58 research outputs found


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    Artikel ini memertimbangkan kembali relativisme moraldalam hubungannya dengan pluralitas kebudayaan danposisi-posisi filosofis. Mengingat bahwa umumnyaHukum Hume dipakai sebagai dasar epistemologis bagirelativisme, maka pada “pars destruens” diajukan kritik atasHukum Hume yang memerlihatkan bahwa nalar manusiadapat melampaui penginderaan. Relativisme sebagaikondisi dasar bagi masyarakat pluralistik dan demokratisdikritik juga sebagai tidak benar. Sedang pada “parsconstruens” diajukan peran filsafat Katolik dalam dunia'glokal' kini sebagai ditandai pencarian 'kebenaran publik'warta Kristiani, sejenis bentuk baru “teologi natural(filosofis)”


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    This essay will examine the contributions of the Jesuitmissionary Matteo Ricci. His evaluation of Confucian ethics and therelated religious thought of the ancient Chinese tradition is not theresult of a work of mere “intellectual meditation”, but the obviousoutcome of an authentic Christian experience, which enabled him toreceive all that was positive in the culture that he met. There is inRicci the clear knowledge that the Christian faith gives a vision ofthe human experience and of history that does not go against humancultures, but assumes all of them in a real encounter between all thepeoples. The Christian faith, in fact, generates a total vision of thetruth, in which science, culture and politics are not separated, butunified in a Weltanschauung (vision of the world). In this way theencounter and the dialogue that Ricci established with the Chineseculture turned out effective, in as much as compromises were notattempted, nor convictions were abandoned. Neither did he pursuethe road of syncretism, but it is in true dialogue that an encounterwas attempted, a dialogue that is also a new interpretation and anew assumption of the essential elements present in the ancientChinese religious tradition and in the original Confucian thought.An understanding of Ricci’s approach can serve as an example ofauthentic intercultural dialogue

    Gaze Estimation on Spresense

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    Gaze estimation is a valuable technology with numerous applications in fields such as human-computer interaction, virtual reality, and medicine. This report presents the implementation of a gaze estimation system using the Sony Spresense microcontroller board and explores its performance in latency, MAC/cycle, and power consumption. The report also provides insights into the system's architecture, including the gaze estimation model used. Additionally, a demonstration of the system is presented, showcasing its functionality and performance. Our lightweight model TinyTrackerS is a mere 169Kb in size, using 85.8k parameters and runs on the Spresense platform at 3 FPS

    Consumption of the Performing Arts from a Supply-Side Perspective: Searching for Artistic Benefit

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    This paper focuses on the artistic benefit for the audience in arts and culture consumption. This benefit is defined as the feeling of being part of the artistic process and it is generated by participatory dynamics and value co-creation. The artistic benefit interacts with other benefits (functional, symbolic, emotional, social) that are involved in the performing arts experience. Its analysis, from a supply-side view, could help to advance arts and culture marketing into a service-dominant logic. An empirical study involving two phases has been designed. First, a qualitative, explorative and item-generation investigation was carried out. A quantitative study was then undertaken to streamline the item-generation process and evaluate the validity of the identified semantic dimensions. The analysis identified the artistic benefit as composed by three different factor, that we labelled: breaking, participatory and dialogic. The results confirm the relevance of the topic as a means of shedding light on the audience experience in arts consumption

    The challenge of Jihadist radicalisation. In Europe and beyond. 2017

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    Today Europe finds itself on the frontline in the fight against terrorism and jihadist radicalisation. Over the past fourteen months, the horrendous terrorist attacks that have taken place in France, Germany and Belgium, as well as in Turkey, Tunisia, and elsewhere around the world, have claimed hundreds of lives. As a Belgian national, the three bombs that were detonated in my country, in the departure hall of the Brussels International Airport in Zaventem, and at the Maelbeek Metro station, a few hundred metres from key EU institutions, was a particularly traumatic moment for me. In many ways, the attacks of 22 March were Belgium’s own 9/11, representing the worst terrorist attacks committed on Belgian territory in the country’s modern history. The attacks demonstrate a clear shift in the resolve and ability of jihadist terrorists to inflict mass casualties on urban populations, and are devised to induce a high state of well-publicised terro

    "\uabGriseldaonline\ubb. Una sfida al labirinto letterario"

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    L'articolo svolge una riflessione sulla rivista di italianistica "Griseldaonline", fondata nel 2002 presso l'Universit\ue0 di Bologna

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    Natura, societĂ  e politica nella letteratura bolognese del Settecento

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    Il volume esplora figure e opere di autori della Bologna settecentesca, tra letteratura e scienza, trattatistica e poesia, da Albergati Capacelli a Pier Jacopo Martello, da Giampietro Zanotti ad Anna Maria Morandi Minzolini. Le ricerche qui esposte mirano a rilevare l'importanza di una cittĂ  come Bologna, snodo culturale di primo piano nel secolo in questione
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