
Advantages and Perspective of Fortified Agarised Media Application


With mechanical fortifying, the solid (agarised) media layers become more suitable and efficient in realising their application purposes. Essentially, the fortified agarised media layers become more suitable for applications mainly because they enable the use of both layer sides to start microbial cultures, or to realise the contacts with other reaction systems. The fortifying can be performed by applying the appropriately designed nets made from inert material, based on the direct use of commercially available wire nets, or on the weaving of metallic or other appropriate filaments, or on the application of other procedures of working out net tissues and perforated sheets as well as devices based on them. Advantages and perspective of the application of fortified agarised media layers are discussed on the basis of author’s own partly already published and discussed experimental data, with taking into account the expected further applications. Authors recommend the further studies and applications, especially because of supposed more efficient realisation of series of research goals (e.g. of microorganism screening and bioactive substance recognition) and expected discovery of relationships generally applicable for microbial populations and populations of other organisms

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