359 research outputs found

    Jan Mayen—a new spawning and fishing area for Atlantic cod Gadus morhua

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    In 2018, commercially exploitable concentrations of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua were found on the shelf around the Arctic island Jan Mayen (7 1°N, 8–9 °W) and in 2019–2021 an exploratory cod fishery with longline was carried out in the area. The total catch in the period 2018–2021 was 1737 tonnes. The first records of cod fishery in the Jan Mayen area are from the early 1930s but catches before 2018 were minimal. In 2019–2020 cod spawning was documented in this area for the first time. Catches in 2019 and 2020 were dominated by cod between 70 and 100 cm, while in 2021 the main part of the catches was cod between 60 and 100 cm. Catch rates were highest in autumn. We summarize the history of cod observations and the experience from the recent exploratory fishery in this shelf area where there has been no regular monitoring of demersal fish abundance. Further, we consider possible links with cod stocks in other Arctic and sub-Arctic areas and discuss the occurrence of cod in the Jan Mayen area in relation to the biology and recent development of other cod stocks.publishedVersio

    A method for estimation of predation mortalities on capelin using a cod-capelin model for the Barents Sea

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    Interrelations between fish populations in the Barents Sea. Proceedings of the fifth PINRO-IMR Symposium. Murmansk, 12-16 August 1991.The Barents Sea capelin stock coliapsed during the period 1983-1986. One of the main factors causing the colIapse was a rapid increase in consumption of capelin by cod, caused by the strong 1983 cod year class. Based on measurements of stomach evacuation ra+es in the appropriate temperature interval and data from a combined Russian-Norwegian stomach sampling programrne, predation mortalities are estimated by the MR multispecies model for the Barents Sea - MULTCPEC. In order to estimate these predation mortalities, cod-capelin interaction parameters and yearly migration parameters for capelin are ako estimated

    Arbeidspraksiskunnskap: elevers erfaring med arbeidspraksis i faget prosjekt til fordypning innenfor yrkesfag i videregående skole

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    Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven var å få en forståelse av dagens situasjon når det gjelder hva arbeidspraksis har betydd for elevene i faget prosjekt til fordypning. Et av formålene i læreplan til faget prosjekt til fordypning er at elever skal få erfaring med innhold, oppgaver og arbeidsmåter som karakteriserer de ulike yrkene innen utdanningsprogrammene. Denne studiens problemstilling er; Hva har elever erfart i arbeidspraksis i faget prosjekt til fordypning innenfor yrkesfag i videregående skole? Det er benyttet en kvalitativ metode og en versjon av Grounded theory som har likhetstrekk med Corbin og Strauss sin foreskrivende utvikling av kategorier. Studien baserer seg på 4 fokusgruppeintervjuer, der det strategiske utvalget av informanter er 21 elever fra vg1, vg2 og vg3 fra ulike yrkesfaglige utdanningsprogram. Med bruk av våre fortolkninger og gjennom analysearbeidet av det empiriske materialet og teori, kom vi frem til kjernekategorien arbeidspraksiskunnskap. Arbeidspraksiskunnskap består av de fire begrepene: organisering, arbeid, praksis og kunnskap. Elevenes erfaringsbane presenteres og drøftes. Elevene får opplæring i bedrift som gir dem kunnskap innenfor flere områder. På den måten får elevene kunnskap som gjør de i stand til å foreta en rekke valg. Arbeidspraksis i faget prosjekt til fordypning kan være utfordrende og motiverende, er ulikt organisert, gir praktisk karriereveiledning, og kan være et viktig bidrag til læring av yrkesfag, samt utvikling av sosial kompetanseMaster i yrkespedagogik

    Relations between recruitment indices and occurence in cod stomachs of pre-recruits of cod and haddock in the Barents Sea

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    Precision and relevance of pre-recruit studies for fiskery management related to fish stocks in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters. Proceedings of the sixth IMR-PINRO Symposium Bergen, 14-17 June 1994.The predation by North-East Arctic cod on pre-recruits of cod and haddock is reviewed based on data from the joint PINRO-IMR stomach content data base. It is investigated how the abundance indices from surveys of pre-recruits are correlated with the occurence in cod stomachs of pre-recruits of these species. Estimates of the consumption of cod and haddock by cod based on a new model for the stomach evacuation rate of cod are also given

    What do cod have for dinner?

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    Multispecies considerations

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    Working document to the ICES Arctic Fisheries Working Group, Copenhagen 20-28 August 199

    Feeding of mature cod (Gadus morhua) on the spawning grounds in Lofoten

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    Many authors state that cod (Gadus morhua) do not feed during the spawning period. However, this more or less established fact has rarely been investigated in the field. Here, the content of stomachs from Northeast Arctic cod (NEAC) and Norwegian coastal cod (NCC) sampled from the spawning ground in Lofoten were examined over a 10-year period (1996–2006). The occurrence of food in the stomachs of spawning cod, stomach fullness, diet composition, and variation in these variables between NEAC and NCC, year, and sex were analysed and compared. The analysis shows that cod do feed, even when they are in a spawning state. NCC had a lower proportion of empty stomachs and the stomachs were fuller than those from NEAC. Females had a lower proportion of empty stomachs than males and their stomachs were in general fuller. Herring (Clupea harengus) dominated the diet of cod. However, cod consumption of herring on the spawning grounds seems to be a minor source of mortality on herring. Although spawning cod do feed, the proportion of empty stomachs was higher and stomach fullness was lower than in stomachs of NEAC from the Barents Sea
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