205 research outputs found

    Stanje u sektoru proizvodnje mleka u Evropskoj Uniji i kod nas

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    The paper gives an analysis of the state in milk production from the aspect of total produced quantities of milk and total purchased quantites of milk by the diaries in EU. The number of farms engaged in cattle production has been analyzed, along with the farms engaged in milk production. Trend in development of cattle breeding in EU is going in the direction of decreasing the number of farms raising the breeding stocks of dairy cows and to the simultaneous increase in the number of cows per farm for milk production with constant increase of the quantity of milk produced per cow. In 2008 the number of cows per farm in EU27 was on average 9.8 cows, in EU25 on average 16.6 cows, with great variation among member countries observed. Average milk yield in total cow population in 2008 in EU15 was 6646 kg, in EU25: 6357 kg and in EU27: 6133kg. In Serbia the average milk yield in registered cows of Simmental breed is about 4500 kg, and in Holstein Friesian breed around 8700 kg. It is important to emphasize that in Serbia there is a far less number of cows under controlled milk yield (around 5.5% Simmental cows in total number), and that there is a decline observed in the number of cattle in Serbia in the last decade per average rate of 2-3 % annually.Analizirano je stanje u sektoru proizvodnje mleka u EU i Srbiji sa aspekta ukupno proizvedenih količina mleka i ukupno otkupljenih količina mleka od strane mlekara. Analiziran je broj gazdinstava koja se bave govedarskom proizvodnjom, kao i gazdinstava koja proizvode mleko. Nivo ukupne proizvodnje mleka u zemljama EU27 u poslednjih nekoliko godina je oko 148 miliona tona, dok je u Srbiji prisutno smanjenje proizvodnje mleka i u 2009-oj godini proizvodnja je iznosila 1,478 miliona tona, a u 2008-oj 1,7 miliona tona. Od ukupno proizvedenih količina mleka u EU27 otkupi se od strane mlekara preko 90%, dok se u Srbiji otkupljuje oko 50% mleka. Trend u razvoju govedarstva u EU ide u pravcu smanjenja broja gazdinstava koja gaje zapate mlečnih krava i istovremenog povećanja broja krava po gazdinstvima, koja se bave proizvodnjom mleka uz stalno povećanje količine proizvedenog mleka po kravi. I pored ukrupnjavanja gazdinstava koja se bave proizvodnjom mleka, prisutan je trend smanjenja broja muznih krava (zbog postignutih visokih prinosa mleka po kravi kod specijalizovanih mlečnih rasa, kao i postojanja zaliha mleka), što kao posledicu ima porast populacija goveda namenjenih proizvodnji mesa, koja se gaje u sistemu krava-tele. U 2008. godini broj krava po gazdinstvu iznosio je u EU27 prosečno 9,8 krava, EU25 prosečno 16,6 krava, sa velikim variranjem između država članica. Prosečna mlečnost ukupne populacije krava u 2008. godini u EU15 iznosila je 6646 kg, EU25: 6357 kg i EU27: 6133 kg. Prosečna mlečnost umatičenih krava simentalske rase u Srbiji je oko 4500 kg, a holštajn frizijske rase oko 8700 kg, dok mlečnost celokupne populacije krava u Srbiji (kontrolisana grla i procenjene mlečnosti krava) iznosi između 3000 i 3500 kg. U Srbiji je, prema popisu iz 2002. god., 97,61% gazdinstava raspolagalo sa 1 do 5 krava i pri tome su posedovali 87% od ukupnog broja krava u Srbiji. U poslednjih 10 godina broj gazdinstava koja gaje goveda se smanjivao, isto kao i broj goveda (po godišnjoj stopi od 2 do 3%). Takvo stanje se direktno odražava na smanjenje ukupne proizvodnje mleka (koja ima negativan trend) kao i proizvodnje goveđeg mesa

    Mystical principle and weltgefühl in Musil's novel "The man without qualities"

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    Предмет истраживања, модерни роман Човек без својстава (Чбс) аустријског писца Роберта Музила (1881-1942), анализиран је са аспекта поља сензитивне мистике која је препозната као окосница света дела и ауторове теоријске мисли, изнете кроз есеје. Последњи се могу сматрати колевком поетолошке парадигме самог аутора отелотворене романом. Шира анализа је показала да је научно проучавање концепта другачијег станња донекле занемаривало његову осећајну структуру, која се показује као комплексан суоднос Ја и Света. Један од закључака истраживања, који се тиче интерпретативних могућности у оквиру самог дела, јесте истицање Музиловог другачијег стања као мистичног осећања света. Поред анализе осећајног слоја другачијег стања, – које је смештено у домен ирациоидног код Музила и преко којега се конституише поетика ноеодређености, заснована на ”неодређеном осећању” као синониму за ”другачије осећање”, – анализи су подвргнуте и импликације које овај концепт аутора има по читања поетских, естетских и етичких ставова изнетих делом....The subject of our research, (which is) the modernist novel ‘The Man Without Qualities’ by the Austrian writer Robert Musil (1881-1942) was examined against the background of the definition of the mystical. The mystical represents the backbone of the narrated world and of the author’s theoretical considerations spread throughout his essays, which could be viewed as the cradle of the poetical paradigm found within the novel. A broader, previously conducted analysis has shown that the research literature largely ignored the concept of the other state regarding its emotional structure, which emerges as a complex I–world relation. One of the study’s main conclusions is that the other state may be interpreted as a mystical world feeling i.e. Weltgefühl. Musil places the other state in the domain of the irratioïd, whereby this study takes into account its implications for the poetic, aesthetic and ethical readings of the novel’s text. In addition to the aforementioned, the study tracks the fate of the phrase invisible principle as an element of the novel’s intrinsic mystical paradigm. The term invisible principle is an intertextual borrowing that Musil acquired from Maeterlinck through whom Neo-Platonic ideas are introduced to the narrative flow, deepening the mystical dimension of the novel. Conceived in the spirit of the Plotinian scriptures, the invisible principle is considered in this study as a mystical principle enabling the vision of the One or the First Principle (ancient Greek ἀρχή). The same can also be interpreted as the principle of wisdom, or one of judgment in matters regarding mind and soul. Specifically, in Musil, it’s observed to be a founding moral principle of human action, which one can mystically trace in the other state...

    Povezanost telesne razvijenosti i mlečnosti koza u različitim laktacijama

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    This paper presents the results of the variability and correlation of body measurements and milk production of domestic Balkan goat breed that is reared in the mountain range Sharplanina, depending on the lactation. Studied animals were monitored and lactation, or order of kidding (I, II, III and IV and the next lactation together). Control of milk production, included a total of 290 goats in different lactations (first-81 animals, the second-69 heads, 71 heads third-and fourth and following along latkacije-69 heads). In order to determine the measure of body development in adult goats, one takes values for height at withers, body length, chest depth, chest width, the width of the cross and body weight. The variability of the analyzed characteristics is presented descriptive parameters and the effect of lactation is determined by a factorial analysis of variance. The determined average values for milk production and measures of body development are located within those identified for this population of goats. During these tests showed statistically significant correlation dependence (P lt 0.05) between all studied variables, except when it comes to length lactation period and individual measures of body development. The correlation coefficient between length of lactation and established measures of body development. are low and reflect the existence uncorrelation dependence, and their values range from 0.08 to 0.11, while they were unjustified and statistically (P> 0.05).U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja varijabilnosti i povezanosti osobina telesne razvijenosti i mlečnosti domaće balkanske rase koza u zavisnosti od laktacije po redu (I, II, III a IV i naredne laktacije zajedno). Kontrolom proizvodnje mleka bilo je obuhvaćeno ukupno 290 koza u različitim laktacijama (prva- 81 grla, druga- 69 grla, treća- 71 grla, a četvrta i naredne latkacije zajedno- 69 grla). U cilju utvrđivanja mera telesne razvijenosti odraslih koza izmerene su vrednosti za visinu grebena, dužinu trupa, dubinu grudi, širinu grudi, širinu krsta i telesnu masu. Varijabilnost analiziranih osobina opisana je parametrima deskriptivne statistike, a uticaj laktacije po redu je utvrđen jednofaktorijalnom analizom varijanse. Utvrđene prosečne vrednosti za proizvodnju mleka i mere telesne razvijenosti bile se u okviru onih koje su utvrđene za ovu populaciju koza. Ispitivanjem su utvrđene statistički značajne korelacije (P lt 0,05) između svih posmatranih parametara, izuzev kada je u pitanju dužina laktacionog perioda i pojedinih mera telesne razvijenosti koje statistički nisu bile značajne

    Uticaj laktacije po redu na proizvodnju mleka i broj somatskih ćelija koza Alpina rase

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    In this paper, the annual results of the effect of lactation on milk production, the contents of some chemical parameters in the milk (milk fat, protein and dry matter without fat) and somatic cells in milk goat breeds Alpino in intensive production during one production year. Control is included a total of 82 French Alpine goats in different lactations (first-16 heads, the second-19 heads, 29 heads the third-and fourth and subsequent lactation together-18 heads).). Somatic cell count and chemical quality of milk is controlled on a daily basis in the laboratory for raw milk AD 'Dairies' - Subotica on the machine CombiFoss FC 6200. The variability of the analyzed characteristics is presented descriptive parameters and the effect of lactation is determined by a factorial analysis of variance. The average value for somewhat milk goats for the treated population was 362.83 kg, with average milk fat content of 3.31%. Analysis of variance confirmed that the differences that were established under the influence of lactation for all traits analyzed, except for percentage of milk fat, were significant at P lt 0.01.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uticaja laktacije po redu na proizvodnju mleka, sadržaj mlečne masti, proteina i suve materije bez masti i broj somatskih ćelija u mleku koza francuske rase Alpina u intenzivnoj proizvodnji u toku jedne proizvodne godine. Kontrolom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 82 grla u različitim laktacijama (prva - 16 grla, druga - 19 grla, treća - 29 grla, a četvrta i naredne latkacije zajedno - 18 grla). Broj somatskih ćelija, kao i hemijski kvalitet mleka, kontrolisan je svakodnevno u laboratoriji za sirovo mleko AD 'Mlekare' - Subotica na aparatu CombiFoss 6200 FC. Varijabilnost analiziranih osobina je prikazana parametrima deskriptivne statistike, a uticaj laktacije po redu je utvrđen jednofaktorijalnom analizom varijanse. Prosečna vrednost za ukupnu količnu mleka kod ispitivane populacije koza iznosila je 362,83 kg, sa prosečnim sadržajem mlečne masti od 3,31%. Rezultati analize varijanse potvrđuju da su razlike koje su ustanovljene pod uticajem laktacije po redu za sve analizirane osobine, izuzev za procenat mlečne masti, bile značajne na nivou P lt 0.01

    Uticaj paragenetskih faktora na reproduktivne osobine krava simentalske rase

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    The examination was made on the effect of systematic factors (parturition group, calving season, birth type, calf gender, and birth type-calf gender interaction) and age at first conception on the expression of reproductive traits (gestation length, service period, fertility intensity and calf birth weight) in 143 Simmental cows. The overall mean (μ) for gestation length, service period, intercalving period and calf birth weight was 284.14 days, 153.82 days, 416.92 days and 35.40 kg, respectively. The parturition group effect on all fertility traits was highly significant (P lt 0.01). The calving season statistically significantly (P lt 0.05) affected the intercalving period and calf birth weight. Birth type induced very significantly longer gestation (P lt 0.01) and higher calf birth weight in singles (P lt 0.01) and significantly longer service period in twins (P lt 0.05). Calf gender had a very significant effect (P lt 0.01) only on calf birth weight, and the interaction between birth type and calf gender significantly affected gestation duration only (P lt 0.05). The regression effect of age at first conception on all fertility traits was not significant (P>0.05).Na ispoljenost reproduktivnih osobina (dužina bremenitosti, servis period, intenzitet plodnosti i masa teladi pri rođenju) kod 143 krave simentalske rase, ispitivan je uticaj sistematskih faktora (grupe partusa, sezone telenja, tip rođenja, pol teladi i interakcija tipa rođenja i pola teladi) i uzrasta pri prvoj oplodnji. Opšti prosek (μ) za dužinu bremenitosti iznosio je 284.14 dana, servis period 153.82 dana, međutelidbeni interval 416.92 i masu teladi pri rođenju 35.40 kg. Uticaj grupe partusa na sve osobine plodnosti bio je visoko značajan (P lt 0.01). Sezona telenja statistički značajno (P lt 0.05) je uticala na međutelidbeni interval i masu teladi pri rođenju. Tip rođenja uslovio je vrlo značajno dužu bremenitost (P lt 0.01) i veću masu teladi pri rođenju kod jedinaca (P lt 0.01) i značajno duži servis period kod blizanaca (P lt 0.05). Pol teladi vrlo značajno je uticao (P lt 0.01) samo na masu teladi pri rođenju, dok je interakcija tipa rođenja i pola teladi značajno uticala samo na trajanje bremenitosti (P lt 0.05). Regresijski uticaj uzrasta pri prvoj oplodnji na sve osobine plodnosti nije bio signifikantan (P>0.05)

    Uticaj zastupljenosti kadmijuma i arsena u obroku na proizvodne i reproduktivne osobine koza

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    Animals require microelements in small quantities, and they play a role in virtually all physiological and biochemical processes. The role of microelements is important role from bone structure to maintaining the structure of proteins and lipids. Microelements are provided to animals in food, by special supplementation (premixes), or in water. In addition to essential minerals, which are regularly used in goat nutrition, there are 10 other elements present in traces (mg/kg or ppm) which are also indispensable for the goat's organism, as follows: Fe, J, Cu, Zn, Mn, Co, Mo, Se, Cr, F. In addition to these, following elements have also been identified in goats' tissues: Al, B, Ge, Cd, As, Pb, Hg, Ru, and Nb, however their significance for the organism of goats has still not been established. Their lack in goat nutrition may to a large extent contribute to lower yields and bad health.Mikroelementi su životinjama potrebni u malim količinama i učestvuju u skoro svim fiziološkim i biohemijskim procesima. Počev od strukture kostiju pa do održavanja strukture proteina i lipida, mikroelementi igraju važnu ulogu. Obezbeđenje životinja sa mikroelementima obavlja se putem hrane, posebnim dodavanjem (putem predsmeša) ili putem vode. U intenzivnoj proizvodnji njihovo dodavanje je obavezno, jer se samo tako mogu obezbediti u dovoljnim količinama za optimalno zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate. Osim esencijalnih minerala, koji se redovno koriste u ishrani koza, postoji još 10 elemenata prisutnih u tragovima (mg/kg ili ppm) koji su takođe, neophodni za organizam koza, a to su: Fe, J, Cu, Zn, Mn, Co, Mo, Se, Cr, F. Pored navedenih, u tkivima koza identifikovani su još i: Al, B, Ge, Cd, As, Pb, Hg, Ru, i Nb, za koje još nije utvrđeno u kojoj su meri neophodni u organizmu koza. Njihov nedostatak u ishrani koza u velikoj meri može doprineti nižoj proizvodnji i lošem zdravstvenom stanju

    Varijabilnost i povezanost osnovnih parametara kvaliteta sirovog kravljeg mleka

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    In this paper the results of the analysis of the milk somatic cell count are presented, as well as correlation between the somatic cell count and content of certain chemical parameters in milk (milk proteins, fat, lactose and dry matter without fat) determined in collective samples of milk obtained from cows reared in intensive rearing system, during two production years. The research was carried out by control of collective milk samples from cows reared on family holdings. Somatic cell count, as well as the chemical quality of milk, were controlled daily in the laboratory for raw milk in dairy plant AD 'Mlekara' - Subotica using the apparatus CombiFoss 6200 FC. In this investigation, statistically significant correlation (P lt 0,001) between all observed milk parameters was determined. Positive, weak and statistically highly significant correlation between the content of milk fat and proteins in milk and somatic cell count was established. It was also established that the variability of chemical parameters of milk and somatic cell count is also under the influence of different factors, such as: month of control, year of the research and farm.U radu prikazani su godišnji rezultati ispitivanja broja somatskih ćelija u mleku, mlečne masti, proteina, laktoze i suve materije bez masti, u zbirnim uzorcima mleka krava u intenzivnoj proizvodnji u toku dve proizvodne godine. Ispitivanja su izvršena kontrolom zbirnih uzoraka mleka od približno 3000 krava sa porodičnih farmi. Prosečni broj somatskih ćelija je bio 462x103 u 1 ml zbirnog mleka (uz variranje od 410,43 do 536,06 x 103 u 1 ml), prosečni sadržaj proteina je bio 3,21%, mlečne masti 3,76%, laktoze 4,54% i suve materije bez masti 8,46%. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u broju somatskih ćelija utvrđenih na zbirnom uzorku mleka u odnosu na mesec kontrole. U ovom radu je utvrđena pozitivna i statistički signifikantna korelacija (P lt 0,001) između sadržaja mlečne masti i proteina u mleku i broja somatskih ćelija, i negativna i statistički signifikantna (P lt 0,001) korelacija između broja somatskih ćelija i sadržaja laktoze i suve materije bez masti u zbirnom uzorku mleka. Utvrđivanje odn. merenj broja somatskih ćelija u zbrinom mleku je ključni faktor u oceni kvaliteta mleka zapata, i koristi se i u određivanju cene otkupljenog mleka, i ukazuje na zdravlje vimena mlečnih grla u zapatu i omogućava farmi da prati uspeh programa za kotnrolu mastitisa u zapatu

    Uticaj telesne mase koza i laktacije po redu na porast jaradi u dojnom periodu

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    The paper presents results of investigation of milk yield by lactation, by order, and mother's body weight on growth rate of kids of the domestic Balkan goat. Daily weight gains of 376 single kids (168 male and 208 female), in three monthly intervals, and their final body weight at 90 days of age were established. Variability of analyzed traits was presented using descriptive statistics parameters, and differences of growth traits for weight gain of kids resulting from the effect of milk yield of female goats by order of lactation were investigated by single analysis of variance. The effect of independent variables, mothers' milk yield and body weight, on body weight of kids was tested using multiple regression analysis. During the entire suckling period, established average values for kids body weight differed significantly (P lt 0.001), increasing from the 1st toward later lactations. At 90 days of age the lowest values were established in kids from the youngest mothers (11.86 kg), while for kids of mothers in the fourth or later lactations these values were higher (13.93 kg). Coefficients of determination indicate that the variability percentage for individual growth traits of kids was in the 0.08 - 0.17 interval, indicating its significance. Both 'b' coefficients (b1 and b2) are positive and statistically highly significant, except for coefficient b2 in the analysis of body weight of kids at birth. The positive sign and high statistical significance indicate a pronounced effect of mother's milk yield and body weight on the body weight of kids up to 90 days of age.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uticaja količine mleka u laktaciji po redu, i telesne mase majke na porast jaradi domaće balkanske koze do 90 dana. U cilju ispitivanja razvoja telesne mase jaradi u zavisnosti od količine mleka u laktaciji po redu u toku dojnog perioda ukupno je izmereno 376 jaradi jedinaca (168 muških i 208 ženskih). Varijabilnost analiziranih osobina je prikazana parametrima deskriptivne statistike, dok su razlike u osobinama porasta jaradi koje su nastale pod uticajem mlečosti koza u laktaciji po redu, ispitivane jednostrukom analizom varijanse. Višestruko regresionom analizom ispitivan je uticaj nezavisno promenljivih veličina, mlečnost majke i telesna masa majke, na porast jaradi. Utvrđene vrednosti telesnih masa u toku čitavog dojnog perioda značajno su se razlikovale (P lt 0,001) i povećavale od prve ka kasnijim laktacijama, pri čemu su u uzrastu od 90 dana najmanje vrednosti utvrđene kod jaradi od najmlađih koza (11,86 kg), dok su kod jaradi čije su majke bile u četvrtoj i kasnijim laktacijama te vrednosti iznosile 13,93 kg. Koeficijenti determinacije ukazuju na to da se procenat varijabilnosti pojedinih osobina porasta jaradi nalazio u intervalu od 0,08 do 0,17, što ukazuje na njihovu značajnost. Oba 'b' koeficijenta (b1 i b2) su pozitivna i statistički visoko značajna, osim koeficijenta b2 u analizi telesne mase jaradi pri rođenju. Pozitivni predznak i visoka statistička značajnost ukazuju na izražen uticaj mlečnosti i telesne mase majki na porast jaradi do 90 dana

    Fullerenol nanoparticles as a new delivery system for doxorubicin

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    Doxorubicin is a very potent chemotherapeutic drug, however its side effects limit its clinical use. The aim of this research was to investigate the properties of a fullerenol/doxorubicin nanocomposite, its potentially cytotoxic and genotoxic effects on malignant cell lines, as well as its toxicity towards zebra fish embryos. Chromatographic, NMR and mass spectral analysis of the nanocomposite imply that interactions between doxorubicin and fullerenol are non-covalent bonds. The stability of the nanocomposite was confirmed by the use of atomic force microscopy, dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy. The nanocomposite, compared to the free doxorubicin at equivalent concentrations, significantly decreased the viability of MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. The flow cytometry results indicated that doxorubicin-loaded fullerenol could remarkably increase the uptake of doxorubicin suggesting that fullerenol might be a promising intracellular targeting carrier for the efficient delivery of antitumor drugs into tumor cells. The nanocomposite also affected cell cycle distribution. A genotoxicity test showed that the nanocomposite at all examined concentrations on MCF-7 and at lower concentrations on MDA-MB-231 cells caused DNA damage. Consequently, cell proliferation was notably reduced when compared with controls. Results of the zebrafish embryotoxicity assay showed a decreased overall toxicity, particularly cardiotoxicity and increased safety of the nanocomposite in comparison to doxorubicin alone, as manifested by a higher survival of embryos and less pericardial edema

    Multiple AGN in the crowded field of the compact group SDSS J0959+1259

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    We present a multiwavelength study of a newly discovered compact group (CG), SDSS J0959+1259, based data from XMM-Newton, Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Calar Alto optical imager BUSCA. With a maximum velocity offset of 500km s−1, a mean redshift of 0.035, and a mean spatial extension of 480kpc, this CG is exceptional in having the highest concentration of nuclear activity in the local Universe, established with a sensitivity limit LX > 4 × 1040ergs−1 in 2-10keV band and R-band magnitude MR < −19. The group is composed of two type-2 Seyferts, one type-1 Seyfert, two LINERs and three star-forming galaxies. Given the high X-ray luminosity of LINERs which reaches ∼1041ergs−1, it is likely that they are also accretion driven, bringing the number of active nuclei in this group to five out of eight (AGN fraction of 60 per cent). The distorted shape of one member of the CG suggests that strong interactions are taking place among its galaxies through tidal forces. Therefore, this system represents a case study for physical mechanisms that trigger nuclear activity and star formation in CG