14 research outputs found

    Dispersal and eco-evolutionary dynamics in response to global change

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    nrpages: 171status: publishe

    The evolution of thermal performance can constrain dispersal during range shifting

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    Organisms can cope with changing temperature under climate change by either adapting to the temperature at which they perform best and/or by dispersing to more benign locations. The evolution of a new thermal niche during range shifting is, however, expected to be strongly constrained by genetic load because spatial sorting is known to induce fast evolution of dispersal. To broaden our understanding of this interaction, we studied the joint evolution of dispersal and thermal performance curves (TPCs) of a population during range shifting by applying an individual-based spatially explicit model. Always, TPCs adapted to the local thermal conditions. Remarkably, this adaptation coincided with an evolution of dispersal at the shifting range front being equally high or lower than at the trailing edge. This optimal strategy reduces genetic load and highlights that evolutionary dynamics during range shifting change when crucial traits such as dispersal and thermal performance jointly evolve

    Spatial selection and local adaptation jointly shape life-history evolution during range expansion

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    In the context of climate change and species invasions, range shifts increasingly gain attention because the rates at which they occur in the Anthropocene induce rapid changes in biological assemblages. During range shifts, species experience multiple selection pressures. For poleward expansions in particular, it is difficult to interpret observed evolutionary dynamics because of the joint action of evolutionary processes related to spatial selection and to adaptation toward local climatic conditions. To disentangle the effects of these two processes, we integrated stochastic modeling and data from a common garden experiment, using the spider mite Tetranychus urticae as a model species. By linking the empirical data with those derived form a highly parameterized individual-based model, we infer that both spatial selection and local adaptation contributed to the observed latitudinal life-history divergence. Spatial selection best described variation in dispersal behavior, while variation in development was best explained by adaptation to the local climate. Divergence in life-history traits in species shifting poleward could consequently be jointly determined by contemporary evolutionary dynamics resulting from adaptation to the environmental gradient and from spatial selection. The integration of modeling with common garden experiments provides a powerful tool to study the contribution of these evolutionary processes on life-history evolution during range expansion

    More rapid climate change promotes evolutionary rescue through selection for increased dispersal distance

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    Acknowledgements This research was funded by FWO projects G.0057.09 to DB and JB, and G.0610.11 to DB, JB and RS. JMJT, DB and RS are supported by the FWO Research Network EVENET.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Habitat structure mediates spatial segregation and therefore coexistence

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    International audienceUnderstanding the mechanisms drivingdiversity in nature is an important and ongoingchallenge in our changing world. To efficiently protectecosystem diversity it is crucial to explain why andhow species coexist. Over the last decades modelsexplaining species coexistence have increased incomplexity but usually don’t incorporate a detailedspatial context. However, spatial structure has beenshown to affect species coexistence and habitatdeterioration is one of the biggest threats to biodiver-sity. We therefore explore a spatially explicit two-species model and assess the effects of habitatstructure on species coexistence using a wide diversityof fractal landscapes. Each species is specialized in aparticular habitat type. We find that landscape struc-ture has a major influence on the stability andconstitution of a two species system and may besufficient to explain the coexistence of two species.Well connected and highly structured habitat config-urations allow spatial segregation of both species andthis decreases local interspecific competition; in ourmodel this is the most important process stabilizingcoexistence

    More rapid climate change promotes evolutionary rescue through selection for increased dispersal distance

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    Species can either adapt to new conditions induced by climate change or shift their range in an attempt to track optimal environmental conditions. During current range shifts, species are simultaneously confronted with a second major anthropogenic disturbance, landscape fragmentation. Using individual-based models with a shifting climate window, we examine the effect of different rates of climate change on the evolution of dispersal distances through changes in the genetically determined dispersal kernel. Our results demonstrate that the rate of climate change is positively correlated to the evolved dispersal distances although too fast climate change causes the population to crash. When faced with realistic rates of climate change, greater dispersal distances evolve than those required for the population to keep track of the climate, thereby maximizing population size. Importantly, the greater dispersal distances that evolve when climate change is more rapid, induce evolutionary rescue by facilitating the population in crossing large gaps in the landscape. This could ensure population persistence in case of range shifting in fragmented landscapes. Furthermore, we highlight problems in using invasion speed as a proxy for potential range shifting abilities under climate change.status: publishe

    Data from: Spatial selection and local adaptation jointly shape life-history evolution during range expansion

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    In the context of climate change and species invasions, range shifts increasingly gain attention because the rates at which they occur in the Anthropocene induce rapid changes in biological assemblages. During range shifts, species experience multiple selection pressures. For poleward expansions in particular, it is difficult to interpret observed evolutionary dynamics because of the joint action of evolutionary processes related to spatial selection and to adaptation toward local climatic conditions. To disentangle the effects of these two processes, we integrated stochastic modeling and data from a common garden experiment, using the spider mite Tetranychus urticae as a model species. By linking the empirical data with those derived form a highly parameterized individual-based model, we infer that both spatial selection and local adaptation contributed to the observed latitudinal life-history divergence. Spatial selection best described variation in dispersal behavior, while variation in development was best explained by adaptation to the local climate. Divergence in life-history traits in species shifting poleward could consequently be jointly determined by contemporary evolutionary dynamics resulting from adaptation to the environmental gradient and from spatial selection. The integration of modeling with common garden experiments provides a powerful tool to study the contribution of these evolutionary processes on life-history evolution during range expansion