1,192 research outputs found

    Проповеди и конфессиональная культура в Германии раннемодерного периода. Католические проповеди в 1650–1800 гг.

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    With the Council of Trent, Catholicism defined itself for the first time as a confession with distinct identifying features. In order not only to create but also to maintain such a Catholic Confessionalised identity, Catholic preachers needed to react to contemporary settings and currents as well as to fixed points of reference, as represented by the decrees of Trent. The scope provided by the Trent decree on preaching, “super lectione et praedicatione,” was so wide that, based upon it, individual ideas could be constructed about what constituted a “good” sermon. This can be seen in the various hermeneutics of the Council that developed up to the 18th century, and the associated post-Tridentine practices of piety, which are commonly grouped under the terms “Baroque” and “Enlightenment.” This article, which analyses sermons from the perspective of aesthetics of production and reception, is nonetheless able to show that along with Baroque and Enlightened piety, Jansenist influences also coexisted, something which has hardly been appreciated so far in research. At the same time, the preachers and the audiences do not seem to have understood the complex network of variously coded elements of Catholic confessional culture as a contradiction: the pastoral strategies of Catholics from the years 1650 to 1800 seem rather not to have been characterised by wave-like motion, with specific extensions on the ritual-sensual or rational-iconoclastic levels, as has been assumed in research. Such asynchrony can also be recognised in textual samples drawn from the Russian Orthodox history of preaching.Тридентский собор способствовал самоопределению католицизма как конфессии с особыми отличительными признаками. Для того, чтобы не только создать, но и поддерживать такую католическую идентичность, католические проповедники должны были реагировать на современное им окружение и тенденции развития, равно как и на отправные позиции, зафиксированные в Тридентских постановлениях. Область, охваченная декретом Тридентского собора о проповедях “super praedicatione”, была настолько широка, что, опираясь на нее, можно было выстроить индивидуальные представления о том, что именно составляло “хорошую” проповедь. Это можно видеть по различной интерпретации Собора вплоть до XVIII в. и связанным с ней посттридентским практикам благочестия, объединяемых обычно под названием “барочных” и “просвещенческих”. В настоящей статье, где проповеди исследуются с точки зрения их создания и рецепции, тем не менее можно показать, что с барочными и просвещенческими практиками соседствовали и янсенистские влияния, — чему предыдущие исследования практически не уделяли внимания. В то же время проповедники и их аудитория, очевидно, не видели в комплексе разнонаправленных элементов католической конфессиональной культуры противоречий. Пастырские стратегии католиков 1650–1800 гг., в частности, не характеризует, как принято считать в историографии, волнообразный ритм, с соответствующими ответвлениями в ритуально-сенсуалистскую или рационально-иконоборческую сферу. Подобную асинхронность можно также обнаружить по образцам текстов, представляющих историю проповедничества в русском православии

    Abstract Natural Scenario Language Version 1.0

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    The development of modern driving assistant systems (assisted as well as automated) requires extensive testing and exact specification to ensure the quality of the developed systems. Therefore, scenarios are used throughout the whole process to act as accompanying artifact to assist within the design, implementation and testing procedures. Depending on the respective use case, different levels of abstraction, used natural languages and degrees of completeness are used for the scenarios. Due to the lack of an appropriate method for the specification of abstract scenarios that satisfies those needs for efficient usage, the language stiEF (acronym for “scenario-accompanied, text-based, iterative Evaluation of automated driving Functions”) was designed. This paper provides all details about the syntax and semantics of stiEF for the freeway domain. This enables the reader to read, understand, write and use stiEF for scenario descriptions

    PARP13 regulates cellular mRNA post-transcriptionally and functions as a pro-apoptotic factor by destabilizing TRAILR4 transcript

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    Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-13 (​PARP13/​ZAP/​ZC3HAV1) is an antiviral factor, active against specific RNA viruses such as murine leukaemia virus, Sindbis virus and human immunodeficiency virus. During infection, ​PARP13 binds viral RNA via its four CCCH-type zinc-finger domains and targets it for degradation by recruiting cellular messenger RNA (mRNA) decay factors such as the exosome complex and ​XRN1. Here we show that ​PARP13 binds to and regulates cellular mRNAs in the absence of viral infection. Knockdown of ​PARP13 results in the misregulation of hundreds of transcripts. Among the most upregulated transcripts is ​TRAILR4 that encodes a decoy receptor for ​TRAIL—a pro-apoptotic cytokine that is a promising target for the therapeutic inhibition of cancers. ​PARP13 destabilizes ​TRAILR4 mRNA post-transcriptionally in an exosome-dependent manner by binding to a region in its 3′ untranslated region. As a consequence, ​PARP13 represses ​TRAILR4 expression and increases cell sensitivity to ​TRAIL-mediated apoptosis, acting as a key regulator of the cellular response to ​TRAIL.National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Cancer Center Support (Core) Grant P30-CA14051)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (RO1GM087465)Kathy and Curt Marble Cancer Research Fund (Frontier Research Programme Grant)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ludwig Center for Molecular Oncology (Postdoctoral Fellowship)MIT School of Science (Fellowship in Cancer Research

    When cell death goes wrong:inflammatory outcomes of failed apoptosis and mitotic cell death

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    Apoptosis is a regulated cellular pathway that ensures that a cell dies in a structured fashion to prevent negative consequences for the tissue or the organism. Dysfunctional apoptosis is a hallmark of numerous pathologies, and treatments for various diseases are successful based on the induction of apoptosis. Under homeostatic conditions, apoptosis is a non-inflammatory event, as the activation of caspases ensures that inflammatory pathways are disabled. However, there is an increasing understanding that under specific conditions, such as caspase inhibition, apoptosis and the apoptotic machinery can be re-wired into a process which is inflammatory. In this review we discuss how the death receptor and mitochondrial pathways of apoptosis can activate inflammation. Furthermore, we will highlight how cell death due to mitotic stress might be a special case when it comes to cell death and the induction of inflammation

    Mitochondria as multifaceted regulators of cell death

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    Through their many and varied metabolic functions, mitochondria power life. Paradoxically, mitochondria also have a central role in apoptotic cell death. Upon induction of mitochondrial apoptosis, mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) usually commits a cell to die. Apoptotic signalling downstream of MOMP involves cytochrome c release from mitochondria and subsequent caspase activation. As such, targeting MOMP in order to manipulate cell death holds tremendous therapeutic potential across different diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune disorders and cancer. In this Review, we discuss new insights into how mitochondria regulate apoptotic cell death. Surprisingly, recent data demonstrate that besides eliciting caspase activation, MOMP engages various pro-inflammatory signalling functions. As we highlight, together with new findings demonstrating cell survival following MOMP, this pro-inflammatory role suggests that mitochondria-derived signalling downstream of pro-apoptotic cues may also have non-lethal functions. Finally, we discuss the importance and roles of mitochondria in other forms of regulated cell death, including necroptosis, ferroptosis and pyroptosis. Collectively, these new findings offer exciting, unexplored opportunities to target mitochondrial regulation of cell death for clinical benefit

    Der „Pillen-Bann“. Die Enzyklika Humanae Vitae Papst Pauls VI. im Spiegel der deutschen und italienischen Presse

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    Die Rezeption der 1968 erschienenen Enzyklika Humanae Vitae, in der sich Papst Paul VI. gegen die Einnahme von künstlichen Empfängnisverhütungsmitteln aussprach, wurde von vielen Gläubigen aus aller Welt verweigert und bestimmt seitdem die öffentliche Wahrnehmung des Montini-Papstes. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Reaktion der liberalen Wochenzeitung „Die Zeit“, des christlich-konservativen „Rheinischen Merkurs“ sowie der „Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung“ und des Mailänder „Corriere della Sera“ auf diese Enzyklika. Vor dem Hintergrund des „Krisenjournalismus“ der sechziger Jahre, der die Autoritäten wie die katholische Kirche mehr und mehr in Frage stellte, konzentrierte sich die Berichterstattung in der deutschen Presse – trotz unterschiedlicher Nuancen – bald nicht mehr nur auf das Verbot der Antibabypille. Vielmehr schien die Enzyklika auf vielfältige Weise gegen das öffentliche Bewusststein der sechziger Jahre verstoßen zu haben. Humanae Vitae stand mit den in der Mehrheit als weltfremd empfundenen Inhalten gegen den Vorsatz des Zweiten Vatikanums, mit der Welt in den Dialog zu treten („Aggiornamento“) sowie – damit verbunden – gegen ein demokratisches Kirchenverständnis. Ebenso wurde das päpstliche Schreiben als Verstoß gegen den technisch-wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt in Form von künstlichen Empfängnisverhütungsmitteln und damit als Wegbereiter für die damals herrschende Angst vor weltweiter Überbevölkerung empfunden. Humanae Vitae wurde aber auch zum Symbol der Positionierung der Kirche gegen die sexuelle Befreiung als wichtiger Bestandteil damaliger Identitäten sowie, da in der Entstehung ausschließlich von zölibatären Männern diskutiert, zum Symbol gegen die beginnende weibliche Emanzipation überhaupt.  EnglishFlorian Bock: The „Pillen-Bann“. The encyclical Humanae Vitae of Pope Paul VI and its reception in the German and Italian press The reception of the encyclical Humane Vitae published in 1968 in which Pope Paul VI regarded abortion, contraception, and other issues pertaining to human life, was refused by many Catholics all over the world. Ever since it has determined the public perception of the Montini-pope. This article analyzes the immediate reactions from the liberal weekly „Die Zeit“, the Christian weekly „Rheinischer Merkur“ and also from the dailies „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“ and „Corriere della Sera“ towards this encyclical. Due to a more critical journalism in the 1960s which brought authorities like the Catholic Church more and more into question, the reporting in the German press was – despite of some variations – not only concentrated on the papal ban of the pill. The encyclical rather seemed to have offended the public opinion of the 1960s in various ways: It stood against the Second Vatican Council and its intention to find the dialogue with the modern world („Aggiornamento“) and, in addition to this, against a more democratic definition of church. Furthermore, Humanae Vitae was seen as a measure against the scientific progress of modern technologies concerning birth control. That way, the papal writing is often said to have paved the way for the fear of overpopulation and famines especially in the Third World at that time. Still, Humanae Vitae can also be interpreted as the official Catholic position against sexual liberation, which was an important element for the identity formation within the youth during the 1960s. The encyclical stood also against the beginning female emancipation in general since the text was originally only discussed by men who practiced celibacy

    Introduction: The sociolinguistics of exclusion – Indexing (non)belonging in mobile communities

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    The special issue on ‘The sociolinguistics of exclusion: Indexing (non)belonging in mobile communities’ delves into the phenomenon of exclusion as a means and outcome of social positioning within diverse communities undergoing continual transformation due to social, demographic, political, and technological changes. Through empirical studies that critically engage with exclusionary discourse practices, this issue analyzes the semiotic means that social actors employ to presuppose and/or entail exclusion. Additionally, it explores the underlying ideological assumptions on which these choices are perceived, rationalized, justified, and/or contested as exclusionary