2,655 research outputs found

    Advantages and Perspective of Fortified Agarised Media Application

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    With mechanical fortifying, the solid (agarised) media layers become more suitable and efficient in realising their application purposes. Essentially, the fortified agarised media layers become more suitable for applications mainly because they enable the use of both layer sides to start microbial cultures, or to realise the contacts with other reaction systems. The fortifying can be performed by applying the appropriately designed nets made from inert material, based on the direct use of commercially available wire nets, or on the weaving of metallic or other appropriate filaments, or on the application of other procedures of working out net tissues and perforated sheets as well as devices based on them. Advantages and perspective of the application of fortified agarised media layers are discussed on the basis of author’s own partly already published and discussed experimental data, with taking into account the expected further applications. Authors recommend the further studies and applications, especially because of supposed more efficient realisation of series of research goals (e.g. of microorganism screening and bioactive substance recognition) and expected discovery of relationships generally applicable for microbial populations and populations of other organisms

    Programming with a Differentiable Forth Interpreter

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    Given that in practice training data is scarce for all but a small set of problems, a core question is how to incorporate prior knowledge into a model. In this paper, we consider the case of prior procedural knowledge for neural networks, such as knowing how a program should traverse a sequence, but not what local actions should be performed at each step. To this end, we present an end-to-end differentiable interpreter for the programming language Forth which enables programmers to write program sketches with slots that can be filled with behaviour trained from program input-output data. We can optimise this behaviour directly through gradient descent techniques on user-specified objectives, and also integrate the program into any larger neural computation graph. We show empirically that our interpreter is able to effectively leverage different levels of prior program structure and learn complex behaviours such as sequence sorting and addition. When connected to outputs of an LSTM and trained jointly, our interpreter achieves state-of-the-art accuracy for end-to-end reasoning about quantities expressed in natural language stories.Comment: 34th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2017

    Real effective exchange rate and unemployment across post-transition Europe: Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to examine the co-movement between the real effective exchange rate and unemployment across post-transition Europe. Methodology: The research data sample in this paper consists of monthly data from 2000M1 to 2019M6 for ten European post-transition countries. After standard correlation analysis, the research followed a wavelet coherence approach, provided time-series analysis in the time-frequency domain and illustrated evolution of the co-movements in the observed period. Results: Conventional approach research results suggest no significant correlation between variables under consideration in cases of Poland and Lithuania. In cases of Latvia and Slovenia, standard correlation coefficients were positive and not in line with the theory. Correlation coefficients supported the theoretical assumption in six other countries included in the study. Wavelet coherence analysis results provided deeper insights into the relationship over time and the frequency domain. Empirical results gained in this research revealed a decline in the unemployment rate accompanied by depreciation of the real effective exchange rate as a prominent pattern at the beginning of the observation period suggesting pro-cyclical monetary policy. Conclusion: During the crisis of 2008 no link between variables under consideration was confirmed, while after the crisis empirical results were in line with the theoretical assumption, suggesting that depreciation of the real effective exchange rate might be used as an instrument to boost employment

    Treatment of a febrile neutropenic patient

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    Sestrinska skrb pri porodu u kolima hitne medicinske pomoći

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    Trudnoća (drugo stanje, Graviditet) nastaje usađivanjem oplođene jajne stanice u endometrij. Oplođenje nastaje spajanjem jajne stanice i spermatozoida. Izostanak menstruacije u žene u reproduktivnoj dobi najčešće je uzrokovan trudnoćom. Određivanje razine β-hCG (humani korionski gonadotropin) pouzdan je test za trudnoću. Normalna trudnoća traje 10 lunarnih mjeseci ili 9 kalendarskih mjeseci, 40 tjedana ili 280 dana. Ako dođe do prekida trudnoće prije 28 tjedana, taj se prekid naziva pobačajem, jer plod nije sposoban za život. Porođajem se naziva svaki prekid trudnoće poslije 28 tjedana. Rađanje je prirodni čin koji uvijek nosi određeni rizik za majku i dijete. U oko 95 % svih poroda dijete je u stavu glavom. Porod se dijeli na četiri stadija, tj. porođajna doba. Prvo porođajno doba je stadij dilatacije grla maternice i otvaranje ušća. Drugo porođajno doba je stadij istiskivanja (ekspulzije) djeteta. Treće porođajno doba je stadij istiskivanja posteljice i ovoja. Četvrto porođajno doba je stadiji ranog oporavka koji traje dva sata. Porođaj u nepripremljenim uvjetima je rijedak, ali se događa. Majka dobije prijevremene trudove, ili je nepredviđeni događaji spriječe da pravovremeno stigne do bolnice. Medicinska pomoć u porodništvu mora omogućiti rađanje normalnog zdravog djeteta, i predvidjeti, prepoznati i liječiti moguće nenormalne uvjete. Za odgovarajuću sestrinsku skrb pri porodu u kolima HMP moramo imati odgovarajuću opremu za zabrinjavanje rodilje i djeteta. Od rodilje moramo uzeti SAMPLE anamnezu, te izmjeriti vitalne znakove. Potrebno je utvrditi prikazuje li se dio djetetova tijela (obično glavica djeteta) na ulazu u rodnicu. Kontrakcije se mogu osjetiti postavljanjem ruke na trbuh pacijentice. Ukoliko su razmaci između kontrakcija manji od dvije minute, treba se pripremiti za porod koji će ubrzo uslijediti. Nakon porođaja treba pravilno zbrinuti dijete, te ga procijeniti pomoću Apgar score ljestvice. Da bi mogli asistirati pri porodu u kolima HMP moramo poznavati mehanizam porođaja, moguće komplikacije, te skrb o novorođenčetu i majci nakon poroda. Svi djelatnici hitnog medicinskog tima su obučeni za izvođenje tih zadataka. Radiovezom su povezani sa dispečerom HMP koji tada najavljuje tim hitnoj ginekološkoj službi u bolnici.Pregnancy (Second Condition, Gravidity) occurs by incorporating fertilized ovarian cells into the endometrium. Seedling occurs by joining the ovary and sperm cells. The absence of menstruation in women in reproductive age is most often caused by pregnancy. Determination of β-hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a reliable pregnancy test. Normal pregnancy lasts 10 lunar months or 9 calendar months, 40 weeks, or 280 days. If pregnancy breaks up 28 weeks ago, that termination is termed abortion because the fetus is not capable for life. The birth we called any interruption of pregnancy after 28 weeks. Birth is a natural act that always carries a certain risk for mother and child. About 95% of all childbirths are in the head position for labor. The birth is divided into four stages or the maternity ages. The first birth phase is the stage of dilatation the uterus and opening of the uterus. The second birth phase is the stage of the expulsion of the child. The third birth phase is the stage of extrusion of the placenta and her parts. Fourth birth phase is the stage of an early recovery that lasts two hours. Childbirth in unprepared conditions is rare, but it is happening. Mother gets premature labor, or unforeseen events keep her from getting to the hospital in time. Medical care in the obstetrics must provide the birth of a normal healthy child, and anticipate, recognize and treat possible abnormal conditions. For proper nursing care at caregiving by ambulance, we need to have proper equipment for the care of the child and the mother. We have to take the SAMPLE anamnesis from mother and measure the vital signs. It is necessary to determine which part of the child's body (usually the child's head) is present at the entrance of the vagina. Contractions can be felt by placing the hand on the patient's stomach. If the time between the contraction is less than two minutes, you should prepare for the childbirth that will shortly follow. After giving birth, the child should be properly cared for and evaluated with the Apgar score scale. In order to be able to assist with caregiving in ambulance we need to know the delivery mechanism, possible complications, and the care of the newborn and the mother after delivery. All the staff of the emergency medical team are trained to perform these tasks. Radios are connected with the ambulance dispatcher who then announces the emergency hospital service at the hospital