15 research outputs found


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    Este trabalho visa refletir sobre as formas como coletivos de primatas humanos e outro-que-humanos são experienciados entre primatólogos e Ameríndios. O tema insere-se na contemporânea atenção dedicada às produções de coletivos mais-que-humanos na definição de mundos compartilhados. A ambiguidade da definição de quem é um primata, que será tratada ao longo da argumentação, pode ajudar a descrever o polimorfismo e a mutabilidade desses coletivos. Evidenciando as formas como são apresentados estes coletivos entre primatólogos e Ameríndios, buscara-se ressaltar convergências e discrepâncias, na direção de pensar tais coletivos como encontros que abrem para outro os sujeitos envolvidos

    Miti multispecifici. Mito ed esperienza interspecifica in Amazzonia

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    Mythical narratives, in their Amerindian styles, fascinated anthropological reflections in different directions. A classical starting point, proposed by Lévi-Strauss, appoints in these narratives the recognition of the indissolubility of interspecific experiences as feature of human lives. This paper describes how the Mebengokré people of eastern Amazon produce multiple relations with the turtles. Having as a starting point a mythical narrative, in sequence it will introduce hunting techniques used to hunt turtles, a specific music learned from the turtles, and the ritualistic practices associated with these. The description of these relations’ role in the reciprocal production of humans and animals, both at practical and semiotic levels, will highlight how a complex web of interspecific influences emerges. Such description will be, in sequence, contextualized in the contemporary debates about human and non-human relations in the production of shared Worlds. Finally, the paper will discuss specific forms in which diverse subjectivities build up a common becoming. This becoming appears as a resonance between shared Worlds, as dissolution of interspecific borders and epistemological dichotomies. In this way, the described Amerindian myth will emerge as a reflection on interspecific relations. Keywords: Myth; Amerindian; Multispecies; Turtles; BecomingLe narrazioni mitiche, nella loro accezione amerindia, hanno intrigato il pensiero antropologico in molteplici direzioni. Un punto di partenza classico proposto da Lévi-Strauss ha individuato in tali narrazioni il riconoscimento dell’indissolubilità dell’esperienza interspecifica come caratteristica del vissuto umano. Questo testo descrive le molteplici forme attraverso cui i Mebengokré dell’Amazzonia orientale entrano in relazione con le tartarughe. Prendendo come punto di partenza una narrazione mitica, saranno poi introdotte le modalità di caccia a questi chelonidi, una canzone appresa da loro e le pratiche ritualistiche ad essa associate. La descrizione di queste relazioni, tanto a livello pratico quanto semiotico, nel processo di produzione reciproca tra umani e animali evidenzierà l’emergere di una complessa rete di influenze interspecifiche. Tale descrizione sarà quindi contestualizzata nell’ambito del dibattito contemporaneo sulle relazioni tra umani e non-umani nella produzione di mondi condivisi. Infine, il testo discuterà le specifiche forme in cui le diverse soggettività costruiscono un divenire comune. Questo si configura come risonanza di mondi condivisi, come dissoluzione di frontiere interspecifiche e dicotomie epistemologiche. Così, il mito Amerindio descritto emergerà come una riflessione su relazioni interspecifiche. Parole chiave: mito; amerindiani; multispecie; tartarughe; divenireLe narrazioni mitiche, nella loro accezione amerindia, hanno intrigato il pensiero antropologico in molteplici direzioni. Un punto di partenza classico proposto da Lévi-Strauss ha individuato in tali narrazioni il riconoscimento dell’indissolubilità dell’esperienza interspecifica come caratteristica del vissuto umano. Questo testo descrive le molteplici forme attraverso cui i Mebengokré dell’Amazzonia orientale entrano in relazione con le tartarughe. Prendendo come punto di partenza una narrazione mitica, saranno poi introdotte le modalità di caccia a questi chelonidi, una musica appresa da loro e le pratiche ritualistiche ad essa associate. La descrizione di queste relazioni, tanto a livello pratico quanto semiotico, nel processo di produzione reciproca tra umani e animali evidenzierà l’emergere di una complessa rete di influenze interspecifiche. Tale descrizione sarà quindi contestualizzata nell’ambito del dibattito contemporaneo sulle relazioni tra umani e non-umani nella produzione di mondi condivisi. Infine, il testo discuterà le specifiche forme in cui le diverse soggettività costruiscono un divenire comune. Questo si configura come risonanza di mondi condivisi, come dissoluzione di frontiere interspecifiche e dicotomie epistemologiche. Così, il mito Amerindio descritto emergerà come una riflessione su relazioni interspecifiche. Parole chiave: mito; amerindiani; multispecie; tartarughe; divenir

    Brazilian scientific production: Emerging epistemologies, ontologies and value systems

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    Roste počet protihegemonických brazilských vědeckých produkcí. Postupný proces dekolonizace brazilských univerzit, který je výsledkem boje sociálních hnutí, otevřel prostor pro výzkumné pracovníky, aby představili alternativy vědecké produkce. V tomto článku budeme pracovat s hypotézou, že existuje značný počet brazilských vědeckých prací, které se snaží odpoutat od hegemonních teorií na základě nových alternativ epistemologií, ontologií a hodnotových systémů. Na její podporu poukážeme na deset prací, které využívají nové epistemologie a ontologie a hodnotové systémy k formulaci koncepcí a teorií o sociálně marginalizovaných skupinách.There are a growing number of counter-hegemonic Brazilian scientific productions. The gradual process of decolonization of Brazilian universities, a result of the struggle of social movements, has opened space for researchers to present alternatives for scientific production. In this paper we will work with the hypothesis that there is a significant number of Brazilian academic works that seek to detach themselves from hegemonic theories based on new alternatives of epistemologies, ontologies, and value systems. To support it, we point to ten works that use emerging epistemologies, ontologies, and value systems to formulate conceptions and theories about socially marginalized groups

    Decoloniality of knowledge: Scientific dissemination of indigenous women productions

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    Tato studie analyzovala diplomové a magisterské práce domorodých žen na veřejných univerzitách v Brazílii. Historie kolonizace v Brazílii zanechala stopy mocenské dynamiky, která znehodnotila domorodou kulturu. Díky tomu byla zavedena monopolizace znalostí a komunikace lidmi, kteří posilují eurocentrickou produkci znalostí. Tato studie kombinuje výsledky produkce domorodých žen s diskusemi, které již vytvořili výzkumníci dekoloniality v humanitních vědách. Zaznamenali jsme procesy umlčování, jimiž tyto ženy prošly během svého studia. Identifikovali jsme obtíže při šíření těchto důležitých prací a dopady vyvolané novou dynamikou těch, kteří byli kdysi objekty studia a pomalu zabírají jejich prostor v nároku na své stanovisko. Proto jsme zdůraznili potřebu přímých akcí ze strany univerzit, které by podporovaly a lépe šířily kontrahegemonickou produkci domorodých žen.This study analyzed theses and master's dissertations of indigenous women in public universities of Brazil. The history of the colonization in Brazil left traces of a power dynamic that devalued indigenous culture. With this, the monopolization of knowledge and communication was established by people who reinforce the Eurocentric production of knowledge. We outlined a study that crossed the lines of indigenous women's productions with the discussions already produced by researchers of the decoloniality in human sciences. We faced the silencing processes that these women went through during their studies. We identified the difficulties of dissemination of these important works and the impacts generated by the new dynamics of those who were once objects of study and slowly occupy their spaces in a claim for their standpoint. Therefore, we highlighted the need for direct action by universities to encourage and better disseminate the counter-hegemonic productions of indigenous women


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    La creciente participación de los amerindios en la elaboración y realización de proyectos de investigación, y su protagonismo en la elaboración y divulgación de los resultados sugiere la utilidad de redefinir las pragmáticas etnográficas y reflexivas de lo que se supone que debe hacer la antropología. En los últimos años, estas pragmáticas se han movido, cada vez más, en la dirección de la cooperación, la colaboración y la coproducción, redefiniendo los diálogos antropológicos y las producciones académicas. Mientras tanto, esta simetrización de amerindios y antropólogos cambió la antropología en una dimensión ética y política más profunda, aún más fuerte cuando los antropólogos son los mismos amerindios. En la presentación se describirán tres  casos para presentar algunas preguntas sobre la realización efectiva de cooperaciones, coproducciones y colaboraciones, cuando los amerindios son los protagonistas de los esfuerzos antropológicos. El primero es una exposición etnográfica virtual; el segundo, una mesa redonda en un congreso científico internacional; y el tercero, la producción y publicación de un artículo en una revista científica. En los tres casos, las estrategias creativas, plurales y comprometidas promovieron la redefinición de la pragmática antropológica. La tesis central es que, lejos de ser necesario, el esfuerzo antropológico actual debe repensar el estatuto de su indagación, movilizando distintas  erramientas ontológicas, epistemológicas y axiológicas, para ser efectivamente plural. Palabras clave: Amerindios, antropología, cooperación, colaboración, coproducciónAbstractThe growing participation of Amerindians in the planning and implementation of research projects, and their role in the development and dissemination of results suggest the usefulness of redefining the ethnographic and reflective pragmatics of what anthropology is supposed to do. In recent years, these pragmatics have increasingly moved in the direction of cooperation, collaboration, and coproduction redefining anthropological dialogues and scholarly productions. Meanwhile, this symmetrization of Amerindians and anthropologists moved anthropology toward a deeper ethical and political dimension, even stronger when the anthropologists are Amerindians themselves. In the presentation, three cases will be described to introduce some questions about the effective realization of cooperation, co-productions, and collaborations when Amerindians are the protagonists of anthropological efforts. The first is a virtual ethnographic exhibition, the second a round table at an international scientific congress and the third the production and publication of an article in a scientific journal. In all three cases, creative, plural, and engaged strategies promoted the redefinition of anthropological pragmatics. The core thesis is that, far from being unnecessary, the current anthropological effort must rethink the status of its inquiry, mobilizing different ontological, epistemological, and axiological tools to be effectively plural. Keywords: Amerindians, anthropology, cooperation, collaboration, coproduction


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    O texto visa refletir sobre a pratica etnográfica, entendida tanto como estar em quanto como narrar o campo, tendo como foco a emergência e as sugestões propostas pela etnografia multiespécie. A partir de uma possível visão do desenvolvimento histórico da etnografia enquanto pratica especifica de fazer experiência do(s) mundo(s), é evidenciado o surgimento da etnografia multiespécie no contexto das discussões sobre pós-humanismo. Em seguida será apresentado um caso de produção etnográfica focada em outros-que-humanos para evidenciar os elementos na base dessas propostas. Enfim, o texto discute as possibilidades de expandir a etnografia para incluir seres outro-que-humanos, enfatizando seus aspectos epistêmicos, ontológicos e morais. A proposta do texto é que a etnografia multiespécie oferece especificas possibilidades de extensão da etnografia a partir das noções de hibridização do conhecimento e de curiosidade etnográfica

    Cultural consensus and intracultural diversity in ethnotaxonomy: lessons from a fishing community in Northeast Brazil

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    Background: Traditional fishing communities are strongholds of ethnobiological knowledge but establishing to what degree they harbor cultural consensus about different aspects of this knowledge has been a challenge in many ethnobiological studies. Methods: We conducted an ethnobiological study in an artisanal fishing community in northeast Brazil, where we interviewed 91 community members (49 men and 42 women) with different type of activities (fishers and non-fishers), in order to obtain free lists and salience indices of the fish they know. To establish whether there is cultural consensus in their traditional knowledge on fish, we engaged a smaller subset of 45 participants in triad tasks where they chose the most different fish out of 30 triads. We used the similarity matrices generated from the task results to detect if there is cultural consensus in the way fish were classified by them. Results: The findings show how large is the community’s knowledge of fish, with 197 ethnospecies registered, of which 33 species were detected as salient or important to the community. In general, men cited more fish than women. We also found that there was no cultural consensus in the ways fish were classified. Conclusions: Both free-listing and triad task methods revealed little cultural consensus in the way knowledge is structured and how fish were classified by community members. Our results suggest that it is prudent not to make assumptions that a given local community has a single cultural consensus model in classifying the organisms in their environment

    Multispecies curiosities and ethnographies

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    Příspěvek popisuje vznik vícedruhové etnografie jako formy znásobení zkušeností a popisů za hranicemi lidského druhu. Navzdory tomu, že definice vícedruhovosti je poměrně nedávná, autor v článku tvrdí, že zájem o začlenění jiných než lidských bytostí do etnografického úsilí se datuje již od počátku disciplíny. Příkladem tohoto zájmu je text The American Beaver and His Works (Americký bobr a jeho práce) napsaný roku 1868 Henrym Morganem, v němž autor tato zvířata účinně zařazuje do své etnografie. Článek pojednává o tom, že vícedruhový přístup může podpořit předefinování hlavních rysů etnografického výzkumu.The paper describes the emergence of multispecies ethnography as a form of multiplying experiences and descriptions beyond the human. Despite the definition of multispecies being quite recent, the paper argues that the interest toward the inclusion of other-than-humans in the ethnographic effort dates back at the beginning of the discipline. An example of this interest is the text The American Beaver and His Works written in 1868 by Henry Morgan, in which the author effectively includes these animals in his ethnography. The thesis of the paper is that a multispecies approach can promote a redefinition of hybridity and curiosity as two core features of the ethnographic effort

    Produzione orticola ed esperienza sociale tra i mebengokré dell’Amazzonia brasiliana

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    The Author describes the horticultural practices of the mebengokré, an Amerindian people of central Brazil (Pará), with reference to the choice of place, sowing, harvesting, but also to the symbolic aspects and social experience. The hypothesis is that the introduction of new crops and their subsequent circulation contribute to producing not only food, but also properly mebengokré people.El Autor describe las prácticas hortícolas del mebengokré, un pueblo amerindio del centro de Brasil (Pará), con referencia a la elección del lugar, la siembra, la cosecha, pero también a los aspectos simbólicos y la experiencia social. La hipótesis es que la introducción de nuevos cultivos y su posterior circulación contribuyen a la producción no solo de alimentos, sino también de personas propiamente mebengokré.L'Autore descrive le pratiche orticole dei mebengokré, un popolo amerindio del Brasile centrale (Pará), con riferimento alla scelta del luogo, alla semina, alla raccolta, ma anche agli aspetti simbolici e della esperienza sociale. L'ipotesi è che l’introduzione di nuove coltivazioni e la loro successiva circolazione contribuiscano a produrre non solo alimenti, ma anche persone propriamente mebengokré

    Luisa Faldini, <em>Biylú. È nato per la vita: Creazione dello spazio e della persona in un terreiro nagô di Juquitiba (Brasile)</em>, Roma, CISU, 2009, pp. 207

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    Book review of Luisa Faldini, Biylú. È nato per la vita: Creazione dello spazio e della persona in un terreiro nagô di Juquitiba (Brasile), Roma, CISU, 2009, pp. 207