1,309 research outputs found

    Extending WorldMap to Make It Easier for Humanists and Others to Find, Use, and Publish Geospatial Information

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    WorldMap is being developed by the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University as an open source and open access online platform for visualizing and sharing spatial data. It has attracted considerable use since released in July of 2011. We propose making improvements to WorldMap which will transform it from mapping portal to geospatial node on the web. We will develop a new data catalog to expose WorldMap contents for interactive use in systems outside WorldMap. We will gather map metadata from map servers around the world to add to this catalog, eventually maintaining a complete index of map services. To improve search in a metadata-weak map services environment we will add the capability to search by time; develop a mechanism for exposing feature level text to layer search; and use rankings, usage statistics and internal links to weight search results. We will also enable users to create temporal gazetteers and contribute them to a common crowd-sourced gazetteer

    Ricci flows with unbounded curvature

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    We show that any noncompact Riemann surface admits a complete Ricci flow g(t), t\in[0,\infty), which has unbounded curvature for all t\in[0,\infty).Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; updated reference

    Laplace transformations of hydrodynamic type systems in Riemann invariants: periodic sequences

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    The conserved densities of hydrodynamic type system in Riemann invariants satisfy a system of linear second order partial differential equations. For linear systems of this type Darboux introduced Laplace transformations, generalising the classical transformations in the scalar case. It is demonstrated that Laplace transformations can be pulled back to the transformations of the corresponding hydrodynamic type systems. We discuss periodic Laplace sequences of with the emphasize on the simplest nontrivial case of period 2. For 3-component systems in Riemann invariants a complete discription of closed quadruples is proposed. They turn to be related to a special quadratic reduction of the (2+1)-dimensional 3-wave system which can be reduced to a triple of pairwize commuting Monge-Ampere equations. In terms of the Lame and rotation coefficients Laplace transformations have a natural interpretation as the symmetries of the Dirac operator, associated with the (2+1)-dimensional n-wave system. The 2-component Laplace transformations can be interpreted also as the symmetries of the (2+1)-dimensional integrable equations of Davey-Stewartson type. Laplace transformations of hydrodynamic type systems originate from a canonical geometric correspondence between systems of conservation laws and line congruences in projective space.Comment: 22 pages, Late

    Ricci flows with bursts of unbounded curvature

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    Given a completely arbitrary surface, whether or not it has bounded curvature, or even whether or not it is complete, there exists an instantaneously complete Ricci flow evolution of that surface that exists for a specific amount of time [GT11]. In the case that the underlying Riemann surface supports a hyperbolic metric, this Ricci flow always exists for all time and converges (after scaling by a factor 1/2t ) to this hyperbolic metric [GT11], i.e. our Ricci flow geometrises the surface. In this paper we show that there exist complete, bounded curvature initial metrics, including those conformal to a hyperbolic metric, which have subsequent Ricci flows developing unbounded curvature at certain intermediate times. In particular, when coupled with the uniqueness from [Top13], we find that any complete Ricci flow starting with such initial metrics must develop unbounded curvature over some intermediate time interval, but that nevertheless, the curvature must later become bounded and the flow must achieve geometrisation as t → ∞, even though there are other conformal deformations to hyperbolic metrics that do not involve unbounded curvature. Another consequence of our constructions is that while our Ricci flow from [GT11] must agree initially with the classical flow of Hamilton and Shi in the special case that the initial surface is complete and of bounded curvature, by uniqueness, it is now clear that our flow lasts for a longer time interval in general, with Shi’s flow stopping when the curvature blows up, but our flow continuing strictly beyond in these situations. All our constructions of unbounded curvature developing and then disappearing are in two dimensions. Generalisations to higher dimensions are then immediate

    Protocolized Versus Nonprotocolized Weaning to Reduce the Duration of Invasive Mechanical Weaning in Neonates A Systematic Review of All Types of Studies

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    Mechanical ventilation is one of the most commonly used treatments in neonatology. Prolonged mechanical ventilation is associated with deleterious outcomes. To reduce the ventilation duration, weaning protocols have been developed to achieve extubation in adult and pediatric care in a safe and uniform manner. We performed a systematic review to obtain all available evidence on the effect of protocolized versus nonprotocolized weaning on the duration of invasive mechanical ventilation in critically ill neonates. The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, and the International Clinical Trial Registry Platform were searched until January 2018. Quantitative and qualitative studies involving neonates that investigated or described protocolized versus nonprotocolized weaning were included. Primary outcome was the difference in weaning duration. A total of 2099 potentially relevant articles were retrieved. Three stud

    Criteria for the differentiation between young and old Onchocerca volvulus filariae

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    Drugs exist that show long-lasting inhibition of embryogenesis and microfilaria production or macrofilaricidal activity against Onchocerca volvulus. Therefore, the patients have to be followed-up for several years. Clinical drug trials have to be performed in areas with ongoing transmission to assess the efficacy on younger worms. In addition, future vaccine trials may also require demonstrating efficacy against establishment of new worms. For the evaluation of the efficacy, it is necessary to differentiate between older worms, which were exposed to the drug, and younger worms newly acquired after drug treatment or vaccination. Here, we describe criteria for the differentiation between young and old filariae based on histological studies of worms with a known age from travellers, or from children, or patients living in areas with interrupted transmission in Burkina Faso, Ghana or Uganda. Older worms were larger and presented degenerated tissues. Gomori's iron stain showed that the worms accumulated more iron with increasing age, first in the gut and later in other organs. Using an antibody against O. volvulus lysosomal aspartic protease, the gut of young worms was stained only weakly; whereas, it was stronger labelled in older worms, accompanied by additional staining of hypodermis and epithelia. Using morphological and immunohistological criteria, it was possible to differentiate young (1–3 years old) from older females and to identify young males

    How does the substrate affect the Raman and excited state spectra of a carbon nanotube?

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    We study the optical properties of a single, semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube (CNT) that is partially suspended across a trench and partially supported by a SiO2-substrate. By tuning the laser excitation energy across the E33 excitonic resonance of the suspended CNT segment, the scattering intensities of the principal Raman transitions, the radial breathing mode (RBM), the G-mode and the D-mode show strong resonance enhancement of up to three orders of magnitude. In the supported part of the CNT, despite a loss of Raman scattering intensity of up to two orders of magnitude, we recover the E33 excitonic resonance suffering a substrate-induced red shift of 50 meV. The peak intensity ratio between G-band and D-band is highly sensitive to the presence of the substrate and varies by one order of magnitude, demonstrating the much higher defect density in the supported CNT segments. By comparing the E33 resonance spectra measured by Raman excitation spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) excitation spectroscopy in the suspended CNT segment, we observe that the peak energy in the PL excitation spectrum is red-shifted by 40 meV. This shift is associated with the energy difference between the localized exciton dominating the PL excitation spectrum and the free exciton giving rise to the Raman excitation spectrum. High-resolution Raman spectra reveal substrate-induced symmetry breaking, as evidenced by the appearance of additional peaks in the strongly broadened Raman G band. Laser-induced line shifts of RBM and G band measured on the suspended CNT segment are both linear as a function of the laser excitation power. Stokes/anti-Stokes measurements, however, reveal an increase of the G phonon population while the RBM phonon population is rather independent of the laser excitation power.Comment: Revised manuscript, 20 pages, 8 figure
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