33 research outputs found

    A robust pipeline for rapid feature-based pre-alignment of dense range scans

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    Aiming at reaching an interactive and simplified usage of high-resolution 3D acquisition systems, this paper presents a fast and automated technique for pre-alignment of dense range images. Starting from a multi-scale feature point ex- traction and description, a processing chain composed by feature matching and correspondence searching, ranking grouping and skimming is performed to select the most re- liable correspondences over which the correct alignment is estimated. Pre-alignment is obtained in few seconds per million point images on a off-the-shelf PC architecture. The experimental setup aimed to demonstrate the system behav- ior with respect to a set of concurrent requirements and the obtained performance are significant in the perspective of a fast, robust and unconstrained 3D object reconstruction

    Multi-view alignment with database of features for an improved usage of high-end 3D scanners

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    The usability of high-precision and high-resolution 3D scanners is of crucial importance due to the increasing demand of 3D data in both professional and general-purpose applications. Simplified, intuitive and rapid object modeling requires effective and automated alignment pipelines capable to trace back each independently acquired range image of the scanned object into a common reference system. To this end, we propose a reliable and fast feature-based multiple-view alignment pipeline that allows interactive registration of multiple views according to an unchained acquisition procedure. A robust alignment of each new view is estimated with respect to the previously aligned data through fast extraction, representation and matching of feature points detected in overlapping areas from different views. The proposed pipeline guarantees a highly reliable alignment of dense range image datasets on a variety of objects in few seconds per million of points

    Qualitative characterization of unrefined durum wheat air-classified fractions

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    Durum wheat milling is a key process step to improve the quality and safety of final prod-ucts. The aim of this study was to characterize three bran-enriched milling fractions (i.e., F250, G230 and G250), obtained from three durum wheat grain samples, by using an innovative micronization and air-classification technology. Milling fractions were characterized for main standard quality parameters and for alveographic properties, starch composition and content, phenolic acids, antioxidant activity and ATIs. Results showed that yield recovery, ash content and particle size distributions were influenced either by the operating conditions (230 or 250) or by the grain samples. While total starch content was lower in the micronized sample and air-classified fractions, the P/L ratio increased in air-classified fractions as compared to semolina. Six main individual phenolic acids were identified through HPLC-DAD analysis (i.e., ferulic acid, vanillic acid, p-coumaric acid, sinapic acid, syringic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids). Compared to semolina, higher contents of all individual phenolic components were found in all bran-enriched fractions. The highest rise of TPAs occurred in the F250 fraction, which was maintained in the derived pasta. Moreover, bran-enriched fractions showed significant reductions of ATIs content versus semolina. Overall, our data suggest the potential health benefits of F250, G230 and G250 and support their use to make durum-based foods

    La prevalenza di alcune patologie richiedenti il ricovero ospedaliero nell'ASL della provincia di Varese e nell'area limitrofa all'aeroporto Malpensa 2000.

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    Questo report è la prima esperienza di misurazione della prevalenza ospedaliera di alcune patologie effettuata dall'ASL della Provincia di Varese. Utilizzando il software ALEE-AO fornito dalla Regione Lombardia, è stato possibile elaborare per alcune patologie (disturbi neurotici, malattia ipertensiva, malattie ischemiche del cuore e disturbi circolatori dell'encefalo nei soggetti di 45-64 anni; malattie polmonari cronico-ostruttive nei soggetti sotto 15 anni) le mappe di densità per Comune della prevalenza ospedaliera, considerando come denominatore la popolazione ricoverata negli anni 1998-99. Dalle cartine riportate in questo lavoro, che riguardano un area circolare di 287 Comuni in cui è compresa la provincia di Varese, risulta che: - la nostra provincia ha storicamente un numero di pazienti maggiore all'atteso che si ricoverano tra i 45 e i 64 anni per disturbi neurotici, malattia ipertensiva, malattie ischemiche del cuore e disturbi circolatori dell'encefalo; - si rilevano aree con diversa prevalenza, e questo diverso carico assistenziale dovrebbe essere preso in considerazione, soprattutto se confermato da dati più recenti, nella costruzione di budget di distretto, poiché il diverso assorbimento di risorse economiche dipende dalla diversa diffusione di patologie e/o dalle diverse modalità di trattamento delle stesse, che vanno approfondite coi medici di assistenza primaria e di assistenza specialistica operanti nel territorio; - nell'area intorno a Malpensa 2000 sono più numerosi rispetto all'atteso i pazienti ricoverati con disturbi nevrotici e disturbi circolatori dell'encefalo, ma sono meno numerosi i pazienti con malattia ipertensiva e i bambini con malattie polmonari cronico-ostruttive: dunque il livello di inquinamento atmosferico presunto nell'area intorno a Malpensa (dov'era in funzione il vecchio aeroporto) nel biennio 1998-99 non sembra determinare una maggiore prevalenza di soggetti ricoverati sotto i 15 anni con malattie polmonari cronico-ostruttive, che anzi risulta significativamente inferiore. La disponibilità di dati di prevalenza è un elemento prezioso per la valutazione del carico assistenziale e dunque per la programmazione di risorse da utilizzare in sanità pubblica. Questo lavoro è solo un esempio delle potenzialità di un applicativo, che può fornire utili indicazioni sulla diffusione locale di alcune importanti patologie

    48, XXXY/49, XXXXY mosaic: new neuroradiological features in an ultra-rare syndrome

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    Background: Sex chromosomal aneuploidies in males are rare diseases with an overwhelming involvement of endocrinological and auxological issues; less frequently, other anomalies are observed. Neuroradiological issues are often not taken into account in single patients, and neuroradiological examinations are rarely performed. Case presentation: Here, we report a boy with 48,XXXY/49,XXXXY mosaicism, phenotypically characterized by hypotonia, intellectual disability, ventricular septal defect, micropenis, and with mild hypertelorism, inverted nipples, a congenital hip dysplasia, and some neuroradiological features so far not described. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging showed white matter abnormalities and enlargement of lateral ventricles with never described dysmorphisms of cranio-cervical junction and posterior fossa. A cranio-cervical Computerized Tomography confirmed a dysmorphic aspect of the posterior fossa and occipital condyles, slight morphological asymmetry of C1 and slight lateralization to the right of the odontoid's apex. Conclusions: Considering the possible relevant clinical impact of these findings, the neuroradiological assessment seems potentially useful to the diagnostic approach of these patients

    Ehlers-Danlos syndrome versus cleidocranial dysplasia

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    The early identification of hereditary syndromes is essential for planning interventions to reduce the risk of complications. Unfortunately, clinical phenotypes in the first years of life and in mild cases are often poorly characterized. Moreover, some disease symptoms are common for several genetic conditions. In this report, a child was initially misdiagnosed with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS); the correct diagnosis of cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD), which was confirmed by genetic findings, was not made until several years later. This case teaches that diagnoses of hereditary syndromes must be performed carefully and take clinical history, symptoms, and genetic analyses into account