54 research outputs found

    Gender Trespass and Masculine Privilege: “Male Trouble” in Jack Hodgins’s Spit Delaney’s Island

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    A question posed in the story "Separating," — 'Where is the dividing line?' — acts as a starting point from which to explore the dividing line between various sex/gender constructs in the collection of stories that makes up Jack Hodings's Split Delaney's Island. The differences between the ostensibly natural and the culturally constructed are explored in order to understand ideas and expressions of desire that are present in the stories in the collection. Using various recent theories concerning margins, peripheries, and centres to inform a reading of the stories in Split Delaney's Island allows one to explore and challenge what traditionally counts as viable notions of sexuality and desire. In particular, such an approach challenges notions of masculinity, male desire, and sexuality, or some combination of these. Hodgins's work challenges critics to expand and refigure modes of permissible literary criticism in Canada, particularly involving meanings of gender and masculinity

    Second cohomology for finite groups of Lie type

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    Let GG be a simple, simply-connected algebraic group defined over Fp\mathbb{F}_p. Given a power q=prq = p^r of pp, let G(Fq)GG(\mathbb{F}_q) \subset G be the subgroup of Fq\mathbb{F}_q-rational points. Let L(λ)L(\lambda) be the simple rational GG-module of highest weight λ\lambda. In this paper we establish sufficient criteria for the restriction map in second cohomology H2(G,L(λ))H2(G(Fq),L(λ))H^2(G,L(\lambda)) \rightarrow H^2(G(\mathbb{F}_q),L(\lambda)) to be an isomorphism. In particular, the restriction map is an isomorphism under very mild conditions on pp and qq provided λ\lambda is less than or equal to a fundamental dominant weight. Even when the restriction map is not an isomorphism, we are often able to describe H2(G(Fq),L(λ))H^2(G(\mathbb{F}_q),L(\lambda)) in terms of rational cohomology for GG. We apply our techniques to compute H2(G(Fq),L(λ))H^2(G(\mathbb{F}_q),L(\lambda)) in a wide range of cases, and obtain new examples of nonzero second cohomology for finite groups of Lie type.Comment: 29 pages, GAP code included as an ancillary file. Rewritten to include the adjoint representation in types An, B2, and Cn. Corrections made to Theorem 3.1.3 and subsequent dependent results in Sections 3-4. Additional minor corrections and improvements also implemente

    First cohomology for finite groups of Lie type: simple modules with small dominant weights

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    Let kk be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0p > 0, and let GG be a simple, simply connected algebraic group defined over Fp\mathbb{F}_p. Given r1r \geq 1, set q=prq=p^r, and let G(Fq)G(\mathbb{F}_q) be the corresponding finite Chevalley group. In this paper we investigate the structure of the first cohomology group H1(G(Fq),L(λ))H^1(G(\mathbb{F}_q),L(\lambda)) where L(λ)L(\lambda) is the simple GG-module of highest weight λ\lambda. Under certain very mild conditions on pp and qq, we are able to completely describe the first cohomology group when λ\lambda is less than or equal to a fundamental dominant weight. In particular, in the cases we consider, we show that the first cohomology group has dimension at most one. Our calculations significantly extend, and provide new proofs for, earlier results of Cline, Parshall, Scott, and Jones, who considered the special case when λ\lambda is a minimal nonzero dominant weight.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables. Typos corrected and some proofs streamlined over previous versio

    Risk factors for breast cancer development by tumor characteristics among women with benign breast disease

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    Abstract Background Among women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, 30% have a prior diagnosis of benign breast disease (BBD). Thus, it is important to identify factors among BBD patients that elevate invasive cancer risk. In the general population, risk factors differ in their associations by clinical pathologic features; however, whether women with BBD show etiologic heterogeneity in the types of breast cancers they develop remains unknown. Methods Using a nested case-control study of BBD and breast cancer risk conducted in a community healthcare plan (Kaiser Permanente Northwest), we assessed relationships of histologic features in BBD biopsies and patient characteristics with subsequent breast cancer risk and tested for heterogeneity of associations by estrogen receptor (ER) status, tumor grade, and size. The study included 514 invasive breast cancer cases (median follow-up of 9 years post-BBD diagnosis) and 514 matched controls, diagnosed with proliferative or non-proliferative BBD between 1971 and 2006, with follow-up through mid-2015. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were obtained using multivariable polytomous logistic regression models. Results Breast cancers were predominantly ER-positive (86%), well or moderately differentiated (73%), small (74% < 20 mm), and stage I/II (91%). Compared to patients with non-proliferative BBD, proliferative BBD with atypia conferred increased risk for ER-positive cancer (OR = 5.48, 95% CI = 2.14–14.01) with only one ER-negative case, P-heterogeneity = 0.45. The presence of columnar cell lesions (CCLs) at BBD diagnosis was associated with a 1.5-fold increase in the risk of both ER-positive and ER-negative tumors, with a 2-fold increase (95% CI = 1.21–3.58) observed among postmenopausal women (56%), independent of proliferative BBD status with and without atypia. We did not identify statistically significant differences in risk factor associations by tumor grade or size. Conclusion Most tumors that developed after a BBD diagnosis in this cohort were highly treatable low-stage ER-positive tumors. CCL in BBD biopsies may be associated with moderately increased risk, independent of BBD histology, and irrespective of ER status

    Assessing the cost of global biodiversity and conservation knowledge

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    Knowledge products comprise assessments of authoritative information supported by stan-dards, governance, quality control, data, tools, and capacity building mechanisms. Considerable resources are dedicated to developing and maintaining knowledge productsfor biodiversity conservation, and they are widely used to inform policy and advise decisionmakers and practitioners. However, the financial cost of delivering this information is largelyundocumented. We evaluated the costs and funding sources for developing and maintain-ing four global biodiversity and conservation knowledge products: The IUCN Red List ofThreatened Species, the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems, Protected Planet, and the WorldDatabase of Key Biodiversity Areas. These are secondary data sets, built on primary datacollected by extensive networks of expert contributors worldwide. We estimate that US160million(range:US160million (range: US116–204 million), plus 293 person-years of volunteer time (range: 278–308 person-years) valued at US14million(rangeUS 14 million (range US12–16 million), were invested inthese four knowledge products between 1979 and 2013. More than half of this financingwas provided through philanthropy, and nearly three-quarters was spent on personnelcosts. The estimated annual cost of maintaining data and platforms for three of these knowl-edge products (excluding the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems for which annual costs were notpossible to estimate for 2013) is US6.5millionintotal(range:US6.5 million in total (range: US6.2–6.7 million). We esti-mated that an additional US114millionwillbeneededtoreachpredefinedbaselinesofdatacoverageforallthefourknowledgeproducts,andthatonceachieved,annualmaintenancecostswillbeapproximatelyUS114 million will be needed to reach pre-defined baselines ofdata coverage for all the four knowledge products, and that once achieved, annual mainte-nance costs will be approximately US12 million. These costs are much lower than those tomaintain many other, similarly important, global knowledge products. Ensuring that biodi-versity and conservation knowledge products are sufficiently up to date, comprehensiveand accurate is fundamental to inform decision-making for biodiversity conservation andsustainable development. Thus, the development and implementation of plans for sustain-able long-term financing for them is critical

    System Engineering Paper

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    The Iowa State University team, Team LunaCY, is composed of the following sub-teams: the main student organization, the Lunabotics Club; a senior mechanical engineering design course, ME 415; a senior multidisciplinary design course, ENGR 466; and a senior design course from Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. Team LunaCY designed and fabricated ART-E III, Astra Robotic Tractor- Excavator the Third, for the team's third appearance in the NASA Lunabotic Mining competition. While designing ART-E III, the team had four main goals for this year's competition:to reduce the total weight of the robot, to increase the amount of regolith simulant mined, to reduce dust, and to make ART-E III autonomous. After many designs and research, a final robot design was chosen that obtained all four goals of Team LunaCY. A few changes Team LunaCY made this year was to go to the electrical, computer, and software engineering club fest at Iowa State University to recruit engineering students to accomplish the task of making ART-E III autonomous. Team LunaCY chose to use LabView to program the robot and various sensors were installed to measure the distance between the robot and the surroundings to allow ART-E III to maneuver autonomously. Team LunaCY also built a testing arena to test prototypes and ART-E III in. To best replicate the competition arena at the Kennedy Space Center, a regolith simulant was made from sand, QuickCrete, and fly ash to cover the floor of the arena. Team LunaCY also installed fans to allow ventilation in the arena and used proper safety attire when working in the arena . With the additional practice in the testing arena and innovative robot design, Team LunaCY expects to make a strong appearance at the 2012 NASA Lunabotic Mining Competition.

    Rapid regulation of protein activity in fission yeast

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    Background: The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is widely-used as a model organism for the study of a broad range of eukaryotic cellular processes such as cell cycle, genome stability and cell morphology. Despite the availability of extensive set of genetic, molecular biological, biochemical and cell biological tools for analysis of protein function in fissio n yeast, studies are often hampered by the lack of an effective method allowing for the rapid regulation of protein level or protein activity. Results: In order to be able to regulate protein function, we have made use of a previous finding that the hormone binding domain of steroid receptors can be used as a regulatory cassette to subject the activity of heterologous proteins to hormonal regulation. The approach is based on fusing the protein of interest to the hormone binding domain (HBD) of the estrogen receptor (ER). The HBD tag will attract the Hsp90 complex, which can render the fusion protein inactive. Upon addition of estradiol the protein is quickly released from the Hsp90 complex and thereby activated. We have tagged and characterised the induction of activity of four different HBD-tagged proteins. Here we show that the tag provided the means to effectively regulate the activity of two of these proteins. Conclusion: The estradiol-regulatable hormone binding do main provides a means to regulate the function of some, though not all, fission yeast proteins. This system may result in very quick and reversible activation of the protein of interest. Therefore it will be a powerful tool and it will open experimental approaches in fission yeast that have previously not been possible. Since fission yeast is a widely-used model organism, this will be valuable in many areas of research.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe