52 research outputs found

    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Electrocautery Smoke during Peritonectomy Procedures

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    Objective. This study identified and quantified polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in electrocautery smoke during 40 peritonectomy procedures and investigated any correlations and/or differences between levels of PAHs and perioperative variables. Methods. PAHs were measured in personal and stationary sampling by 40 mm Millipore cassettes, for adsorption of both gaseous and particle-bound PAHs. Results. All 16 USEPA priority pollutant PAHs were detected during peritonectomy procedures, naphthalene being the most abundant. For the only two PAHs with Swedish occupational exposure limits (OELs), benzo[a]pyrene and naphthalene, limits were never exceeded. Amount of bleeding was the only perioperative variable that correlated with levels of PAHs. Conclusions. Low levels of PAHs were detected in electrocautery smoke during peritonectomy procedures, and an increased amount of bleeding correlated with higher levels of PAHs. For evaluation of long-term health effects, more studies are needed

    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Electrocautery Smoke during Peritonectomy Procedures

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    Objective. This study identified and quantified polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in electrocautery smoke during 40 peritonectomy procedures and investigated any correlations and/or differences between levels of PAHs and perioperative variables. Methods. PAHs were measured in personal and stationary sampling by 40 mm Millipore cassettes, for adsorption of both gaseous and particle-bound PAHs. Results. All 16 USEPA priority pollutant PAHs were detected during peritonectomy procedures, naphthalene being the most abundant. For the only two PAHs with Swedish occupational exposure limits (OELs), benzo[a]pyrene and naphthalene, limits were never exceeded. Amount of bleeding was the only perioperative variable that correlated with levels of PAHs. Conclusions. Low levels of PAHs were detected in electrocautery smoke during peritonectomy procedures, and an increased amount of bleeding correlated with higher levels of PAHs. For evaluation of long-term health effects, more studies are needed

    Designing a business model to reduce CO2 emissions from construction machinery: Aligning business and environmental objectives

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    The literature on sustainable business models suggests a large potential for radical environmental benefits in many industries based upon current technological opportunities. However, there is a lack of empirical knowledge on how to design, implement and spread such business models in complex value chains. Based on a qualitative exploratory study, a concept for sustainable business models to reduce carbon emission when using construction machinery has been developed and measures needed to implement and design such a model within the construction industry is identified. The study is based upon interviews, study visits and a workshop, with participants representing all important actors in the value-chain. In conclusion, business and environmental objectives can be aligned through a result-oriented business model, supported by life-cycle data, contractual incentives, standardised emission measures and driver visualization. The concept is generalisable to the greening of value chains beyond carbon reduction and also to other complex business to business value-chains

    Enforcing the Federal Water Resource Servitude on Submerged and Riparian Lands

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    The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is frequently overexpressed in colorectal cancer and is therefore an attractive target for treatment. (ZEGFR:1907)2 is a newly developed dimeric affibody molecule with high affinity to the extracellular part of EGFR. In this study, we evaluated the cytotoxic effects of (ZEGFR:1907)2 in combination with external radiation and the possible inhibitory effects in the EGFR signalling pathways in the colon cancer cell lines HT-29 and HCT116. The effects were compared with an EGFR antibody (cetuximab) and the tyrosine kinase inhibitors (erlotinib and sunitinib). These cell lines are genotypically different with respect to e.g. KRAS and BRAF mutational status, recently shown to be of clinical significance for therapeutic effects. Both cell lines express approximately 100,000-150,000 EGFRs per cell but differ in the radiation response (HCT116, SF2=0.28 and HT-29, SF2=0.70). Exposure to (ZEGFR:1907)2 produced a small, but significant, reduction in survival in HCT116 but did not affect HT-29 cells. Similar results were obtained after exposure to EGF and the EGFR antibody cetuximab. The EGFR tyrosine kinase targeting inhibitor erlotinib and the multi-tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib reduced survival in both cell lines. However, none of the drugs had any significant radiosensitizing effects in combination with radiation. Akt and Erk are central proteins in the EGFR downstream signalling and in the cellular response to ionizing radiation. The activation of Akt (Ser 473) and Erk (Thr202/Tyr204) by radiation was both dose- and time-dependent. However the activation of EGFR was not clearly affected by radiation. Neither (ZEGFR:1907)2 nor any of the other drugs were able to completely inactivate Akt or Erk. On the contrary, erlotinib stimulated Akt phosphorylation in both cell lines and in HCT116 cells Erk was activated. Overall the results illustrate the complexity in response to radiation and drugs in cells with differential phenotypic status.Online ISSN:1791-2423</p

    Indoor Environment in Dwellings and Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) : Longitudinal Studies

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    People spend most of their time indoors and mostly in the dwelling. It is therefore important to investigate associations between indoor exposure in dwellings and health. Symptoms that may be related to the indoor environment are sometimes referred to as the "sick building syndrome" (SBS). SBS involves symptoms such as eye, skin and upper airway irritation, headache and fatigue. Three longitudinal studies and one prevalence study on personal and environmental risk factors for SBS in adults were performed. The prevalence study included measurements of indoor exposures in the dwellings. The longitudinal studies, with 8-10 years follow-up time, showed that smoking and indoor paint emissions were risk factors for SBS. Moreover, building dampness and moulds in dwellings were risk factors for onset (incidence) of general symptoms, skin symptoms and mucosal symptoms. In addition subjects living in damp dwellings have a lower remission of general symptoms and skin symptoms. Hay fever was a risk factor for onset of skin symptoms and mucosal symptoms, and asthma was a risk factor for onset of general and mucosal symptoms. Biomarkers of allergy and inflammation (bronchial reactivity, total IgE, ECP and eosinophil count) were predictors of onset of SBS symptoms, in particular mucosal symptoms. In the prevalence study, any SBS-symptom was associated with some individual volatile organic compounds of possible microbial origin (MVOC) e.g. 2-pentanol, 2-hexanon, 2-pentylfuran and 1-octen-3ol. Moreover, there were associations between indoor levels of formaldehyde and the plasticizer Texanol and any SBS. The result from the study indicates that individual MVOC are better indicators of SBS than the total value of MVOC. A final conclusion is that smoking, dampness and moulds and emissions from indoor painting may increase the onset of SBS. The indoor environment in dwellings over time has improved, but there is still a need for further improvements of the indoor environment in dwellings. More longitudinal SBS studies are needed

    ReferensmÀtning av kvartsdamm inom vÀg- och anlÀggningsprojekt med fokus pÄ arbetsmoment inom losshÄllning och asfaltfrÀsning

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    Kvarts ingĂ„r i de vanligast förekommande bergarterna i Sverige och finns dĂ€rmed i mĂ„nga olika industriella processer som rör bearbetning av exempelvis berggrund, sand, cement och betong. Exponering för kvartsdamm via luftvĂ€garna Ă€r hĂ€lsoskadligt och kan leda till akuta symptom pĂ„ silikos (stendammslunga) sĂ„vĂ€l som kronisk sjukdom lĂ„ng tid efter exponering (mer Ă€n 10 Ă„r). Andra sjukdomar som förknippas med kvartsexponering Ă€r exempelvis lungcancer, hjĂ€rt-kĂ€rlsjukdom och kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL). För exponering i arbetsmiljön finns ett nivĂ„grĂ€nsvĂ€rde för respirabel kvarts pĂ„ 0,1 mg/m3 och i Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrift AFS 2015:2 Kvarts - stendamm i arbetsmiljön anges att referensmĂ€tningar, det vill sĂ€ga mĂ€tresultat vid likvĂ€rdiga förhĂ„llanden, kan anvĂ€ndas för riskbedömning av exponerat arbete. I denna rapport presenteras en ansats att ta fram referensmĂ€tningar för utsatta arbetsmoment inom vĂ€g- och anlĂ€ggningsprojekt med fokus pĂ„ losshĂ„llning och asfaltfrĂ€sning.Totalt genomfördes 62 personburna mĂ€tningar av respirabelt damm vid 18 olika tillfĂ€llen under höst/vĂ„r samt sommarsĂ€song. I sammanstĂ€llningen av resultaten inkluderas Ă€ven 5 mĂ€tresultat för arbetsmoment inom losshĂ„llning som genomförts av andra aktörer. Vid mĂ€tningarna, som pĂ„gick under ett normalt arbetspass, fick deltagarna bĂ€ra en batteridriven pump som drog luft genom en filterprovtagare med föravskiljare, vilken placerats i andningszonen. DĂ€refter vĂ€gdes filtren för bestĂ€mning av respirabelt damm och kvartsinnehĂ„ll analyserades med röntgendiffraktion. Resultaten visar att samtliga koncentrationer av respirabel kvarts vid olika arbetsmoment inom losshĂ„llning var vĂ€l under grĂ€nsvĂ€rdet pĂ„ 0,1 mg/m3 med nĂ„gra vĂ€rden uppĂ„t halva grĂ€nsvĂ€rdet. Även uppmĂ€tta halter av respirabelt damm var mycket lĂ„ga inom losshĂ„llning, samtliga under 0,25 mg/m3, en tiondel av grĂ€nsvĂ€rdet. Koncentrationerna av respirabel kvarts inom asfaltfrĂ€sning var generellt under grĂ€nsvĂ€rdet men varierade i större utstrĂ€ckning mellan de olika arbetsmomenten i frĂ€slaget, jĂ€mfört med uppmĂ€tta dammhalter. Högst exponering noterades för deltagare som arbetade med frĂ€smaskiner utan hytt, samt för deltagare som övervakade frĂ€sningen och dĂ€rmed rörde sig bredvid pĂ„gĂ„ende arbete. Parallella mĂ€tningar vid asfaltfrĂ€sning i SkĂ„ne och MĂ€lardalen illustrerade betydelsen av kvartsinnehĂ„llet i berggrund/rĂ„material. Skillnaden mellan mĂ€tningarna var tydlig för alla arbetsuppgifter inom frĂ€slagen, med högre andel kvarts i dammet vid frĂ€sning i SkĂ„ne. VĂ„ra mĂ€tningar av respirabel kvarts visade pĂ„ generellt lĂ„ga exponeringsnivĂ„er vilket inte föranledde att vidare undersöka effekten av eventuella dammreducerande Ă„tgĂ€rder inom projektet. I framtiden vore det intressant att Ă€ven mĂ€ta inhalerbar fraktion för att bĂ€ttre förstĂ„ hur en upplevd dammig arbetsmiljö kan reflekteras i kvarts- och dammhalter av olika partikelstorlek. Att tydliggöra vilka parametrar som Ă€r viktigast för att bedöma och hantera risk vid exponerat arbete, Ă€r fortsatt viktigt, inte minst nĂ€r det kommer till att göra referensmĂ€tningar praktiskt anvĂ€ndbara.Crystalline silica (quartz) is one of the most commonly occurring minerals in Sweden and is thus found in many different industrial processes related to the processing of, for example, bedrock, sand, cement and concrete. Exposure to crystalline silica via the respiratory tract is harmful to health and can lead to acute symptoms of silicosis as well as chronic disease long after exposure (more than 10 years). Other diseases associated with crystalline silica exposure are, for example, lung cancer, cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). There is an occupational exposure limit value for respirable crystalline silica of 0.1 mg/m3 and in the national regulation, the Swedish Work Environment Authority (AFS 2015:2 Kvarts - stendamm i arbetsmiljön) has opened up for the use of reference measurements, i.e. measurement results under equivalent conditions, in risk assessment of exposed work. This report presents an approach to generate reference measurements for exposed work tasks within road- and construction projects with a focus on extraction of rock (including drilling, blasting etc.) and asphalt milling.A total of 62 personal measurements of respirable dust were carried out on 18 different occasions during the autumn/spring and summer season. The compilation of the results also includes 5 measurement results for drilling and blasting carried out by other actors. During the measurements, which took place during a normal work shift, the participants carried a battery-powered pump that drew air through a filter sampler with a cyclone, which was placed in the breathing zone. The filters were gravimetrically weighed to determine respirable dust and crystalline silica content was analyzed by X-ray diffraction.The results show that all concentrations of respirable crystalline silica at work tasks within rock extraction were well below the limit value of 0.1 mg/m3 with some values above half of the limit value. Measured levels of respirable dust were also very low, all below 0.25 mg/m3, one tenth of the limit value. The concentrations of respirable crystalline silica in asphalt milling were generally below the limit value but varied to a greater extent among the different work tasks within the team, compared to measured dust levels. The highest exposure was noted for participants who worked with milling machines without a cabin, as well as for participants who supervised the milling and thus moved next to work in progress. Parallel measurements during asphalt milling in SkĂ„ne and MĂ€lardalen illustrated the importance of the crystalline silica content in bedrock/raw material. The difference between the measurements was clear for all tasks within the milling team, with a higher percentage of crystalline silica in the dust when milling in SkĂ„ne. Our measurements of respirable crystalline silica showed generally low exposure levels, which did not lead to further investigation of the possible effect of dust reduction measures. In the future, it would be interesting to also measure the inhalable fraction to better understand how a perceived dusty work environment can be reflected in crystalline silica and dust contents of different particle sizes. To clarify which parameters are most important for assessing and managing risk in exposed work is still important, not least to facilitate and make reference measurements practically useful

    ReferensmÀtning av kvartsdamm inom vÀg- och anlÀggningsprojekt med fokus pÄ arbetsmoment inom losshÄllning och asfaltfrÀsning

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    Kvarts ingĂ„r i de vanligast förekommande bergarterna i Sverige och finns dĂ€rmed i mĂ„nga olika industriella processer som rör bearbetning av exempelvis berggrund, sand, cement och betong. Exponering för kvartsdamm via luftvĂ€garna Ă€r hĂ€lsoskadligt och kan leda till akuta symptom pĂ„ silikos (stendammslunga) sĂ„vĂ€l som kronisk sjukdom lĂ„ng tid efter exponering (mer Ă€n 10 Ă„r). Andra sjukdomar som förknippas med kvartsexponering Ă€r exempelvis lungcancer, hjĂ€rt-kĂ€rlsjukdom och kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL). För exponering i arbetsmiljön finns ett nivĂ„grĂ€nsvĂ€rde för respirabel kvarts pĂ„ 0,1 mg/m3 och i Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrift AFS 2015:2 Kvarts - stendamm i arbetsmiljön anges att referensmĂ€tningar, det vill sĂ€ga mĂ€tresultat vid likvĂ€rdiga förhĂ„llanden, kan anvĂ€ndas för riskbedömning av exponerat arbete. I denna rapport presenteras en ansats att ta fram referensmĂ€tningar för utsatta arbetsmoment inom vĂ€g- och anlĂ€ggningsprojekt med fokus pĂ„ losshĂ„llning och asfaltfrĂ€sning.Totalt genomfördes 62 personburna mĂ€tningar av respirabelt damm vid 18 olika tillfĂ€llen under höst/vĂ„r samt sommarsĂ€song. I sammanstĂ€llningen av resultaten inkluderas Ă€ven 5 mĂ€tresultat för arbetsmoment inom losshĂ„llning som genomförts av andra aktörer. Vid mĂ€tningarna, som pĂ„gick under ett normalt arbetspass, fick deltagarna bĂ€ra en batteridriven pump som drog luft genom en filterprovtagare med föravskiljare, vilken placerats i andningszonen. DĂ€refter vĂ€gdes filtren för bestĂ€mning av respirabelt damm och kvartsinnehĂ„ll analyserades med röntgendiffraktion. Resultaten visar att samtliga koncentrationer av respirabel kvarts vid olika arbetsmoment inom losshĂ„llning var vĂ€l under grĂ€nsvĂ€rdet pĂ„ 0,1 mg/m3 med nĂ„gra vĂ€rden uppĂ„t halva grĂ€nsvĂ€rdet. Även uppmĂ€tta halter av respirabelt damm var mycket lĂ„ga inom losshĂ„llning, samtliga under 0,25 mg/m3, en tiondel av grĂ€nsvĂ€rdet. Koncentrationerna av respirabel kvarts inom asfaltfrĂ€sning var generellt under grĂ€nsvĂ€rdet men varierade i större utstrĂ€ckning mellan de olika arbetsmomenten i frĂ€slaget, jĂ€mfört med uppmĂ€tta dammhalter. Högst exponering noterades för deltagare som arbetade med frĂ€smaskiner utan hytt, samt för deltagare som övervakade frĂ€sningen och dĂ€rmed rörde sig bredvid pĂ„gĂ„ende arbete. Parallella mĂ€tningar vid asfaltfrĂ€sning i SkĂ„ne och MĂ€lardalen illustrerade betydelsen av kvartsinnehĂ„llet i berggrund/rĂ„material. Skillnaden mellan mĂ€tningarna var tydlig för alla arbetsuppgifter inom frĂ€slagen, med högre andel kvarts i dammet vid frĂ€sning i SkĂ„ne. VĂ„ra mĂ€tningar av respirabel kvarts visade pĂ„ generellt lĂ„ga exponeringsnivĂ„er vilket inte föranledde att vidare undersöka effekten av eventuella dammreducerande Ă„tgĂ€rder inom projektet. I framtiden vore det intressant att Ă€ven mĂ€ta inhalerbar fraktion för att bĂ€ttre förstĂ„ hur en upplevd dammig arbetsmiljö kan reflekteras i kvarts- och dammhalter av olika partikelstorlek. Att tydliggöra vilka parametrar som Ă€r viktigast för att bedöma och hantera risk vid exponerat arbete, Ă€r fortsatt viktigt, inte minst nĂ€r det kommer till att göra referensmĂ€tningar praktiskt anvĂ€ndbara.Crystalline silica (quartz) is one of the most commonly occurring minerals in Sweden and is thus found in many different industrial processes related to the processing of, for example, bedrock, sand, cement and concrete. Exposure to crystalline silica via the respiratory tract is harmful to health and can lead to acute symptoms of silicosis as well as chronic disease long after exposure (more than 10 years). Other diseases associated with crystalline silica exposure are, for example, lung cancer, cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). There is an occupational exposure limit value for respirable crystalline silica of 0.1 mg/m3 and in the national regulation, the Swedish Work Environment Authority (AFS 2015:2 Kvarts - stendamm i arbetsmiljön) has opened up for the use of reference measurements, i.e. measurement results under equivalent conditions, in risk assessment of exposed work. This report presents an approach to generate reference measurements for exposed work tasks within road- and construction projects with a focus on extraction of rock (including drilling, blasting etc.) and asphalt milling.A total of 62 personal measurements of respirable dust were carried out on 18 different occasions during the autumn/spring and summer season. The compilation of the results also includes 5 measurement results for drilling and blasting carried out by other actors. During the measurements, which took place during a normal work shift, the participants carried a battery-powered pump that drew air through a filter sampler with a cyclone, which was placed in the breathing zone. The filters were gravimetrically weighed to determine respirable dust and crystalline silica content was analyzed by X-ray diffraction.The results show that all concentrations of respirable crystalline silica at work tasks within rock extraction were well below the limit value of 0.1 mg/m3 with some values above half of the limit value. Measured levels of respirable dust were also very low, all below 0.25 mg/m3, one tenth of the limit value. The concentrations of respirable crystalline silica in asphalt milling were generally below the limit value but varied to a greater extent among the different work tasks within the team, compared to measured dust levels. The highest exposure was noted for participants who worked with milling machines without a cabin, as well as for participants who supervised the milling and thus moved next to work in progress. Parallel measurements during asphalt milling in SkĂ„ne and MĂ€lardalen illustrated the importance of the crystalline silica content in bedrock/raw material. The difference between the measurements was clear for all tasks within the milling team, with a higher percentage of crystalline silica in the dust when milling in SkĂ„ne. Our measurements of respirable crystalline silica showed generally low exposure levels, which did not lead to further investigation of the possible effect of dust reduction measures. In the future, it would be interesting to also measure the inhalable fraction to better understand how a perceived dusty work environment can be reflected in crystalline silica and dust contents of different particle sizes. To clarify which parameters are most important for assessing and managing risk in exposed work is still important, not least to facilitate and make reference measurements practically useful

    Rekommendationer om mÀtning av mikroorganismer i arbetsmiljön vid förbehandlings- och samrötningsanlÀggningar

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    Vid förbehandlings- och samrötningsanlÀggningar förekommer mikroorganismer, som kan innebÀra hÀlsorisker för de som arbetar med avfallet. Riskerna med mikroorganismer för de som arbetar i dessa anlÀggningar behöver bedömas och mÀtning av mikroorganismer anvÀnds ibland vid dessa riskbedömningar. En tidigare studie om mÀtningar av mikroorganismer vid förbehandlings- och samrötningsanlÀggningar visade kvalitetsbrister i de mÀtningar som utförts. Bristerna innebar att det ofta saknades vetenskapligt underlag för valet av de Àmnen som mÀttes, analysmetod och tolkning av mÀtresultatet. Rapporten beskriver vilka krav som kan stÀllas pÄ mÀtningar för att de ska ge tillförlitliga och anvÀndbara resultat. Den enda mÀtning som i nulÀget kan anvÀndas för att jÀmföra med ett riktvÀrde Àr mÀtning av halten endotoxiner. Vid mÀtning för jÀmförelse med riktvÀrdet ska mÀtningen göras i andningszonen (personburet) och under en stor del av en arbetsdag. Ta om möjligt minst tre prov, eftersom variationen kan vara stor t.ex. mellan dagar, Ärstider, vilka arbetsuppgifter man har och var i anlÀggningen man befinner sig.Vid förbehandlings- och samrötningsanlÀggningar förekommer mikroorganismer, som kan innebÀra hÀlsorisker för de som arbetar med avfallet. MÀtningar av förekomst av luftburna mikroorganismer anvÀnds vid bedömning av riskerna. En studie har gjorts av vilka krav som kan stÀllas pÄ mÀtningar för att de ska ge tillförlitliga och anvÀndbara resultat. Den enda mÀtning som i nulÀget kan anvÀndas för att jÀmföra med ett riktvÀrde Àr mÀtning av halten endotoxiner
