132 research outputs found

    Learning Analytics in het onderwijs:Een onderwijskundig perspectief

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    https://www.surf.nl/kennisbank/2016/rapport-learning-analytics-in-het-onderwijs-een-onderwijskundig-perspectief.htmlLearning analytics in de onderwijspraktijk Meer inzicht in het onderwijsproces, gerichte feedback aan studenten en uiteindelijk verbetering van het onderwijs: dat is de gedachte achter learning analytics. De mogelijkheden van learning analytics zijn groot, maar hoe past een opleiding of instelling ze succesvol toe? Dat valt of staat met de manier waarop learning analytics wordt toegepast in de onderwijspraktijk. Ontwerpen van online onderwijs Learning analytics werkt pas echt als we erin slagen de juiste vragen aan de data te stellen. Dat begint al bij het ontwerpen van online onderwijs. Voor het rapport 'Learning analytics in het onderwijs: een onderwijskundig perspectief' hebben we samen met vertegenwoordigers uit het hoger onderwijs onderzocht hoe je in een onderwijsontwerp effectief gebruik kunt maken van learning analytics. In een aantal cases laten we bovendien zien hoe dat in de onderwijspraktijk kan werken. Ondersteuning en inspiratie voor docenten en onderwijsontwikkelaars Het rapport ondersteunt en inspireert docenten en onderwijsontwikkelaars bij het toepassen van learning analytics in online onderwijs. Zo kunnen ze data verzamelen over hoe studenten door een online omgeving klikken, welke video’s ze bekijken, en welke andere digitale voetsporen ze achterlaten, en wat dat zegt over hun leergedrag.SUR

    Right Ventricular Dysfunction following Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Absence of Pulmonary Hypertension in the Mouse

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    Background Cardiac remodelling after AMI is characterized by molecular and cellular mechanisms involving both the ischemic and non-ischemic myocardium. The extent of right ventricular (RV) dilatation and dysfunction and its relation to pulmonary hypertension (PH) following AMI are unknown. The aim of the current study was to evaluate changes in dimensions and function of the RV following acute myocardial infarction (AMI) involving the left ventricle (LV). Methods We assessed changes in RV dimensions and function 1 week following experimental AMI involving the LV free wall in 10 mice and assessed for LV and RV dimensions and function and for the presence and degree of PH. Results RV fractional area change and tricuspidal annular plane systolic excursion significantly declined by 33% (P = 0.021) and 28% (P = 0.001) respectively. Right ventricular systolic pressure measured invasively in the mouse was within the normal values and unchanged following AMI. Conclusion AMI involving the LV and sparing the RV induces a significant acute decline in RV systolic function in the absence of pulmonary hypertension in the mouse indicating that RV dysfunction developed independent of changes in RV afterload

    Inhibition of the prolyl isomerase Pin1 improves endothelial function and attenuates vascular remodelling in pulmonary hypertension by inhibiting TGF-beta signalling

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a devastating disease, characterized by obstructive pulmonary vascular remodelling ultimately leading to right ventricular (RV) failure and death. Disturbed transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta)/bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling, endothelial cell dysfunction, increased proliferation of smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts, and inflammation contribute to this abnormal remodelling. Peptidyl-prolyl isomerase Pin1 has been identified as a critical driver of proliferation and inflammation in vascular cells, but its role in the disturbed TGF-beta/BMP signalling, endothelial cell dysfunction, and vascular remodelling in PAH is unknown. Here, we report that Pin1 expression is increased in cultured pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells (MVECs) and lung tissue of PAH patients. Pin1 inhibitor, juglone significantly decreased TGF-beta signalling, increased BMP signalling, normalized their hyper-proliferative, and inflammatory phenotype. Juglone treatment reversed vascular remodelling through reducing TGF-beta signalling in monocrotaline + shunt-PAH rat model. Juglone treatment decreased Fulton index, but did not affect or harm cardiac function and remodelling in rats with RV pressure load induced by pulmonary artery banding. Our study demonstrates that inhibition of Pin1 reversed the PAH phenotype in PAH MVECs in vitro and in PAH rats in vivo, potentially through modulation of TGF-beta/BMP signalling pathways. Selective inhibition of Pin1 could be a novel therapeutic option for the treatment of PAH.Cancer Signaling networks and Molecular Therapeutic

    Development of a 3-dimensional model to study right heart dysfunction in pulmonary arterial hypertension: first observations

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) patients eventually die of right heart failure (RHF). Currently, there is no suitable pre-clinical model to study PAH. Therefore, we aim to develop a right heart dysfunction (RHD) model using the 3-dimensional engineered heart tissue (EHT) approach and cardiomyocytes derived from patient-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to unravel the mechanisms that determine the fate of a pressure-overloaded right ventricle. iPSCs from PAH and healthy control subjects were differentiated into cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs), incorporated into the EHT, and maintained for 28 days. In comparison with control iPSC-CMs, PAH-derived iPSC-CMs exhibited decreased beating frequency and increased contraction and relaxation times. iPSC-CM alignment within the EHT was observed. PAH-derived EHTs exhibited higher force, and contraction and relaxation times compared with control EHTs. Increased afterload was induced using 2x stiffer posts from day 0. Due to high variability, there were no functional differences between normal and stiffer EHTs, and no differences in the hypertrophic gene expression. In conclusion, under baseline spontaneous conditions, PAH-derived iPSC-CMs and EHTs show prolonged contraction compared with controls, as observed clinically in PAH patients. Further optimization of the hypertrophic model and profound characterization may provide a platform for disease modelling and drug screening.Therapeutic cell differentiatio

    A model for estimating the health economic impact of earlier diagnosis of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

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    Background Diagnostic delay of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) exceeds 1 year, contributing to higher mortality. Health economic consequences of late CTEPH diagnosis are unknown. We aimed to develop a model for quantifying the impact of diagnosing CTEPH earlier on survival, quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) and healthcare costs.Material and methods A Markov model was developed to estimate lifelong outcomes, depending on the degree of delay. Data on survival and quality of life were obtained from published literature. Hospital costs were assessed from patient records (n=498) at the Amsterdam UMC - VUmc, which is a Dutch CTEPH referral center. Medication costs were based on a mix of standard medication regimens.Results For 63-year-old CTEPH patients with a 14-month diagnostic delay of CTEPH (median age and delay of patients in the European CTEPH Registry), lifelong healthcare costs were estimated at EUR 117100 for a mix of treatment options. In a hypothetical scenario of maximal reduction of current delay, improved survival was estimated at a gain of 3.01 life-years and 2.04 QALYs. The associated cost increase was EUR 44654, of which 87% was due to prolonged medication use. This accounts for an incremental cost-utility ratio of EUR 21900/QALY.Conclusion Our constructed model based on the Dutch healthcare setting demonstrates a substantial health gain when CTEPH is diagnosed earlier. According to Dutch health economic standards, additional costs remain below the deemed acceptable limit of EUR 50000/QALY for the particular disease burden. This model can be used for evaluating cost-effectiveness of diagnostic strategies aimed at reducing the diagnostic delay.Analysis and support of clinical decision makin

    Еволюція топоформанта -щина в слов’янських мовах та його рефлекси в реґіональній історичній ойконімії

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    У статті автор на широкому географічно-історичному тлі простежує еволюцію топоформанта -щина в слов'янській топонімії детально аналізує рефлекси цього суфікса в реґіональній історичній ойконімії на прикладі дев'яти назв (і 12-ти мікроойконімних варіантів) населених пунктів Галицької та Львівської земель Руського воєводства із подальшим встановленням їхньої етимологи.В статье автор на широком географическо-историческом фоне прослеживает эволюцию топонимического форманта -щина в славянской топонимии детально анализирует рефлексы этого суффикса в региональной исторической ойконимии на примере девяти названий (с 12-ю микроойконимными вариантами) населенных пунктов Галицкой и Львовской земель Русского воеводства с последующим установлением их этимологии.The author traces the evolution of topoformant -schyna on the basis of historical and geographical studies in Slavic Toponymy. Reflexes of the suffix are analyzed in regional historical oykonymy in 12 toponyms (and their 12 microokonymic variants) of villages and towns of Halych and Lviv Lands of Ruske Woyewodstwo. Their etymology is also analysed

    Identification of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension on CTPAs performed for diagnosing acute pulmonary embolism depending on level of expertise

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    Background: Expert reading often reveals radiological signs of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) or chronic PE on computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) performed at the time of acute pulmonary embolism (PE) presentation preceding CTEPH. Little is known about the accuracy and reproducibility of CTPA reading by radiologists in training in this setting. Objectives: To evaluate 1) whether signs of CTEPH or chronic PE are routinely reported on CTPA for suspected PE; and 2) whether CTEPH-non-expert readers achieve comparable predictive accuracy to CTEPH-expert radiologists after dedicated instruction. Methods: Original reports of CTPAs demonstrating acute PE in 50 patients whom ultimately developed CTEPH, and those of 50 PE who did not, were screened for documented signs of CTEPH. All scans were re-assessed by three CTEPH-expert readers and two CTEPH-non-expert readers (blinded and independently) for predefined signs and overall presence of CTEPH. Results: Signs of chronic PE were mentioned in the original reports of 14/50 cases (28%), while CTEPH-expert radiologists had recognized 44/50 (88%). Using a standardized definition (>= 3 predefined radiological signs), moderate-to-good agreement was reached between CTEPH-non-expert readers and the experts' consensus (kstatistics 0.46; 0.61) at slightly lower sensitivities. The CTEPH-non-expert readers had moderate agreement on the presence of CTEPH (Kappa-statistic 0.38), but both correctly identified most cases (80% and 88%, respectively). Conclusions: Concomitant signs of CTEPH were poorly documented in daily practice, while most CTEPH patients were identified by CTEPH-non-expert readers after dedicated instruction. These findings underline the feasibility of achieving earlier CTEPH diagnosis by assessing CTPAs more attentively.Cardiovascular Aspects of Radiolog

    Rhyolitic tephra horizons in northwestern Europe and Iceland from the AD 700s-800s: a potential alternative for dating first human impact

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    The distribution and geochemistry of four rhyolitic tephra horizons from Iceland dated to the ad 700s–800s is assessed. These include the rhyolitic phase of the Landnám tephra (ad 870s), the ad 860 layer, a previously unrecorded tephra called the GA4–85 layer (c. ad 700–800) and the Tjïrnuvík tephra (c. ad 800s). The ad 860 and GA4–85 layers were first found in peat bogs in north Ireland. They are here correlated with equivalent horizons on Iceland which were found below the Landnám tephra (c. ad 870s). This time period is considered important in the North Atlantic region, because it coincides with a phase of human settlement in Iceland and the Faroe Islands. The establishment of a detailed tephrochronology may provide a tool for exact dating of sediment successions and sediments associated with archaeological excavations. Caution must be taken especially on Iceland where the Landnám tephra is often used for dating archaeological sites. This investigation show that several rhyolitic tephra horizons occur close in time to the Landnám tephra, and that mistakes can be made if detailed geochemical analyses are not carried out, especially in areas which are distal to the source of the Landnám tephra (the Veidivötn and Torfajökull volcanic systems, southern Iceland)