80 research outputs found

    Perceived Risk is Important for Consumers Acceptance of Genetically Modified Foods, but Trust in Industry not Really: A Means-End Analysis of German Consumers

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    Applies the means-end approach to investigate how German consumers relate GM food attributes to values via perceived consequences in their purchase decisions. Analyses in particular the importance of risk-related dimensions and issues of (dis)trust for different levels of purchase intentions. Identifies two segments: rejecters (n=24) and accepters (n=36). Finds considerable similarities in means-end chains between segments, in particular that risk plays a much bigger role than trust for purchase intentions. Furthermore, for both segments the link between trust and risk is found to be weak which implies to reconsider results from previous empirical studies pointing out the strong interaction of trust and perceived risk.Consumer trust, risk perception, technology acceptance, genetically modified foods, laddering, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Do Consumers Want Public or Private Bodies to Monitor Animal Friendly Production and Marketing Schemes? And Does Trust Matter?

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    Producing according to enhanced farm animal welfare (FAW) standards increases costs along the livestock value chain, especially for monitoring certified animal friendly products. In the choice between public or private bodies for carrying out and monitoring certification, consumer preferences and trust play a role. We explore this issue by applying logit analysis involving socio-economic and psychometric variables to survey data from Italy. Results identify marked consumer preferences for public bodies and trust in stakeholders a key determinant.animal welfare standards, certification, consumer trust, monitoring, stated choice, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Impact of Firm Characteristics on Expected and Actual Traceability Costs and Benefits in the Italian Fishery Supply Chain

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    Since 2005, the implementation of a traceability system is mandatory to all European food chain operators. The balance of costs to build and maintain the traceability system and benefits of traceability depends on the firm’s traceability objectives and its resources, as reflected in characteristics, such as adopted quality management systems (QMS) or firm size. Mora and Menozzi (2005) mention that the cost of traceability is lower when firms already have a QMS in place. Moreover, US producers exporting to multiple destinations, in particular EU and Japan, need to comply with more stringent traceability regulations (De Souza Monteiro and Caswell 2004). This may request the adoption of more sophisticated and costly traceability systems. Food operators tend to have a good understanding of traceability cost, while performance benefits are usually more difficult to grasp (Verdenius 2006). This research aims at improving the understanding of how expected and actual costs and perceived benefits are influenced by firm characteristics (Meuwissen et al. 2003). This paper proposes a conceptual decision model that incorporates firm characteristics and both expected and actual costs and benefits of traceability. It is hypothesized that firm characteristics influence both expected and actual costs and benefits, while the level of traceability is influenced by expected and actual costs and perceived benefits as well as firms’ characteristics. Costs can be divided into implementation and operation/maintenance costs. Benefits can arise from compliance with regulatory requirements, enhanced recall performance, improved marketing performance and increased supply chain efficiency (Sparling and Sterling 2004).The analysis uses a sample of 60 Italian fish processing businesses that were surveyed in 2008. Indicators of firm’s characteristics such as number of QMS certifications, operations complexity, firm size and complexity of customer requirements, are entered as independent variables in regression analyses to predict expected and actual costs and perceived benefits which were measured on 9 point semantic scales and constant sum scales. The findings show that none of the firm characteristics investigated influence costs, while firm size and QMS certifications influence benefits in different ways. Somewhat surprisingly, firm size was found to be negatively correlated with expected and actual benefits; i.e. larger firms reported lower benefits both expected ex ante and realized ex post traceability system implementation. Finally, the number of QMS certifications is positively associated with expected benefits; i.e. expected benefits increase with the number of QMS certifications acquired by a firm, but no association with actual perceived benefits of traceability was found

    Science Communication: Synthesis of Research Findings and Practical Advice from Experienced Communicators

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    Use of effective public communication strategies is critical for Extension professionals to successfully navigate challenges faced by the agriculture sector and local community, effect policy changes, and ensure public value for the Extension program. Simply addressing the public knowledge deficit is ineffective for gaining public trust in science. Thus, implementation of public engagement and increased dialogue are central to contemporary Extension practice. Such an approach requires balancing factual knowledge with an engaging and open communication style. We draw on both research findings and advice from experienced science communicators to provide a synthesis of practical tips for achieving this balance. Guidance is given regarding framing, word choices, and common pitfalls

    Understanding the role of scientific evidence in consumer evaluation of natural health products for osteoarthritis an application of the means end chain approach

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    BACKGROUND: Over 30% of individuals use natural health products (NHPs) for osteoarthritis-related pain. The Deficit Model for the Public Understanding of Science suggests that if individuals are given more information (especially about scientific evidence) they will make better health-related decisions. In contrast, the Contextual Model argues that scientific evidence is one of many factors that explain how consumers make health-related decisions. The primary objective was to investigate how the level of scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of NHPs impacts consumer decision-making in the self-selection of NHPs by individuals with osteoarthritis. METHODS: The means-end chain approach to product evaluation was used to compare laddering interviews with two groups of community-dwelling Canadian seniors who had used NHPs to treat their osteoarthritis. Group 1 (n=13) had used only NHPs (glucosamine and/or chondroitin) with “high” scientific evidence of efficacy. Group 2 (n=12) had used NHPs (methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and/or bromelain) with little or no scientific evidence supporting efficacy. Content analysis and generation of hierarchical value maps facilitated the identification of similarities and differences between the two groups. RESULTS: The dominant decision-making chains for participants in the two scientific evidence categories were similar. Scientific evidence was an important decision-making factor but not as important as the advice from health care providers, friends and family. Most participants learned about scientific evidence via indirect sources from health care providers and the media. CONCLUSIONS: The Contextual Model of the public understanding of science helps to explain why our participants believed scientific evidence is not the most important factor in their decision to use NHPs to help manage their osteoarthritis

    Proposal for Quantum Simulation via All-Optically Generated Tensor Network States

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    We devise an all-optical scheme for the generation of entangled multimode photonic states encoded in temporal modes of light. The scheme employs a nonlinear down-conversion process in an optical loop to generate one- and higher-dimensional tensor network states of light. We illustrate the principle with the generation of two different classes of entangled tensor network states and report on a variational algorithm to simulate the ground-state physics of many-body systems. We demonstrate that state-of-the-art optical devices are capable of determining the ground-state properties of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model. Finally, implementations of the scheme are demonstrated to be robust against realistic losses and mode mismatch.Comment: 6 pages main text plus 6 pages Supplementary Material and many figures. Updated to published version. Comments welcom

    International Student Mobility: An Identity Development Task?

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    Based on the review of literature on internationalization of education and on identity formation pro cesses in young adults, this cross - sectional study aims to investigate to which extent self - perceived dimensions of identity are associated to the main moti vations to study abroad. The participants in this study were 429 international university students of different nationalities. Findings revealed that the motivation to study abroa d for personal growth is strongly associated to the commitment and in - depth e xploration identity processes, whereas the motivation to study abroad with the aim of changing life style and enlarging job opportunities is positively associated with reconsideration of commitment and in - depth exploration. Furthermore, identity achieved s tudents showed the highest motivation to s tudy abroad for personal growth, while the motivation to study abroad to positively change life - styles and work conditions is strongly associated with the positive facet of identity crisis, which is otherwise calle d searching - moratorium status. Based on these results, the present survey provides useful questions and hypothesis for future researc

    Reliability and validity of needle biopsy evaluation of breast-abnormalities using the B-categorization – design and objectives of the Diagnosis Optimisation Study (DIOS)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The planned nationwide implementation of mammography screening 2007 in Germany will increase the occurrence of mammographically detected breast abnormalities. These abnormalities are normally evaluated by minimal invasive core biopsy. To minimize false positive and false negative histological findings, quality assurance of the pathological evaluation of the biopsies is essential. Various guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer diagnosis recommend applying the B-classification for histopathological categorization. However, to date there are only few studies that reported results about reliability and validity of B-classification. Therefore, objectives of our study are to determine the inter- and intraobserver variability (reliability study) and construct and predictive validity (validity study) of core biopsy evaluation of breast abnormalities. This paper describes the design and objectives of the DIOS Study.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>All consecutive asymptomatic and symptomatic women with breast imaging abnormalities who are referred to the University Hospital of Halle for core breast biopsy over a period of 24 months are eligible. According to the sample size calculation we need 800 women for the study. All patients in the study population underwent clinical and radiological examination. Core biopsy is performed by stereotactic-, ultrasound- or magnetic resonance (MR) guided automated gun method or vacuum assisted method. The histopathologic agreement (intra- and interobserver) of pathologists and the histopathologic validity will be evaluated. Two reference standards are implemented, a reference pathologist and in case of suspicious or malignant findings the histopathologic result of excision biopsy. Furthermore, a self administrated questionnaire which contains questions about potential risk factors of breast cancer, is sent to the participants approximately two weeks after core biopsy. This enables us to run a case-control-analysis (woman with breast cancer histological verified after excision are defined as cases, woman without malignant breast lesions are defined as controls) to investigate the predictive values of various risk factors on breast cancer risk.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The analysis of reliability and validity of the histopathological evaluation of core biopsy specimens of breast abnormalities is intended to provide important information needed for a high quality in breast cancer diagnostic and for planning of treatment strategies.</p
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