132 research outputs found

    Wykorzystanie baz danych w marketingu

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    This article explains how to utilize a database in the marketing activities. It shows, how a databases can improve performance of the management in areas like: market knowledge, direct marketing, customer relationship management, marketing research and Internet. Also provides you characteristics basis procedure of an application databases in basic direction of the marketing activities.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Suicides among Polish seamen and fishermen during work at sea

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    Retrospective data on 51 suicides of Polish seamen and fishermen in the years 1960-1999 during work at sea are presented. The impact of age, rank, and the period of service upon the incidence of theses suicides is analysed. Circumstances typical of the marine occupational environment, sources of stress and individual susceptibility related to the act of self destruction are discussed. Attention is devoted to suicide risk indicators and possible prevention measures to be taken among seafarers

    Can general cardiovascular risk evaluation facilitate the assessment of fitness for work and contribute to the reduction of cardiovascular incidents among seamen and fishermen? Article for discussion

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    Apart from accidents and work related injuries caused by external factors, being the primary cause of death at sea and repatriation of seamen and fishermen from ship to hospital on shore, acute cardiovascular incidents are the main internal causes of their death, both at sea and on land, as well as of long lasting sick leave and disability (14). In the regulations on health requirements for persons working on sea-going ships and in inland navigation (orders of the Ministry of Health 1993, 1996, 2003, guidelines (39), EU directives and other national regulations) and in the register of diseases and conditions disqualifying from such an employment (EU directive, annex to the order of the Ministry of Health 1993, European Commission (32,33), ILO/WHO guidelines(39), cardiovascular diseases are only generally mentioned. The minimal scope of examinations is recommended for seafarers in age up to 50 years, and for older seafarers, but without the assessment of their occupational risk. This gives rise to ambiguities in interpretation at the time of issuing their health certificates, and also in judicature when analyzing cause-and-effect relationship between the occurrence of an acute cardiovascular incident during the ship’s voyage and conditions of the work at sea. Principles, possibilities and benefits are discussed in this paper, which may be expected from the general assessment of cardiovascular diseases risk at the time of the health assessment for the work at sea. The risk forecasting, health certification and the question of choosing primary preventive methods are included in this presentation

    In situ analysis of usefulness of strontium-fluoride toothpaste for enamel remineralization

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    Aim. The aim of the study was to investigate the usefulness of an experimental fluoride toothpaste supplemented with Sr2+ for enamel remineralization. Material and methods. Two experimental groups comprised volunteers aged 20–30 years who had all the oral cavity sanation procedures carried out and all the primary and secondary caries lesions filled before undergoing investigations. The material included twenty healthy premolar teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons due to their abnormal position in the arch or to teeth crowding in 12–14 year old children. The teeth were sectioned into blocks and artificially demineralized. The samples were placed in the oral cavity on the buccal surfaces of the first molar teeth of volunteers who used toothpaste supplemented with Ca2+, P043-, F- (group I), toothpaste supplemented with Ca2+, P043-, F-, Sr2+ (group II) and control toothpaste supplemented with Ca2+, P043- (Hydroxyapatite-HAP). The content of calcium and phosphorus was analyzed on the lateral walls of the enamel lesions, at preselected depths of 15 Î1m and 100 Î1m, by using EDS microanalysis. Results. After three months, the content of calcium in both studied groups was significantly lower at 15 Î1m and 100 Î1m of enamel depth than at the baseline (immediately after enamel demineralization). After six months, the content of calcium was lower only at 15 Î1m in both groups. At 100 Î1m of depth the calcium content was significantly higher in group II and the reference group (HAP). After three months the phosphorus content was significantly lower in group II at 15 Î1m. After six months the content of phosphorous was significantly higher in group II at 15 Î1m and 100 Î1m of enamel depth. Conclusion. The results suggest that supplementation of fluoride toothpaste with strontium improved the effect of enamel remineralization

    Możliwości wykorzystania miodu i ziół w chorobach żołądka i jelit

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    Miód oraz produkty ziołowe najczęściej stosowane są w takich chorobach żo-łądka i jelit, jak: niestrawność, zaburzenia czynnościowe, zapalenie i choroba żołądka i dwunastnicy, zapalenie żołądka i jelit oraz zaparcia

    Wykorzystanie miodu w zakażeniach

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    Bee honey is characterized by the following properties: antimicrobial, anti-inammatory, alleviating pain, cleansing wounds from dead tissues, deodorizing, stimulating granulation, accelerating epithelization and enhancing the cicatrization process. Thanks to these benecial properties, it has been used to treat infections, both topical and internal. In the form of compresses and dressings, it is used to treat wounds, burns, abscesses and ulcers. It is also very effective in the treatment of infections that cannot be treated with conventional preparations, including those caused byantibiotic-resistant microorganisms. Good effects are obtained when honey treats burn wounds, decubitus sores, varicose veins of the shank and diabetic wounds. The advantages of this type of treatment include: ease of removal of dressings from the wound surface, lack of allergic reactions, better preparation of wounds for surgical operations and skin transplants, shorter hospitalization of patients and a much cheaper treatment process compared to antibiotic therapy. Honey is also successfully used to treat internal diseases, especially gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections. Good results are obtained in the treatment of gastroenteritis and cystic brosis.On this basis, it can be assumed that honey is a valuable drug that is successfully used in the therapy of topical and internal diseases, especially dicult to treat by classical methods.Miód pszczeli odznacza się działaniem przeciwdrobnoustrojowym, przeciwzapalnym, łagodzącym ból, oczyszczającym rany z martwych tkanek, dezodorującym, stymulującym ziarninowanie, przyspieszającym nabłonkowanie oraz wzmacniającym proces bliznowacenia. Dzięki tym właściwościom znalazł zastosowanie w leczeniu zakażeń, zarówno miejscowych, jak i wewnętrznych. W postaci okładów i opatrunków stosowany jest do leczenia ran, oparzeń, ropni i owrzodzeń. Jest także bardzo skuteczny w leczeniu zakażeń niepoddających się terapii preparatami konwencjonalnymi, w tym wywołanych drobnoustrojami opornymi na antybiotyki. Dobre efekty uzyskuje się przy leczeniu miodem ran oparzeniowych, ran odleżynowych, owrzodzeń żylakowych podudzi oraz ran cukrzycowych. Do zalet tego rodzaju leczenia zalicza się: łatwość usuwania opatrunków z powierzchni rany, brak reakcji alergicznych, lepsze przygotowanie ran do operacji chirurgicznych i przeszczepów skóry, krótszą hospitalizację chorych oraz wielokrotnie tańszy proces leczenia w porównaniu do antybiotykoterapii.Miód wykorzystywany jest również z powodzeniem do leczenia chorób wewnętrznych, szczególnie zakażeń przewodu pokarmowego i układu oddechowego. Dobre efekty uzyskuje się w leczeniu zapalenia żołądka i jelit oraz mukowiscydozy. Na tej podstawie można przyjąć, że miód jest cennym lekiem, który z dobrym efektem stosuje się w terapii chorób miejscowych i wewnętrznych, szczególnie trudnych do leczenia metodami tradycyjnymi

    Zastosowanie miodu pszczelego w kosmetologii

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    Bees make honey from nectar or honeydew. Thus, it is a product of plant origin, partly processed by bees. Bee honey consists of sugars, water and other substances, including proteins, peptides, enzymes, free amino acids, phenolic compounds, vitamins and bioelements. Among the most important biological characteristics of honey you can identify its antioxidant, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, nourishing and moisturising properties. Moreover, honey can be used to purify skin from harmful metabolites, improve skin tone and remove dead epidermis.Honey has also been applied in the production of body care cosmetics, including face masks, creams, bath soaps, balms, lotions and hair conditioners. It is successfully used to make medicinal cosmetics (cosmeceuticals) to treat various dermatological diseases, including dermatophytosis, pityriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, candida-caused intertrigo, herpes or atopic dermatitis.Pszczoły wytwarzają miód z nektaru lub spadzi. Jest on zatem produktem pochodzenia roślinnego, częściowo przetwarzanym przez pszczoły. Miód pszczeli składa się z cukrów, wody i innych substancji, w tym białek, peptydów, enzymów, wolnych aminokwasów, związków fenolowych, witamin i biopierwiastków. Do najważniejszych właściwości biologicznych miodu zalicza się działanie: przeciwutleniające, antybiotyczne, przeciwzapalne, przeciwbólowe, odżywcze, odnawiające tkanki, nawilżające, oczyszczające skórę ze szkodliwych metabolitów, podwyższające napięcie skóry oraz usuwające złuszczony naskórek. Miód znalazł zastosowanie w wytwarzaniu kosmetyków upiększających, w tym maseczek do twarzy, kremów, kąpieli, balsamów, lotionów oraz odżywek do włosów. Z powodzeniem używany jest do sporządzania kosmetyków leczniczych (kosmeceutyków), przeznaczonych do leczenia różnych chorób dermatologicznych, m.in.grzybic, łupieżu pstrego, łojotokowego zapalenia skóry, wyprzeń drożdżakowych, opryszczki warg i atopowego zapalenia skóry

    Electrical and optical properties of new Pr3+-doped PbWO4 ceramics

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    Polycrystalline samples of new scheelite-type tungstates, Pb1 3x xPr2xWO4 with 0.0098 6 x 6 0.20, where denotes cationic vacancies have been successfully prepared by a high-temperature solid-state reaction method using Pr2(WO4)3 and PbWO4 as the starting reactants. The influence of the Pr3+ substitution in the scheelite framework on the structure and optical properties of prepared new ceramic materials has been examined using powder X-ray diffraction method (XRD) and UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy. The results of dielectric studies of Pb1 3x xPr2xWO4 samples showed both low values of dielectric constant (below 14) and loss tangent (below 0.2). The electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power measurements revealed a low conductivity ( 2 × 109 S/m) and the sign change of thermoelectric power around the temperature of 366 K suggesting the p-n transition. These results are discussed in the context of vacancy, acceptor and donor levels as well as the Maxwell-Wagner model