248 research outputs found

    The Role of Optometry in the Delivery of Eye Care via Telehealth: A Systematic Literature Review

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    OBJECTIVE: Optometrists are increasingly adopting teleoptometry as an approach to delivering eye care. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has created further opportunities for optometrists to utilize innovation in telehealth to deliver eye care to individuals who experience access barriers. A systematic literature review is presented detailing the evidence to support the use of teleoptometry. METHODS: Databases of MEDLINE, Global Health, and Web of Science were searched, and articles were included if they reported any involvement of optometrists in the delivery of telehealth. Findings were reported according to the mode of telehealth used to deliver eye care, telehealth collaboration type, and the format and geographical areas where eye care via telehealth is being delivered. RESULTS: Twenty-seven relevant studies were identified. Only 11 studies included the role of optometrists as a member of the telehealth team where the scope of practice extended beyond creating and receiving referrals, collecting clinical data at in-person services, and continuing in-person care following consultation with an ophthalmologist. Both synchronous and asynchronous telehealth services were commonly utilized. Optometrists were most commonly involved in ophthalmology-led telehealth collaborations (n = 19). Eight studies reported optometrists independently delivering primary eye care via telehealth, and commonly included videoconferencing. CONCLUSION: The application of teleoptometry to deliver eye care is rapidly emerging, and appears to be a viable adjunct to the delivery of in-person optometry services. The review highlighted the scarcity of evidence surrounding the clinical benefits, safety, and outcomes of teleoptometry. Further research is required in this area

    The everyday lives of in- and outpatients when beginning therapy: The importance of values-consistent behavior

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    The manifestation of functional impairment in patients’ daily lives and interference with things they value is poorly understood. If values are compromised in patients, as theory suggests, social contexts (and the lack thereof) are especially important – though this is currently unexplored. We therefore examined whether daily values-consistent behavior was associated with the importance of a value and whether it involved social or non-social activity. Using Event Sampling Methodology, we examined daily values-consistent behavior in 57 transdiagnostic inpatients and 43 transdiagnostic outpatients at the beginning of treatment. Patients’ values-consistent behavior, its importance, and (social vs non-social) context was sampled six times per day during a one-week intensive longitudinal examination. Across both groups, the probability of subsequent values-consistent behavior increased if (1) it was judged as more important by the patient or (2) if it was embedded in a social context. The probability of reporting values-consistent behavior was higher for outpatients than inpatients. Clinicians are encouraged to examine the values of their patients more closely and to especially monitor important and/or social values. Incorporating these into clinical work might increase patients’ values-consistent behavior, which can play a role in reducing suffering

    Reciprocal Homer1a and Homer2 Isoform Expression Is a Key Mechanism for Muscle Soleus Atrophy in Spaceflown Mice

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    The molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle atrophy under extended periods of either disuse or microgravity are not yet fully understood. The transition of Homer isoforms may play a key role during neuromuscular junction (NMJ) imbalance/plasticity in space. Here, we investigated the expression pattern of Homer short and long isoforms by gene array, qPCR, biochemistry, and laser confocal microscopy in skeletal muscles from male C57Bl/N6 mice (n = 5) housed for 30 days in space (Bion-flight = BF) compared to muscles from Bion biosatellite on the ground-housed animals (Bion ground = BG) and from standard cage housed animals (Flight control = FC). A comparison study was carried out with muscles of rats subjected to hindlimb unloading (HU). Gene array and qPCR results showed an increase in Homer1a transcripts, the short dominant negative isoform, in soleus (SOL) muscle after 30 days in microgravity, whereas it was only transiently increased after four days of HU. Conversely, Homer2 long-form was downregulated in SOL muscle in both models. Homer immunofluorescence intensity analysis at the NMJ of BF and HU animals showed comparable outcomes in SOL but not in the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle. Reduced Homer crosslinking at the NMJ consequent to increased Homer1a and/or reduced Homer2 may contribute to muscle-type specific atrophy resulting from microgravity and HU disuse suggesting mutual mechanisms

    Influenza vaccination hesitancy in large urban centers in South America : qualitative analysis of confidence, complacency and convenience across risk groups

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    Influenza vaccination coverage in countries of Latin America is low among priority risk groups, ranging from 5 to 75% among older people. This paper aims to describe and analyze the determinants of influenza vaccination hesitancy through the lens of the 3C model of confidence, complacency and convenience among middle-class, urban risk group populations in Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, countries in South America with contrasting vaccination coverage. Focus groups were conducted among four risk groups: pregnant women, mothers of children aged =60 years in samples of urban residents. Adults with risk factors expressed the most detailed perceptions about confidence in the vaccine. A wide range of perceptions regarding complacency were expressed across risk groups and countries, with pregnant women and mothers showing greater concerns while convenience had a narrower and generally more positive range of perceptions. Participants from Chile and Paraguay expressed the most contrasts regarding confidence and complacency. Information and communication strategies need to be tailored for risk groups while confidence and complacency should be addressed in synergy

    Barreiras e facilitadores da vacinação contra influenza observados por funcionários dos programas nacionais de imunização em países Sul-Americanos com diferentes níveis de cobertura

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    Influenza is a severe, vaccine-preventable disease. Vaccination programs across Latin American countries show contrasting coverage rates, from 29% in Paraguay to 89% in Brazil. This study explores how national influenza vaccination programs in the chosen South American countries address vaccine confidence and convenience, as well as complacency toward the disease. Barriers and facilitators to influenza vaccination programs in their relation to vaccine hesitancy were observed by documentary analysis and interviews with 38 national immunization program officers in high- (Brazil and Chile) and lowperforming (Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay) countries. Influenza vaccination policies, financing, purchasing, coordination, and accessibility are considered good or acceptable. National communication strategies focus on vaccine availability during campaigns. In Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, anti-vaccine propaganda was mentioned as a problem. Programming and implementation face human resource shortages across most countries. Statistical information, health information systems, and nominal risk-group records are available, with limitations in Peru and Paraguay. Health promotion, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation are perceived as opportunities to address confidence and complacency. Influenza vaccination programs identify and act on most barriers and facilitators affecting influenza vaccine hesitancy via supply-side strategies which mostly address vaccine convenience. Confidence and complacency are insufficiently addressed, except for Uruguay. Programs have the opportunity to develop integral supply and demand-side approaches.La gripe es una enfermedad grave, prevenible mediante vacunas con sus correspondientes programas en países latinoamericanos, informando sobre tasas contrastadas de cobertura, desde el 29% en Paraguay al 89% en Brasil. Este artículo investiga cómo los programas nacionales contra la gripe en países seleccionados de Suramérica abordan la confianza en la vacuna y su conveniencia, así como también la complacencia hacia la enfermedad. Las barreras y facilitadores del programa de vacunación de la gripe, en su relación con la vacilación hacia la vacuna, se observaron mediante análisis documental y entrevistas a 38 a cargo de los programas nacionales de inmunización en países con alto (Brasil y Chile) y bajo desempeño (Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay). Políticas de vacunación contra la gripe, financiamiento, compras coordinación y accesibilidad fueron consideradas como buenas o aceptables. Las estrategias nacionales de comunicación se centran en la disponibilidad de la vacuna durante las campañas. En Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay la propaganda antivacunas fue mencionada como un problema. La planificación e implementación enfrentan escasez de recursos humanos en la mayoría de países a través de la mayoría de países. Los sistemas de información en salud, estadísticas y registros nominales por grupos de riesgo se encuentran disponibles con limitaciones en Perú y Paraguay. La promoción de la salud, supervisión, monitoreo y evaluación son percibidos como oportunidades para abordar la confianza y complacencia. Los programas de vacunación contra la gripe actúan principalmente sobre las barreras y facilitadores que afectan la vacilación a vacunarse mediante estrategias del lado de la demanda, las cuales en su mayor parte van dirigidas a contrarestar la conveniencia. La confianza y complacencia son insuficientemente abordadas en todos los países, excepto en Uruguay. Los programas tienen la oportunidad de desarrollar estrategias que aborden tanto el lado de la oferta como de la demanda.A influenza é uma doença grave, imunoprevenível, para a qual os programas de vacinação nos países latino-americanos apresentam taxas de cobertura contrastantes, desde 29% no Paraguai até 89% no Brasil. O artigo explora de que maneira os programas nacionais de influenza em países selecionados da América do Sul lidam com a confiança e a conveniência da vacina, assim como, a acomodação em relação à doença. As barreiras e facilitadores dos programas de vacinação contra influenza foram observados em relação à hesitação vacinal, através de análise documental e entrevistas com 38 autoridades de programas nacionais de imunização em países com desempenho alto (Brasil e Chile) e baixo (Paraguai, Peru e Uruguai). As políticas de vacinação contra influenza, financiamento da compra de vacinas, coordenação e acessibilidade são consideradas boas ou aceitáveis. As estratégias nacionais de comunicação estão concentradas na disponibilidade durante campanhas. No Chile, Paraguai e Uruguay, a propaganda antivacina foi mencionada enquanto problema. A programação e a implementação enfrentam escassez de recursos humanos na maioria dos países. Dados estatísticos, sistemas de informação em saúde e registros nominais de grupos de risco estão disponíveis, com limitações no Peru e no Paraguai. A promoção da saúde, supervisão, monitoramento e avaliação foram percebidas como oportunidades para tratar da confiança e da acomodação. Os programas de vacinação contra influenza identificam e agem sobre a maioria das barreiras e facilitadores que afetam a hesitação vacinal através de estratégias do lado da oferta, tratando principalmente da conveniência da vacina. A confiança e a acomodação não são tratadas de maneira suficiente, com exceção notável do Uruguai. Os programas têm a oportunidade de desenvolver abordagens que integram os lados da oferta e da procura

    Future policy and research for advance care planning in dementia:consensus recommendations from an international Delphi panel of the European Association for Palliative Care

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    Advance care planning (ACP) is increasingly recognised in the global agenda for dementia care. The European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) Taskforce on ACP in Dementia aimed to provide recommendations for policy initiatives and future research. We conducted a four-round Delphi study with a 33-country panel of 107 experts between September, 2021, and June, 2022, that was approved by the EAPC Board. Consensus was achieved on 11 recommendations concerning the regulation of advance directives, equity of access, and dementia-inclusive approaches and conversations to express patients' values. Identified research gaps included the need for an evidence-based dementia-specific practice model that optimises engagement and communication with people with fluctuating and impaired capacity and their families to support decision making, while also empowering people to adjust their decisions if their goals or preferences change over time. Policy gaps included insufficient health services frameworks for dementia-inclusive practice. The results highlight the need for more evidence and policy development that support inclusive ACP practice models.</p

    Strengthening the integration of eye care into the health system: methodology for the development of the WHO package of eye care interventions.

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the rational for, and the methods that will be employed to develop, the WHO package of eye care interventions (PECI). METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The development of the package will be conducted in four steps: (1) selection of eye conditions (for which interventions will be included in the package) based on epidemiological data on the causes of vision impairment and blindness, prevalence estimates of eye conditions and health facility data; (2) identification of interventions and related evidence for the selected eye conditions from clinical practice guidelines and high-quality systematic reviews by a technical working group; (3) expert agreement on the inclusion of eye care interventions in the package and the description of resources required for the provision of the selected interventions; and (4) peer review. The project will be led by the WHO Vision Programme in collaboration with Cochrane Eyes and Vision. A Technical Advisory Group, comprised of public health and clinical experts in the field, will provide technical input throughout all stages of development. RESULTS: After considering the feedback of Technical Advisory Group members and reviewing-related evidence, a final list of eye conditions for which interventions will be included in the package has been collated. CONCLUSION: The PECI will support Ministries of Health in prioritising, planning, budgeting and integrating eye care interventions into health systems. It is anticipated that the PECI will be available for use in 2021