207 research outputs found

    The Effect of Leadership Behaviors on Employee Commitment, Satisfaction, and Strength of Culture

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    This study examines the link between leadership behaviors and employee commitment, satisfaction and strength of culture in hospitals. The subjects were five executives in not-for-profit hospitals that had measured the culture of their hospitals with the same instrument twice over a longitudinal period of time. During the intervening period the leadership of the hospital had undertaken particular interventions in an effort to improve employee commitment, satisfaction, and strength of the culture. The assessment scores were collected for each of the hospitals, and the leaders were then interviewed using a semi-structured interviewing technique with an interview guideline to determine exactly what behaviors or actions had been implemented. The degree to which the scores changed was then compared and contrasted to the leadership behaviors implemented by the executives. The data suggest that some leadership behaviors positively influence organizational culture more than others over time. Specific leadership interventions can be identified as being predictors of stronger culture hospitals

    Marketing Scottish social enterprises using a label?

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    Purpose: Social enterprises are competitive businesses in the marketplace, yet insubstantial research has investigated how they market their businesses. This paper aims to investigate the impact a social enterprise label – “Buy the Good Stuff” – used in Edinburgh has had on consumer awareness and explore whether a possible national label could be used as a marketing tool by social enterprises in Scotland. Design/methodology/approach: The study uses a mixed-methods approach, consisting of an online questionnaire with 100 participants and seven semi-structured interviews with representatives of social enterprises involved in the marketing campaign in Edinburgh and representatives of social enterprises who were not involved in the campaign. Findings: Findings indicate that the label used in Edinburgh has had little impact on increasing consumer awareness of social enterprises. However, a national label has the potential to help social enterprises increase consumer awareness. Yet, successful implementation requires thorough design of the label and broad support for its promotion. Practical implications: The paper offers insights into the implementation of a national label. Managers of social enterprises and social enterprise networks should consider the findings when adopting marketing activities. Originality/value: Findings contribute to the sparse literature regarding marketing activities of social enterprises. The paper provides evidence that the broader social enterprise sector and its representatives in Scotland should re-evaluate their position on the introduction of a national label, given that one priority identified for the sector is to create and promote a social enterprise brand which the SE code is not focussed on

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Pasar Jagung Di Indonesia

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    EnglishThe study focused on factors affecting market behavior of corn in Indonesia, and market responses. Data of the study are time series for the period of 1980-2001. Model used in the study was Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS). The results revealed that production technology improvement should get priority as the means of increasing corn production. Rupiah exchange rate was the main variable affecting Indonesia\u27s import volume of corn. Demand for corn for feed production was determined by own price of corn rather than feed price. Corn is inferiod food to most Indonesians. In the long term, world prices of corn will be determined mainly by its supply and demand. On the other hand, domestic price of corn in long term will be determined mainly by world price of corn rather than domestic corn market power.IndonesianPenelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku pasar jagung Indonesia, serta tingkat responsif pasar tersebut terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan data time series periode 1980-2001. Pendekatan model ekonometrika persamaan simultan dengan metode pendugaan Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) telah digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian ini. Hasil pendugaan menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan produksi jagung sebaiknya diprioritaskan pada perbaikan teknologi produksi dibanding instrumen lainnya. Nilai tukar rupiah merupakan peubah utama yang berpengaruh terhadap volume impor jagung Indonesia. Permintaan jagung untuk pakan lebih banyak ditentukan oleh harga jagung itu sendiri dibanding harga pakan. Terutama dalam jangka panjang, harga jagung dunia secara kuat akan ditentukan oleh sisi penawaran dan permintaan. Sementara itu, harga jagung domestik dalam jangka panjang lebih banyak akan ditentukan oleh harga jagung dunia dibanding kekuatan pasar jagung domestik

    Dampak Kebijakan Domestik dan Perubahan Faktor Eksternal terhadap Industri Minyak Goreng Indonesia

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    Minyak goreng merupakan salah satu komoditas penting penghasildevisa bagi Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampakkebijakan domestik dan Perubahan faktor eksternal terhadap industriminyak goreng Indonesia, dengan pendekatan sistem yang menggunakanmodel ekonometrika dalam bentuk persamaan simultan. Data yangdigunakan adalah data sekunder yang terkait dengan produksi, volume danharga perdagangan domestik, volume dan harga ekspor, dalam bentuk dataderet waktu tahun 1978-2001. Pendugaan parameter dilakukan denganmetode two stage least squares (2SLS). Untuk mengevaluasi dampakkebijakan domestik dan Perubahan faktor eksternal, dilakukan simulasimodel untuk periode 1992-1996 yang menggambarkan kondisi sebelumterjadi krisis ekonomi, dan 1998-2001 menggambarkan kondisi saat terjadikrisis ekonomi. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan hargaCPO di pasar dunia pada kedua periode menyebabkan peningkatan ekspor.Kebijakan pengenaan pajak ekspor minyak sawit mentah (CPO) danpeningkatan harga minyak goreng sawit domestik cukup efektif menekanekspor. Pada periode 1992-1996 kebijakan pengenaan pajak ekspor CPOmenyebabkan penurunan penerimaan devisa 1,114 persen (Rp 17,092miliar). Peningkatan harga minyak goreng domestik pada periode 1992-1996 menyebabkan penurunan penerimaan devisa 21,458 persen (Rp329,187 miliar) tetapi pada periode 1998-2001 dampak tersebut dinetralisiroleh penurunan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap US$. Implikasi dari kondisidemikian adalah perlunya optimalisasi pajak ekspor. Penetapan pajakekspor pada tingkat yang menyebabkan penurunan penerimaan devisasebaiknya tidak dilakukan. Dampak peningkatan ekspor terhadappenurunan ketersediaan bahan baku minyak goreng domestik dapatdiminimalkan dengan mendorong reorientasi pasar minyak kelapa mentah(CCO) dari ekspor ke pasar domestik. Langkah yang diperlukan adalahmenghidupkan kembali industri kelapa dengan pengembangan industripengolahan lanjut minyak goreng berbahan baku CCO, seperti oleokimia,sehingga meningkatkan nilai tambah dan memberi insentif bagi petani danpelaku industri kelapa

    Efektifitas Lama Benaman Somba (Soaking Time) terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Ikan di Perairan Kampung Kalongan Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

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    Somba merupakan alat tangkap yang sangat efektif untuk menangkap ikan karang (demersal). Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, penggunaan alat tangkap somba sudah mulai menghilang dari tradisi para nelayan yang ada di Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud dengan adanya alat tangkap modern yang mulai berkembang di kalangan nelayan. Dalam pengoperasiannya, alat tangkap somba merupakan alat tangkap yang ramah lingkungan dan sangat efektif untuk menangkap ikan karang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data lama benaman somba yang paling efektif untuk menangkap ikan karang dan mengetahui jenis-jenis ikan yang tertangkap dari pengoperasian alat tangkap somba. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan informasi ilmiah yang bermanfaat untuk pengembangan teknologi pemanfaatan sumberdaya perikanan yang ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metodeexperimental. Eksperimen adalah observasi di bawah kondisi buatan (artificial condition) dimana kondisi tersebut dibuat dan diatur oleh si peneliti. (Nazir, 2003 dalam Anonimous, 2013). Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengoperasikan 10 unit alat tangkap somba selama 30 hari dengan menghitung jumlah ikan yang masuk ke dalam somba dan mengidentifikasi hasil tangkapan ikan. Pengoperasian dilakukan pada pagi hari pukul 09.00 Wita saat air laut surut dengan kedalaman 0,5-1 meter. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara menghitung jumlah total ikan yang masuk kedalam somba berdasarkanlama benaman (soaking time) somba yang di operasikan selama 30 hari dengan perlakuan lama benaman dibagi menjadi 4 fase waktu benaman yaitu fase I (1-7 hari ), fase II (8-15 hari ), fase III (16-22 hari),dan fase IV (23-30 hari) dibuat dalam bentuk grafik jumlah ikan yang ada dalam somba untuk menentukan lama benaman somba yang paling efektif menangkap ikan karang

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Pasar Jagung di Indonesia

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    EnglishThe study focused on factors affecting market behavior of corn in Indonesia, and market responses. Data of the study are time series for the period of 1980-2001. Model used in the study was Two-Stage Least Squares  (2SLS). The results revealed that production technology improvement should get priority as the means of increasing corn production. Rupiah exchange rate was the main variable affecting Indonesia’s import volume of corn. Demand for corn for feed production was determined by own price of corn rather than feed price. Corn is inferiod food to most Indonesians. In the long term, world prices of corn will be determined mainly by its supply and demand. On the other hand, domestic price of corn in long term will be determined mainly by world price of corn rather than domestic corn market power.IndonesianPenelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku pasar jagung Indonesia, serta tingkat responsif pasar tersebut terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan data time series periode 1980-2001. Pendekatan model ekonometrika persamaan simultan dengan metode pendugaan Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) telah digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian ini. Hasil pendugaan menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan produksi jagung sebaiknya diprioritaskan pada perbaikan teknologi produksi dibanding instrumen lainnya. Nilai tukar rupiah merupakan peubah utama yang berpengaruh terhadap volume impor jagung Indonesia. Permintaan jagung untuk pakan lebih banyak ditentukan oleh harga jagung itu sendiri dibanding harga pakan. Terutama dalam jangka panjang, harga jagung dunia secara kuat akan ditentukan oleh sisi penawaran dan permintaan. Sementara itu, harga jagung domestik dalam jangka panjang lebih banyak akan ditentukan oleh harga jagung dunia dibanding kekuatan pasar jagung domestik

    Dampak Kebijakan Tarif Impor Terhadap Pasar Jagung Di Indonesia

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    Maize is the second largest contributor to GDP after rice in the food crops subsector in Indonesia. The domestic maize production is unable to meet the high demand. Therefore, there is a gap or imbalance between supply and demand and maize import cannot be avoided. The implementation of ASEAN Free Trade Area has reduced and eliminated tariff barriers. The objectives of the study are to: (1) identify factors that affect the supply and demand for maize, and (2) analyze the impact of changes in maize import tariff on the supply, demand, and welfare of producers and consumers of maize in Indonesia. The study used time series data from 1986-2010. Indonesian Maize Trade model is constructed as a system of simultaneous equations and estimated method using Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS).The elimination of Indonesian maize import tariff from AFTA or non AFTA countries is leading to decreased producer surplus. Therefore, the combination of eliminating Indonesian maize import tariff from AFTA and non AFTA countries, decreasing the retail price of urea fertilizer, and increasing maize prices at the farm level can compensate the decrease of producer surplus so that the welfare can be increased(net surplus)


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    Most of the dairy cow farmers in Indonesia are members of the dairy cooperative who receive loan facilities for dairy cattle production and feed concentrates to be useful for increasing the productivity of dairy cows and milk as well as to increase national milk production. The purpose of this study was to identify the business of dairy farmers, and analyze the impact of loans for dairy cattle production facilities on production, income and household well-being of dairy farmers. The analytical method consisted of descriptive analysis and household economic model of dairy farmers in the form of simultaneous equations with sample households of 97 member farmers and 46 non-member farmers in Lembang, West Java. The results of the study show that the age of the farmer is in a productive age with a long experience of farming so that the opportunity for formal education is limited. The scale of ownership of small dairy cows with a low percentage of lactation cows resulting in low milk productivity. Ownership of dairy cattle influences the dairy cattle loan and the price of feed concentrate affects the loan of feed concentrate input.  The impact of the cooperative giving loans on dairy cows is greater than giving loans on feed concentrates on increasing the income of dairy cow business and dairy farmer’s household well-being
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