1,708 research outputs found

    Averaging kernels for DOAS total-column satellite retrievals

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    International audienceThe Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) method is used extensively to retrieve total column amounts of trace gases based on UV-visible measurements of satellite spectrometers, such as ERS-2 GOME. In practice the sensitivity of the instrument to the tracer density is strongly height dependent, especially in the troposphere. The resulting tracer profile dependence may introduce large systematic errors in the retrieved columns that are difficult to quantify without proper additional information, as provided by the averaging kernel (AK). In this paper we discuss the DOAS retrieval method in the context of the general retrieval theory as developed by Rodgers. An expression is derived for the DOAS AK for optically thin absorbers. It is shown that the comparison with 3D chemistry-transport models and independent profile measurements, based on averaging kernels, is no longer influenced by errors resulting from a priori profile assumptions. The availability of averaging kernel information as part of the total column retrieval product is important for the interpretation of the observations, and for applications like chemical data assimilation and detailed satellite validation studies

    Global satellite analysis of the relation between aerosols and short-lived trace gases

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    The spatial and temporal correlations between concurrent satellite observations of aerosol optical thickness (AOT) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and tropospheric columns of nitrogen dioxide (NO<sub>2</sub>), sulfur dioxide (SO<sub>2</sub>), and formaldehyde (HCHO) from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) are used to infer information on the global composition of aerosol particles. When averaging the satellite data over large regions and longer time periods, we find significant correlation between MODIS AOT and OMI trace gas columns for various regions in the world. This shows that these enhanced aerosol and trace gas concentrations originate from common sources, such as fossil fuel combustion, biomass burning, and organic compounds released from the biosphere. This leads us to propose that satellite-inferred AOT to NO<sub>2</sub> ratios for regions with comparable photochemical regimes can be used as indicators for the relative regional pollution control of combustion processes. Indeed, satellites observe low AOT to NO<sub>2</sub> ratios over the eastern United States and western Europe, and high AOT to NO<sub>2</sub> ratios over comparably industrialized regions in eastern Europe and China. Emission databases and OMI SO<sub>2</sub> observations over these regions suggest a much stronger sulfur contribution to aerosol formation than over the well-regulated areas of the eastern United States and western Europe. Furthermore, satellite observations show AOT to NO<sub>2</sub> ratios are a factor 100 higher over biomass burning regions than over industrialized areas, reflecting the unregulated burning practices with strong primary particle emissions in the tropics compared to the heavily controlled combustion processes in the industrialized Northern Hemisphere. Simulations with a global chemistry transport model (GEOS-Chem) capture most of these variations, although on regional scales significant differences are found. Wintertime aerosol concentrations show strongest correlations with NO<sub>2</sub> throughout most of the Northern Hemisphere. During summertime, AOT is often (also) correlated with enhanced HCHO concentrations, reflecting the importance of secondary organic aerosol formation in that season. We also find significant correlations between AOT and HCHO over biomass burning regions, the tropics in general, and over industrialized regions in southeastern Asia. The distinct summertime maximum in AOT (0.4 at 550 nm) and HCHO over the southeastern United States strengthens existing hypotheses that local emissions of volatile organic compounds lead to the formation of secondary organic aerosols there. GEOS-Chem underestimates the AOT over the southeastern United States by a factor of 2, most likely due to too strong precipitation and too low SOA yield in the model

    Averaging kernels for DOAS total-column satellite retrievals

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    The Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) method is used extensively to retrieve total column amounts of trace gases based on UV-visible measurements of satellite spectrometers, such as ERS-2 GOME. In practice the sensitivity of the instrument to the tracer density is strongly height dependent, especially in the troposphere. The resulting tracer profile dependence may introduce large systematic errors in the retrieved columns that are difficult to quantify without proper additional information, as provided by the averaging kernel (AK). In this paper we discuss the DOAS retrieval method in the context of the general retrieval theory as developed by Rodgers. An expression is derived for the DOAS AK for optically thin absorbers. It is shown that the comparison with 3D chemistry-transport models and independent profile measurements, based on averaging kernels, is no longer influenced by errors resulting from a priori profile assumptions. The availability of averaging kernel information as part of the total column retrieval product is important for the interpretation of the observations, and for applications like chemical data assimilation and detailed satellite validation studies

    Peripheral Artery Disease Patients May Benefit More from Aggressive Secondary Prevention than Aneurysm Patients to Improve Survival

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Although it has become clear that aneurysmal and occlusive arterial disease represent two distinct etiologic entities, it is still unknown whether the two vascular pathologies are prognostically different. We aim to assess the long-term vital prognosis of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysmal disease (AAA) or peripheral artery disease (PAD), focusing on possible differences in survival, prognostic risk profiles and causes of death. METHODS: Patients undergoing elective surgery for isolated AAA or PAD between 2003 and 2011 were retrospectively included. Differences in postoperative survival were determined using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analysis. Prognostic risk profiles were also established with Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: 429 and 338 patients were included in the AAA and PAD groups, respectively. AAA patients were older (71.7 vs. 63.3 years, p < 0.001), yet overall survival following surgery did not differ (HR: 1.16, 95% CI: 0.87-1.54). Neither was type of vascular disease associated with postoperative cardiovascular nor cancer-related death. However, in comparison with age- and gender-matched general populations, cardiovascular mortality was higher in PAD than AAA patients (48.3% vs. 17.3%). Survival of AAA and PAD patients was negatively affected by age, history of cancer and renal insufficiency. Additional determinants in the PAD group were diabetes and ischemic heart disease. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term survival after surgery for PAD and AAA is similar. However, overall life expectancy is significantly worse among PAD patients. The contribution of cardiovascular disease towards mortality in PAD patients warrants more aggressive secondary prevention to reduce cardiovascular mortality and improve longevity

    Coronary Revascularization Induces a Shift From Cardiac Toward Noncardiac Mortality Without Improving Survival in Vascular Surgery Patient

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    OBJECTIVE: Although evidence has shown that ischemic heart disease (IHD) in vascular surgery patients has a negative impact on the prognosis after surgery, it is unclear whether directed treatment of IHD may influence cause-specific and overall mortality. The objective of this study was to determine the prognostic implication of coronary revascularization (CR) on overall and cause-specific mortality in vascular surgery patients. METHODS: Patients undergoing surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm, carotid artery stenosis, or peripheral artery disease in a university hospital in The Netherlands between January 2003 and December 2011 were retrospectively included. Survival estimates were obtained by Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 1104 patients were included. Adjusted survival analyses showed that IHD significantly increased the risk of overall mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 1.50; 95% confidence interval, 1.21-1.87) and cardiovascular death (HR, 1.93; 95% confidence interval, 1.35-2.76). Compared with those without CR, patients previously undergoing CR had similar overall mortality (HR, 1.38 vs 1.62; P = .274) and cardiovascular mortality (HR, 1.83 vs 2.02; P = .656). Nonrevascularized IHD patients were more likely to die of IHD (6.9% vs 35.7%), whereas revascularized IHD patients more frequently died of cardiovascular causes unrelated to IHD (39.1% vs 64.3%; P = .018). CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the significance of IHD for postoperative survival of vascular surgery patients. CR was associated with lower IHD-related death rates. However, it failed to provide an overall survival benefit because of an increased rate of cardiovascular mortality unrelated to IHD. Intensification of secondary prevention regimens may be required to prevent this shift toward non-IHD-related death and thereby improve life expectancy

    Rhythm and Vowel Quality in Accents of English

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    In a sample of 27 speakers of Scottish Standard English two notoriously variable consonantal features are investigated: the contrast of /m/ and /w/ and non-prevocalic /r/, the latter both in terms of its presence or absence and the phonetic form it takes, if present. The pattern of realisation of non-prevocalic /r/ largely confirms previously reported findings. But there are a number of surprising results regarding the merger of /m/ and /w/ and the loss of non-prevocalic /r/: While the former is more likely to happen in younger speakers and females, the latter seems more likely in older speakers and males. This is suggestive of change in progress leading to a loss of the /m/ - /w/ contrast, while the variation found in non-prevocalic /r/ follows an almost inverse sociolinguistic pattern that does not suggest any such change and is additionally largely explicable in language-internal terms. One phenomenon requiring further investigation is the curious effect direct contact with Southern English accents seems to have on non-prevocalic /r/: innovation on the structural level (i.e. loss) and conservatism on the realisational level (i.e. increased incidence of [r] and [r]) appear to be conditioned by the same sociolinguistic factors

    On the Theory of Gamma Ray Bursts and Hypernovae: The Black Hole Soft X-ray Transient Sources

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    We show that a common evolutionary history can produce the black hole binaries in the Galaxy in which the black holes have masses of ~ 5-10 M_sun. In with low-mass, <~ 2.5 M_sun, ZAMS (zero age main sequence) companions, the latter remain in main sequence during the active stage of soft X-ray transients (SXTs), most of them being of K or M classification. In two intermediate cases, IL Lupi and Nova Scorpii with ZAMS ~ 2.5 M_sun companions the orbits are greatly widened because of large mass loss in the explosion forming the black hole, and whereas these companions are in late main sequence evolution, they are close to evolving. Binaries with companion ZAMS masses >~ 3 M_sun are initially "silent" until the companion begins evolving across the Herzsprung gap. We provide evidence that the narrower, shorter period binaries, with companions now in main sequence, are fossil remnants of gamma ray bursters (GRBs). We also show that the GRB is generally accompanied by a hypernova explosion (a very energetic supernova explosion). We further show that the binaries with evolved companions are good models for some of the ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) recently seen by Chandra in other galaxies. The great regularity in our evolutionary history, especially the fact that most of the companions of ZAMS mass <~ 2.5 M_sun remain in main sequences as K or M stars can be explained by the mass loss in common envelope evolution to be Case C; i.g., to occur only after core He burning has finished. Since our argument for Case C mass transfer is not generally understood in the community, we add an appendix, showing that with certain assumptions which we outline we can reproduce the regularities in the evolution of black hole binaries by Case C mass transfer.Comment: 59 pages, 12 figures, review articl

    Differences between patients with a preserved and a depressed left ventricular function: a report from the EuroHeart Failure Survey

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    Aims Due to a lack of clinical trials, scientific evidence regarding the management of patients with chronic heart failure and preserved left ventricular function (PLVF) is scarce. The EuroHeart Failure Survey provided information on the characteristics, treatment and outcomes of patients with PLVF as compared to patients with a left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD). Methods and results We performed a secondary analysis using data from the EuroHeart Failure Survey, only including patients with a measurement of LV function \batchmode \documentclass[fleqn,10pt,legalpaper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} (n=6806)(n=6806) \end{document}. We selected two groups: patients with LVSD (54%) and patients with a PLVF (46%). Patients with a PLVF were, on average, 4 years older and more often women (55% vs. 29%, respectively, p <0.001) as compared to LVSD patients, and were more likely to have hypertension (59% vs. 50%, \batchmode \documentclass[fleqn,10pt,legalpaper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} p<0.001p{<}0.001 \end{document}) and atrial fibrillation (25% vs. 23%, \batchmode \documentclass[fleqn,10pt,legalpaper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} p=0.01p=0.01 \end{document}). PLVF patients received less cardiovascular medication compared to PLVF patients, with the exception of calcium antagonists. Multivariate analysis revealed that LVSD was an independent predictor for mortality, while no differences in treatment effect on mortality between the two groups was observed. A sensitivity analysis, using different thresholds to separate patients with and without LVSD revealed comparable findings. Conclusions In the EuroHeart Failure Survey, a high percentage of heart failure patients had PLVF. Although major clinical differences were seen between the groups, morbidity and mortality was high in both group

    Improved Satellite Retrievals of NO2 and SO2 over the Canadian Oil Sands and Comparisons with Surface Measurements

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    Satellite remote sensing is increasingly being used to monitor air quality over localized sources such as the Canadian oil sands. Following an initial study, significantly low biases have been identified in current NO2 and SO2 retrieval products from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite sensor over this location resulting from a combination of its rapid development and small spatial scale. Air mass factors (AMFs) used to convert line-of-sight "slant" columns to vertical columns were re-calculated for this region based on updated and higher resolution input information including absorber profiles from a regional-scale (15 km 15 km resolution) air quality model, higher spatial and temporal resolution surface reflectivity, and an improved treatment of snow. The overall impact of these new Environment Canada (EC) AMFs led to substantial increases in the peak NO2 and SO2 average vertical column density (VCD), occurring over an area of intensive surface mining, by factors of 2 and 1.4, respectively, relative to estimates made with previous AMFs. Comparisons are made with long-term averages of NO2 and SO2 (2005-2011) from in situ surface monitors by using the air quality model to map the OMI VCDs to surface concentrations. This new OMI-EC product is able to capture the spatial distribution of the in situ instruments (slopes of 0.65 to 1.0, correlation coefficients of greater than 0.9). The concentration absolute values from surface network observations were in reasonable agreement, with OMI-EC NO2 and SO2 biased low by roughly 30%. Several complications were addressed including correction for the interference effect in the surface NO2 instruments and smoothing and clear-sky biases in the OMI measurements. Overall these results highlight the importance of using input information that accounts for the spatial and temporal variability of the location of interest when performing retrievals