166 research outputs found

    Radiation Heat Transfer in Thermal Argon Plasma with Iron Vapors

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    The objective of this paper consists of approximate calculations of thermal radiation heat transfer in ar-gon arc plasma with admixtures of iron vapors. As a mathematical tool, the P1-approximation has been used. To simplify the calculations, the frequency dependence of absorption coefficients has been handled by means of Planck and Rosseland averaging methods. Calculations has been performed for isothermal cylindrical plasma of various radii (0.01 to 10 cm) in temperature range 1 000 – 30 000 K

    Approximate Determination of Radiation Properties in the Arc Plasmas With Admixtures of Copper Vapours

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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate radiation properties of air arc plasmas with various admixtures of copper vapours. The first order of the method of spherical harmonics (P1-approximation) has been used as the way to solve the equation of radiation transfer. Calculations of the absorption coefficients for a thermal plasma have been performed as a function of the temperature and the frequency. The frequency variable in the equation of transfer was handled by means of multigroup method. Methods for prediction of the average absorption coefficients were described and compared in detail. The net emission coefficients have been determined for comparison

    Protecting the Rights of Refugees in Latin America: The Evolution of Regional Humanitarian Diplomacy (1984—2014)

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    The mechanisms of regional cooperation of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on the development of the system of reception of refugees and protection of their rights during 1984—2014 are considered. Attention is paid to regional traditions, the dualism of refuge models in Latin America is noted. The issues of legal regulation  of the institution of refuge in regional documents are touched upon. It has been established that the evolution of the refugee reception system in the region took place in the framework of the convergence of international law governing human rights, international humanitarian law and international refugee law. It is shown that the improvement of the institution of refuge was not limited to the instruments of classical diplomacy. It is reported that through the efforts of nongovernmental organizations, academia and official diplomacy in the course of negotiations at regular regional forums, a common system of sharing joint responsibility for the protection of refugees in Latin America and the Caribbean was created. The author defines this cooperation as multilateral humanitarian diplomacy aimed at protecting persons displaced as a result of armed conflicts and massive violence in the region, mainly in Central America. The main milestones in the development of regional humanitarian diplomacy related to the establishment of principles and standards for resolving crisis situations with refugees are highlighted

    Radiation Transfer in Arc Plasmas

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    In this paper, attention has been given to the absorption properties of the arc plasma at the different pressure conditions. Calculations of the absorption coefficients for a thermal plasma have been performed as a function of the temperature and the frequency. Methods for prediction of the average absorption coefficients were described and compared in detail

    Modelling of Radiative Transfer in Air Arc Plasma

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    The objective of this work is to compare the accuracy of several approximate models of radiative properties for the prediction of radiative transfer in air arc plasma at the temperatures in the range of 300 - 25 000 K and the pressure of 0.1 MPa. Calculated absorption coefficients are used to generate the parameters of different models. The radiative transfer inside the cylindrically symmetrical air plasma with prescribed temperature profile was studied. The equation of radiative transfer was solved using the P1 and SP3 approximations, calculated radiative source term in the energy equation (net emission) was compared with results obtained by spectral integration


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    В статье показаны цели, принципы и механизмы реализации гуманитарной дипломатии, проанализированы условия для проведения эффективной гуманитарной деятельности государств. Выясняется гармонизируют или конфликтуют между собой гуманитарные и национальные интересы государств, всегда ли оправдано включение гуманитарной дипломатии во внешнюю политику государств, а также как соотносятся гуманитарная дипломатия и гуманизм как дипломатия.The article shows the goals, principles and mechanisms of implementation of humanitarian diplomacy, analyzes the conditions for effective humanitarian activities of States. It turns out whether the humanitarian and national interests of States harmonize or conflict with each other, whether the inclusion of humanitarian diplomacy in the foreign policy of States is always justified, and how humanitarian diplomacy and humanism as diplomacy relate.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта №20-014-00033 «Концепция полимодальной гуманитарной дипломатии: реализация, инструменты и цивилизационные модели»

    Implementation of European Educational Programs in Context of Kazakhstan’s Policy in Field of Higher Education (1995-2018)

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    The issues of academic mobility and internationalization of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered through participation in educational programs of the European Union TEMPUS and ERASMUS+. The main stages of the implementation of European programs are identified, which correspond to the main principles and directions of the policy of Kazakhstan in the field of higher education. Particular attention is paid to Kazakhstan joining “the Bologna Club”. It is emphasized that the TEMPUS program contributed to the integration of the Higher Education system of Kazakhstan into the European Higher Education Area and the country's accession to the Bologna process. The fact that European programs contributed to the implementation of the basic parameters of the Bologna process aimed at internationalization is positively assessed. The data on the involvement of Kazakhstani universities in the educational programs of the European Union, aimed at increasing the international mobility of students and deepening research in the field of European integration, are analyzed. The problems that hinder the development of internationalization and the active participation in European programs are also touched upon. It is shown that Kazakhstan is the only country in Central Asia that is part of the European Higher Education Area and has a national strategy for the internationalization of all universities


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    Introduction. One of the tendencies of modern higher education is the ubiquitous use of information and communication technologies. At the same time, the functioning of the electronic information and educational environment (IEE) of the university should be based on the means of IEE and the condition of its information security. The aim of the research is conceptualization of a problem of the rational organization of the safe information and education environment of higher education institution wherein reliable protection of its infrastructure, the personal and unique information of a pupil and teacher and virtual space of their educational interaction is provided. Methodology and research methods. System-based approach is a key approach to organization of safe educational environment of the university. From the point of view of authors, personal-activity and functional approaches are expedient while designing and development of a safe IEE. Socio-historical and theoretical-methodological analysis, modeling, research and synthesis of experience of effective application of the systems approach in educational professional organizations are used.Results and scientific novelty. The concept «safe information educational environment of the university» is specified wherein the first word has to express a predominant quality of the system. Creating a safe information environment in educational professional organizations provides a convenient and safe educational environment in the process of professional training of university students. The components and directions for the organization of the safe IEE are highlighted. Practical recommendations for its design and successful functioning are given. Practical significance. The materials of the present research can be demanded by managers and administrative employees of educational organizations. Введение. Современное высшее образование уже невозможно представить без использования средств информационных и коммуникационных технологий. Вместе с тем информационно-образовательная среда (ИОС) обладает потенциальными угрозами для ее субъектов, в частности из-за наличия в ней возможностей манипуляции сознанием, воздействия на психические и физиологические структуры личности, доступности сайтов террористического и экстремистского характера и т. п. Таким образом, требуются специальные меры по защите ИОС от внешних негативных влияний. Цель статьи – осмысление проблемы рациональной организации безопасной информационно-образовательной среды вуза, в которой предусмотрена надежная защита ее инфраструктуры, персональных и уникальных данных учащегося и педагога и виртуального пространства их учебного взаимодействия. Методология и методы. Ведущим подходом к решению обсуждаемой проблемы является системный подход. При проектировании и разработке безопасной ИОС, с точки зрения авторов, целесообразны также личностно-деятельностный и функциональный подходы. Кроме того, в работе использовались методы социально-исторического и теоретико-методологического анализа, моделирование, обобщение опыта образовательных организаций профессиональной подготовки.Результаты и научная новизна. Уточнено понятие «безопасная информационно-образовательная среда вуза», в котором первое слово должно выражать доминирующее свойство системы. Создание безопасной ИОС трактуется как необходимое условие обеспечения комфортного и качественного процесса профессиональной подготовки студентов. Выделены компоненты безопасной ИОС и представлены направления организации данной среды. Сформулированы практические рекомендации для ее создания и успешного функционирования. Практическая значимость. Материалы исследования могут быть востребованы менеджерами и административными работниками образовательных организаций.


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    The object of the research is the functions, structure and elements of civil servants’ professional culture system. It is undergoing transformation, following the changes that public administration undergoes under the influence of a service/client-centric development trend that meets current societal transformations and the possibilities of the technological revolution. The goal of the study is to systematize the range of mechanisms for developing a modern professional culture of civil service, primarily from the standpoint of client-centricity. The objectives are to identify the clientcentered governance values, highlighting the main characteristics of the modern professional civil service culture, which can be treated as the fundamental basis for its development; analyze modern tools for the formation and development of key values of civil servants, including, first of all, the values of the client-centered state. The research method is the review of scientific and professional sources from the standpoint of their reflecting the conceptual and instrumental aspects of the formation of the professional civil service culture. As a result, numerous characteristics of the modern professional civil service culture are identified, which can be attributed to the fundamental basis for the development of a client-centered culture and are based on the generalization of foreign and Russian experience. An ecosystem approach to the formation and development of components of a client-centered professional civil service culture is proposed. The novelty of this research work is determined by the lack of Russian or foreign scientific studies of tools that would be directly focused on the development of a client-centered professional culture, as well as the technologies through which these tools are to be used. Theprospects are related to the relevance of the introduction of client-centricity in the Russian government agencies, in accordance with the testing of respective tools, which began in 2022. They are also related to the need to update the scientific agenda of the professional culture formation with the issue of the productivity of introducing the values of client-centricity into the activities of government authorities