1,024 research outputs found

    Constitutive modeling for isotropic materials (HOST)

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    The results of the third year of work on a program which is part of the NASA Hot Section Technology program (HOST) are presented. The goals of this program are: (1) the development of unified constitutive models for rate dependent isotropic materials; and (2) the demonstration of the use of unified models in structural analyses of hot section components of gas turbine engines. The unified models selected for development and evaluation are those of Bodner-Partom and of Walker. A test procedure was developed for assisting the generation of a data base for the Bodner-Partom model using a relatively small number of specimens. This test procedure involved performing a tensile test at a temperature of interest that involves a succession of strain-rate changes. The results for B1900+Hf indicate that material constants related to hardening and thermal recovery can be obtained on the basis of such a procedure. Strain aging, thermal recovery, and unexpected material variations, however, preluded an accurate determination of the strain-rate sensitivity parameter is this exercise. The effects of casting grain size on the constitutive behavior of B1900+Hf were studied and no particular grain size effect was observed. A systematic procedure was also developed for determining the material constants in the Bodner-Partom model. Both the new test procedure and the method for determining material constants were applied to the alternate material, Mar-M247 . Test data including tensile, creep, cyclic and nonproportional biaxial (tension/torsion) loading were collected. Good correlations were obtained between the Bodner-Partom model and experiments. A literature survey was conducted to assess the effects of thermal history on the constitutive behavior of metals. Thermal history effects are expected to be present at temperature regimes where strain aging and change of microstructure are important. Possible modifications to the Bodner-Partom model to account for these effects are outlined. The use of a unified constitutive model for hot section component analyses was demonstrated by applying the Walker model and the MARC finite-element code to a B1900+Hf airfoil problem

    A Novel Laboratory Course on Advanced Chemical Engineering Experiments

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    The chemical engineering curriculum in the United States has trained generations of technical experts who have successfully optimized chemical processes and products once they entered the chemical industry. The U.S. chemical industry, however, has entered a critical stage in which it must be able to create new and differentiated value through technical innovations that arc essential for long-term survival. This innovation process will require new skills that go far beyond the traditional expertise for the optimization of tasks possessed by young chemical engineers. The innovators must be able to identify new opportunities, explore the boundaries of technology, evaluate critical issues, develop and implement technologies, and communicate effectively with scientists and engineers from other disciplines. Therefore, one of the most important educational tasks of a modern university, in combination with a strong theoretical foundation, is to challenge students in laboratory courses to think, explore, hypothesize, plan, solve, and evaluate. The typical sequence of laboratory skills development stops short of introducing young engineers to the most critical aspects of experimental work. Chemical engineers usually begin developing their laboratory skills in chemistry courses, where experiments are closely managed. At this early stage in their development, students follow detailed instructions and learn basic principles by observing the results. In the undergraduate engineering laboratory course (the unit operations lab ), students have more freedom in experimental design but still have well-defined objectives and manipulate equipment someone else has set up. It is rare, however, for undergraduate students to be taught how to create new experiments. It is also rare for undergraduate students, and hence beginning graduate students, to have an appreciation for the care, planning, design, and testing required to produce equipment that will give reliable and useful results. Even such simple issues as leak testing or adapting analytical devices to new tasks are outside most students* experience. Even more important is an absence of opportunities to learn how the lessons learned from the failure of an approach can be fed back into the empirical process to seed the finally successful idea. All these skills require more creative freedom than is usually allowed in a well-structured laboratory course. In the novel laboratory teaching approach described here, we try to provide students with a learning environment that allows them to develop advanced experimental skills that are necessary for success in research and development environments

    Productivity of various barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars under semi-arid conditions in southern Russia

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    ArticleDrought is a significant factor limiting crop production in arid conditions. In the dry climatic weather situation of southern Russia, ten - year laboratory trials and subsequent field experiments were laid out on various barley varieties collected across the globe during 2007 – 2017 period. This study was conducted to ascertain from the collection of barley cultivars of the entire world which one is best suited to stressful climatic conditions by being tolerant to drought, heat and salinity which can be adopted for barley breeding. According to the results obtained, the varieties that are tolerant to dry climatic conditions are as follows: Alga (Lithuania), Brenda, Henni (Germany), Décor (Great Britain), Furat 5 (Syria), Vakula (Ukraine), Ataman (Belarus) and Vladimir (Russia); heat resistant varieties are: Brenda (Germany), Alga (Lithuania), Furat 5 (Syria), Ataman (Belarus) , Vladimir and Ratnik (Russia); Salt - resistant varieties: Alga (Lithuania), Henni (Germany) and Vladimir (Russia). The selected varieties did not show any sign of adverse weather effect resulting in stable grain productivity throughout the entire duration of this research over the years, they had large grain size and stable 1 , 000 grains weight. However, the yield of selected cultivars varied over the years which was about 1.1 – 1.4 t ha - 1

    Towards reduction of type II theories on SU(3) structure manifolds

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    We revisit the reduction of type II supergravity on SU(3) structure manifolds, conjectured to lead to gauged N=2 supergravity in 4 dimensions. The reduction proceeds by expanding the invariant 2- and 3-forms of the SU(3) structure as well as the gauge potentials of the type II theory in the same set of forms, the analogues of harmonic forms in the case of Calabi-Yau reductions. By focussing on the metric sector, we arrive at a list of constraints these expansion forms should satisfy to yield a base point independent reduction. Identifying these constraints is a first step towards a first-principles reduction of type II on SU(3) structure manifolds.Comment: 20 pages; v2: condition (2.13old) on expansion forms weakened, replaced by (2.13new), (2.14new

    The `bare' strange stars might not be bare

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    It is proposed that the `bare' strange matter stars might not be bare, and radio pulsars might be in fact `bare' strange stars. As strange matter stars being intensely magnetized rotate, the induced unipolar electric fields would be large enough to construct magnetospheres. This situation is very similar to that discussed by many authors for rotating neutron stars. Also, the strange stars with accretion crusts in binaries could act as X-ray pulsars or X-ray bursters. There are some advantages if radio pulsars are `bare' strange stars.Comment: 11 pages, 1 Postscript figures, LaTeX, Chin. Phys. Lett. 1998, Vol.15, Nov.12, p.93

    Heterotic-type IIA duality with fluxes

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    In this paper we study a possible non-perturbative dual of the heterotic string compactified on K3 x T^2 in the presence of background fluxes. We show that type IIA string theory compactified on manifolds with SU(3) structure can account for a subset of the possible heterotic fluxes. This extends our previous analysis to a case of a non-perturbative duality with fluxes.Comment: 26 pages, minor corrections; version to appear in JHE

    A Model Approach to the Electrochemical Cell: An Inquiry Activity

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    In an attempt to address some student misconceptions in electrochemistry, this guided-inquiry laboratory was devised to give students an opportunity to use a manipulative that simulates the particulatelevel activity within an electrochemical cell, in addition to using an actual electrochemical cell. Students are led through a review of expected prior knowledge relating to oxidation and reduction half-reactions. Then, the students examine the macroscopic level by constructing and using an electrochemical cell. Finally, students use the manipulative and make connections between the two levels through class discussion. The misconceptions involve the movement of electrons and ions through solution and the salt bridge, the resulting charges of the half-cells, and the charge sign given to the anode and cathode on electrochemical and electrolytic cells. Additionally, the activity covers oxidation and reduction reactions in electrochemical cells and provides practice drawing and labeling parts of an electrochemical cell. Results, pre- and post-testing and student comments, indicate that this laboratory facilitates students’ understanding of electrochemical cells

    Type IIB Theory on Half-flat Manifolds

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    In this note we derive the low-energy effective action of type IIB theory compactified on half-flat manifolds and we show that this precisely coincides with the low-energy effective action of type IIA theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau manifold in the presence of NS three-form fluxes. We provide in this way a further check of the recently formulated conjecture that half-flat manifolds appear as mirror partners of Calabi-Yau manifolds when NS fluxes are turned on.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    The Kahler Cone as Cosmic Censor

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    M-theory effects prevent five-dimensional domain-wall and black-hole solutions from developing curvature singularities. While so far this analysis was performed for particular models, we now present a model-independent proof that these solutions do not have naked singularities as long as the Kahler moduli take values inside the extended Kahler cone. As a by-product we obtain information on the regularity of the Kahler-cone metric at boundaries of the Kahler cone and derive relations between the geometry of moduli space and space-time.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure. Improved discussion of the relation between Kahler moduli and five-dimensional scalars. No changes in the conclusion
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