368 research outputs found

    Immune-Mediated Fever in the Dog. Occurrence of Antinuclear Antibodies, Rheumatoid Factor, Tumor Necrosis Factor and Interleukin-6 in Serum

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    Contents of antinuclear antibodies (ANA), rheumatoid factor (RF), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) were measured in serum from 20 dogs with immune-mediated fever. Seven out of 20 patients were ANA positive, 1 out of 20 was positive to antibodies against extractable nuclear antigens (ENA), 1 out of 20 was positive to antibodies against deoxynucleoproteins (DNP), 2 out of 13 were RF positive and none out of 20 patients had antibodies against native DNA in the serum. TNF-α was not detected in any serum of 15 dogs with immune-mediated fever, while 10 out of 13 presented with elevated IL-6. The results varied between patients, but the IL-6 level was high in most of them. This indicate a role for IL-6 in the pathogenesis of immune-mediated fever in most cases

    Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) in Gordon Setters with Symmetrical Lupoid Onychodystrophy and Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia

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    Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) were demonstrated in 3 out of 10 Gordon setters with symmetrical lupoid onychodystrophy and in 5 out of 13 Gordon setters with black hair follicular dysplasia. Two dogs showed both symmetrical lupoid onychodystrophy and black hair follicular dysplasia, and one of these was ANA positive. The results suggest that symmetrical lupoid onychodystrophy and black hair follicular dysplasia in the Gordon setter might be autoimmune diseases that are pathogenetically related, which might indicate a common genetic predisposition

    Stability and Unobstructedness of Syzygy Bundles

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    It is a longstanding problem in Algebraic Geometry to determine whether the syzygy bundle Ed1,...,dnE_{d_1,..., d_n} on \PP^N defined as the kernel of a general epimorphism \xymatrix{\phi:\cO(-d_1)\oplus...\oplus\cO(-d_n)\ar[r] &\cO} is (semi)stable. In this note, we restrict our attention to the case of syzygy bundles Ed,nE_{d,n} on \PP^N associated to nn generic forms f1,...,fnK[X0,X1,...,XN]f_1,...,f_n\in K[X_0,X_1,..., X_N] of the same degree dd. Our first goal is to prove that Ed,nE_{d,n} is stable if N+1n(d+22)+N2N+1\le n\le\tbinom{d+2}{2}+N-2. This bound improves, in general, the bound nd(N+1)n\le d(N+1) given by G. Hein in \cite{B}, Appendix A. In the last part of the paper, we study moduli spaces of stable rank n1n-1 vector bundles on \PP^N containing syzygy bundles. We prove that if N+1n(d+22)+N2N+1\le n\le\tbinom{d+2}{2}+N-2 and N3N\ne 3, then the syzygy bundle Ed,nE_{d,n} is unobstructed and it belongs to a generically smooth irreducible component of dimension n(d+NN)n2n\tbinom{d+N}{N}-n^2, if N4N \geq 4, and n(d+22)+n(d12)n2n\tbinom{d+2}{2}+n\tbinom{d-1}{2}-n^2, if N=2.Comment: 32 pages, minor change

    Pilotstudie zur forensischen ambulanten Nachsorge im AWO Psychiatriezentrum Königslutter

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    In Anlehnung an eine Patientenbefragung des Landschaftsverbandes Westfalen-Lippe (2006) wurde im Frühjahr 2016 eine explorative Pilotstudie in der niedersächsischen Forensischen Institutsambulanz des AWO Psychiatriezentrums Königslutter durchgeführt. Ziel dieser Befragung war eine allgemeine Zustandsanalyse sowie die Identifikation verschiedener forensisch relevanter Faktoren, die den Behandlungserfolg der forensischen Nachsorge maßgeblich beeinflussen könnten. Dazu wurden 70 Patienten der forensischen Nachsorge mittels eines Fragebogens zu sozialstatistischen Merkmalen sowie ihrer aktuellen Lebenssituation, der Entlassungsvorbereitung und der Nachsorge befragt. Unter Zuhilfenahme von deskriptiven und explorativ-korrelativen Analyseverfahren konnten Aussagen zu verschiedenen Lebensbereichen der Patienten gemacht werden. Anhand der gewonnenen Untersuchungsergebnisse kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass die Forensische Institutsambulanz Königslutter ihrem betreuenden und behandelnden Auftrag gerecht wird. Following a survey of the regional association in Westfalen-Lippe, an explorative pilot study was conducted in the Forensic Institutional Aftercare Clinic of the AWO psychiatry clinic in Lower Saxony during spring 2016. The purpose of the following survey was to identify different parameters of forensic relevance and the deduction of specific criteria for a successful reintegration, which play a fundamental role in the therapeutic process of forensic patients. An overall of 70 patients were consulted and questioned regarding their social characteristics, as well as their current living situation, therapeutic pre-release preparation and forensic aftercare. Using descriptive and explorative-correlative analytic methods, data regarding different parameters of forensic relevance were derived. The obtained results prove that the institutional ambulance fulfils their task of treating and assisting released forensic patients

    Kan fysisk aktivitet bidra til en bedre psykisk helse for en mer vellykket behandlig av rusavhengige?

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    Sammendrag Problemstilling: Kan fysisk aktivitet bidra til bedre psykisk helse for en mer vellykket behandling av rusavhengige? Metode: Oppgaven er en litteraturstudie basert på kvalitativ metode. Fremgangsmåten har vært å hente inn relevant sekundærinformasjon fra ulike databaser, for og så analysere og tolke den i lys av den adresserte problemstillingen. Resultater: Resultatet av metoden inkluderer tre kliniske intervensjonsstudier, og to statistiske review-artikler. Studiene undersøker effekten av fysisk aktivitets-intervensjoner og sammenhengen med psykiske helsesymptomer som angst, depresjon, stress, selvbilde og sus-sug. Studiene inkluderer rusavhengige deltakere knyttet til alkohol, reseptbelagte rusmidler og illegale rusmidler. Konklusjon: Funn fra studiene viser at fysisk aktivitet virker å kunne bidra til noen psykiske helsefordeler knyttet til stress, selvbilde og mestringstro hos noen spesifikke grupper rusavhengige pasienter. Mest signifikant er sammenhengen mellom fysisk aktivitet og opplevd rus-sug. Man kan ikke konkludere med at fysisk aktivitet alene kan motvirke angst og depresjon hos rusavhengige. Grunnet metodiske mangler og varierende funn kan man ikke trekke konklusjoner basert på disse studiene alene. Videre forskning er nødvendig for å videreutvikle suksessraten i behandling. Det virker hensiktsmessig å isolere spesifikke typer ruspasienter, knyttet heterogeniteten i rusproblematikken.Abstract Purpose: Can psychological outcomes of physical acitivity contribute to further development in treatment of drug addicts? Methods: This is a literature study based on a qualitative method. The method has been to obtain relevant secondary information from various databases, and then analyze and interpret it in the light of the addressed issue. Results: The results of the method include three clinical trial studies and two statistical review articles. The studies examine the effect of physical activity interventions and the connection with mental health symptoms such as anxiety, depression, stress, self-esteem, and cravings. The studies include drug-addicted participants related to alcohol, prescription drugs and illegal drugs. Conclusion: Findings from the studies show that physical activity seems to be able to contribute to some mental health benefits related to stress, self-esteem and belief in coping in some specific groups of drug-addicted patients. Most significant is the connection between physical activity and experienced substance-craving. Due to methodological shortcomings and variety in finds, conclusions cannot be drawn based on these studies alone. Further research is needed to further develop the success rate in treatment of drug addiction. It seems appropriate to isolate specific types of substance abuse patients, related to the heterogeneity of the substance abuse problems

    A Case of Reactive Plasmacytosis Mimicking Multiple Myeloma in A Patient with Primary Sjögren's Syndrome

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    Primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) is a chronic autoimmune disease with well-documented association of lymphoid malignancies during the progress of the disease. Although several types of malignancy and pseudomalignancy have been reported in pSS, low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are the most frequently observed. Reactive plasmacytosis mimicking myeloma is a very rare condition in association with pSS. We describe a 72-yr-old woman with pSS who presented with hypergammaglobulinemia, and extensive bone marrow and lymph node plasmacytosis, which mimicked multiple myeloma. In this patient, there was an abnormal differentiation of memory B cells to plasma cells in the peripheral blood suggesting underlying pathogenetic mechanism for this condition

    Highly Efficient Ion Manipulator for Tandem Ion Mobility Spectrometry: Exploring a Versatile Technique by a Study of Primary Alcohols

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    In this work, we present a tandem ion mobility spectrometer (IMS) utilizing a highly efficient ion manipulator allowing to store, manipulate, and analyze ions under high electric field strengths and controlled ion-neutral reactions at ambient conditions. The arrangement of tandem drift regions and an ion manipulator in a single drift tube allows a sequence of mobility selection of precursor ions, followed by storage and analysis, mobility separation, and detection of the resulting product ions. In this article, we present a journey exploring the capabilities of the present instrument by a study of eight different primary alcohols characterized at reduced electric field strengths E/N of up to 120 Td with a water vapor concentration ranging from 40 to 540 ppb. Under these conditions, protonated alcohol monomers up to a carbon number of nine could be dissociated, resulting in 18 different fragmented product ions in total. The fragmentation patterns revealed regularities, which can be used for assignment to the chemical class and improved classification of unknown substances. Furthermore, both the time spent in high electrical field strengths and the reaction time with water vapor can be tuned precisely, allowing the fragment distribution to be influenced. Thus, further information regarding the relations of the product ions can be gathered in a standalone drift tube IMS for the first time