1,185 research outputs found

    Distribution of interstitial stem cells in Hydra

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    The distribution of interstitial stem cells along the Hydra body column was determined using a simplified cloning assay. The assay measures stem cells as clone-forming units (CFU) in aggregates of nitrogen mustard inactivated Hydra tissue. The concentration of stem cells in the gastric region was uniform at about 0.02 CFU/epithelial cell. In both the hypostome and basal disk the concentration was 20-fold lower. A decrease in the ratio of stem cells to committed nerve and nematocyte precursors was correlated with the decrease in stem cell concentration in both hypostome and basal disk. The ratio of stem cells to committed precursors is a sensitive indicator of the rate of self-renewal in the stem cell population. From the ratio it can be estimated that <10% of stem cells self-renew in the hypostome and basal disk compared to 60% in the gastric region. Thus, the results provide an explanation for the observed depletion of stem cells in these regions. The results also suggest that differentiation and self-renewal compete for the same stem cell population

    Nerve commitment in Hydra. I. Role of morphogenetic signals

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    The kinetics of nerve commitment during head regeneration in Hydra were investigated using a newly developed assay for committed cells. Committed nerve precursors were assayed by their ability to continue nerve differentiation following explanation of small pieces of tissue. Committed nerve precursors appear at the site of regeneration within 6 hr after cutting and increase rapidly. The increase is localized to the site of regeneration and does not occur at proximal sites in the body column of the regenerate. The increase is delayed about 8–12 hr when regeneration occurs at sites lower in the body column. The results show, furthermore, that redistribution of committed precursors does not play a major role in the pattern of nerve differentiation during regeneration. Since the increase in committed nerves coincides with the increase in morphogenetic potential of the regenerating tissue, the results strengthen the idea that morphogenetic signals are involved directly in the control of nerve commitment in Hydra

    Putative intermediates in the nerve cell differentiation pathway in hydra have properties of multipotent stem cells

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    We have investigated the properties of nerve cell precursors in hydra by analyzing the differentiation and proliferation capacity of interstitial cells in the peduncle of Hydra oligactis, which is a region of active nerve cell differentiation. Our results indicate that about 50% of the interstitial cells in the peduncle can grow rapidly and also give rise to nematocyte precursors when transplanted into a gastric environment. If these cells were committed nerve cell precursors, one would not expect them to differentiate into nematocytes nor to proliferate apparently without limit. Therefore we conclude that cycling interstitial cells in peduncles are not intermediates in the nerve cell differentiation pathway but are stem cells. The remaining interstitial cells in the peduncle are in G1 and have the properties of committed nerve cell precursors (Holstein and David, 1986). Thus, the interstitial cell population in the peduncle contains both stem cells and noncycling nerve precursors. The presence of stem cells in this region makes it likely that these cells are the immediate targets of signals which give rise to nerve cells

    Spatial pattern of nerve differentiation in Hydra is due to a pattern of nerve commitment

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    The pattern of nerve differentiation along the body column of Hydra was investigated. Nerve precursors in late S phase were labeled with [3H]thymidine and their distribution compared with that of newly differentiated nerves. The two distributions were found to be the same. Based on independent evidence that nerve commitment occurs in mid-to late S phase (G. Venugopal and C. David, 1981, Develop. Biol.83, 361–365) it was concluded that the pattern of nerve differentiation along the body column of Hydra is due to differences in nerve commitment in different body regions. Furthermore, the level of nerve commitment in head and foot tissue is sufficiently high to deplete stem cells in these regions as is observed

    Cell cycle length, cell size, and proliferation rate in hydra stem cells

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    We have analyzed the cell cycle parameters of interstitial cells in Hydra oligactis. Three subpopulations of cells with short, medium, and long cell cycles were identified. Short-cycle cells are stem cells; medium-cycle cells are precursors to nematocyte differentiation; long-cycle cells are precursors to gamete differentiation. We have also determined the effect of different cell densities on the population doubling time, cell cycle length, and cell size of interstitial cells. Our results indicate that decreasing the interstitial cell density from 0.35 to 0.1 interstitial cells/epithelial cell (1) shortens the population doubling time from 4 to 1.8 days, (2) increases the [3H]thymidine labeling index from 0.5 to 0.75 and shifts the nuclear DNA distribution from G2 to S phase cells, and (3) decreases the length of G2 in stem cells from 6 to 3 hr. The shortened cell cycle is correlated with a significant decrease in the size of interstitial stem cells. Coincident with the shortened cell cycle and increased growth rate there is an increase in stem cell self-renewal and a decrease in stem cell differentiation

    Nerve cell differentiation in hydra requires two signals

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    Endogenous signals controlling nerve cell commitment in hydra were investigated using an assay for committed nerve precursors. Extracts of hydra tissue were prepared and tested for their ability to induce nerve cell commitment. The active component in such extracts was identified as a neuropeptide, the head activator [H. C. Schaller and H. Bodenmüller (1981) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78, 7000–7004], based on its chromatographic properties and reaction with anti-head activator antibody. In addition, synthetic head activator (10−13–10−11 M) was shown to cause nerve cell commitment. Additional experiments demonstrated that committed nerve precursors require a second signal to differentiate nerve cells. Committed precursors induced by treatment of hydra with head activator do not differentiate in whole hydra; but do differentiate when pieces of treated tissue are explanted or when whole animals are simply injured with transverse cuts. The injury stimulus is long-lived. It cannot be replaced with head activator (10−12–10−10 M) but is contained in a methanol extract of hydra tissue

    Commitment during stenotele differentiation in Hydra is localized near the S/G2 boundary in the terminal cell cycle

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    The timing of commitment during stenotele differentiation in Hydra was determined. Regeneration of isolated distal regions of the body column induces stenotele differentiation. The kinetics of appearance of committed stenotele precursors was determined in such regenerating pieces. Using [3H]thymidine labeling and hydroxyurea sensitivity, the G1/S and the S/G2 boundaries of the precursor population was also determined. Comparison of these results indicates that stenotele commitment is localized near the S/G2 boundary in the terminal cell cycle of nests of precursor cells

    The expression of stlA in Photorhabdus luminescens is controlled by nutrient limitation

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    Photorhabdus is a genus of Gram-negative entomopathogenic bacteria that also maintain a mutualistic association with nematodes from the family Heterorhabditis. Photorhabdus has an extensive secondary metabolism that is required for the interaction between the bacteria and the nematode. A major component of this secondary metabolism is a stilbene molecule, called ST. The first step in ST biosynthesis is the non-oxidative deamination of phenylalanine resulting in the production of cinnamic acid. This reaction is catalyzed by phenylalanine-ammonium lyase, an enzyme encoded by the stlA gene. In this study we show, using a stlA-gfp transcriptional fusion, that the expression of stlA is regulated by nutrient limitation through a regulatory network that involves at least 3 regulators. We show that TyrR, a LysR-type transcriptional regulator that regulates gene expression in response to aromatic amino acids in E. coli, is absolutely required for stlA expression. We also show that stlA expression is modulated by σS and Lrp, regulators that are implicated in the regulation of the response to nutrient limitation in other bacteria. This work is the first that describes pathway-specific regulation of secondary metabolism in Photorhabdus and, therefore, our study provides an initial insight into the complex regulatory network that controls secondary metabolism, and therefore mutualism, in this model organism

    Nerve commitment in Hydra. II. Localization of commitment in S phase

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    The kinetics of nerve differentiation were investigated during head regeneration in Hydra. In particular the cell cycle parameters of stem cells undergoing nerve commitment were determined. Head regeneration induces extensive nerve commitment localized at the regenerating tip (G. Venugopal and C. David, 1981, Develop. Biol.83, 353–360). The appearance of committed nerve precursors is followed 12 hr later by the appearance of newly differentiated nerves. Under these conditions the time from the end of S phase to nerve differentiation is about 9 hr and the time from the beginning of S phase to nerve differentiation is about 18 hr. Thus nerve commitment occurs in mid- to late S phase of the stem cell precursor