110 research outputs found

    Differential sensitivity of Src-family kinases to activation by SH3 domain displacement

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    Src-family kinases (SFKs) are non-receptor protein-tyrosine kinases involved in a variety of signaling pathways in virtually every cell type. The SFKs share a common negative regulatory mechanism that involves intramolecular interactions of the SH3 domain with the PPII helix formed by the SH2-kinase linker as well as the SH2 domain with a conserved phosphotyrosine residue in the C-terminal tail. Growing evidence suggests that individual SFKs may exhibit distinct activation mechanisms dictated by the relative strengths of these intramolecular interactions. To elucidate the role of the SH3:linker interaction in the regulation of individual SFKs, we used a synthetic SH3 domain-binding peptide (VSL12) to probe the sensitivity of downregulated c-Src, Hck, Lyn and Fyn to SH3-based activation in a kinetic kinase assay. All four SFKs responded to VSL12 binding with enhanced kinase activity, demonstrating a conserved role for SH3:linker interaction in the control of catalytic function. However, the sensitivity and extent of SH3-based activation varied over a wide range. In addition, autophosphorylation of the activation loops of c-Src and Hck did not override regulatory control by SH3:linker displacement, demonstrating that these modes of activation are independent. Our results show that despite the similarity of their downregulated conformations, individual Src-family members show diverse responses to activation by domain displacement which may reflect their adaptation to specific signaling environments in vivo. Β© 2014 Moroco et al

    The Escherichia coli effector EspJ blocks Src kinase activity via amidation and ADP ribosylation

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    J.C.Y. was funded by an MRC PhD studentship. D.J.B. is supported by a London Research Institute, Cancer Research UK Postdoctoral Fellowship award and M.W. is supported by Cancer Research UK. K.A. was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (AK 6/22-1 and AK 6/22-2) and the Center for Biological Signaling Studies in Freiburg (Germany). This work was supported by grants from the Wellcome Trust to G.F. and S.J.M

    Mutations in TFAP2B and previously unimplicated genes of the BMP, Wnt, and Hedgehog pathways in syndromic craniosynostosis

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    Craniosynostosis (CS) is a frequent congenital anomaly featuring the premature fusion of 1 or more sutures of the cranial vault. Syndromic cases, featuring additional congenital anomalies, make up 15% of CS. While many genes underlying syndromic CS have been identified, the cause of many syndromic cases remains unknown. We performed exome sequencing of 12 syndromic CS cases and their parents, in whom previous genetic evaluations were unrevealing. Damaging de novo or transmitted loss of function (LOF) mutations were found in 8 genes that are highly intolerant to LOF mutation (P = 4.0 Γ— 10^{-8}); additionally, a rare damaging mutation in SOX11, which has a lower level of intolerance, was identified. Four probands had rare damaging mutations (2 de novo) in TFAP2B, a transcription factor that orchestrates neural crest cell migration and differentiation; this mutation burden is highly significant (P = 8.2 Γ— 10^{-12}). Three probands had rare damaging mutations in GLI2, SOX11, or GPC4, which function in the Hedgehog, BMP, and Wnt signaling pathways; other genes in these pathways have previously been implicated in syndromic CS. Similarly, damaging de novo mutations were identified in genes encoding the chromatin modifier KAT6A, and CTNNA1, encoding catenin Ξ±-1. These findings establish TFAP2B as a CS gene, have implications for assessing risk to subsequent children in these families, and provide evidence implicating other genes in syndromic CS. This high yield indicates the value of performing exome sequencing of syndromic CS patients when sequencing of known disease loci is unrevealing

    A potential new, stable state of the E-cadherin strand-swapped dimer in solution

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    E-cadherin is a transmembrane glycoprotein that facilitates inter-cellular adhesion in the epithelium. The ectodomain of the native structure is comprised of five repeated immunoglobulin-like domains. All E-cadherin crystal structures show the protein in one of three alternative conformations: a monomer, a strand-swapped trans homodimer and the so-called X-dimer, which is proposed to be a kinetic intermediate to forming the strand-swapped trans homodimer. However, previous studies have indicated that even once the trans strand-swapped dimer is formed, the complex is highly dynamic and the E-cadherin monomers may reorient relative to each other. Here, molecular dynamics simulations have been used to investigate the stability and conformational flexibility of the human E-cadherin trans strand-swapped dimer. In four independent, 100Β ns simulations, the dimer moved away from the starting structure and converged to a previously unreported structure, which we call the Y-dimer. The Y-dimer was present for over 90% of the combined simulation time, suggesting that it represents a stable conformation of the E-cadherin dimer in solution. The Y-dimer conformation is stabilised by interactions present in both the trans strand-swapped dimer and X-dimer crystal structures, as well as additional interactions not found in any E-cadherin dimer crystal structures. The Y-dimer represents a previously unreported, stable conformation of the human E-cadherin trans strand-swapped dimer and suggests that the available crystal structures do not fully capture the conformations that the human E-cadherin trans homodimer adopts in solution

    Targeted Overexpression of Osteoactivin in Cells of Osteoclastic Lineage Promotes Osteoclastic Resorption and Bone Loss in Mice

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    This study sought to test whether targeted overexpression of osteoactivin (OA) in cells of osteoclastic lineage, using the tartrate-resistant acid phosphase (TRAP) exon 1B/C promoter to drive OA expression, would increase bone resorption and bone loss in vivo. OA transgenic osteoclasts showed ∼2-fold increases in OA mRNA and proteins compared wild-type (WT) osteoclasts. However, the OA expression in transgenic osteoblasts was not different. At 4, 8, and 15.3 week-old, transgenic mice showed significant bone loss determined by pQCT and confirmed by μ-CT. In vitro, transgenic osteoclasts were twice as large, had twice as much TRAP activity, resorbed twice as much bone matrix, and expressed twice as much osteoclastic genes (MMP9, calciton receptor, and ADAM12), as WT osteoclasts. The siRNA-mediated suppression of OA expression in RAW264.7-derived osteoclasts reduced cell size and osteoclastic gene expression. Bone histomorphometry revealed that transgenic mice had more osteoclasts and osteoclast surface. Plasma c-telopeptide (a resorption biomarker) measurements confirmed an increase in bone resorption in transgenic mice in vivo. In contrast, histomorphometric bone formation parameters and plasma levels of bone formation biomarkers (osteocalcin and pro-collagen type I N-terminal peptide) were not different between transgenic mice and WT littermates, indicating the lack of bone formation effects. In conclusion, this study provides compelling in vivo evidence that osteoclast-derived OA is a novel stimulator of osteoclast activity and bone resorption

    ReCLIP (Reversible Cross-Link Immuno-Precipitation): An Efficient Method for Interrogation of Labile Protein Complexes

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    The difficulty of maintaining intact protein complexes while minimizing non-specific background remains a significant limitation in proteomic studies. Labile interactions, such as the interaction between p120-catenin and the E-cadherin complex, are particularly challenging. Using the cadherin complex as a model-system, we have developed a procedure for efficient recovery of otherwise labile protein-protein interactions. We have named the procedure β€œReCLIP” (Reversible Cross-Link Immuno-Precipitation) to reflect the primary elements of the method. Using cell-permeable, thiol-cleavable crosslinkers, normally labile interactions (i.e. p120 and E-cadherin) are stabilized in situ prior to isolation. After immunoprecipitation, crosslinked binding partners are selectively released and all other components of the procedure (i.e. beads, antibody, and p120 itself) are discarded. The end result is extremely efficient recovery with exceptionally low background. ReCLIP therefore appears to provide an excellent alternative to currently available affinity-purification approaches, particularly for studies of labile complexes

    JAK2 V617F Constitutive Activation Requires JH2 Residue F595: A Pseudokinase Domain Target for Specific Inhibitors

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    The JAK2 V617F mutation present in over 95% of Polycythemia Vera patients and in 50% of Essential Thrombocythemia and Primary Myelofibrosis patients renders the kinase constitutively active. In the absence of a three-dimensional structure for the full-length protein, the mechanism of activation of JAK2 V617F has remained elusive. In this study, we used functional mutagenesis to investigate the involvement of the JH2 Ξ±C helix in the constitutive activation of JAK2 V617F. We show that residue F595, located in the middle of the Ξ±C helix of JH2, is indispensable for the constitutive activity of JAK2 V617F. Mutation of F595 to Ala, Lys, Val or Ile significantly decreases the constitutive activity of JAK2 V617F, but F595W and F595Y are able to restore it, implying an aromaticity requirement at position 595. Substitution of F595 to Ala was also able to decrease the constitutive activity of two other JAK2 mutants, T875N and R683G, as well as JAK2 K539L, albeit to a lower extent. In contrast, the F595 mutants are activated by erythropoietin-bound EpoR. We also explored the relationship between the dimeric conformation of EpoR and several JAK2 mutants. Since residue F595 is crucial to the constitutive activation of JAK2 V617F but not to initiation of JAK2 activation by cytokines, we suggest that small molecules that target the region around this residue might specifically block oncogenic JAK2 and spare JAK2 wild-type

    Analysis of jak2 catalytic function by peptide microarrays: The role of the JH2 domain and V617F mutation

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    Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) initiates signaling from several cytokine receptors and is required for biological responses such as erythropoiesis. JAK2 activity is controlled by regulatory proteins such as Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling (SOCS) proteins and protein tyrosine phosphatases. JAK2 activity is also intrinsically controlled by regulatory domains, where the pseudokinase (JAK homology 2, JH2) domain has been shown to play an essential role. The physiological role of the JH2 domain in the regulation of JAK2 activity was highlighted by the discovery of the acquired missense point mutation V617F in myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN). Hence, determining the precise role of this domain is critical for understanding disease pathogenesis and design of new treatment modalities. Here, we have evaluated the effect of inter-domain interactions in kinase activity and substrate specificity. By using for the first time purified recombinant JAK2 proteins and a novel peptide micro-array platform, we have determined initial phosphorylation rates and peptide substrate preference for the recombinant kinase domain (JH1) of JAK2, and two constructs comprising both the kinase and pseudokinase domains (JH1-JH2) of JAK2. The data demonstrate that (i) JH2 drastically decreases the activity of the JAK2 JH1 domain, (ii) JH2 increased the Kmfor ATP (iii) JH2 modulates the peptide preference of JAK2 (iv) the V617F mutation partially releases this inhibitory mechanism but does not significantly affect substrate preference or Kmfor ATP. These results provide the biochemical basis for understanding the interaction between the kinase and the pseudokinase domain of JAK2 and identify a novel regulatory role for the JAK2 pseudokinase domain. Additionally, this method can be used to identify new regulatory mechanisms for protein kinases that provide a better platform for designing specific strategies for therapeutic approaches

    Encoding optical control in LCK kinase to quantitatively investigate its activity in live cells.

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    LCK is a tyrosine kinase that is essential for initiating T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) signaling. A complete understanding of LCK function is constrained by a paucity of methods to quantitatively study its function within live cells. To address this limitation, we generated LCK*, in which a key active-site lysine is replaced by a photocaged equivalent, using genetic code expansion. This strategy enabled fine temporal and spatial control over kinase activity, thus allowing us to quantify phosphorylation kinetics in situ using biochemical and imaging approaches. We find that autophosphorylation of the LCK active-site loop is indispensable for its catalytic activity and that LCK can stimulate its own activation by adopting a more open conformation, which can be modulated by point mutations. We then show that CD4 and CD8, T-cell coreceptors, can enhance LCK activity, thereby helping to explain their effect in physiological TCR signaling. Our approach also provides general insights into SRC-family kinase dynamics
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