351 research outputs found

    Етнорелігійна свідомість як стратегія ідентичності особистості та спільноти (Ethno-religious consciousness as a strategy of personal identity and community)

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    У статті виявлено та обґрунтовано феномен етнорелігійної свідомості як стратегії досягнення ідентичності особистості та спільноти в культурно-історичних обставинах минулого і сьогодення; з’ясовано сутність та зв’язок понять «релігійна культура», «ідентичність», «маргінальність»; встановлено, як об’єктивується процес ідентифікації в культурі, в часі і просторі особистісного та суспільного буття; визначено наслідки та перспективи цього процесу. (The article reveals and justifies the phenomenon of ethno-religious consciousness as a strategy to achieve personal identity and community in the cultural and historical realities of the past and present; clarifies the nature and relationship of the concepts of «religious culture», «identity», «marginality»; determines the way the identification process is objectivized in the culture, time and space of personal and social life; identifies the impact and prospects of this process. The term «identity» at the interdisciplinary scientific discourse has acquired a series of meanings that, according to L. Schneider, can be reduced to three main ones: 1) integrity of a person as its integrative constituent; 2) the extent to which a person, group, gender, ethnicity, race etc.; 3) the self, the authenticity of an individual.Ethno-religiousness is formed as a result of the interaction of religious and ethnic awareness of similar and different phenomena in the perception of other cultures and peoples, as strategy of identity of a person and a community. The role of the religious factor in the existence and development of national spirituality of the Ukrainian people in different periods of history was very different. In particular, as emphasized by A. Kolodny, L. Filipovich, it was characterized by the absence of absolute coincidence of «We» as a religious community (specific denomination) with a sense of the national «We». Therefore, objectively, а religion is a distinctive feature of an ethnic group, however, the specific confessional form of the religion can characterise ethnicity only historically.The belonging of an individual to the Orthodox Church, which itself was undergoing periods of forced russification thus losing its ability to function as a national integrator. In certain periods of the Ukrainian history the Church began to hold the national identity of the people, displacing awareness of ethnic identity. That is why ethnic and religious constituents do not coincide: an ethnic or «conscious» Ukrainian, is not necessarily Orthodox or Greek-Catholic. In addition, the fact is that today there is a great number of non-believers and also non-denominational Christians. In such conditions it is vital to start an interreligious dialogue as an unconditional waiver of its subjects from the monopoly on the truth as well as openness and respect for other identities as otherness.

    Regulation of LINE-1 in mammals

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    Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile DNA elements that represent almost half of the human genome. Transposition of TEs has been implicated as a source of genome evolution and acquisition of new traits but also as an origin of diseases. The activity of these elements is therefore tightly regulated during the life cycle of each individual, and many recent discoveries involved the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in their control. In this review, we present recent findings in this field of research, focusing on the case of one specific family of TEs: the long-interspersed nuclear elements-1 (LINE-1 or L1). LINE-1 elements are the most representative class of retrotransposons in mammalian genomes. We illustrate how these elements are conserved between mice and humans, and how they are regulated during the life cycle. Additionally, recent advances in genome-wide sequencing approaches allow us not only to better understand the regulation of LINE-1 but also highlight new issues specifically at the bioinformatics level. Therefore, we discuss the state of the art in analyzing such bioinformatics datasets to identify epigenetic regulators of repeated elements in the human genome

    Religious processes in Western Europe at the end of the XXth - the beginning of the XXIst centuries

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    The purpose of the article is a conceptual identification of religiosity tendencies in Western Europe at the end of the XXth - the beginning of the XXIst centuries. The methodological bases of the study were socio-philosophical analysis of the religiosity phenomenon, as well as historical systemic and analytical synthetic methods. The Scientific Novelty. In Western Europe new religious processes go beyond the classical contours of modernity. The dynamics of change in the field of religion takes place under conditions of uncertainty, nonlinearity, ephemerality of social processes, as well as the continuing aggravation of relations between secular culture and religion. It is necessary to be critically aware of the fact that the institutional and socio-cultural return of religion (post-secularity) causes vulgarization, the creation of various distorted forms of religiosity. Our point of view is that the decline of a traditional religiosity continues in Western Europe, which is not a localized tendency and a civilizational integration project, a transnational paradigm are being actively promoted. The Conclusions. Western societies remain a relatively secular part of the global world and differ in the level of a religious diversity and the dynamics of a religious change among their population. From the point of view of the confessional identification, Western European countries can be attributed to one Christian culture (unfortunately, practically lost). According to the criterion of religiosity level, "high religion" is characteristic of countries with the maximum number of Orthodox and Catholics. In Western Europe, there is a situation where religion is often engaged with "vicariously". In Western Europe, an important tendency in religiosity is the subjectivation of faith and practice, which complicates the preservation and transmission of religious traditions. As a result, religiosity is of a situational character

    Magnetic anomalies in Nd6Co(1.67)Si3: Surprising first order transitions in the low-temperature isothermal magnetization

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    We present the results of magnetic measurements on Nd6Co(1.67)Si3, a compound recently reported to crystallize in a hexagonal structure (space group P6_3/m) and to undergo long range magnetic ordering below 84 K. The results reveal that the magnetism of this compound is quite complex with additional magnetic anomalies near 50 and 20 K. There are qualitative changes in the isothermal magnetization behavior with the variation of temperature. Notably, there is a field-induced spin reorientation as the temperature is lowered below 20 K. A finding we stress is that this transition is discontinuous for 1.8K in the virgin curve, but the first order character appears only after a field-cycling for a narrow higher temperature range near 5 K. Thus, this compound serves as an example for the stabilisation of first-order transition induced by magnetic-field-cycling. The issues of 'Phase co-existence' and 'meta-stability' after a field-cycling at low temperatures in this compound are also addressed


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    BODAK Lesia – lecturer, National University of Food Technologies, Bortnianskyi str., 30/32, Lviv, 79039, Ukraine ([email protected])ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6198-8425ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-7533-2018DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2313-2094.7/39.140943To cite this article: Bodak, L. (2018). Kontseptualni zasady reformuvannia serednoi shkoly u pedahohichnii spadshchyni O. Makarushky (1867–1931) [Conceptual principles of the reformation of the secondary school of the O. Makarushka’s pedagogical heritage (1867–1931)]. Liudynoznavchi studii. Seriia «Pedahohika» – Human Studies. Series of «Pedagogy», 7/39, 40–49. doi: 10.24919/2313-2094.7/39.140943 [in Ukrainian].Article historyReceived: 16 March 2018Received in revised form: 25 April 2018Accepted: 10 July 2018Available online: 12 September 2018 Abstract. The article highlights the pedagogical views of O. Makarushka on the content of secondary school reforms. His activities on the development and organization of Ukrainian schooling are disclosed. It has been found out that the secondary school should be comprehensive, harmoniously develop the spiritual and bodily needs of youth promoting the increase of youth knowledge, expansion of its outlook, preparation for training in higher education institutions, formation and career of character, training of skilled personnel for various spheres public life. The curriculum should be designed to prepare the girl for family life, before studying at a high school. The secondary school should provide the necessary knowledge, which is needed for every future intelligent person, to educate intellectuals in the captivity of the nation, ready for practical classes, crafts, trade, and husbandry. Teachers become a significant factor in the secondary school; their activities are aimed at conducting reforms and preparing young people for life.On the basis of the generalization, it is stated that O. Makarushka insisted on returning the grammar-school the character and significance of the school, which aims to prepare students for university studies and other types of institutions of higher education. The scientific and educational material for the grammar-school was so thought-out that young people would receive the necessary formal and material education, forming common human and civil values in their souls.Methodical recommendations for the study of the Ukrainian language and literature, involvement of parents in the study of literary works, reading of books are revealed. Reformed secondary school should take into account gender peculiarities. Children should not just read, but retell, analyze, do conclusions. Children should be encouraged to read books at home slowly and carefully. Therefore, the teacher can offer the children a brief retelling of the contents of the read book, tell about an important event and express their own opinion about it. It is argued that the teacher of native language should nurture folk and universal ideals. Study of literature should form the ability to observe, notice the main thing, and then do conclusions, freely and naturally express their own thoughts. Acknowledgments. Sincere thanks to librarian staff at Lviv National Vasyl Stefanyk Scientific Library of Ukraine, in particular to OlhaValukha.Funding. The author received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.БОДАК Леся – викладач Національного університету харчових технологій, вул. Бортнянського, 30/32, Львів, 79039, Україна ([email protected])ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6198-8425ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-7533-2018DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2313-2094.7/39.140943Бібліографічний опис статті: Бодак, Л. (2018). Концептуальні засади реформування середньої школи у педагогічній спадщині О. Макарушки (1867–1931). Людинознавчі студії: зб. наук. праць ДДПУ імені Івана Франка. Серія «Педагогіка», 7/39, 40–49. doi: 10.24919/2313-2094.7/39.140943.Історія статтіОдержано: 16 березня 2018Прорецензовано: 25 квітень 2018Подано до редакції: 10 липня 2018Доступ он-лайн: 12 вересня 2018 Анотація. У статті висвітлено педагогічні погляди О. Макарушки на зміст реформ середньої школи. Зʼясовано, що середня школа має бути загальноосвітньою, гармонійно розвивати духовні та тілесні потреби молоді. На основі узагальнення стверджується, що педагог наполягав на поверненні гімназії характеру і значення школи, яка має на меті підготувати учнів до навчання в університеті та інших типах закладів вищої освіти. Реформована середня школа має враховувати ґендерні особливості. Розкрито методичні рекомендації щодо вивчення української мови та літератури, залучення батьків до вивчення літературних творів, читання книг. Аргументовано, що вчитель рідної мови має плекати народні і загальнолюдські ідеали

    Robotic seals as therapeutic tools in an aged care facility: a qualitative study

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    Robots, including robotic seals, have been used as an alternative to therapies such as animal assisted therapy in the promotion of health and social wellbeing of older people in aged care facilities. There is limited research available that evaluates the effectiveness of robot therapies in these settings. The aim of this study was to identify, explore, and describe the impact of the use of Paro robotic seals in an aged care facility in a regional Australian city. A qualitative, descriptive, exploratory design was employed. Data were gathered through interviews with the three recreational therapists employed at the facility who were also asked to maintain logs of their interactions with the Paro and residents. Data were transcribed and thematically analysed. Three major themes were identified from the analyses of these data: "a therapeutic tool that's not for everybody," "every interaction is powerful," and "keeping the momentum." Findings support the use of Paro as a therapeutic tool, revealing improvement in emotional state, reduction of challenging behaviours, and improvement in social interactions of residents. The potential benefits justify the investment in Paro, with clear evidence that these tools can have a positive impact that warrants further exploration

    Robotic seals as therapeutic tools in an aged care facility: a qualitative study

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    Robots, including robotic seals, have been used as an alternative to therapies such as animal assisted therapy in the promotion of health and social wellbeing of older people in aged care facilities. There is limited research available that evaluates the effectiveness of robot therapies in these settings. The aim of this study was to identify, explore, and describe the impact of the use of Paro robotic seals in an aged care facility in a regional Australian city. A qualitative, descriptive, exploratory design was employed. Data were gathered through interviews with the three recreational therapists employed at the facility who were also asked to maintain logs of their interactions with the Paro and residents. Data were transcribed and thematically analysed. Three major themes were identified from the analyses of these data: "a therapeutic tool that's not for everybody," "every interaction is powerful," and "keeping the momentum." Findings support the use of Paro as a therapeutic tool, revealing improvement in emotional state, reduction of challenging behaviours, and improvement in social interactions of residents. The potential benefits justify the investment in Paro, with clear evidence that these tools can have a positive impact that warrants further exploration

    Tuning Low Temperature Physical Properties of CeNiGe3_{3} by Magnetic Field

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    We have studied the thermal, magnetic, and electrical properties of the ternary intermetallic system CeNiGe3_{3} by means of specific heat, magnetization, and resistivity measurements. The specific heat data, together with the anisotropic magnetic susceptibility, was analyzed on the basis of the point charge model of crystalline electric field. The JJ\,=\,5/2 multiplet of the Ce3+^{3+} is split by the crystalline electric field (CEF) into three Kramers doublets, where the second and third doublet are separated from the first (ground state) doublet by Δ1\Delta_{1} \sim 100\,K and Δ2\Delta_{2} \sim 170\,K, respectively. In zero field CeNiGe3_{3} exhibits an antiferromangeic order below TNT_{N} = 5.0\,K. For \textbf{H}\,\parallel\,\textbf{a} two metamagnetic transitions are clearly evidenced between 2\,\sim\,4\,K from the magnetization isotherm and extended down to 0.4\,K from the magnetoresistance measurements. For \textbf{H}\,\parallel\,\textbf{a}, TNT_{N} shifts to lower temperature as magnetic field increases, and ultimately disappears at HcH_{c} \sim 32.5\,kOe. For H>HcH\,>\,H_{c}, the electrical resistivity shows the quadratic temperature dependence (Δρ=AT2\Delta\rho = A T^{2}). For HHcH \gg H_{c}, an unconventional TnT^{n}-dependence of Δρ\Delta\rho with n>2n > 2 emerges, the exponent nn becomes larger as magnetic field increases. Although the antiferromagnetic phase transition temperature in CeNiGe3_{3} can be continuously suppressed to zero, it provides an example of field tuning that does not match current simple models of Quantum criticality.Comment: accepted PR


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    In the crisis conditions of challenges and restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the martial law in Ukraine, it is important to ensure stability and efficiency in the management of educational institutions. It is possible due to the condition of development of managerial competence of managers. We consider the managerial competence of educational institutions leaders is a personal phenomenon. It combines psychological, theoretical and practical readiness for managerial activities in the specific conditions of the institution's existence. For the development of managerial competence, appropriate conditions are important, as well as an actual profile, the structure of which includes: development orientation; emotional intelligence; cooperation; ability to create a safe environment; organizational capacity. As a result of the actualization of the crisis situation, the public demand for managers-leaders is increasing, hence the need to analyze, develop a theory and use leadership strategies by the heads of general secondary education institutions, since they are the basis of the manifestation of their managerial competence in crisis conditions. Our research was organized during 2018/2021 (n 112.) It showed a contradiction between the need for development and the lack of managerial competence and leadership strategies among managers in the field of education. In order to develop this property, a program of psychological and pedagogical support was developed and implemented. The results of the program's implementation confirmed its effectiveness and made it possible to conclude that the development of managerial competence can effectively take place within the limits of individual trajectories of professional growth of heads of institutions in the field of education.

    Determination of Safety Indicators in the Developed Muffins with Non-traditional Raw Materials

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    The aim of research is studying the effect of unconventional raw materials (buckwheat, oatmeal, rye, corn, milk whey, skimmed milk powder, propolis, flower pollen, bean powder, sesame oil, pumpkin seed oil, walnut oil, walnut kernels, candied fruit mixes (apple-cherry fruits of bilberries, natural honey with floral pollen, natural honey with propolis) for the quality and safety of new muffins. The article analyzes the results of the study of the quality and safety indicators of muffins of improved composition, manufactured using non-traditional raw materials. For the preparation of new types of muffins, part of the wheat flour was replaced with buckwheat, corn, oat, milk whey, skimmed milk powder and additives of vegetable origin. Margarine has been replaced by vegetable oils. It has been established that flour confectionery products have high organoleptic properties. From the physico-chemical parameters, the mass fraction of total sugar was determined, which ranged from 28.17 % to 33.07 %, the mass fraction of fat – 16.2–20.66 %, the mass fraction of moisture – 18.0–22.0, mass fraction of ash – 0.03–1.3 %, alkalinity – 0.03–1.8°, the content of toxic elements (copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury) and microbiological indicators were also determined. Based on the data obtained as a research result, the expediency of using non-traditional raw materials to expand the range of flour confectionery products, in particular muffins is substantiated