1,483 research outputs found

    Hereditary haematological disorders in the Greek population of Cape Town

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    It is a recognized fact that most well defined population groups have their own typical pattern of inherited disorders. The genetic conditions most commonly found in Greek persons are the thalassaemias, glucose-6-dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency and, to a lesser extent, certain of the haemoglobinopathies. The clinical and socio-economic consequences of these disorders are significant. In the homozygous state, alpha-thalassaemia is incompatible with life, while thalassaemia major (homozygous beta-thalassaemia) results in a severe anaemia with death usually occurring in the second or third decades. Treatment to prolong the life of these patients is very costly. Alpha- and betathalassaemia, when heterozygous, may result in a mild anaemia or be asymptomatic. G-6-PD deficiency results in attacks of haemolysis on ingestion of certain medical preparations and is of far less importance than the thalassaemias. Haemoglobin Sis the commonest haemoglobinopathy occurring in Greeks and results in a severe clinical condition when homozygous, as with the thalassaemias. However, the gene frequency is far less than that of the thalassaemias. The high prevalence of G-6-PD deficiency and haemoglobin Shave been demonstrated to be due to the selective advantage they confer against malaria. This same mechanism probably applies to the thalassaemias but has not been proven. Thus, these disorders have been demonstrated to occur more frequently in low-lying areas and places where malaria was endemic in the past. Population movement has made this situation less clearcut in recent times. Cape Town has a Greek population numbering approximately 5000 persons. As the thalassaemias, particularly, cause a notable public health problem in Greece, it could be expected that the position would be similar, but on a smaller scale in Cape Town. For these reasons it was decided to undertake a study in Cape Town to ascertain exactly what the position was and what recommendations to make concerning management and prevention

    Why are central radio relics so rare?

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    In this paper we address the question why cluster radio relics that are connected to shock acceleration, so-called radio gischt, have preferentially been found in the outskirts of galaxy clusters. By identifying merger shock waves in cosmological grid simulations, we explore several prescriptions for relating the energy dissipated in shocks to the energy emitted in the radio band. None of the investigated models produce detectable radio relics within 100-200 kpc from the cluster centre. All models cause > 50 per cent of the detectable relic emission at projected distances > 800 kpc. Central radio relics caused by shocks that propagate along the line-of-sight are rare events for simple geometrical reasons, and they have a low surface brightness making them elusive for current instruments. Our simulations show that the radial distribution of observed relics can be explained by the radial trend of dissipated kinetic energy in shocks, that increases with distance from the cluster centre up until half of the virial radius.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. MNRAS accepte

    Diffuse radio emission in the complex merging galaxy cluster Abell 2069

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    Galaxy clusters with signs for a recent merger show in many cases extended diffuse radio features. This emission originates from relativistic electrons which suffer synchrotron losses due to the intra-cluster magnetic field. The mechanisms of the particle acceleration and the properties of the magnetic field are still poorly understood. We search for diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters. Here, we study the complex galaxy cluster Abell 2069, for which X-ray observations indicate a recent merger. We investigate the cluster's radio continuum emission by deep Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) observations at 346 MHz and a Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observation at 322 MHz. We find an extended diffuse radio feature roughly coinciding with the main component of the cluster. We classify this emission as a radio halo and estimate its lower limit flux density to 25 +/- 9 mJy. Moreover, we find a second extended diffuse source located at the cluster's companion and estimate its flux density to 15 +/- 2 mJy. We speculate that this is a small halo or a mini-halo. If true, this cluster is the first example of a double-halo in a single galaxy cluster.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    New giant radio sources and underluminous radio halos in two galaxy clusters

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    The aim of this work is to analyse the radio properties of the massive and dynamical disturbed clusters Abell 1451 and Zwcl 0634.1+4750, especially focusing on the possible presence of diffuse emission. We present new GMRT 320 MHz and JVLA 1.5 GHz observations of these two clusters. We found that both Abell 1451 and Zwcl 0634.1+4750 host a radio halo with a typical spectrum (α11.3\alpha\sim1-1.3). Similarly to a few other cases reported in the recent literature, these radio halos are significantly fainter in radio luminosity with respect to the current radio power-mass correlations and they are smaller than classical giant radio halos. These underluminous sources might contribute to shed light on the complex mechanisms of formation and evolution of radio halos. Furthermore, we detected a candidate radio relic at large distance from the cluster center in Abell 1451 and a peculiar head tail radio galaxy in Zwcl 0634.1+4750, which might be interacting with a shock front.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Abell 1033: birth of a radio phoenix

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    Extended steep-spectrum radio emission in a galaxy cluster is usually associated with a recent merger. However, given the complex scenario of galaxy cluster mergers, many of the discovered sources hardly fit into the strict boundaries of a precise taxonomy. This is especially true for radio phoenixes that do not have very well defined observational criteria. Radio phoenixes are aged radio galaxy lobes whose emission is reactivated by compression or other mechanisms. Here, we present the detection of a radio phoenix close to the moment of its formation. The source is located in Abell 1033, a peculiar galaxy cluster which underwent a recent merger. To support our claim, we present unpublished Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope and Chandra observations together with archival data from the Very Large Array and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We discover the presence of two sub-clusters displaced along the N-S direction. The two sub-clusters probably underwent a recent merger which is the cause of a moderately perturbed X-ray brightness distribution. A steep-spectrum extended radio source very close to an AGN is proposed to be a newly born radio phoenix: the AGN lobes have been displaced/compressed by shocks formed during the merger event. This scenario explains the source location, morphology, spectral index, and brightness. Finally, we show evidence of a density discontinuity close to the radio phoenix and discuss the consequences of its presence.Comment: accepted MNRA


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    On the absence of radio halos in clusters with double relics

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    Pairs of radio relics are believed to form during cluster mergers, and are best observed when the merger occurs in the plane of the sky. Mergers can also produce radio halos, through complex processes likely linked to turbulent re-acceleration of cosmic-ray electrons. However, only some clusters with double relics also show a radio halo. Here, we present a novel method to derive upper limits on the radio halo emission, and analyse archival X-ray Chandra data, as well as galaxy velocity dispersions and lensing data, in order to understand the key parameter that switches on radio halo emission. We place upper limits on the halo power below the P1.4GHzM500P_{\rm 1.4 \, GHz}\, M_{500} correlation for some clusters, confirming that clusters with double relics have different radio properties. Computing X-ray morphological indicators, we find that clusters with double relics are associated with the most disturbed clusters. We also investigate the role of different mass-ratios and time-since-merger. Data do not indicate that the merger mass ratio has an impact on the presence or absence of radio halos (the null hypothesis that the clusters belong to the same group cannot be rejected). However, the data suggests that the absence of radio halos could be associated with early and late mergers, but the sample is too small to perform a statistical test. Our study is limited by the small number of clusters with double relics. Future surveys with LOFAR, ASKAP, MeerKat and SKA will provide larger samples to better address this issue.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Extended X-ray emission in radio galaxies: the peculiar case of 3C 305

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    Extended X-ray structures are common in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). Here we present the first case of a Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) radio galaxy, 3C 305, in which the X-ray radiation appears to be associated with the optical emission line region, dominated by the [O III]5007. On the basis of a morphological study, performed using the comparison between the X-rays, the optical and the radio band, we argue that the high energy emission has a thermal nature and it is not directly linked to the radio jet and hotspots of this source. Finally, we discuss the origin of the extended X-ray structure connected with the optical emission line region following two different interpretations: as due to the interaction between matter outflows and shock-heated environment gas, or as due to gas photoionized by nuclear emission.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in The ApJL Comments: references and affilitations correcte

    Signatures from a merging galaxy cluster and its AGN population : LOFAR observations of Abell 1682

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    Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics. © 2019 ESOWe present LOFAR data from 110-180 MHz of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 1682, alongside archival optical, radio, and X-ray data. Our images of 6 arcsec in resolution at low frequencies reveal new structures associated with numerous radio galaxies in the cluster. At a resolution of 20 arcsec we see diffuse emission throughout the cluster over hundreds of kiloparsecs, indicating particle acceleration mechanisms are in play as a result of the cluster merger event and powerful active galactic nuclei. We show that a significant part of the cluster emission is from an old radio galaxy with very steep spectrum emission (having a spectral index of α < -2.5). Furthermore, we identify a new region of diffuse steep-spectrum emission (α < -1.1) as a candidate for a radio halo which is co-spatial with the centre of the cluster merger. We suggest its origin as a population of old and mildly relativistic electrons left over from radio galaxies throughout the cluster which have been re-accelerated to higher energies by shocks and turbulence induced by the cluster merger event. We also note the discovery of six new giant radio galaxies in the vicinity of Abell 1682.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio