326 research outputs found

    Dobson-stations performance assessment using TOMS data

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    Examples of comparisons of monthly summaries (based on daily measurements) of some of the regularily operating Dobson stations, with the values deduced from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) overpass are given. Shortcomings in certain Dobson stations are identified, such as: use of an incorrect value for the extraterrestrial constant (HOBART); sudden large volume changes (Brisbane); unusually low Dobson readings (Mauna Loa); and use of inaccurate cloud blue sky charts, causing fictitious differences with direct sun measurements (Toronto)

    Wintertime losses of ozone in high northern latitudes

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    Total column ozone data over the past 22 to 30 years from ground-based Dobson and filter ozonometer stations between 30 N and 80 N are analyzed for residual trends remaining after allowance for the known geophysical variations corresponding to: (1) the change of seasons; (2) the quasi-biennial oscillation; and (3) the 11-year solar sunspot cycle. Examination of the data from several ground stations between 45 and 55 N indicated a seasonal difference in the long-term ozone series, with statistically significant losses in several winter months. Accordingly, the data from individual stations were analyzed with multiple regression analysis, seeking trends on a monthly basis after allowance for the known geophysical cycles. Previous statistical analyses were conducted as tests of 1-D model calculations which do not show any differences with the seasons, and any trend toward change in ozone concentrations is expressed in a yearly trend without seasonal variation. Such a model is inappropriate for calculations with a data set which exhibits a pronounced tendency toward seasonal differences in the trends. Comparisons with model calculations then require 2-D models into which seasonal and latitudinal differences can easily be programmed

    Characteristics of episodes with extremely low ozone values in the northern middle latitudes 1957?2000

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    International audienceA number of episodes are observed when the total ozone for 2 to 3 days has fallen below 220 matm-cm in the northern mid- and polar latitudes in autumn. The occurrences of such episodes represent ozone deviations of about one-third from the pre-1976 Oct-Nov-Dec monthly mean! By using primarily quality checked Dobson data, a clear identification was made of more than three dozen short spells with extremely low ozone in the 1957?1978 period. In the following twenty-two years (1979?2000), using mainly TOMS data, one can identify ~ 46 cases with ozone values falling below 220 matm-cm for longer than 1 day, with each time over an area greater than 500,000 km2 . The Ozone Mass Deficiency (O3MD) from the pre-1976 average ozone values over the affected area was ~2.8 Mt per day, i.e. four to seven times greater than it would be, assuming only a long-term trend in the Oct-Nov-Dec period. The Extremely Low Ozone (ELO3) events on the day of their appearance over the N. Atlantic/European region contribute to the O3MD by representing 16% of the deficiency due to the Oct-Nov trend in the entire 40?65° N latitudinal belt. The O3MD of the greater pool with low ozone (here taken as 3 events cause a significant deficiency above the tropopause where, in general, the subtropical air is injected. In fact, the overall amount of ozone is not depleted, but redistributed on the hemispheric scale. Review of low ozone events, defined as days with negative deviations from the pre-1976 averages greater than 25% show, in general, similar origin. The seasonally averaged area with ELO3 and the associated O3MD, as well as for the cases with deviations > ?25%, has increased during the 1990s, which could be an indication of stronger and/or more frequent subtropical air intrusions. Their occurrences could contribute noticeably to the ozone deficiency of the middle latitude ozone during the days of ELO3 appearances; however, their contribution to the long-term trend of the ozone seasonal decline is of the order of ~10%

    Special Issue: Microorganisms and Plant Nutrition

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    This work was supported by the EXCALIBUR project funded from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 817946 and project P18-HO-4279 Junta de Andalucia-PAIDI 2020, Spain.Plant-beneficial microorganisms affect plant nutrition and health, as a key part of prebiotic-, probiotic-, and symbiotic-based interactions [1]. However, the application of soil microbial inoculants as biofertilizers and biopesticides in agriculture is still limited by factors related to their formulation, application method, and the lack of sufficient knowledge about the impact and interactions between microbial inoculants and native soil and plant host microbiomes [2,3].EXCALIBUR project from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 817946Junta de Andalucia-PAIDI 2020, Spain P18-HO-427


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    The overall development of Plasmopara viticola and its occurrence in time and space cause rapid disease increases. The incubation period is only part of the life cycle of P. viticola between infection and the first appearance of symptoms. The forecasting based on cumulative degree days for determination of incubation allows the prediction of a small number of primary infections whose calculation by based on the temperature factor. This warning model, in essence, is a regression analysis that presents the relationship between average daily temperature and coefficient of incubation. The determination of the incubation allows precise management of the fungicides against Plasmopara viticola and gives the basic assumptions for the possible occurrence of the primary inoculum

    Soil Fungi in Sustainable Agriculture

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    Project EXCALIBUR funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No. 817946EU project SUSTAINABLE, EU grant agreement no. 101007702Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), grant number APQ-02351-23Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), grant number 407793/2021-

    Comparison of Tropospheric Ozone Columns Calculated from MLS, OMI, and Ozonesonde Data

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    This poster shows a comparison of three derived tropospheric ozone residual (TOR) products with integrated tropospheric ozone columns from ozonesonde profile: (1) the method of Ziemke et al. (2006), (2) a modified version of Fishman et al. (2003), and (3) a trajectory mapping approach. In each case, MLS ozone profiles are integrated to the tropopause and subtracted from OMI (TOMS retrieval) total column ozone. The effectiveness of each of these techniques is examined as a function of latitude, time, and geographic region. In general, we find good agreement between the derived products and the ozonesondes, with the Fishman et al. TOR (labeled “Amy”) generally high and the Schoeberl trajectory mapping (labeled “Mark”) product generally low as compared to the integrated ozonesonde profiles (labeled “Sonde”) as computed using the WMO tropopause definition. Differences in TOR results are due, at least in part, to non-uniform tropopause height definitions between the three approaches

    Efecte antimicrobià de formulacions netejadores de interès industrial en cèl·lules en suspensió i biopel·lícules

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    Las biopelículas son una fuente de contaminación de difícil eliminación debido a su resistencia a los procedimientos de limpieza y de higiene convencionales. En este trabajo se ha evaluado las propiedades antimicrobianas a temperatura ambiente de tensioactivos de interés industrial en la formulación de detergentes. En primer lugar se estudió la capacidad de adhesión de la levadura Yarrowia lipolytica y del moho Aspergillus niger a superficies de espuma de poliuretano y de vidrio, así como su habilidad para formar biopelículas bajo diferentes condiciones de cultivo. Las biopelículas más estables fueron tratadas a temperatura ambiente con una mezcla de un alquilpoliglucósido y un alcohol graso etoxilado, y con un ácido alquil éter carboxílico. Los resultados experimentales mostraron que células formando parte de biopelículas eran más resistentes al tratamiento desinfectante que células libres en suspensión del mismo microorganismo. Aunque las soluciones de tensioactivos ensayadas fueron poco eficaces contra biopelículas, mostraron un gran efecto inhibidor sobre células en disolución. Además inhiben la formación de nuevas biopelículas. Por lo tanto, los buenos efectos antimicrobianos de estos tensioactivos ecológicos a temperatura ambiente podrían proporcionarles un interés potencial en procedimientos de limpieza a baja temperatura.Biofilms are a challenging source of contamination due to their resistance to conventional cleaning and hygiene procedures. In this work, we assessed the antimicrobial properties at room temperature of surfactants of industrial interest in detergent formulation. The adhesion abilities of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica and the mould Aspergillus niger to polyurethane foam and glass surfaces and their ability to develop as biofilm was firstly studied under different culture conditions. The most stable biofilms were then treated at room temperature with a mixture of an alkylpolyglucoside and an ethoxylated fatty alcohol, and with an ether carboxylate. Experimental results illustrated that surface-attached cells were more resistant to disinfectant treatment than cells of the same microorganism grown in suspension. Although the assayed surfactant solutions hardly removed attached biofilms, they showed a great inhibitory effect on free-living cells. What is more, biofilms did not grow during treatments. Therefore, the good antimicrobial effects of these ecological surfactants at room temperature could provide them a potential interest in low-temperature cleaning in place procedures.Les biopel·lícules son una font de contaminació de difícil eliminació degut a la seva resistència als procediments de neteja i higiene convencionals. En aquest treball s’han avaluat les propietats antimicrobianes a temperatura ambient de tensioactius d’interès industrial en la formulació de detergents. En primer lloc es va estudiar la capacitat d’adhesió del llevat Yarrowia lipolytica i de la floridura Aspergillus niger a superfícies d’espuma de poliuretà i de vidre, així com la seva habilitat per a formar biopel·lícules sota diferents condicions de cultiu. Les biopel•lícules més estables van ser tractades a temperatura ambient amb una barreja d’un alquilpoliglucósid i un alcohol gras etoxilat, i amb un àcid alquil èter carboxílic. Els resultats experimentals mostren que cèl·lules formant part de biopel ·lícules eren mes resistents al tractament desinfectant que cèl·lules lliures en suspensió del mateix microorganisme, encara que les solucions de tensioactius assajades van ser poc eficaces contra biopel·lícules, mostrant un gran efecte inhibidor sobre cèl·lules en dissolució. A més inhibeixen la formació de noves biopel·lícules. Per tant, els bons efectes antimicrobians d’aquests tensioactius ecològics a temperatura ambient podrien proporcionar-lis un interès potencial en procediments de neteja a baixa temperatura