147 research outputs found

    The Identity of the Father: Defining the Nature of the Relation Between the God of Jesus, and the God of Israel

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    The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most difficult doctrines to explain and comprehend. Historically, trinitarian discussions, especially during the first four centuries, have centered on the deity of Christ and His relation to the Father. Later, this discussion centered on the deity of the Holy Spirit, and His relation to both the Father and the Son. The identity of the Father, however, is rarely discussed, but rather it is simply assumed. The Father is simply the first Person of the Trinity, the God of Israel, YHWH. The problem, however, is that, for Christians, YHWH is triune. As such, if the Father is YHWH, then this implies that the Father is also triune. This project seeks to take up the task of firmly establishing, and then clarifying, the identity of the Father, especially as it relates to YHWH. It begins by establishing that, throughout Scripture, second-temple Jewish literature, and in the writings of the early church fathers, the Father was most clearly identified as YHWH, the God of Israel, whereas Jesus was identified as His Son. From here, Richard Bauckham’s notion of divine identity is argued for, and defended, showing how this concept formed the theological background of the New Testament. After explaining the relation between YHWH’s identity and nature, it is shown that the “is” of predication can be used to clarify the claim that “The Father is YHWH.” Lastly, the concept of divine identity is used to synthesize all of the findings together and show how the doctrine of the Trinity can be affirmed, while avoiding the charge of internal incoherence

    Doing good or just as bad? Nonprofit ambiguity in our neoliberal age.

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    This essay examines the ambiguity encompassing nonprofit organizations implementing anti-poverty programs in the context of neoliberal reforms. Despite the “do good” image that made them an ideal alternative to the discredited welfare state, research on nonprofits in the context of neoliberal reforms has exposed the political ambiguity underlying their actual effects: Some contribute to wellbeing and social change, while others further neoliberal forms of governance and power. This ambiguity demands that research on nonprofits examines, rather than assume, the relation between the “do good” claims of this sector and the actual effects of their social interventions. This essay builds on and contributes to this critical approach to nonprofits through the case study of a nation nonprofit organization engaged in anti-poverty community development in Puerto Rico: Social Action of Puerto Rico, Inc. (ASPRI, for its acronym in Spanish). The study discusses the policy reforms that led ASPRI’s long-standing anti-poverty program to become entangled with the logic of neoliberal governance. By questioning the assumed transparency between ASPRI’s “do good” claims and the effects of its programs on the population served, this study demystifies the assumed virtues of the nonprofit alternative to the welfare state.Este ensayo examina la ambigüedad que envuelve a organizaciones sin fines de lucro que implementan programas contra la pobreza en el contexto de reformas neoliberal. A pesar de la imagen positiva que las convirtió en una alternativa ideal al desacreditado Estado benefactor, investigaciones recientes sobre organizaciones sin fin de lucro exponen la ambigüedad política de sus intervenciones: Algunas contribuyen al bienestar general y el cambio social, mientras que otras adelantan formas de gobernanza y ejercicios de poder neoliberal. Esta ambigüedad requiere que la investigación sobre organizaciones sin fines de lucro examine, y no asuma, la relación entre la misión de bienestar que reclaman las organizaciones y los efectos concretos de sus intervenciones sociales. Este ensayo contribuye a esta línea de investigación crítica sobre organizaciones sin fines de lucro mediante un estudio de caso de una organización nacional que implementa proyectos antipobreza en Puerto Rico: Acción Social de Puerto Rico, Inc. (ASPRI). El estudio discute las reformas políticas que llevaron a que los programas anti-pobreza de ASPRI se entrelazan con la nueva lógica de gobernanza neoliberal. El estudio expone el desfase entre las metas de bienestar de ASPRI y los efectos de sus programas en la población servida. El estudio desmitifica la presunción a priori de las virtudes del sector sin fines de lucro sobre el Estado benefactor

    BioScape: A Modeling and Simulation Language for Bacteria-Materials Interactions

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    We design BioScape, a concurrent language for the stochastic simulation of biological and bio-materials processes in a reactive environment in 3D space. BioScape is based on the Stochastic Pi-Calculus, and it is motivated by the need for individual-based, continuous motion, and continuous space simulation in modeling complex bacteria-materials interactions. Our driving example is a bio-triggered drug delivery system for infection-resistant medical implants. Our models in BioScape will help in identifying biological targets and materials strategies to treat biomaterials associated bacterial infections. The novel aspects of BioScape include syntactic primitives to declare the scope in space where species can move, diffusion rate, shape, and reaction distance, and an operational semantics that deals with the specifics of 3D locations, verifying reaction distance, and featuring random movement. We define a translation from BioScape to 3π and prove its soundness with respect to the operational semantics.Fil: Compagnoni, Adriana. Stevens Institute of Technology; Estados UnidosFil: Sharma, Vishaka. Stevens Institute of Technology; Estados UnidosFil: Bao, Yifei. Stevens Institute of Technology; Estados UnidosFil: Libera, Matthew. Stevens Institute of Technology; Estados UnidosFil: Sukhishvili, Svetlana. Stevens Institute of Technology; Estados UnidosFil: Bidinger, Philippe. VERIMAG; FranciaFil: Boglio, Livio. Universita Di Torino; ItaliaFil: Bonelli, Eduardo Augusto. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Industria y comercio de la madera en el Pirineo catalán : Perspectiva histórica desde la revolución industrial 1850-1950 /

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    La presente tesis es una aportación a la historia forestal de España y Cataluña. Trata de la industria y del comercio de la madera en el Pirineo Catalán, en una perspectiva histórica desde la revolución industrial (1850-1950). La tesis empieza con dos capítulos introductorios donde se expliquen los contextos institucionales y económicos del sector forestal a partir de una síntesis bibliográfica y documental actualizada. Se analiza la evolución de la política forestal y los conflictos de intereses que provocó, principalmente entre productores nacionales e importadores, fractura que vertebró los grupos de presión. Se analiza también la demanda de productos forestales y madereros, los costes de producción y su evolución a España. Después, en el capítulo 3 se hace la primera estimación de consumo de madera a Cataluña, considerando los diferentes usos por partidas (construcción, embalajes, papel, postes, transporte, etc…). Sigue la metodología de otros autores y aporta nuevas consideraciones sobre el escalado regional de los modelos nacionales utilizados actualmente. Permite concluir en la poca representatividad a escala regional de las hipótesis utilizadas a escala nacional, a pesar de límites evidentes que tendrán que corregirse en futuras investigaciones. En el capítulo 4, el autor analiza la evolución de la producción forestal exclusivamente a Cataluña, poniendo en relieve los factores principales que condicionaron su evolución, en particular la extensión de la red de carreteras, y el papel de la zona urbana y peri-urbana de Barcelona como motor de crecimiento del sector maderero. En el capítulo 5 se realiza un análisis más desagregado de la industria maderera a partir de la Contribución Industrial y de Comercio, a escala regional y de 7 partidos judiciales del Pirineo catalán. Permite destacar a nivel municipal cierta especialización temprana de la industria transformadora, donde podía representar una parte significativa de la economía local (Valle de Aran, Alt Urgell, Solsonès) o una economía complementaria (Pallars, Cerdaña, Berguedà, Noguera). Finalmente el capítulo 6 está dedicado a un análisis comparado con dos provincias francesas pirenaicas: Ariège y Pyrénées-Orientales, para observar las dinámicas transfronterizas en el contexto de la producción y del comercio forestal.This thesis is a contribution to the Forest history of Spain and Catalonia. It deals with the industry and marketing of wood in the Catalan Pyrenees, in an historical perspective from the industrial revolution (1850-1950). The thesis opens with 2 introductory chapters where institutional and economical contexts of the forest sector are detailed, based on an up-to-date documental and bibliographic synthesis. The evolution of forest policy is reviewed along with the conflicts of interests it generated, principally between national producers and importers, fracture upon which pressure groups were mobilized. An analysis of the evolution of the demand for forest and wood products is also conducted at national level, along with production costs. Then, in chapter 3 the author builds the first estimate of an historical series of consumption of wood in Catalonia, considering several subseries (construction, packaging, paper, poles, transport, etc…). The methodology developed by former authors is followed though new considerations are brought regarding the downsizing of national models at regional scale. This brings to the conclusion that hypothesis used in national models have a low relevance at regional scale. It nevertheless shines light on some obvious limits of this regional approach that will have to be cleared by further investigations. In chapter 4, the author analyses the evolution of forest production exclusively in Catalonia, showing the main factors that conditioned its evolution, particularly the extension of the road networks and the role of the urban and peri-urban area of Barcelona as a motor for the growth of the wood sector. In chapter 5 an in-depth analysis of the wood industry is conducted at local level, based on the statistics on Industrial and Commerce Tax, at regional level and for 7 local councils. This brings into light some areas where the wood economy was significant (Valle de Aran, Alt Urgell, Solsonès), and others were it was just complementary (Pallars, Cerdaña, Berguedà, Noguera). Finally chapter 6 is dedicated to a comparative analysis with 2 french Pyrenean provinces: Ariège and Pyrénées-Orientales, in order to observe the cross-border dynamics in the context of forest production and wood products marketing

    Compelled to record my impressions : an artists view of the Pacific shipping world

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    This paper looks at the legacy of Brett Hilder, a ships Master in the Pacific Islands from the 1940s to 1970s and who compiled an amazing artistsic record of portraits and landscapes of the people and places he visited along Burns Philp's shipping routes