9 research outputs found

    IMT Skills of the pre-service teachers in Cebu City

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    Information, media and technology is an essential skill in the 21st century. The development of the country relies on the people. The preservice teachers are task to mold the 21st century learners. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the information, media and technology skills in the 21st century of the preservice teachers in the different Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Cebu City. Findings revealed that the preservice teachers possessed very IMT good skills.  There are three themes formulated regarding the effects of new digital technologies in the 21st century instruction. Making taking and learning more convenient with the use of technology, the 21st century role of modern technology in teaching and learning and using technology as tool in research are essential in the 21st century undertakings. Thus, ICTs have been very useful in the teaching-learning process and it has been the modernize way of education which caught the interest of everybody. The effective use of technology enables the preservice teachers to facilitate and adjust their instructional strategies to optimize students’ learning


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    Street children are the common problem of developing countries such as Philippines. This study aimed to assess the overall scenario of the street children in Metro Cebu by mapping out the areas where they usually stay, their activities and the possibilities of educating them and to determine their learning competencies in the area of basic reading skills and functional mathematics. One hundred and eight (108) respondents were selected from different barangays in Metro Cebu using simple random sampling techniques, administered by means of questionnaires and interview guide. Family background, educational qualification, occupation of their parents, and establishing the common places where they stay both in day and night time were obtained. Children interviewed were between 5 and 15 years of age. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used in data analysis. The study revealed that most of the street children are not in school, because they either dropped out or have not been to school since birth. Furthermore, most of them were living in the street selling candies and cigarettes, and roaming about as beggars or scavengers. They cannot read nor recognized letters in the alphabet. The study also disclosed that they are educable and willing to learn, provided proper attention and intervention should be given to them. The study concluded that street children need proper care by providing them with the right amount of nutritious foods they need and encouraging them to value-laden education that will develop their potential in the academe and making them functional literate. Therefore, quality education should be afforded to children for they are the hope of our country

    Early Start DENVER Model: a Meta - Analysis

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    Each child with Autism Spectrum Disorder has different symptoms, skills and types of impairment or disorder with other children. This is why the word “spectrum” is included in this disorder. Eapen, Crncec, and Walter, 2013 claimed that there was an emerging evidence that early interventions gives the greatest capacity of child's development during their first years of life as “brain plasticity” are high during this period. With this, the only intervention program model for children as young as 18 months that has been validated in a randomized clinical trial is “Early Start Denver Model” (ESDM). This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the outcome of “Early Start Denver Model” (ESDM) towards young children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. This study made use of meta-analysis method. In this study, the researcher utilized studies related to “Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)” which is published in a refereed journal which are all available online. There were five studies included which totals 149 children exposed to ESDM. To examine the “pooled effects” of ESDM in a variety of outcomes, a meta-analytic procedure was performed after the extraction of data of the concrete outcomes. Comprehensive Meta Analysis Version 3.3.070 was used to analyze the data. The effectiveness of the outcome of “Early Start Denver Model” towards young children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) highly depends on the intensity of intervention and the younger child age. This study would provide the basis in effectively implementing an early intervention to children with autism such as the “Early Start Denver Model” (ESDM) that would show great outcome effects to those children that has “Autism Spectrum Disorder”


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    In recent years many students and teachers are not only very well connected with the print media but to the social/online media as well. Facebook, Twitter, Friendster My Space, etc. have become their interest especially in information dissemination among others. Educators utilized social networking sites for teaching and learning. This study explored the social networking engagement of Education students and teachers in the six universities in Cebu City, second semester of the academic year 2012-2013. This further analyzes and documents its opportunities and challenges to teaching and learning. Descriptive Study - Cross-Sectional Study was applied in this study. The use of facebook is very effective in order to collaborate with teachers and students. The use of SNS engenders opportunities as well as challenges in the all aspects of human undertaking, maybe it be personal, academic or societal in nature. Every individual is made conscious/ responsible in its utilization that would create a positive change in the world. Findings revealed that social networking has become a very good avenue to teaching and learning. The study concluded that Social Networking sites are beneficial to educators but it has also challenges and opportunities encountered by the educators

    Building online facilitating skills in the new normal

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    The sudden shift to remote teaching caused by COVID-19 pandemic has created a stressful and demanding context for teachers, specifically on the aspect of delivering remote instruction.This ascertainedthe challenges and opportunities encountered by 311 public basic educationteachers attending different onlinetraining platforms and utilizedthe mixed method design in analyzing the data ofthe teachers’ online facilitationskills and usedthe scanning method in the data collection process.The challenges and opportunities they encountered wasconducted throughan unstructured interview via Zoom.The researcher-made questionnaires were sent to the teachers via email. Results revealed that teachers already had prerequisite ICT skills so the use of technology during the online training was not so much a threat in the enhancement of their ICTknowledge and skills except of the issues regardingvery slow internet access and the lack of necessary and proper equipment and gadgets. In conclusion, teachers easily adoptedto the shift from in-person to remote teaching; enhanced their ICT skills; and becameprepared for remote teaching. Despite the sudden shift, these teachers remained positive in pursuing the direction for digital literacy to build aneffective and efficient skills in remote teaching in the new normal

    Emoticons Unveiled: A Multifaceted Analysis of Their Linguistic Impact

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    This study aims to thoroughly investigate the linguistic impact of emojis and emoticons in modern written communication. This work attempts to shed light on these digital symbols’ linguistic structure, social implications, and evolution through a multidisciplinary research method. A mixed-methods approach was used in the research, integrating interdisciplinary viewpoints with quantitative and qualitative analyses. A vast amount of data was gathered from various digital communication channels, such as email exchanges, messaging apps, and social media. A sizable collection of text messages with emojis and emoticons was assembled. Emotional cons and emojis were categorized using linguistic analysis, breaking down their structure into visual components and repeating patterns. Their grammatical and syntactic effects on written language were also evaluated in this investigation. The findings indicate that using emojis in writing positively correlates with emotional expressiveness. This implies that when people wish to express emotions and subtlety in their messages, they typically utilize more emoticons. They enhance digital etiquette, reduce misunderstandings, improve emotional connection, and foster cross-cultural understanding. Emoticons are a global visual language that helps people communicate, create empathy, and navigate digital communication

    Smart Social Networking: 21st Century Teaching and Learning Skills

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    Education in the 21st century highlights globalization and internationalization. Preservice teachers in the 21st century are technology savvy. To effectively engage and teach generation Z students, preservice teachers will help the educational system meet this requirement. The educational systems must be outfitted with a prerequisite of ICT resources both hardware and software, and curricula must be designed to promote a collaborative learner-centered environment to which students will relate and respond. This study determines the 21st century skills possessed by the pre-service teachers in terms of social networking. Pre-service teachers use computers in very advanced ways, but educators must remember that they still need guidance to use technology safely and effectively. Through social media the pre-service teachers can use a multitude of applications, including Web 2.0, for their projects. Smart social networking requires critical-thinking skills and the ability to integrate and evaluate real-world scenarios and authentic learning skills for validation

    The Utilization of Facebook During Covid-19 Pandemic by First-Year College Students

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    Facebook is one of the popular social networking sites used by students. First-year college students who have primarily engaged themselves in Facebook are being influenced and affected by such media platforms. Students who use Facebook frequently are likely influenced by other people. On the other hand, their studies can likely be distracted. Instead of spending their time reviewing their school lessons, students get tempted to allot much of their time using Facebook. This study determined the reasons and feedback of first-year college students using Facebook. This research using a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative in interpreting and analyzing the data. The respondents were the first-year college students of Cebu Normal University, Cebu City. Findings revealed that using Facebook may cause adverse effects on students' academic performance due to frequent use of such media. However, Howeverebook can also bring positive effects to the students' academic performance. As a communication tool, Facebook provides information and acquiring knowledge from the different Facebook users. Facebook is beneficial in their studies. Through Facebook, college students can now share and exchange information through brainstorming and collaborating in the Group Chat. Therefore, the utilization of Facebook in learning as a tool in instruction during the Covid-19 pandemic is beneficial to learners and lecturers