535 research outputs found

    Ancient economic and social concepts in the Genoese Gasaria Region

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    The main theme of the article is the consideration of issues related to the presence of the Genoese Republic in the Northern Black Sea region in the 13th - 15th centuries. In the region, a whole system of towns and settlements was established by the Genoese, which was transformed into a separate state entity. The boundaries of this state entity covered the territory from the delta of the Danube in the west to the Caucasus coast in the east, as well as the entire coast of the Crimean Peninsula. For the state entity, built by the Genoese in the region of the Northern Black Sea Coast, the name Genoese Gazaria is proposed. Therefore, all the material evidence of the Genoese presence on the territory of the previously owned state of Golden Horde and, especially, of trade settlements in the Northern Black Sea region in the 13th and 15th centuries fall under this definition. The main difference between the Genoese Gazaria and Genoese Romania is the issue of the initial ownership of the land in the places of settlement of trading factories (settlements). In the case of Genoese Romania, these lands belonged to Byzantium and were granted to the Genoese by Byzantine emperors. The Genoese Gazaria emerged under similar circumstances, but on the lands of the Mongolian empire, these lands were given to them by khans of the Golden Horde.peer-reviewe

    The Hamilton-Jacobi Formalism for Higher Order Field Theories

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    We extend the geometric Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for hamiltonian mechanics to higher order field theories with regular lagrangian density. We also investigate the dependence of the formalism on the lagrangian density in the class of those yelding the same Euler-Lagrange equations.Comment: 25 page

    On the Mathematical and Geometrical Structure of the Determining Equations for Shear Waves in Nonlinear Isotropic Incompressible Elastodynamics

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    Using the theory of 1+11+1 hyperbolic systems we put in perspective the mathematical and geometrical structure of the celebrated circularly polarized waves solutions for isotropic hyperelastic materials determined by Carroll in Acta Mechanica 3 (1967) 167--181. We show that a natural generalization of this class of solutions yields an infinite family of \emph{linear} solutions for the equations of isotropic elastodynamics. Moreover, we determine a huge class of hyperbolic partial differential equations having the same property of the shear wave system. Restricting the attention to the usual first order asymptotic approximation of the equations determining transverse waves we provide the complete integration of this system using generalized symmetries.Comment: 19 page

    Modelling Stochastic and Deterministic Behaviours in Virus Infection Dynamics

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    Many human infections with viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV--1) are characterized by low numbers of founder viruses for which the random effects and discrete nature of populations have a strong effect on the dynamics, e.g., extinction versus spread. It remains to be established whether HIV transmission is a stochastic process on the whole. In this study, we consider the simplest (so-called, 'consensus') virus dynamics model and develop a computational methodology for building an equivalent stochastic model based on Markov Chain accounting for random interactions between the components. The model is used to study the evolution of the probability densities for the virus and target cell populations. It predicts the probability of infection spread as a function of the number of the transmitted viruses. A hybrid algorithm is suggested to compute efficiently the dynamics in state space domain characterized by a mix of small and large species densities

    Возможности комплексного криминалистического исследования объектов фалеристики

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    The article addresses the methods used by traditional forensic examinations to study objects of phaleristics (orders and medals). The author justifies the necessity of a complex study of objects of phaleristics to ensure the completeness and validity of expert conclusions. Based on the examples from expert practice, the author also demonstrates the sequence of the actions of experts from different specialties in a complex investigation.Finally, the article provides the procedural characteristic of a comprehensive expert study.В статье рассмотрены методы, применяемые традиционными криминалистическими экспертизами при исследовании объектов фалеристики (орденов и медалей). Обоснована необходимость комплексного исследования таких объектов с целью обеспечения полноты выводов эксперта. На примерах из экспертной практики показана последовательность действий экспертов разных специальностей при исследовании орденов и медалей.Приведены процессуальные признаки судебной комплексной экспертизы.

    Практические и организационные аспекты проведения в судебно-экспертных учреждениях Минюста России экспертных исследований по материалам и объектам, полученным в рамках оперативно-розыскных действий

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    The article explores the issues of feasibility of conducting forensic examinations of materials and objects submitted to federal forensic science organizations of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation if these materials and objects were obtained in the course of search operations. An introduction to the notion of search operations includes a list of agents involved in this type of law enforcement activity, as well as definition of the procedural status of the document produced as a result of such operations. Discussion covers the legal grounds for undertaking forensic examinations consistent with the scope of the core operations of forensic science organizations of the Russian Ministry of Justice. The author proposes pathways for interaction between forensic science organizations of the Russian Ministry of Justice and law enforcement authorities conducting search operations when requested examinations cannot be sponsored by the federal budget.Рассмотрены вопросы определения возможности проведения в федеральных бюджетных судебно-экспертных учреждениях Министерства юстиции Российской Федерации экспертных исследований по материалам и объектам, полученным в рамках оперативно-розыскных действий. Определен процессуальный статус документа, оформленного при их осуществлении. Обсуждены правовые основания для проведения судебных экспертиз или экспертных исследований, относящихся к основной деятельности судебно-экспертных учреждений системы Минюста России. Предложены способы взаимодействия данных учреждений со следственными органами, проводящими оперативно-розыскные действия, в связи с недопустимостью производства данных исследований за счет федерального бюджета

    Rural Settlements of Crimea in the Golden Hord Period: current stage of research

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    The paper features an overview of the rural settlements in the territory of the Crimean Peninsula that functioned during the Golden Horde period (from mid-13th to 15th centuries). Several centers of such settlement structures, formed near large cities, were revealed. The largest one was a cluster of settlements in the Southeastern Crimea, near the nomadic steppe, which also formed the outskirts of the Golden Horde town Solkhat-Krym. Its rural district increased as the city prospered, and waned in its decline. The second center of Golden Horde sedentary area formed at the end of the 13th century in the Southwestern Crimea, near the main group of lands occupied by the agrarian Byzantine (Greek) population, and also on the border of the steppe and the northern foothills of the Crimean Mountains. These were the settlement of Eski-Yurt – Kirk-Azisler, and later the town of Kirk-Yer. The third cluster was located in the Central Crimea and became a link between the settlements in the West and East of the Peninsula. The clusters of sedentary areas of the Golden Horde Crimea subsequently shaped the direction of the processes of organization and concentration of the rural population in the Crimean Khanate. An analysis of archeozoological materials from the excavations of rural settlements of the Golden Horde period revealed that the main slaughtered animal in the settlements was cattle, and the main meat product was beef. These evidences allow to assume that the most important specialization of the villagers was cattle breeding and, accordingly, not only nomads, but also sedentary inhabitants participated in the formation of the most important item of the Golden Horde export - the export of the bovine skins

    Stratigraphy of the Golden Hoard Town of Madzhar. First Observations

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    The paper presents the first stratigraphic scale for the main Golden Horde center in the North Caucasus - the town of Madzhar. The scale has been developed on the basis of materials obtained during the three field archaeological seasons of 2015–2017, during which the Caffa archaeological expedition within the framework of the State Program of the Republic of Tatarstan “Preservation of the national identity of the Tatar people (2014–2021)” founded three excavation areas (XI–XIII), and two trenches in the territory of the settlement. All cultural strata belong to the Golden Horde period in the history of the town of Madzhar. The developed stratigraphic column of Madzhar settlement includes five main strata: I – 20th – early 21st centuries, II – 1380s–1390s, III – 1340s–1370s, IV – 1300s–1330s, and V – 1260s–1290s

    Periodization of Urban Development in the Golden Horde State

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    The paper attempts to find regularities in the process of formation, development and disappearance of the towns of the Golden Horde State. The emergence of a large number of big and medium-sized towns in the Eastern European steppe in a short period by historical standards and their equally rapid disappearance is probably the most striking phenomenon in the history of the Golden Horde. This process largely depended on the evolution and well-being of the still understudied sedentary rural settlements. Seven periods in the history of urban development of the Golden Horde are defined, each having its characteristic features and regularities. On the whole, the process of foundation, development and disappearance of Golden Horde cities covered a chronological range of under two centuries from the 1240s to the 1420s

    Environmental Resource - Economized Processes of Recycling Mineral Raw Materials of Complex Composition

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    The results of the studies on the justification of technological processes providing recycling of the warehoused ferruginous quartzites of complex composition and waste non-ferrous metals allowing to receive additional commodity products are given. The example of amphibole and biotite varieties of ferruginous quartzites of CMA and tailings of copper-zinc sulphide Ural ores determines the reasons of ineffective use of traditional technology solutions for recycling. The reasons of environmental hazards concerning varieties of technogenic mineral substances to the environment are identified. The presence in ferruginous quartzites complex composition of various silicates, carbonates and iron sulphides change their technological properties. So to get the iron concentrate from them suggests a new combination of technological operations performed in specially selected operating conditions. The specifics of the presence of mineral components in solid mineral wastes of nonferrous metal ores indicates the possibility of obtaining additional marketable products. With the use of laboratory multiscale modelling and physical methods of analysis regularities of variation of fractionation, separation and mineral concentration operations efficiency by varying its composition and the various influencing factors are identified. To improve the efficiency of the individual technological operations it is recommended to use different techniques, using physical and physico-chemical effects on the polymineral systems. The flow diagrams for the considered varieties of technogenic processing of mineral substances, allowing them to obtain standared quality products (metal-containing concentrates), and the results of their testing are submitted. The suggested technological solutions can reduce the amount of environmentally hazardous mineral substance, hosted in technogenic formations