289 research outputs found

    Estudio con modelos de regresión de la comunicación de las universidades españolas en redes sociales: análisis de regresión de la interacción y de los/as seguidores/as de las universidades en redes sociales

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    Previous investigations focused on web 2.0 communication in Spanish universities reach contradictory conclusions, although they agree on the existence of problems in their use of social networks. The present work delves into this field, expanding the limits of the number of universities, social networks and statistical analyses of prior studies. A descriptive quantitative research is carried out using multiple linear regression models with the aim of explaining and predicting the number of followers and reactions that universities obtain on social networks based on independent variables. Thereby, the communication of the 83 Spanish universities on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube is analysed for 14 weeks. The results show that the exposed regression models manage to predict a fundamental part of the followers that Spanish universities have on Facebook and Twitter networks, and a more discreet part on Instagram. Likewise, the regression models manage to predict a significant part of the weekly interaction that universities achieve on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Finally, they moderately explain the interaction per post on Instagram and Twitter. On YouTube the models do not work, so other variables should be investigated.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Elogio del arquitecto D. Augusto Font y Carreras : (1845-1924) /

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    A portada: Academia Provincial de Bellas Artes de BarcelonaForma part del projecte: Biblioteca Digital d'Història de l'Art Hispànic (UAB)Localització de l'original: Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaDiscurs llegit per l'arquitecte i acadèmic Bonaventura Bassegoda i Amigó a l'Academia Provincial de Bellas Artes, en honor al també arquitecte i acadèmic August Font i Carreras (1845-1924). El text el presenta en la seva faceta de mestre de la Escuela Superior de Arquitectura i com deixeble d'Elies Rogent, tot enumerant les seves principals obres entre elles, la façana de la Catedral de Barcelona o l'edifici del Palau de Belles Arts, construït per a l'Exposició Universal de 1888. Il·lustren el text, croquis d'alguns dels projectes arquitectònics realitzats al llarg de la seva carreraDiscurso leído por el arquitecto y académico Bonaventura Bassegoda i Amigó en la Academia Provincial de Bellas Artes, en honor al también arquitecto y académico August Font i Carreras (1845-1924). El texto presenta su faceta como maestro de la Escuela Superior de Arquitectura y como discípulo de Elias Rogent, enumerando sus principales obras, entre ellas, la fachada de la Catedral de Barcelona o el edificio del Palacio de Bellas Artes, construido para la Exposición Universal de 1888. Ilustran el texto, croquis de algunos de los proyectos arquitectónicos realizados a lo del largo de su carreraSpeech delivered by the architect Bonaventura Bassegoda i Amigó at the Academia Provincial de Bellas Artes in honor of the also architect and academic August Font i Carreras (1845-1924). The text presents his work as a teacher of the Escuela Superior de Arquitectura and a disciple of Elias Rogent, listing his major works including the facade of Barcelona cathedral or the Fine Arts Palace built for the 1888 Universal Exhibition. Illustrations the text, sketches of some of the architectural projects done along his caree

    Previous antibiotic exposure and antibiotic resistance of commensal Staphylococcus aureus in Spanish primary care

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    Introduction: Commensal flora of healthy people is becoming an important reservoir of resistant bacteria. Objectives: To evaluate the relationship of previous antibiotic-dispensed and resistance pattern of strains of Staphylococcus aureus in primary care patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in seven primary care centres in Catalonia, Spain, from October 2010 to May 2011, as part of the APRES (The appropriateness of prescribing antibiotics in primary care in Europe concerning antibiotic resistance) study. Outpatients aged 4 or more who did not present an infectious disease and had not taken antibiotic or had not been hospitalised in the previous 3 months were invited to participate. Nasal swabs were collected for S. aureus culture, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing was carried out. Antibiotics dispensed boxes in the previous 4 years were extracted from Information System for Research in Primary Care. Results: A total of 4,001 nasal swabs were collected, and 3,969 were tested for identification, 765 S. aureus were tested for resistance. Resistance rates to penicillin, azithromycin and methicillin were 87.1%, 11.6% and 1.3%, respectively, and a total of 10 MRSA strains were isolated (1.3%). Penicillin-resistant staphylococci were statistically significantly associated with the previous number of packages of penicillin dispensed (OR, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.04-1.35). Conclusion: Although no causal inference is possible, an association was observed between previous antibiotic dispensation and isolation of resistant organisms in community-dwelling individuals, mainly between packages of penicillin and penicillin-resistant staphylococci

    Análisis del uso de las redes sociales de las instituciones de educación superior catalanas

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    INTRODUCCIÓ. En l’actualitat, la competència entre les universitats ha augmentat de forma important i els alumnes poden triar entre moltes opcions. En aquest context, les universitats necessiten el màrqueting per destacar i per ser les escollides. En l’era d’Internet i el web 2.0 part de la comunicació universitària s’ha traslladat a les xarxes socials, i aquestes són una de les millors maneres d’arribar als estudiants. Aquest treball investiga les xarxes socials de les universitats de Catalunya.MÈTODE. S’han estudiat els seguidors, les publicacions i la interacció que aconsegueixen a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter i YouTube les dotze universitats catalanes. Es van recopilar les dades en dos moments: entre el 15 i el 21 de febrer de 2018 (seguidors) i entre el 20 i el 26 de juny de 2018 (totes les variables).RESULTATS. S’aprecia un ús molt desigual de les xarxes entre les diferents universitats i també en una mateixa universitat. Es detecten diferències importants entre els resultats en valors absoluts i relatius, així com entre les universitats públiques i privades.DISCUSSIÓ. S’observa una manca de planificació i estratègia a les xarxes socials per part de les universitats, accentuada a les universitats públiques en contrast amb les privades.INTRODUCTION. Competition between universities has increased significantly in recent times and students can now choose from many options. In this new context, universities need to use marketing in order to stand out from their competitors. In the age of Internet and Web 2.0, universities have transferred part of their communication to the social networks, an environment that is an ideal vehicle for reaching students. The present study investigates Catalan universities social networks.METHOD. The study focused on 12 Catalan universities and their followers, publications and interactions on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Data were collected at two time points; between 15 and 21 February 2018 (followers) and between 20 and 26 June 2018 (all variables).RESULTS. The use of social networks varied widely both between different universities and inside the same university. Significant differences were detected between the results in both absolute and relative values, and also between public and private universities.DISCUSSION. A lack of planning and strategy regarding social networks was observed among the universities. This lack of planning was more notable among the publicly funded universities than in the private ones.INTRODUCCIÓN. En la actualidad, la competencia entre las universidades ha aumentado de forma importante y los alumnos pueden elegir entre muchas opciones. En este contexto, las universidades necesitan el marketing para destacar y ser las elegidas. En la era de Internet y la web 2.0 parte de la comunicación universitaria se ha trasladado a las redes sociales y estas son una de las mejores formas para llegar a los estudiantes. Este trabajo investiga las redes sociales de las universidades de Cataluña.MÉTODO. Se han estudiado los seguidores, las publicaciones y la interacción que consiguen en Facebook, Instagram, Twitter y YouTube las doce universidades catalanas. Se recopilaron los datos en dos momentos: entre el 15 y el 21 de febrero de 2018 (seguidores) y entre el 20 y el 26 de junio de 2018 (todas las variables).RESULTADOS. Se aprecia un uso muy desigual de las redes entre las diferentes universidades y también en una misma universidad. Se detectan diferencias importantes entre los resultados en valores absolutos y relativos, así como entre las universidades públicas y privadas. DISCUSIÓN. Se observa una falta de planificación y estrategia en las redes sociales, por parte de las universidades, acentuada en las universidades públicas en contraste con las privadas

    Converging circuits between pain and depression: the ventral tegmental area as a therapeutic hub

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    Chronic pain and depression are highly prevalent pathologies and cause a major socioeconomic burden to society. Chronic pain affects the emotional state of the individuals suffering from it, while depression worsens the prognosis of chronic pain patients and may diminish the effectiveness of pain treatments. There is a high comorbidity rate between both pathologies, which might share overlapping mechanisms. This review explores the evidence pinpointing a role for the ventral tegmental area (VTA) as a hub where both pain and emotional processing might converge. In addition, the feasibility of using the VTA as a possible therapeutic target is discussed. The role of the VTA, and the dopaminergic system in general, is highly studied in mood disorders, especially in deficits in reward-processing and motivation. Conversely, the VTA is less regarded where it concerns the study of central mechanisms of pain and its mood-associated consequences. Here, we first outline the brain circuits involving central processing of pain and mood disorders, focusing on the often-understudied role of the dopaminergic system and the VTA. Next, we highlight the state-of-the-art findings supporting the emergence of the VTA as a link where both pathways converge. Thus, we envision a promising part for the VTA as a putative target for innovative therapeutic approaches to treat chronic pain and its effects on mood. Finally, we emphasize the urge to develop and use animal models where both pain and depression-like symptoms are considered in conjunction

    Las universidades de Madrid y Cataluña en redes sociales

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    En el entorno competitivo actual el marketing y la publicidad son esenciales para las instituciones de educación superior. En el momento de elección de la futura universidad, estas se esfuerzan por estar en la mente del estudiante. Usar las redes sociales es la mejor opción para que las instituciones de educación superior lleguen a los futuros alumnos. El presente artículo estudia el comportamiento en redes sociales de las universidades de Cataluña y la Comunidad de Madrid para atraer a los estudiantes y ser elegidas. Se pretende descubrir cuál de las dos comunidades tiene mejores resultados en redes sociales.In nowadays' competitive environment, marketing and advertising are essential for higher education institutions. When students have to choose their future university, universities strive to be in the student's mind. Social networks are the best option for universities to reach students because they make massive use of them. This article studies Catalan and Madrid universities behavior in social media in order to attract students and be choosed as their future university. The aim is to discover which of both autonomous communities have better results in social networks

    Block of transmitter release by botulinum C1 actiuon on syntaxin at the squid giant synapse

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    Electrophysiological, morphological, and biochemical approaches were combined to study the effect of the presynaptic injection of the light chain of botulinum toxin C1 into the squid giant synapse. Presynaptic injection was accompanied by synaptic block that occurred progressively as the toxin filled the presynaptic terminal. Neither the presynaptic action potential nor the Ca2+ currents in the presynaptic terminal were affected by the toxin. Biochemical analysis of syntaxin moiety in squid indicates that the light chain of botulinum toxin C1 lyses syntaxin in vitro, suggesting that this was the mechanism responsible for synaptic block. Ultrastructure of the injected synapses demonstrates an enormous increase in the number of presynaptic vesicles, suggesting that the release rather than the docking of vesicles is affected by biochemical lysing of the syntaxin molecule

    Consensus on early detection of disease progression in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Consensus; Early detection; Secondary progressive multiple sclerosisConsenso; Detección precoz; Esclerosis múltiple progresiva secundariaConsens; Detecció precoç; Esclerosi múltiple progressiva secundàriaBackground: Early identification of the transition from relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) to secondary progressive MS (SPMS) can be challenging for clinicians, as diagnostic criteria for SPMS are primarily based on physical disability and a holistic interpretation. Objective: To establish a consensus on patient monitoring to identify promptly disease progression and the most useful clinical and paraclinical variables for early identification of disease progression in MS. Methods: A RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method was used to establish the level of agreement among a panel of 15 medical experts in MS. Eighty-three items were circulated to the experts for confidential rating of the grade of agreement and recommendation. Consensus was defined when ≥66% agreement or disagreement was achieved. Results: Consensus was reached in 72 out of 83 items (86.7%). The items addressed frequency of follow-up visits, definition of progression, identification of clinical, cognitive, and radiological assessments as variables of suspected or confirmed SPMS diagnosis, the need for more accurate assessment tools, and the use of promising molecular and imaging biomarkers to predict disease progression and/or diagnose SPMS. Conclusion: Consensus achieved on these topics could guide neurologists to identify earlier disease progression and to plan targeted clinical and therapeutic interventions during the earliest stages of SPMS.This work was supported by Novartis. Meetings, data analysis, and medical writing assistance were funded by Novartis. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Remodeling the bladder tumor immune microenvironment by mycobacterial species with changes in their cell envelope composition

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    Intravesical BCG instillation after bladder tumor resection is the standard treatment for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer; however, it is not always effective and frequently has undesirable side effects. Therefore, new strategies that improve the clinical management of patients are urgently needed. This study aimed to comprehensively evaluate the bladder tumor immune microenvironment profile after intravesical treatment with a panel of mycobacteria with variation in their cell envelope composition and its impact on survival using an orthotopic murine model to identify more effective and safer therapeutic strategies. tumor-bearing mice were intravesically treated with a panel of BCG and M. brumae cultured under different conditions. Untreated tumor-bearing mice and healthy mice were also included as controls. After mycobacterial treatments, the infiltrating immune cell populations in the bladder were analysed by flow cytometry. We provide evidence that mycobacterial treatment triggered a strong immune infiltration into the bladder, with BCG inducing higher global absolute infiltration than M. brumae. The induced global immune microenvironment was strikingly different between the two mycobacterial species, affecting both innate and adaptive immunity. Compared with M. brumae, BCG treated mice exhibited a more robust infiltration of CD4 + and CD8 + T-cells skewed toward an effector memory phenotype, with higher frequencies of NKT cells, neutrophils/gMDSCs and monocytes, especially the inflammatory subset, and higher CD4 + T/CD4 + T and CD8 + T/CD4 + T ratios. Conversely, M. brumae treatment triggered higher proportions of total activated immune cells and activated CD4 + and CD8 + T cells and lower ratios of CD4 + T cells/CD4 + T, CD8 + T cells/CD4 + T and inflammatory/reparative monocytes. Notably, the mycobacterial cell envelope composition in M. brumae had a strong impact on the immune microenvironment, shaping the B and myeloid cell compartment and T-cell maturation profile and thus improving survival. Overall, we demonstrate that the bladder immune microenvironment induced by mycobacterial treatment is species specific and shaped by mycobacterial cell envelope composition. Therefore, the global bladder immune microenvironment can be remodelled, improving the quality of infiltrating immune cells, the balance between inflammatory and regulatory/suppressive responses and increasing survival
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