914 research outputs found

    On the mean speed of convergence of empirical and occupation measures in Wasserstein distance

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    In this work, we provide non-asymptotic bounds for the average speed of convergence of the empirical measure in the law of large numbers, in Wasserstein distance. We also consider occupation measures of ergodic Markov chains. One motivation is the approximation of a probability measure by finitely supported measures (the quantization problem). It is found that rates for empirical or occupation measures match or are close to previously known optimal quantization rates in several cases. This is notably highlighted in the example of infinite-dimensional Gaussian measures

    The effect of exercise in hot atmospheres upon the pulse rate

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    Lyon (5e) – Primatiale Saint-Jean-Baptiste

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    Cette opĂ©ration d’archĂ©ologie prĂ©ventive de bĂąti s’est inscrite dans le cadre des travaux de restauration rĂ©alisĂ©s sur les Ă©lĂ©vations intĂ©rieures de l’abside, du chƓur et des deux chapelles orientales de la cathĂ©drale Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Lyon, sous la maĂźtrise d’ouvrage de l’État, reprĂ©sentĂ© par la Conservation rĂ©gionale des monuments historiques. Trois axes d’examen ont prĂ©sidĂ© Ă  l’opĂ©ration : l’identification des matĂ©riaux employĂ©s et l’analyse de leur mise en Ɠuvre, la lecture de la chr..

    Assessment of high (diurnal) to low (seasonal) frequency variations of isoprene emission rates using a neural network approach

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    Using a statistical approach based on artificial neural networks, an emission algorithm (ISO-LF) accounting for high to low frequency variations was developed for isoprene emission rates. ISO-LF was optimised using a data base (ISO-DB) specifically designed for this work, which consists of 1321 emission rates collected in the literature and 34 environmental variables, measured or assessed using National Climatic Data Center or National Centers for Environmental Predictions meteorological databases. ISO-DB covers a large variety of emitters (25 species) and environmental conditions (10° S to 60° N). When only instantaneous environmental regressors (instantaneous air temperature <i>T0</i> and photosynthetic photon flux density <i>L0</i>) were used, a maximum of 60% of the overall isoprene variability was assessed with the highest emissions being strongly underestimated. ISO-LF includes a total of 9 high (instantaneous) to low (up to 3 weeks) frequency regressors and accounts for up to 91% of the isoprene emission variability, whatever the emission range, species or climate investigated. ISO-LF was found to be mainly sensitive to air temperature cumulated over 3 weeks (<i>T21</i>) and to <i>L0</i> and <i>T0</i> variations. <i>T21</i>, <i>T0</i> and <i>L0</i> only accounts for 76% of the overall variability

    Distribution's template estimate with Wasserstein metrics

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    In this paper we tackle the problem of comparing distributions of random variables and defining a mean pattern between a sample of random events. Using barycenters of measures in the Wasserstein space, we propose an iterative version as an estimation of the mean distribution. Moreover, when the distributions are a common measure warped by a centered random operator, then the barycenter enables to recover this distribution template

    Diffusivity of a random walk on random walks

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    We consider a random walk (Zn(1),⋯ ,Zn(K+1))∈ZK+1\left(Z^{(1)}_n, \cdots, Z^{(K+1)}_n \right) \in \mathbb{Z}^{K+1} with the constraint that each coordinate of the walk is at distance one from the following one. In this paper, we show that this random walk is slowed down by a variance factor σK2=2K+2\sigma_K^2 = \frac{2}{K+2} with respect to the case of the classical simple random walk without constraint

    Terres excavées : benchmark européen et élaboration d'une méthodologie française de gestion

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    National audienceLes différents acteurs français de l'aménagement du territoire et du renouvellement urbain, qu'ils soient institutionnels ou privés, sont confrontés à la difficulté de gestion des terres excavées. Il est ainsi nécessaire de définir des rÚgles et des méthodes visant à encadrer la réutilisation durable des terres dans des conditions garantissant la protection de la santé humaine et de l'environnement. Pour préciser ces rÚgles et fournir aux différents acteurs un cadre commun et directement applicable, le MinistÚre du développement durable a missionné le BRGM et l'INERIS pour construire un guide méthodologique pour la valorisation des terres excavées en techniques routiÚres et sur des projets d'aménagement. La réalisation de ce guide méthodologique s'appuie sur différents groupes de travail constitués d'un large panel d'acteurs du domaine (associations professionnelles, association de protection de l'environnement, aménageurs, avocats...). Les travaux associés à l'élaboration du guide porte sur la définition de valeurs seuils issues de la prise en compte du risque d'exposition des personnes et de la préservation de la qualité des eaux souterraines. L'élaboration du guide intÚgre un bench-marking avec les travaux similaires dans les autres pays européens et notamment aux Pays-Bas (ce bench-marking est présenté dans le résumé : " retour d'expérience de la gestion des terres excavées dans les pays de l'Union européenne et notamment aux Pays-Bas et en Angleterre "). L'intervention portera sur : - La présentation du guide en l'état - La présentation des premiers résultats

    Behavior of halogens during the degassing of felsic magmas

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    International audienceResidual concentrations of halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) and H2O in glass (matrix glass and melt inclusions) have been determined in a series of volcanic clasts (pumice and lava‐dome fragments) of plinian, vulcanian and lava dome‐forming eruptions. Felsic magmas from calc‐alkaline, trachytic and phonolitic systems have been investigated: Montagne PelĂ©e and SoufriĂšre Hills of Montserrat (Lesser Antilles), Santa Maria‐Santiaguito (Guatemala), Fogo (Azores) and Vesuvius (Italy). The behavior of halogens during shallow H2O degassing primarily depends on their incompatible character and their partitioning between melt and exsolved H2O vapor. However, variations in pre‐eruptive conditions, degassing kinetics, and syn‐eruptive melt crystallization induce large variations in the efficiency of halogen extraction. In all systems studied, Cl, Br and I are not fractionated from each other by differentiation or by degassing processes. Cl/Br/I ratios in melt remain almost constant from the magma reservoir to the surface. The ratios measured in erupted clasts are thus characteristic of pre‐eruptive magma compositions and may be used to trace deep magmatic processes. F behaves as an incompatible element and, unlike the other halogens, is never significantly extracted by degassing. Cl, Br and I are efficiently extracted from melts at high pressure by H2O‐rich fluids exsolved from magmas or during slow effusive magma degassing, but not during rapid explosive degassing. Because H2O and halogen mobility depends on their speciation, which strongly varies with pressure in both silicate melts and exsolved fluids, we suggest that the rapid pressure decrease during highly explosive eruptions prevents complete equilibrium between the diverse species of the volatiles and consequently limits their degassing. Conversely, degassing in effusive eruptions is an equilibrium process and leads to significant halogen output in volcanic plumes

    Voix passive et passif lexical en innu : une analyse aspectuelle et sémantique

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    Tableau d'honneur de la FacultĂ© des Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures et postdoctorales, 2017-2018L’innu est une langue algonquienne parlĂ©e au QuĂ©bec et au Labrador par environ 10 000 locuteurs. Ce mĂ©moire examine l’aspectualitĂ© de la voix passive ainsi que le phĂ©nomĂšne du passif lexical en innu, un sous-type de passif peu documentĂ© au sein des langues algonquiennes. L’étude de cas menĂ©e dans ce but rĂ©vĂšle que certaines formes verbales passives en innu peuvent osciller entre une sĂ©mantique dynamique et stative/rĂ©sultative. Ce mĂ©moire propose d’envisager les formes statives/rĂ©sultatives comme des formes passives lexicalisĂ©es dans la langue. L’étude met aussi en lumiĂšre des formes verbales apparentĂ©es Ă  la voix passive et Ă  la voix moyenne Ă©galement prĂ©sentes dans d’autres langues algonquiennes qui sont traitĂ©es comme des passifs lexicaux en tant que tels dans le prĂ©sent travail. Les annexes fournissent les donnĂ©es de l’étude de cas menĂ©e dans le cadre de ce mĂ©moire ainsi qu’une sĂ©lection de phrases passives tirĂ©es de l’ouvrage Eukuan nin matshimanitu innu-iskueu (Kapesh, 1976). Les annexes fournissent Ă©galement une sĂ©lection de formes verbales passives transitives ainsi qu’une sĂ©lection des formes verbales traitĂ©es comme des passifs lexicaux. Ces deux sĂ©lections sont extraites Ă  partir du dictionnaire innu en ligne.Innu is an Algonquian language spoken in QuĂ©bec and Labrador by around 10 000 speakers. This thesis investigates the aspectual properties of the passive voice as well as the phenomenon of lexical passive, a subtype of passive that remains poorly documented in Algonquian languages. The case study carried out with this aim reveals that certain passive verbal forms in Innu can have either a dynamic or a stative/resultative semantics. This thesis explores forward the idea of considering stative/resultative forms as lexicalized passive forms in the language. Moreover, the study highlights a number of verbal forms related to passive and middle voice also found in other Algonquian languages. These forms are considered as lexical passives in this thesis. Appendices show the data of the case study study as well as a selection of passive sentences from the book Eukuan nin matshimanitu innu-iskueu (Kapesh, 1976). Appendices show also a selection of transitive passive verbal forms and a selection of verbal forms analyzed as lexical passives in this study. Those selection are all extracted from the Innu online dictionnary
