32 research outputs found

    Quantifying the role of stochasticity in the development of autoimmune disease

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    In this paper, we propose and analyse a mathematical model for the onset and development of autoimmune disease, with particular attention to stochastic effects in the dynamics. Stability analysis yields parameter regions associated with normal cell homeostasis, or sustained periodic oscillations. Variance of these oscillations and the effects of stochastic amplification are also explored. Theoretical results are complemented by experiments, in which experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU) was induced in B10.RIII and C57BL/6 mice. For both cases, we discuss peculiarities of disease development, the levels of variation in T cell populations in a population of genetically identical organisms, as well as a comparison with model outputs

    Time-delayed model of autoimmune dynamics

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    Among various environmental factors associated with triggering or exacerbating autoimmune response, an important role is played by infections. A breakdown of immune tolerance as a byproduct of immune response against these infections is one of the major causes of autoimmune disease. In this paper we analyse the dynamics of immune response with particular emphasis on the role of time delays characterising the infection and the immune response, as well as on interactions between different types of T cells and cytokines that mediate their behaviour. Stability analysis of the model provides insights into how different model parameters affect the dynamics. Numerical stability analysis and simulations are performed to identify basins of attraction of different dynamical states, and to illustrate the behaviour of the model in different regime

    Modelling the effects of awareness-based interventions to control the mosaic disease of Jatropha curcas

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    Plant diseases are responsible for substantial and sometimes devastating economic and societal costs and thus are a major limiting factor for stable and sustainable agricultural production. Diseases of crops are particular crippling in developing countries that are heavily dependent on agriculture for food security and income. Various techniques have been developed to reduce the negative impact of plant diseases and eliminate the associated parasites, but the success of these approaches strongly depends on population awareness and the degree of engagement with disease control and prevention programs. In this paper we derive and analyse a mathematical model of mosaic disease of Jatropha curcas, an important biofuel plant, with particular emphasis on the effects of interventions in the form of nutrients and insecticides, whose use depends on the level of population awareness. Two contributions to disease awareness are considered in the model: global awareness campaigns, and awareness from observing infected plants. All steady states of the model are found, and their stability is analysed in terms of system parameters. We identify parameter regions associated with eradication of disease, stable endemic infection, and periodic oscillations in the level of infection. Analytical results are supported by numerical simulations that illustrate the behaviour of the model in different dynamical regimes. Implications of theoretical results for practical implementation of disease control are discussed

    A class of pairwise models for epidemic dynamics on weighted networks

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    In this paper, we study the SISSIS (susceptible-infected-susceptible) and SIRSIR (susceptible-infected-removed) epidemic models on undirected, weighted networks by deriving pairwise-type approximate models coupled with individual-based network simulation. Two different types of theoretical/synthetic weighted network models are considered. Both models start from non-weighted networks with fixed topology followed by the allocation of link weights in either (i) random or (ii) fixed/deterministic way. The pairwise models are formulated for a general discrete distribution of weights, and these models are then used in conjunction with network simulation to evaluate the impact of different weight distributions on epidemic threshold and dynamics in general. For the SIRSIR dynamics, the basic reproductive ratio R0R_0 is computed, and we show that (i) for both network models R0R_{0} is maximised if all weights are equal, and (ii) when the two models are equally matched, the networks with a random weight distribution give rise to a higher R0R_0 value. The models are also used to explore the agreement between the pairwise and simulation models for different parameter combinations

    Chaotic behaviour of nonlinear waves and solitons of perturbed Korteweg - de Vries equation

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    This paper considers properties of nonlinear waves and solitons of Korteweg-de Vries equation in the presence of external perturbation. For time-periodic hamiltonian perturbation the width of the stochastic layer is calculated. The conclusions about chaotic behaviour in long-period waves and solitons are inferred. Obtained theoretical results find experimental confirmation in experiments with the propagation of ion-acoustic waves in plasma.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, 2 Postscript figures, submitted to Reports on Mathematical Physic

    Bifurcations and multistability in a model of cytokine-mediated autoimmunity

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    This paper investigates the dynamics of immune response and autoimmunity with particular emphasis on the role of regulatory T cells (Tregs), T cells with different activation thresholds, and cytokines in mediating T cell activity. Analysis of the steady states yields parameter regions corresponding to regimes of normal clearance of viral infection, chronic infection, or autoimmune behavior, and the boundaries of stability and bifurcations of relevant steady states are found in terms of system parameters. Numerical simulations are performed to illustrate different dynamical scenarios, and to identify basins of attraction of different steady states and periodic solutions, highlighting the important role played by the initial conditions in determining the outcome of immune interactions

    Stability and bifurcation analysis of a multi-delay model for mosaic disease transmission

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    A mathematical model is developed for analysis of the spread of mosaic disease in plants, which account for incubation period and latency that are represented by time delays. Feasibility and stability of different equilibria are studied analytically and numerically. Conditions that determine the type of behavior exhibited by the system are found in terms of various parameters. We have derived the basic reproduction number and identify the conditions resulting in eradication of the disease, as well as those that lead to the emergence of stable oscillations in the population of infected plants, as a result of Hopf bifurcation of the endemic equilibrium. Numerical simulations are performed to verify the analytical results and also to illustrate different dynamical regimes that can be observed in the system. In this research, the stabilizing role of both the time delay has been established i.e. when delay time is large, disease will persist if the infection rate is higher. The results obtained here are useful for plant disease management

    Stochastic dynamics in a time-delayed model for autoimmunity

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    In this paper we study interactions between stochasticity and time delays in the dynamics of immune response to viral infections, with particular interest in the onset and development of autoimmune response. Starting with a deterministic time-delayed model of immune response to infection, which includes cytokines and T cells with different activation thresholds, we derive an exact delayed chemical master equation for the probability density. We use system size expansion and linear noise approximation to explore how variance and coherence of stochastic oscillations depend on parameters, and to show that stochastic oscillations become more regular when regulatory T cells become more effective at clearing autoreactive T cells. Reformulating the model as an ItĂ´ stochastic delay differential equation, we perform numerical simulations to illustrate the dynamics of the model and associated probability distributions in different parameter regimes. The results suggest that even in cases where the deterministic model has stable steady states, in individual stochastic realisations, the model can exhibit sustained stochastic oscillations, whose variance increases as one gets closer to the deterministic stability boundary. Furthermore, in the regime of bi-stability, whereas deterministically the system would approach one of the steady states (or periodic solutions) depending on the initial conditions, due to the presence of stochasticity, it is now possible for the system to reach both of those dynamical states with certain probability. Biological significance of this result lies in highlighting the fact that since normally in a laboratory or clinical setting one would observe a single individual realisation of the course of the disease, even for all parameters characterising the immune system and the strength of infection being the same, there is a proportion of cases where a spontaneous recovery can be observed, and similarly, where a disease can develop in a situation that otherwise would result in a normal disease clearance