyroid monitoring after a nuclear accident. © 201