498 research outputs found

    Automatic dictionary and rule-based systems for extracting information from text

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    The paper offers a general introduction to the use of meta-information in a text mining perspective. The aim is to build a meta-dictionary as an available linguistic resource useful for different applications. The procedure is based on the use of a hybrid system. The suggested algorithm employs, conjointly and in a recursive way, dictionaries and rules, the latter both lexical and textual. An application on a corpus of diaries from the Time Use Survey (TUS) by Istat is illustrate

    Effects of the Use of Non-Calcium Phosphate Binders in the Control and Outcome of Vascular Calcifications: A Review of Clinical Trials on CKD Patients

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    Vascular calcifications produce a high impact on morbidity and mortality rates in patients affected by chronic kidney disease and mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD). Effects are manifested from the more advanced stages of CKD (stages 3-4), particularly in patients undergoing dialysis (CKD5D). In recent years, a large number of therapeutic options have been successfully used in the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT), despite eliciting less marked effects on nonbone calcifications associated with CKD-MBD. In addition to the use of Vitamin D and analogues, more recently treatment with calcimimetic drugs has also been undertaken. The present paper aims to analyze comparative and efficacy studies undertaken to assess particularly the impact on morbidity and mortality rates of non-calcium phosphate binders. Moreover, the mechanism of action underlying the depositing of calcium and phosphate along blood vessel walls, irrespective of the specific contribution provided in reducing the typical phosphate levels observed in CKD largely at more advanced stages of the disease, will be investigated. The aim of this paper therefore is to evaluate which phosphate binders are characterised by the above action and the mechanisms through which these are manifested

    Melanosomes at a glance

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    Melanosomes, the pigment granules that provide tissues with colour and photoprotection, are the cellular site of synthesis, storage and transport of melanin pigments. They are synthesised in mammalian skin melanocytes, in choroidal melanocytes and retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in the eye, and in melanophores (a class of pigment-containing cells) in lower vertebrates. The precise fate and functions of melanosomes vary according to cell type – epidermal melanocytes supply neighbouring keratinocytes with melanosomes, which results in the pigmentation of skin and hair, whereas pigment granules are retained intracellularly in RPE cells and choroidal melanocytes. In lower vertebrates, the reversible aggregation and dispersion of melanosomes throughout the melanophore enables rapid colour change and adaptation to the environment

    The incremental treatment of ESRD: A low-protein diet combined with weekly hemodialysis may be beneficial for selected patients

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    Background: Infrequent dialysis, namely once-a-week session combined with very low-protein, low-phosphorus diet supplemented with ketoacids was reported as a useful treatment schedule for ESRD patients with markedly reduced residual renal function but preserved urine output. This study reports our findings from the application of a weekly dialysis schedule plus less severe protein restriction (standard low-protein low-phosphorus diet) in stage 5 CKD patients with consistent dietary discipline. Methods: This is a multicenter, prospective controlled study, including 68 incident CKD patients followed in a pre-dialysis clinic with Glomerular Filtration Rate 5 to 10 ml/min/1.73/m2 who became unstable on the only medical treatment. They were offered to begin a Combined Diet Dialysis Program (CDDP) or a standard thrice-a-week hemodialysis (THD): 38 patients joined the CDDP, whereas 30 patients chose THD. Patients were studied at baseline, 6 and 12 months; hospitalization and survival rate were followed-up for 24 months. Results: Volume output and residual renal function were maintained in the CDDP Group while those features dropped quickly in THD Group. Throughout the study, CDDP patients had a lower erythropoietin resistance index, lower β2 microglobulin levels and lower need for cinacalcet of phosphate binders than THD, and stable parameters of nutritional status. At 24 month follow-up, 39.4% of patients were still on CDDP; survival rates were 94.7% and 86.8% for CDDP and THD patients, respectively, but hospitalization rate was much higher in THD than in CDDP patients. The cost per patient per year resulted significantly lower in CDDP than in THD Group. Conclusions: This study shows that a CDDP served to protect the residual renal function, to maintain urine volume output and to preserve a good nutritional status. CDDP also blunted the rapid β2 microglobulin increase and resulted in better control of anemia and calcium-phosphate abnormalities. CDDP was also associated with a lower hospitalization rate and reduced need of erythropoietin, as well as of drugs used for treatment of calcium-phosphate abnormalities, thus leading to a significant cost-saving. We concluded that in selected ESRD patients with preserved urine output attitude to protein restriction, CDDP may be a beneficial choice for an incremental hemodialysis program

    Formazione e sviluppo professionale online degli insegnanti. Studio di un gruppo di insegnanti su Facebook

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    Come evidenziano importanti ricerche in ambito internazionale e nazionale (TALIS 2013, Indire 2015/2016) la partecipazione degli insegnanti italiani ad iniziative di sviluppo professionale in contesti di natura formale, quali corsi e laboratori, conferenze, seminari, è tra le più basse in Europa ed in costante decrescita, mentre emerge uno spiccato interesse per attività di ricerca individuale e in gruppo e la propensione a individuare le opportunità di sviluppo professionale all’interno di comunità di pratica che, costituendosi come occasioni di confronto tra colleghi, consentono di ancorare l’attività di formazione permanente alle peculiarità dei singoli contesti educativi e di superare una condizione di "isolamento" frequentemente denunciata nel contesto scolastico. Diverse indagini sottolineano come tali opportunità si possano trovare oggi all’interno di spazi di socialità virtuali o online, quali ad esempio i Social Network, i forum o più in generale gli ambienti del Web 2.0 (Trentin 2004; Ellerani, 2010; Petti 2010; Ranieri & Manca, 2013; Ranieri, et al., 2012; Diggins et al., 2011; Scimeca, 2012; Munoz et al. 2013; Rehm & Notten 2016; Kelly & Antonio 2016; Fox & Bird 2017; Macià & Garcìa 2017). Il settore di ricerca sulla partecipazione degli insegnanti in contesti di sviluppo professionale online, risulta allo stato attuale largamente alimentato dalle percezioni degli insegnanti stessi (raccolte tramite interviste, surveys, questionari). L'analisi vuole contribuire all’avanzamento della ricerca e del dibattito sulle opportunità insite nei Social Network di sostenere e alimentare lo sviluppo professionale degli insegnanti, avvalendosi oltre che di metodologie di natura quantitativa e qualitativa, di strumenti di analisi del contenuto lessicale e testuale. In particolare lo studio indaga le dinamiche relazionali e comunicative che hanno luogo all’interno di una peculiare struttura comunitaria costituitasi su Facebook: il gruppo di insegnanti "La Classe Capovolta”

    Atrophy, oxidative switching and ultrastructural defects in skeletal muscle of the ataxia telangiectasia mouse model

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    Ataxia telangiectasia is a rare, multi system disease caused by ATM kinase deficiency. Atm-knockout mice recapitulate premature aging, immunodeficiency, cancer predisposition, growth retardation and motor defects, but not cerebellar neurodegeneration and ataxia. We explored whether Atm loss is responsible for skeletal muscle defects by investigating myofiber morphology, oxidative/glycolytic activity, myocyte ultrastructural architecture and neuromuscular junctions. Atm-knockout mice showed reduced muscle and fiber size. Atrophy, protein synthesis impairment and a switch from glycolytic to oxidative fibers were detected, along with an increase of in expression of slow and fast myosin types (Myh7, and Myh2 and Myh4, respectively) in tibialis anterior and solei muscles isolated from Atm-knockout mice. Transmission electron microscopy of tibialis anterior revealed misalignments of Z-lines and sarcomeres and mitochondria abnormalities that were associated with an increase in reactive oxygen species. Moreover, neuromuscular junctions appeared larger and more complex than those in Atm wild-type mice, but with preserved presynaptic terminals. In conclusion, we report for the first time that Atm-knockout mice have clear morphological skeletal muscle defects that will be relevant for the investigation of the oxidative stress response, motor alteration and the interplay with peripheral nervous system in ataxia telangiectasia

    Failed Switching off in the MIBI-Parathyroid Scintigraphy in a Dialyzed Patient with Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Responsive to Cinacalcet Therapy

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    The aims of your case report is to show the predictivity of 99mTc-sestamibi (MIBI) scintigraphy and doppler ultrasound imaging on secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) in a patient responsive to calcimimetic treatment. Moreover, it has been reported that calcimimetic has great potential in reducing the volume of the parathyroid gland. On the other hand, the MIBI scintigraphy is considered a crucial diagnostic procedure to monitor the response to therapy in terms of turnover and cellular metabolism; whereas, ultrasound to monitor the volume variation in response to treatment. It is described the case of a 73-year-old man on hemodialysis from 1995 for ESRD. Within 2 years the patient gradually developed SHPT with progressively increased iPTH up to 1,000 ρg/ml. The ultrasound, highlighted the presence of two parathyroid hyperplasia, confirmed by scintigraphy, showing focal increase uptake of sestamibi in the same anatomical areas. As a result of the patient's refusal to perform a parathyroidectomy, cinacalcet, was administered (65 mg overage daily dose). After a year of treatment, there was a striking decrease of iPTH (from 1300 to 57 ρg/ml, −95%); but, on the contrary to expectations, this positive metabolic outcome, was not followed by parathyroid changes in ultrasound and scintigraphic findings