57 research outputs found

    Disentangling stellar activity and planetary signals

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    High-precision radial-velocimetry (RV) is until now the more efficient way to discover planetary systems. Moreover, photometric transit search missions like CoRoT and Kepler, need spectroscopic RV measurements to establish the planetary nature of a transit candidate and to measure the true mass. An active star has on its photosphere dark spots and bright plages rotating with the star. These inhomogeneities of the stellar surface can induce a variation of the measurement of the RV, due to changes in lines shapes and not to a Doppler motion of the star (e.g. Queloz et al. 2001; Desort et al. 2007; Boisse et al. 2009). We study how the Keplerian fit used to search for planets in RV data is confused by spots and we test an approach to subtract RV jitter based on harmonic decomposition of the star rotation. We use simulations of spectroscopic measurements of rotating spotted stars and validate our approach on active stars monitored by high-precision spectrograph HARPS: CoRoT-7 and Îč Ho

    Portraying the hosts: Stellar science from planet searches

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    Information on the full session can be found on this website: https://sites.google.com/site/portrayingthehostscs18/We present a compendium of the splinter session on stellar science from planet searches that was organized as part of the Cool Stars 18 conference. Seven speakers discussed techniques to infer stellar information from radial velocity, transit and microlensing data, as well as new instrumentation and missions designed for planet searches that will provide useful for the study of the cool stars

    SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates XVI. Tomographic measurement of the low obliquity of KOI-12b, a warm Jupiter transiting a fast rotator

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    We present the detection and characterization of the transiting warm Jupiter KOI-12b, first identified with Kepler with an orbital period of 17.86 days. We combine the analysis of Kepler photometry with Doppler spectroscopy and line-profile tomography of time-series spectra obtained with the SOPHIE spectrograph to establish its planetary nature and derive its properties. To derive reliable estimates for the uncertainties on the tomographic model parameters, we devised an empirical method to calculate statistically independent error bars on the time-series spectra. KOI-12b has a radius of 1.43±\pm0.13RJup R_\mathrm{Jup} and a 3σ\sigma upper mass limit of 10MJupM_\mathrm{Jup}. It orbits a fast-rotating star (vvsini⋆i_{\star} = 60.0±\pm0.9 km s−1^{-1}) with mass and radius of 1.45±\pm0.09 MSunM_\mathrm{Sun} and 1.63±\pm0.15 RSunR_\mathrm{Sun}, located at 426±\pm40 pc from the Earth. Doppler tomography allowed a higher precision on the obliquity to be reached by comparison with the analysis of the Rossiter-McLaughlin radial velocity anomaly, and we found that KOI-12b lies on a prograde, slightly misaligned orbit with a low sky-projected obliquity λ\lambda = 12.6−2.9+3.0∘\stackrel{+3.0}{_{-2.9}}^\circ. The properties of this planetary system, with a 11.4 magnitude host-star, make of KOI-12b a precious target for future atmospheric characterization.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    The Earth as an extrasolar transiting planet: Earth's atmospheric composition and thickness revealed by Lunar eclipse observations

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    An important goal within the quest for detecting an Earth-like extrasolar planet, will be to identify atmospheric gaseous bio-signatures. Observations of the light transmitted through the Earth's atmosphere, as for an extrasolar planet, will be the first step for future comparisons. We have completed observations of the Earth during a Lunar eclipse, a unique situation similar to that of a transiting planet. We aim at showing what species could be detected in its atmosphere at optical wavelengths, where a lot of photons are available in the masked stellar light. We present observations of the 2008 August 16 Moon eclipse performed with the SOPHIE spectrograph at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence. Locating the spectrograph fibers in the penumbra of the eclipse, the Moon irradiance is then a mix of direct, unabsorbed Sun light and solar light that has passed through the Earth's limb. This mixture essentially reproduces what is recorded during the transit of an extrasolar planet. We report here the clear detection of several Earth atmospheric compounds in the transmission spectra, such as ozone, molecular oxygen, and neutral sodium as well as molecular nitrogen and oxygen through the Rayleigh signature. Moreover, we present a method that allows us to derive the thickness of the atmosphere versus the wavelength for penumbra eclipse observations. We quantitatively evaluate the altitude at which the atmosphere becomes transparent for important species like molecular oxygen and ozone, two species thought to be tightly linked to the presence of life. The molecular detections presented here are an encouraging first attempt, necessary to better prepare for the future of extremely-large telescopes and transiting Earth-like planets. Instruments like SOPHIE will be mandatory when characterizing the atmospheres of transiting Earth-like planets from the ground and searching for bio-marker signatures.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    HAT-P-50b, HAT-P-51b, HAT-P-52b, and HAT-P-53b: Three Transiting Hot Jupiters and a Transiting Hot Saturn From the HATNet Survey

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    We report the discovery and characterization of four transiting exoplanets by the HATNet survey. The planet HAT-P-50b has a mass of 1.35 M_J and a radius of 1.29 R_J, and orbits a bright (V = 11.8 mag) M = 1.27 M_sun, R = 1.70 R_sun star every P = 3.1220 days. The planet HAT-P-51b has a mass of 0.31 M_J and a radius of 1.29 R_J, and orbits a V = 13.4 mag, M = 0.98 M_sun, R = 1.04 R_sun star with a period of P = 4.2180 days. The planet HAT-P-52b has a mass of 0.82 M_J and a radius of 1.01 R_J, and orbits a V = 14.1 mag, M = 0.89 M_sun, R = 0.89 R_sun star with a period of P = 2.7536 days. The planet HAT-P-53b has a mass of 1.48 M_J and a radius of 1.32 R_J, and orbits a V = 13.7 mag, M = 1.09 M_sun, R = 1.21 R_sun star with a period of P = 1.9616 days. All four planets are consistent with having circular orbits and have masses and radii measured to better than 10% precision. The low stellar jitter and favorable R_P/R_star ratio for HAT-P-51 make it a promising target for measuring the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect for a Saturn-mass planet.Comment: Submitted to AJ. 20 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables. Data available at http://hatnet.org

    One of the closest exoplanet pairs to the 3:2 Mean Motion Resonance: K2-19b \& c

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    The K2 mission has recently begun to discover new and diverse planetary systems. In December 2014 Campaign 1 data from the mission was released, providing high-precision photometry for ~22000 objects over an 80 day timespan. We searched these data with the aim of detecting further important new objects. Our search through two separate pipelines led to the independent discovery of K2-19b \& c, a two-planet system of Neptune sized objects (4.2 and 7.2 R⊕R_\oplus), orbiting a K dwarf extremely close to the 3:2 mean motion resonance. The two planets each show transits, sometimes simultaneously due to their proximity to resonance and alignment of conjunctions. We obtain further ground based photometry of the larger planet with the NITES telescope, demonstrating the presence of large transit timing variations (TTVs), and use the observed TTVs to place mass constraints on the transiting objects under the hypothesis that the objects are near but not in resonance. We then statistically validate the planets through the \texttt{PASTIS} tool, independently of the TTV analysis.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted to A&A, updated to match published versio

    APERO: A PipelinE to Reduce Observations -- Demonstration with SPIRou

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    With the maturation of near-infrared high-resolution spectroscopy, especially when used for precision radial velocity, data reduction has faced unprecedented challenges in terms of how one goes from raw data to calibrated, extracted, and corrected data with required precisions of thousandths of a pixel. Here we present APERO (A PipelinE to Reduce Observations), specifically focused on SPIRou, the near-infrared spectropolarimeter on the Canada--France--Hawaii Telescope (SPectropolarim\`etre InfraROUge, CFHT). In this paper, we give an overview of APERO and detail the reduction procedure for SPIRou. APERO delivers telluric-corrected 2D and 1D spectra as well as polarimetry products. APERO enables precise stable radial velocity measurements on sky (via the LBL algorithm), good to at least ~2 m/s over the current 5-year lifetime of SPIRou.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP. 55 pages, 29 figures, 10 pages of Appendice

    New methods for radial-velocity measurements of double-lined binaries, and detection of a circumbinary planet orbiting TIC 172900988

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    Ongoing ground-based radial-velocity observations seeking to detect circumbinary planets focus on single-lined binaries even though over 9 in every 10 binary systems in the solar neighbourhood are double lined. Double-lined binaries are on average brighter, and should in principle yield more precise radial velocities. However, as the two stars orbit one another, they produce a time-varying blending of their weak spectral lines. This makes an accurate measure of radial velocities difficult, producing a typical scatter of 10 ⁣− ⁣15 m s−110{\!-\!}15~\rm m\, s^{-1}. This extra noise prevents the detection of most orbiting circumbinary planets. We develop two new data-driven approaches to disentangle the two stellar components of a double-lined binary, and extract accurate and precise radial velocities. Both approaches use a Gaussian process regression, with the first one working in the spectral domain, whereas the second works on cross-correlated spectra. We apply our new methods to TIC 172900988, a proposed circumbinary system with a double-lined binary, and detect a circumbinary planet with an orbital period of 150 d150~\rm d, different than previously proposed. We also measure a significant residual scatter, which we speculate is caused by stellar activity. We show that our two data-driven methods outperform the traditionally used TODCOR and TODMOR, for that particular binary system

    The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets XIV. A temperate (Teq ~ 300 K) super-earth around the nearby star Gliese 411

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    Periodic radial velocity variations in the nearby M-dwarf star Gl 411 are reported, based on measurements with the SOPHIE spectrograph. Current data do not allow us to distinguish between a 12.95-day period and its one-day alias at 1.08 days, but favour the former slightly. The velocity variation has an amplitude of 1.6 m s−1, making this the lowest-amplitude signal detected with SOPHIE up to now. We have performed a detailed analysis of the significance of the signal and its origin, including extensive simulations with both uncorrelated and correlated noise, representing the signal induced by stellar activity. The signal is significantly detected, and the results from all tests point to its planetary origin. Additionally, the presence of an additional acceleration in the velocity time series is suggested by the current data. On the other hand, a previously reported signal with a period of 9.9 days, detected in HIRES velocities of this star, is not recovered in the SOPHIE data. An independent analysis of the HIRES dataset also fails to unveil the 9.9-day signal. If the 12.95-day period is the real one, the amplitude of the signal detected with SOPHIE implies the presence of a planet, called Gl 411 b, with a minimum mass of around three Earth masses, orbiting its star at a distance of 0.079 AU. The planet receives about 3.5 times the insolation received by Earth, which implies an equilibrium temperature between 256 and 350 K, and makes it too hot to be in the habitable zone. At a distance of only 2.5 pc, Gl 411 b, is the third closest low-mass planet detected to date. Its proximity to Earth will permit probing its atmosphere with a combination of high-contrast imaging and high-dispersion spectroscopy in the next decade
