1,542 research outputs found

    Comparison of Transfer-to-Continuum and Eikonal Models of Projectile Fragmentation Reactions

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    Spectroscopic properties of nuclei are accessible with projectile fragmentation reactions, but approximations made in the reaction theory can limit the accuracy of the determinations. We examine here two models that have rather different approximations for the nucleon wave function, the target interaction, and the treatment of the finite duration of the reaction. The nucleon-target interaction is treated differently in the eikonal and the transfer-to-continuum model, but the differences are more significant for light targets. We propose a new parameterization with that in mind. We also propose a new formula to calculate the amplitude that combines the better treatment of the wave function in the eikonal model with the better treatment of the target interaction in the transfer-to-continuum model.Comment: 21 pages, latex file including 3 tables. 5 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Coulomb breakup effects on the optical potentials of weakly bound nuclei

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    The optical potential of halo and weakly bound nuclei has a long range part due to the coupling to breakup that damps the elastic scattering angular distributions. In order to describe correctly the breakup channel in the case of scattering on a heavy target, core recoil effects have to be taken into account. We show here that core recoil and nuclear breakup of the valence nucleon can be consistently taken into account. A microscopic absorptive potential is obtained within a semiclassical approach and its characteristics can be understood in terms of the properties of the halo wave function and of the reaction mechanism. Results for the case of medium to high energy reactions are presented.Comment: 25 latex pages, 4 tables, 6 figures. Submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    Unbound exotic nuclei studied by transfer to the continuum reactions

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    In this paper we show that the theory of transfer reactions from bound to continuum states is well suited to extract structure information from data obtained by performing "spectroscopy in the continuum". The low energy unbound states of nuclei such as 10^{10}Li and 5^{5}He can be analyzed and the neutron-core interaction, necessary to describe the corresponding borromean nuclei 11^{11}Li and 6^{6}He can be determined in a semi-phenomenological way. An application to the study of 10^{10}Li is then discussed and it is shown that the scattering length for s-states at threshold can be obtained from the ratio of experimental and theoretical cross sections. The scattering single particle states of the system n+9^{9}Li are obtained in a potential model. The corresponding S-matrix is used to calculate the transfer cross section as a function of the neutron continuum energy with respect to 9^{9}Li. Three different reactions are calculated 9Li(d,p)10Li^{9}Li(d,p)^{10}Li, 9Li(9Be,8Be)10Li^{9}Li(^{9}Be,^{8}Be)^{10}Li, 9Li(13C,12C)10Li^{9}Li(^{13}C,^{12}C)^{10}Li, to check the sensitivity of the results to the target used and in particular to the transfer matching conditions. Thus the sensitivity of the structure information extracted from experimental data on the reaction mechanism is assessed.Comment: 21 pages, 5 ps figures, accepted for publication on Nucl. Phys.

    A non-perturbative approach to halo breakup

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    The theory of weakly bound cluster breakup, like halo nucleus breakup, needs an accurate treatment of the transitions from bound to continuum states induced by the nuclear and Coulomb potentials. When the transition probability is not very small, a non-perturbative framework might be necessary. Nuclear excitation dominates at small impact parameters whereas the Coulomb potential being long range acts over a larger impact parameter interval. In this article, we propose an effective breakup amplitude which meets a number of requirements necessary for an accurate quantitative description of the breakup reaction mechanism. Furthermore our treatment gives some insight on the interplay between time dependent perturbation theory and sudden approximation and it allows to include the nuclear and Coulomb potentials to all orders within an eikonal-like framework.Comment: 22 Latex pages, 1 table, 8 eps figures. Accepted for publication on Nucl. Phys.

    Initial State Dependence of the Breakup of Weakly Bound Carbon Isotopes

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    The one-neutron nuclear breakup from the Carbon isotopes 19^{19}C and 17^{17}C, is calculated as an example of application of the theory of transfer to the continuum reactions in the formulation which includes spin coupling. The effect of the energy sharing between the parallel and transverse neutron momentum distributions is taken into account thus resulting in a theory which is more general than sudden eikonal approaches. Both effects are necessary to understand properly the breakup from not too weakly bound li>1l_i>1 orbitals. Breakup which leaves the core into an excited state below particle threshold is also considered. The core-target interaction is treated in the smooth cut-off approximation. By comparing to presently available experimental data we show how to make some hypothesis on the quantum numbers and occupancy of the neutron initial state. Possible ambiguities in the interpretation of inclusive cross sections are discussed.Comment: 22 RevTeX pages,3 ps figures. Phys. Rev. C, accepte

    Viscoelastic Multicomponent Fluids in confined Flow-Focusing Devices

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    The effects of elasticity on the break-up of liquid threads in microfluidic cross-junctions is investigated using numerical simulations based on the "lattice Boltzmann models" (LBM). Working at small Capillary numbers, we investigate the effects of non-Newtonian phases in the transition from droplet formation at the cross-junction (DCJ) and droplet formation downstream of the cross-junction (DC) (Liu & Zhang, Phys.Fluids.{\it Phys. Fluids.} 23{\bf 23}, 082101 (2011)). Viscoelasticity is found to influence the break-up point of the threads, which moves closer to the cross-junction and stabilizes. This is attributed to an increase of the polymer feedback stress forming in the corner flows, where the side channels of the device meet the main channel.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, AIP Conference Proceedings, 201

    Unbound exotic nuclei studied by projectile fragmentation

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    We call "projectile fragmentation" of neutron halo nuclei the elastic breakup (diffraction) reaction, when the observable studied is the neutron-core relative energy spectrum. This observable has been measured in relation to the Coulomb breakup on heavy target and recently also on light targets. Such data enlighten the effect of the neutron final state interaction with the core of origin. Projectile fragmentation is studied here by a time dependent model for the excitation of a nucleon from a bound state to a continuum resonant state in a neutron-core complex potential which acts as a final state interaction. The final state is described by an optical model S-matrix so that both resonant and non resonant states of any continuum energy can be studied as well as deeply bound initial states. It turns out that due to the coupling between the initial and final states, the neutron-core free particle phase shifts are modified, in the exit channel, by an additional phase. Some typical numerical calculations for the relevant observables are presented and compared to experimental data. It is suggest that the excitation energy spectra of an unbound nucleus might reflect the structure of the parent nucleus from whose fragmentation they are obtained.Comment: Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Problems in Theoretican Nuclear Physics, Cortona, Italy, 2006. World Scientifi
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